The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

152 Why do you always encounter this kind of 2 goods?

After all, Fang Jing still didn't agree with Ye Chui's proposal of "doing something interesting", not because she was embarrassed.In fact, as a 25-year-old older virgin, after a night of sexual intercourse last night, this girl is more vigorous than Ye Chui, but if she does something here at Gangdan, Fang Jing will still be a little embarrassing after all.

Fuck, an Autobot who can talk, has a girl, a child, and a harem in the future is watching, who is interested in doing it!

Ye Chui had no choice but to give up, but it's quite interesting to hit one's chest from time to time to have a good time.

With Steel Egg's current top speed of more than [-] mph, it took only two or three hours to reach Fanghai City, but they were going to take the xxx National Highway. There were too many surveillance cameras on the road, and there were too many cars on the road. It was good to go straight to the high speed, and the speed of the steel egg was limited to about [-] miles, and it drove slowly towards Fanghai City.

But it's nothing, anyway, this car is driving by myself.

When Ye Chui's Tianhammer brand car is launched in the future, it will focus on super intelligence and fully automatic driving. With this alone, it will definitely not be comparable to other cars, and it will not be a problem to dominate the car market.

One hour after the start of the journey, Fang Jing leaned on the passenger seat and fell asleep, while Ye Chui sat in the driver's seat with his eyes closed.

——At this time, if someone sees the state of the two of them from the car window, they will definitely exclaim. I am second-guess, driving on the highway at a speed of more than [-] miles, and the people in the car are closing their eyes and resting!

Ye Chui is currently perfecting his Skyhammer 2.0 system, mainly designing software for various purposes.

The most important thing about a computer system is to provide a platform, and it is the software that is really useful for computers.If there is only one system, the computer is like waste, so Ye Chui is currently researching various consciousness software, and all his recent energy has been devoted to developing a download software.

If this download software can be successfully researched, it can download and install the abilities of others, such as business ability, medical skills, mathematical knowledge, and even some fighting skills, etc., to oneself, and take it as its own. This is what Ye Chui urgently needs now. of.

"If there are some primordial spirit exercises of cultivation civilization as a reference, my development process will be much faster..."

"It's a pity that I didn't remove this type of exercise back then. I wonder if there is such a type of exercise in Hellfire?"

"Xingmei said that if you complete the task of Hellfire, you can get points, and these points can be used to exchange for exercises. Originally, the hellfire that [-] had was a set of points exchanged. Cultivation method..."

"After I finish this task, I'll look it up to see if there are related exercises."

Ye Chui thought in his heart.


After driving for four or five hours on the xxx National Highway, Steel Egg turned into a highway leading to the suburbs of Fanghai City.

There are suddenly fewer cars on this road, and the steel egg can also open up a little more speed, and it is flying fast all the way.

Fang Jing had already woken up, she was full of energy at the moment, but she had nothing to do, fortunately she brought a large bag of snacks when she came out this time, and chatted with Ye Chui while eating the snacks.

The beautiful scenery outside the car window makes people feel happy. Fang Jing asked Ye Chui to turn off the car air conditioner, open the car window, feel the air blowing into the car, and feel even more refreshed.

The topic of the two of them turned to Ye Chui's purchase of a luxury car.

Fang Jing took out a card from her bag, and handed it to Ye Chui: "This card is the money I earned from doing the mobile phone business for half a month, so I'll give it to you."

"Such a large sum of money, are you willing to give it to me?" Ye Chui asked a little funny, Fang Jing is a real little money fan.

Fang Jing chuckled, her eyes were shrewd: "Why can't you bear it, this is my investment, and half of your car business will be given to me."

"Er..." Ye Chui was a little sweaty, it seemed that the real surname of Xiaocaifan would not disappear so easily, he agreed, "Okay."

It could be seen that Fang Jing was joking, but Ye Chui didn't care.He bought a luxury car in order to develop a large-scale car business. This is to compete with Hellfire for the power of sentient beings. He has never cared much about how much money he makes. Even if Fang Jing wants him, he will not have any objection—money Ye Chui has never paid much attention to this thing, and Ye Chui has never been stingy if he is happy with his own woman.

But for now, buying a few more luxury cars is the most important thing.

It's rare to come to Fanghai City, so naturally I want to buy all the cars back in one go.

Although Xizhou City can buy a lot of luxury cars, Ye Chui asked An Le'er that the car business of more than 50 yuan in Xizhou City is basically related to Zhang Yueyang's family car trading company, Ye Chui is not happy with Zhang Yueyang , Naturally, he is not willing to let him earn his own money.

With Fang Jing's 500 million, he can buy at least ten luxury cars of various models this time.One production is nearly [-] car babies...

