"Shen Kun?" Ye Chui was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that this Shen Kun is from Fanghai City, but Ye Chui didn't have a good impression of this person, and felt that this person was a little too sinister, so he asked with a smile Fang Jing, "Are you sure you want to ask Shen Kun for help? You have raised the price of iPhone 6s to more than 5000, aren't you afraid that he will hate you?"

"Even if I raise the price so high, he will still make a lot of money. No one will be against the money." Fang Jing said indifferently, and she came out of the bathroom with a scarf on her body.

Well, obviously in Fang Jing's eyes, the amount of money is very important.

Ye Chui showed a smirk on his face, and hugged Fang Jing's slender waist with both hands: "I'm tired enough after a day's driving, shall we take a rest first?"

Fang Jing is very smart, she naturally understood the meaning of what Ye Chui said, she nodded shyly, then Ye Chui pulled him to lie on the bed together, and then...

Then Ye Chui closed his eyes and did not move.

Fang Jing waited expectantly for something, and slowly her anticipation became irritable.

The rest that Ye Chui said was really a rest?

With a look of disappointment on her face, she simply sat up and stared at Ye Chui with extremely resentful eyes.

This expression made Ye Chui feel very funny, he suddenly opened his eyes and hugged Fang Jing, and in Fang Jing's exclamation, he tore off the scarf on her body, and pressed her hard under him.

The moment in the room is infinite.


In a private room in a high-end club in the coastal development zone of Fanghai City.

Ye Chui led Fang Jing on the sofa, while Shen Kun sat beside him.

Except for a few girls who were brought in as companions, there was also a fat and short man.

This man's appearance was a bit sleek, but his face was full of smiles, but it made people feel no kindness at all.

"This is Boss Han Minghan. He is well-known in the nearby area. He is the best in the car industry. He is much better than me, who flips mobile phones." Shen Kun introduced with a smile.

When he spoke, the horrible scar on his face seemed to be a grinning mouth.

"Hello, Brother Hammer, right? I've heard of your name a long time ago. The mobile phone I use now is an iphone6s. It must be unusual to be able to tinker with this kind of mobile phone." Han Ming spoke to Ye Chui very politely, There is a pile of fat on his face, and he looks very kind.

"Hehe, it's just for dinner." Ye Chui said with a faint smile.

His attitude was a little cold.

What I dislike the most is this kind of slick-faced person. Originally, I met this guy just to buy a car, but the other party actually dragged them to such an obviously dishonest place...

I really have no eyesight, didn't you see that the young master brought a woman here?Will not pick the time!

What upset Ye Chui the most was that this fat man named Han Ming kept glancing at Fang Jing's body when he was talking, rub!

Fang Jing is dressed in homely clothes. She is not the kind of person who knows how to dress herself up, but some people are naturally beautiful and colorful without dressing up. .

She was dressed in ordinary clothes and didn't have much makeup, but she was more attractive than those accompanying girls who looked gorgeous with heavy makeup.In this atmosphere, even Shen Kun looked at Fang Jing enviously.

Fang Jing didn't feel any discomfort with these fly-like gazes.

In fact, it was obviously the first time for this girl to come to this kind of occasion, and now she is full of novelty about this richly decorated and ambiguous place.

She belongs to that kind of house girl, not that she is autistic or anything, but she has always blamed herself for the fact that her parents were taken away, so she devoted herself to studying and has little experience in having fun.

At this moment, it is the first time to try something new, and with Ye Chui by his side, the sense of security is enough, and I can let go of it in my heart.

"There's still a jukebox here, I want to sing!" Fang Jing suddenly pointed to the jukebox next to her after the initial greetings.

This jukebox is a device in the private room, and it is usually used by the girls who accompany the wine to liven up the atmosphere.

The song she sang was not very pleasant, it was purely for showing off.

Fang Jing was not familiar with this place, she thought it was just like an ordinary ktv, so she walked over excitedly without thinking too much.

Ye Chui is also quite interested. Seeing Fang Jing is so interested, does she sing very well?

Yes, I discovered another charming thing about this girl...

But soon, Ye Chui knew that he was wrong, it was a big mistake, and as Fang Jingao yelled out, the whole box was dead silent.

This voice is really too shabby.

Fang Jing's voice is actually pretty nice, very crisp, but no matter how crisp it is, it won't keep her from singing out of tune, it's too horrible to listen to.

"click" "click"

The wine glass in Ye Chui's hand quietly had several cracks.

God is fair, even a natural beauty like Fang Jing may not necessarily sing well...

However, Fang Jing was still enjoying herself, the karaoke machine was turned up to the maximum, and even the young girls who were good at greeting the guests with smiles looked ugly, as if they couldn't bear it at all.

