Ye Chui threw Fang Jing onto the big bed with his arms in his arms.

Fang Jing exclaimed, but soon, Ye Chui's mouth blocked her mouth, which turned Fang Jing's voice into a seductive croon.

Ye Chui's hands wandered over Fang Jing's tender body.

The action is intense, even violent.

But Fang Jing was immersed in this somewhat rough feeling.

She felt as if she was going to melt.

The trace of reservedness on his face slowly disappeared.

She began to cooperate with Ye Chui's movements, tearing Ye Chui's clothes vigorously with both hands, and after some disdainful efforts, she finally tore the last layer of barrier between the two of them.

Then, she really felt this body that didn't seem strong but made her feel extremely warm.

The body was possessing her now.

The two hit it off.

After intense foreplay, finally arrived at the most important moment.

Ye Chui held Fang Jing's hips with both hands, but his movements suddenly slowed down. He stared at Fang Jing's eyes tenderly: "It's about to start."

Fang Jing nodded slightly, shyly looking forward to it.

Because of her parents' affairs, her fantasies about love seemed to be put in shackles.

There used to be a love affair that would be very happy before her, but she missed it, and sometimes she silently recalled it at night, and regretted it with some regrets.

As for Ye Chui, she didn't want to miss it again.

The flame of love was burning in her eyes, and she whispered softly and softly in her mouth: "Possess me..."

Ye Chui felt that his little friend was suddenly full of strength, and shot straight in.

Fang Jing involuntarily let out an exclamation mixed with pain and pleasure. Tears flowed from her eyes, but the tears were mixed with the joy of original sin.

"Does it hurt?" Ye Chui cared softly, he knew that this was Fang Jing's first time.

Fang Jing pursed her lips and shook her head, exhaled lightly, then turned around and pushed Ye Chui down.

She was riding on Ye Chui, and bursts of tingling pain came from below. She who was always afraid of pain did not reject that pain at this time.

Gently swinging her buttocks, moans burst out of her mouth.

Her bold and proactive action made Ye Chui even more irritated, and her little friend was even more ferocious.

Girls who practice civilization are mostly reserved, even on the bed, they still maintain their self-restraint and can't let go, but in this scientific civilization, girls are much hotter and bolder.

Even if Fang Jing is not the kind of girl who is particularly open-minded, her performance at this moment is very useful to him, and she has tasted a touching taste that she has never tasted in the cultivation civilization.

Some battles.

When the first round of confrontation was over, Fang Jing was sweating profusely, lying in Ye Chui's arms, panting coquettishly.

The two of them rested for a while, Ye Chui raised his gun and fought again, scoring twice.

It was getting dark.

Ye Chui carried Fang Jing into the bathroom to wash her body, and the two stood under the disheveled hair. Fang Jing was already limp and limp, leaning against Ye Chui's body.

"Sorry for hurting you." Ye Chui apologized softly.

Fang Jing's eyes were a little coquettish: "I can't walk anymore."

"I will pay more attention next time." Ye Chui said softly.

It has been a long time since I have tasted the touching taste of a woman, so the movements are inevitably a little more intense.

Then Fang Jing frowned again, and said with some concern: "I didn't wear a condom just now, will...will I be pregnant with a baby?"

"Don't worry, it's fine, I'm in good control." Ye Chui comforted with a smile.

Then Ye Chui returned to bed with Fang Jing in his arms. He got dressed and made some dinner.

At this moment, the two urgently need to replenish their strength.

While eating a simple but warm dinner, Fang Jing's cell phone rang suddenly, she answered the call, and hung up the phone a few minutes later, Fang Jing showed a relaxed smile on her face.

"Mu Xiaojie reported to the leader what happened in the morning, and the leader of the Qianlong team made an urgent decision to keep the eighth team of Longya and fully support the two of us in continuing the night fire mission." Fang Jing said with a smile.

All of this was expected by Ye Chui.

Let Huo Lei Shen appear in front of Mu Xiaojie as the messenger of Hellfire, just to let Qianlong Group understand that Hellfire exists.

In this way, they have no reason to continue banning the Dragon Tooth Eighth Team.

Ye Chui is the one who benefits the most from the recovery of the Dragon Tooth Eighth Team.

The car is about to go on the market, and the resources and help of Qianlong Group are still needed in all aspects.

Moreover, Ye Chui, the mobile phone production line, also intends to open up several more to try to let his iphone6s mobile phones enter the entire world market, which also requires the assistance of Qianlong Group.

"Mu Xiaojie seemed very angry, and beat up the captain and the others one by one." Fang Jing mentioned the news again.

Ye Chui could imagine this scene, when Mu Xiaojie was spanked by himself in front of everyone, he must be upset and furious.

It's really embarrassing for Zheng Feng and the others...

"Where is Mu Xiaojie now?" Ye Chui asked curiously.This girl is the captain of Longya Sixth Team, I don't know how to arrange her.

"It seems that she also stayed in Xizhou City, and the leader asked her to assist the eighth team of Longya in the operation." Fang Jing explained, with a very unhappy face.

Thinking of Mu Xiaojie, a female satyr, staying in a city, she felt uncomfortable.

"Hehe, it's quite interesting." Ye Chui said.