Fang Jing held a yogurt straw in her mouth, and said with little stars in her eyes: "We can buy more than a dozen luxury cars with more than 1000 million, but if there are channels for car smuggling and various taxes are exempted, then The price of the car is much lower, maybe you can buy twenty..."

Ye Chui suddenly broke out in sweat, girl, what's your integrity, as a member of Qianlong Group, you actually want to do business with smuggled car dealers...

And Gang Dan was even more excited when he heard her say that, twenty cars, that's twenty girls...

So he couldn't help trembling violently.

When the car body trembled, Fang Jing yelled, but accidentally dropped the yogurt in her hand on the ground. She hurriedly bent down to pick it up, but the yogurt fell into a groove under the driver's seat Fang Jing couldn't reach it, she was afraid that the yogurt in the yogurt box would spill out and dirty the car, so she just lay on Ye Chui's lap and stretched out her hand to get it.

This action is somewhat ambiguous, especially when Fang Jing inadvertently placed one hand on Ye Chui's thigh...

The expression on Ye Chui's face became very strange in an instant, did this girl do it on purpose?It must be on purpose!

At this moment, a piercing whistle sounded suddenly.

Ye Chui frowned slightly, and turned to look out the car window.

At some point, a car was already running alongside the steel egg. It was an Audi A8 with a gorgeous body, obviously a new car, and the driver was a 27-year-old young man, dressed in fashionable clothes and dressed like a nobleman.Sitting in the passenger seat was a girl with heavy makeup and purple middle and upper.

Obviously, this is your son driving a luxury car to take the girl out for a ride.

When Ye Chui's attention was drawn to look over, the noble young man showed disdain, stretched out an arm from the car window and patted the door of his own car, with a tugging look, and shouted: " Dude, your car is so awesome, you just picked it up from the junkyard, bought it as scrap iron, it’s ridiculous, haha, there are still people driving this kind of car on the road..."

The pretty girl in the passenger seat also covered her mouth and giggled non-stop, her eyes full of disdain.

It was at this time that Fang Jing finally got the yogurt that fell under the driver's seat, and she climbed up from Ye Chui's lap.

Looking from the outside of the car window, Fang Jing just straightened up from between Ye Chui's legs, and just now Fang Jing accidentally dropped the yogurt on the ground, and the yogurt in her mouth accidentally flowed out a little bit. There is a trace of milky white lotion next to it, which is obvious...

In an instant, the insolent smile on that nobleman's face froze.

Fang Jing has a beautiful appearance, and she is at least a beautiful woman with a score of 95 or above. She is slightly confused and has a white stain on her lips at the moment, which can deeply touch a man's heart...

The noble young man turned his head and glanced at the girl he had just met next to him. Although she could barely be considered a beauty, she was at most seventy percent, with heavy makeup, and it was naturally incomparable with Fang Jing's innocence. Fang Jing is actually doing that kind of thing to Ye Chui...

Immediately, a sense of frustration arises spontaneously in contrast.

The reason why this noble son was so insolent just now is because he has a fragrant car and a beautiful woman by his side.But now this sense of superiority has been discounted. I didn't expect that Ye Chui, who was driving a broken car, would have such a beautiful girl beside him...

He immediately became upset.

"Didi Didi!" Your young master honked the horn wildly, and then stretched out his thumb to Ye Chui, with the thumb pointing down, which was a provocative gesture. race car?

"Damn it, the boss dared to provoke you, people can't bear it, let me teach him a lesson!" Steel Egg shouted immediately.

Ye Chui looked helpless, the young master has provoked whom, why do you always encounter such bastards?

"What happened?" Fang Jing was a little puzzled, looking strangely at the arrogant young master outside the car window.

"It's nothing." Ye Chui first reached out and wiped off the white milky stains around Fang Jing's lips, I'm second-guessing, does Fang Jing look so tempting?Then Ye Chui pushed Fang Jing back into the driver's seat, helped her fasten her seat belt, and said to her with a smile, "Sit down carefully, it might be a little bumpy later."

"Bump?" Fang Jing was taken aback.

The next moment, a puff of thick black smoke sprayed out from the rear of the steel egg, and the engine made a humming sound.

In fact, after Steel Egg can freely control the human form, he is more familiar with his body, and the engine has quietly undergone some changes. When the car is driving, it will no longer make a sound like a tractor.

But Gangdan just likes this kind of voice, he thinks it is low-key and restrained, matches his extreme speed, and is domineering, so whenever he provokes other cars, he will make this sound, There was also billowing black smoke.

The Audi A8 has already accelerated, and your son has already made up his mind at this moment, to throw Ye Chui far away, and then he will stop in front, and after Ye Chui's car drives past, he will continue to shake Ye Chui Open—he had to surpass Ye Chui a dozen times in a row to calm down his unhappiness.

It was also Ye Chui who knew what was going on in the noble young master's mind, so he would definitely sigh, how happy the young man really is. (To be continued.)

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