The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

153 The young master just wants to eat potato chips!

"My Audi A8 has the top configuration. How dare this broken car compete with me. Let's see if I don't run over him!"

The young master seemed to be a car god for a moment, with a calm smile on his face, he decided to use his speed to crush Ye Chui's broken car. He felt good about himself at the moment and was about to enjoy the passion of speed.

But at this moment, the woman beside him suddenly touched his shoulder: "Zichao, look..."

"Look at what?"

The young master was stunned for a moment, and then followed the woman's finger to look out of the car window.

He was stunned immediately.

He saw the broken car that he despised was twisting and twisting outside the car window. The body of this car had undergone some modifications, and it seemed to be very resilient. With the twisting of the body, it was super exciting.Coupled with the buzzing sound and the billowing black smoke, a strange and slightly molesty feeling rushed towards him.

Your son opened his eyes wide in surprise, can a car do this kind of action?

"This broken car is so powerful." The woman couldn't help but exclaimed.

"That's terrible, the most important thing about a car is speed, this broken car is garbage!" Your son cursed fiercely, and then stepped on the accelerator to speed up the car. He often comes to test cars on this road, and there are very few cars. , the control is also very loose, so he feels at ease racing here.

Audi's speed soared, and the young master was proud: "This time, I still can't get rid of them by a few blocks...Damn it!"

While talking, he inadvertently turned his head to look at the car window, and found that the broken car was still driving side by side!

The car body was still twisting and twisting, black smoke billowing, accompanied by the sound of the tractor.

Fuck, do you need to be so fucked!

Your son is a little unbelievable, his car is now speeding over 120 mph, not to mention that this broken car can keep up with his speed, the key is that his twisting and twisting movements are still maintained... This car is What structure?

The aristocratic young man became ruthless and accelerated again. He couldn't believe that he couldn't get rid of this broken car!

But in the was really impossible to get rid of it.

The car was still on the side of the Audi, and when the Audi accelerated, he accelerated accordingly, not missing a point.

Your son's original sense of superiority has turned into irritability. At this time, he made a new discovery. When he turned his head to look at the car next to him, he happened to see Ye Chui, who was sitting in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel with one hand. , holding a bottle of soda in the other hand and drinking it comfortably.

"Driving such a fast car, showing such difficult twisting and twisting movements, you still have a one-handed posture and drink a drink?" Your son was surprised, thinking that this was the rhythm of death, and then he cursed viciously in his heart , "Single-handed driving, hum, don't touch the steering wheel with both hands if you are capable!"


Ye Chui seemed to hear his heart, and the hand on the steering wheel was suddenly taken away.

He had already finished his drink and wanted to cover the lid of the drink, so he had to use both hands. He screwed the lid of the drink and put it in the backpack that Fang Jing brought beside him.Then he found a bag of potato chips from the backpack, tore open the package, held it in one hand, and grabbed a piece with the other hand, put it in his mouth and ate it with relish...

This noble son's thinking has been completely smected: the steering wheel!He didn't care about the steering wheel at all!

Ye Chui also turned his head to look at him at this time, and shook the potato chips with a smile, as if telling him, I have some potato chips, do you...

Damn it, who cares about potato chips at this time!

"Be careful!" The woman sitting in the passenger seat screamed suddenly, but it was this noble man who paid too much attention to Ye Chui's side, and was extremely surprised in his heart. rushed over.

There is a cypress forest on both sides of the road, which is a plantation for ornamental purposes. Accompanied by the scream of the woman and the harsh sound of brakes, the Audi plunged into it, smashing the cypress trees into pieces.

Ye Chui exclaimed, "Damn it, I just want to eat potato chips!"

Gang Dan was also shocked: "Fuck, my face-slapping moves are just the beginning, don't do that!"

Fang Jing was the most shocked: "Damn it, someone died!"

Ye Chui stopped the steel egg and walked around. Ye Chui saw through the car window that the Audi was fortunately cushioned by the cypress forest. The body was only slightly bumped and scratched a lot. The two were struggling to climb outside, and it seemed that there was nothing serious about it.This made Fang Jing and Ye Chui slightly relieved, and then let Gang Dan start to leave.

"It almost killed someone." Fang Jing was a little frightened. She was born in the Qianlong group, she had justice in her heart, and she was very repulsed by things that violated the rules. Of course... If it is about making money, that's another story.

"It's really not my fault, I just ate potato chips." Ye Chui felt very innocent, what a bastard, he just ate potato chips, why was he so surprised?

Fang Jing was a little sweaty: "Whoever sees you driving without touching the steering wheel will be surprised, okay? Well, this is already the boundary of Fanghai City. I hope that person drives such a good car. Time will be troublesome, our Longya Eighth Team can't manage here."