He has already had karma with Mu Xiaojie now, and he will definitely face it again in the future. He is really curious about what story will happen with this girl.

Fang Jing glared at Ye Chui, she was Ye Chui's woman now, so she couldn't help feeling worried about gain and loss, afraid that other girls would snatch Ye Chui away.

Ye Chui said it was interesting, and she subconsciously became nervous.

But then she thought again, Mu Xiaojie obviously likes herself, and Ye Chui should be nervous if she wants to be nervous...

"By the way." Ye Chui thought of something, and asked Fang Jing, "Is there any channel for the Qianlong Group to get some cheaper smuggled luxury cars?"

"Smuggling luxury cars?" Fang Jing frowned, "What do you think the Qianlong Group is doing? If you know about this smuggling channel, it will definitely be seized immediately!"

"That's it." Ye Chui felt a little pity.

He wants to buy a few luxury cars as soon as possible and transform the reproductive system of the car.

It is urgent to build a car nation. This is a big event to compete with hellfire for the willpower of all beings.

"Don't you have steel eggs, why do you still want to buy a luxury car?" Fang Jing asked curiously.

She thinks that the steel egg is so crazy and cool, it is more valuable than any luxury car, this is a Transformer.

"I want to find some more girls for Gang Dan..." Ye Chui explained quietly.

"Ah?" Fang Jing was taken aback.

After Ye Chui explained, Fang Jing finally understood.

She thought of her Honda Accord, which was taken by Ye Chui and transformed into a car life. It turned out that he wanted to do the same, and get some luxury cars for Gang Dan...

"What a pervert, the car is just like the owner." Fang Jing muttered in a low voice.

Isn't Ye Chui going to build a luxury car harem for Gangdan?

"What did you say?" Ye Chui asked without hearing clearly.

"Nothing!" Fang Jing suddenly became a little annoyed.

Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, Fang Jing had recovered a little and could walk without hindrance.

"You really want to dive into Hellfire with me?"

During breakfast, Ye Chui asked Fang Jing.

Joining this time is to become the designer of Hellfire as Brother Hammer.

The designer and the executive are two completely different departments. Although Ye Chui's Huo Leishen avatar got a lot of information from Xingmei, he didn't know what the designer did, so he thought Let yourself join Hellfire as Brother Hammer.

To join Hellfire is to be baptized.

After receiving baptism, one can rely on prayers to allow consciousness to enter the spiritual space anytime and anywhere, while the body is not affected in any way.

And this so-called baptism is to implant the belief virus into the consciousness, and bring the shackles of consciousness to the participants.

But Ye Chui is now immune to this belief virus, so there is no taboo.

He can also take care of Fang Jing and let the belief virus in Fang Jing's brain be wiped out with the "Sky Hammer".

Hearing Ye Chui's question at this moment, Fang Jing nodded firmly: "I am also very interested in Hellfire, and I want to join."

Ye Chui knew that Fang Jing could not be persuaded to change his mind, so he made no effort.

"Well then, the nearest contact point of Hellfire is Fanghai City. If we want to pretend to join Hellfire, we need to accept the 'baptism' first. Let's go to Fanghai City today."

"Yeah." Fang Jing nodded, her face was quite excited.

After breakfast, Ye Chui and Fang Jing took the steel egg and set off.

Fanghai City is more than 700 kilometers away from Xizhou City, and it can arrive in the afternoon at the speed of a steel egg.

This Fanghai City is located on the coast, and it belongs to the first-tier city of Huaxia Kingdom. It is much more prosperous than Xizhou City.

Ye Chui also has plans, this time in Fanghai City, he will buy a few luxury cars in Fanghai City by the way, but he only has more than 500 million on hand, if he buys a car with a price of 100 million with this money, he can only buy five or six cars. vehicles, the number is not enough.

According to Ye Chui's estimation, there must be at least a dozen vehicles, which is enough to continuously supply automobile production.

The steel egg was driving fast on the road.

For convenience, Ye Chui had asked Zheng Feng to help him get a license plate for Gang Dan, and some previous criminal records of Gang Dan had been cleared, which allowed him to drive anywhere freely.

However, the appearance of the steel egg is still dilapidated, as if it just came out of a garbage dump.

Striking along the way.

"Gangdan, can't you change the shape yourself? Why is it still in such a tattered appearance?" Fang Jing asked a little puzzled.

She knew that the car food developed by Ye Chui, such as steel eggs, can also be eaten by adult cars. After eating, the components of his body will be metabolized, and the old car will have a new look.

But Steel Egg never seemed to like those car foods.

"Hey, you don't understand this." Steel Dan said proudly, "My style is called [***] ~ silk car, low-key and restrained, and the easiest to be despised by others. But I like others to despise me the most. Then I crush him with speed and slap him in the face, that's the most interesting way."

Fang Jing is speechless, can you be more boring?

"Don't pay attention to him, he's just like this, so boring." Ye Chui said to Fang Jing with a smile.

At this time, Gangdan was driving, and Ye Chui and Fang Jing were both idle and had nothing to do.

Fang Jing nodded approvingly.

Then she heard Ye Chui say again: "It is said that we are idle if we are idle, how about doing something interesting?"

"..." (to be continued.)

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