At the end of the song, Fang Jing walked back to Ye Chui shyly: "How is my singing?"

"This... whoever listens knows." Ye Chui said seriously.

Next to him, Chaoming said perfunctorily with a smile: "Miss Fang sings really well, her voice is very special."

"Really?" Fang Jing immediately smiled, "Then let me sing another song."


Ye Chui gave the little fat man a hard look.

Fuck, what a fucking mouth!

Shen Kun couldn't hold on at first. Anyway, he was only helping to introduce business, and he had no responsibility to stay here. After apologizing, he stood up and walked outside.

As he turned around, the expression on his face gradually became cold.

Introducing Han Ming to Ye Chui, he actually didn't have any good intentions.

This Han Ming is notoriously stingy. The price of his car here is rather expensive, because it is an adult car, and it will be very troublesome to go through the formalities in the future. Buy it according to the price he gave, and add all kinds of consumption in the future. Not much cheaper than normal channel cars.

He is trying to cheat Ye Chui.

From the bottom of his heart, he was very unimpressed with Ye Chui, and he was worried about Ye Chui's raising the price before, and most importantly, now even Fang Jing raised the price with him.

Fang Jing is a good girl. He used to buy goods from Fang Jing. Fang Jing never knew how to raise the price, and traded according to what he said was the "market price".

But ever since this Ye Chui appeared beside Fang Jing, Fang Jing seemed to have completely changed, completely obsessed with Xiaocai.

He was not angry, but he also knew that these two were his rich men now, and it was impossible for him to do too much to them.

Today, when he received a call from Fang Jing, asking about the ** car, he immediately agreed, and then called Han Ming's branch, telling Han Ming to kill him hard - he felt that Ye Chui was making money on himself. A lot of money, this money can't make Ye Chui feel comfortable.

"When I don't cooperate in the future, I have to find someone to beat this guy up!"

Walking out of the box with this thought in mind, he was suddenly taken aback.

Because he saw an acquaintance: "Young Master Fang, why are you sneaking around here?"

Outside the box, a handsome man was sneaking into the box.

Seeing Shen Kun coming out, he forced a smile on his face, obviously an old acquaintance.

This man happened to be the noble young man that Ye Chui and Fang Jing met on the way.

It's just that he looks quite embarrassed at the moment, with two bruises on his face.

His name is Fang Zichao, and Han Ming happens to be his uncle.

In the past two years, he has been taking the bus with his uncle, and he has quite a name in some circles nearby, and he is called Fang Shao.

He has good driving skills and is often instructed by Han Ming to test drive. Today's two Audi A8s are a top-notch car.

"Brother Kun, who is that man with uncle inside?" Fang Zichao asked while pulling Shen Kun aside.

"He's from Xizhou City, his name is Ye Chui." Shen Kun was a little surprised, "You know him?"

Fang Zichao gritted his teeth and said, "This is the guy who caused me to drive an Audi A8 into the cypress forest today. It was completely scratched. I don't know how much it will cost to fix it. I don't even know how to deal with it." Uncle said, if his old man finds out, he will definitely kill me!"

Sun Kun's expression changed, and then he asked: "What's going on here, tell me."

He has a good relationship with Fang Zichao, and occasionally drinks together, and at this moment, Fang Zichao is slowly telling the past.

"Brother Kun, did you bring this person?" Finally, Fang Zichao looked at Sun Kun and asked, "Does he have a nicknamed Brother Hammer, who was very powerful in Yangchang Mountain a while ago?"

The God of Broken Cars is the nickname given to Ye Chui by the people from Yangchang Mountain, but Ye Chui has never heard of this nickname, and it is only popular in small circles.

Fang Zichao reversed the car, knew many underground racers of this kind, and heard many rumors.

"This person's nickname is indeed Brother Hammer..." Shen Kun's eyes were shining brightly. Ye Chui and Fang Zichao actually had a conflict. Kun continued with a thoughtful expression, "Speaking of driving...he is really good, especially that old car. Although it looks bad, it is really powerful after modification."

What Shen Kun said basically affirmed Fang Zichao's guess.

"It really is this kid!" Fang Zichao hated his teeth a little itchy, but he is not an impulsive person, so he calmed down quickly, "But he is negotiating business with uncle now? It's not good to touch him directly... Brother Kun, you Do you know where he lives?"

"I know, what do you want to do?"

"I want to steal his broken car. The name of the car is very high. There must be high-end goods in it and it is worth a lot of money." Fang Zi said with a gloomy face, "I will go and give him this car tonight." Steal it!" (To be continued.)

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