The Dragon Teeth Team of the Qianlong Group is in charge of several important cities in China, and the territory of the Dragon Teeth Eight Team is only the second-tier city of Xizhou City.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Ye Chui didn't take it seriously.

Shit, this bastard hit a car, it's my fault!

At this moment, the nobleman and the girl climbed out of the Audi car in a panic. Both of them were in a panic, but they didn't suffer any injuries.

This cypress forest is no bigger than the thickness of a wrist, and it is very resilient, which acts as a good buffer.There is nothing wrong with the person and the car, but this car has been scratched, and the original gorgeous appearance has been mottled, and it will be as miserable as it needs to be.The young master was dumbfounded immediately, showing a very anxious expression, and said to himself with some horror: "What should I do, if uncle finds out, he will definitely kill me!"

——This noble son turned out to be just a showman. His car didn't belong to him at all, it was just used for flirting with girls.

"Damn it, what's the origin of that kid!?" He then showed an extremely vicious expression on his face, thinking to himself, "That old car looks tattered, but it may seem very powerful, that The boy's driving skills are also very strong, he dared not control the steering wheel with both hands... I heard that some time ago, there was a broken car on Yangchang Mountain in Xizhou City. The owner's name was Brother Hammer, could it be this guy? "

"This smuggled Audi can sell for more than 40 yuan. If I can get Brother Hammer's broken car, maybe I can offset the loss of this car!"


"Where is that Hellfire's contact point?" Fang Jing asked looking at the situation outside the car window.

Having arrived in Fanghai City, Steel Egg slowed down and drove slowly.

Fang Jing is sitting in the driver's seat at the moment, because she has a driver's license, even if she is checked, nothing will happen to her.

"Continue to drive forward, it should be in this direction." Ye Chui said in a deep voice.

Ye Chui didn't know where Hellfire's contact point was. When talking to Xingmei, he only learned from Xingmei that the contact point was in Fanghai City, but he didn't know the exact location.But it doesn't matter, Ye Chui can vaguely feel the location.The Sky Hammer 2.0 installed in his consciousness is currently running the belief virus.

This belief virus is completely restricted by the anti-virus software Tianhammer in Ye Chui's consciousness, it will not really infect Ye Chui, but the state is activated.

Indistinctly, Ye Chui could feel a mysterious pull, interacting with his belief virus, which gave him an urge to surrender and worship.

This feeling is very vague, Ye Chui can only distinguish a general direction, but the specific location still needs to be explored slowly.

"Where's your friend, where is he?" Fang Jing asked again.

Ye Chui knew that she was referring to Huo Leishen, so he smiled and said: "He is already in Fanghai City, he has to deal with some things, and he will have a round with us later."

"Oh." Fang Jing nodded and said nothing more.

Ye Chui instructed Fang Jing to drive according to what he felt, and he found that the direction he felt in his consciousness was not the urban area of ​​Fanghai City, but a relatively suburban development zone near the sea.The business in this place has just started, but it is considered a relatively prosperous place. Ye Chui and Fang Jing found a hotel to stay in. After four or five hours of driving, they couldn't wait to take a shower when they arrived at the hotel.

"It will take a lot of time to find that contact point...Anyway, there is enough time, why don't you go shopping here with Fang Jing first, and let the Huo Lei Shen avatar look for it at night!"

When he came out of the bathroom wiping his body, Ye Chu was wondering.

Huo Lei Shen's avatar is a body condensed with the power of fire and electricity. It can travel against the wind, and its speed is very fast, making it easier to find.

But let Huo Lei Shen's avatar look around during the day, maybe it will be exposed, so it's best to act at night.

However, after sitting in the car for several hours, I feel that my whole body has become a little stiff. I should exercise first... do some bed exercises that are beneficial to physical health.

"Fang Jing, what are you still doing in the bathroom?" Thinking of this, Ye Chui turned to the bathroom and asked.

"Good news." Fang Jing poked her head out of the bathroom with a smile on her face, "I found a dealer of smuggled cars, and he happened to have a batch of good cars in his hands. We came at the right time. This batch There are more than a dozen cars."

"Eh..." Ye Chui was sweating suddenly, this girl really deserves to be a money fanatic, and she is still thinking about the smuggled car.But Ye Chui was also a little curious, "Didn't you say you didn't know there were smuggled cars for sale?"

"I don't know, but just now I suddenly thought that someone might know, so I called him, and he really knew it very well, and said that he would introduce us to each other in the evening." Fang Jing explained, "By the way, that You also know the person, Shen Kun who helped sell our counterfeit mobile phones." (To be continued.)

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