The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

155 Steel Egg's Car Harem~ Palace

Fang Zichao's so-called high-end goods refer to the internal components such as the engine of the car.

Ye Chui's car has such a broken shape, but its speed is so outstanding, it must be because of the modification, which has increased the horsepower.

With the contents removed, it's sure to sell for a good price.

He knew a lot of underground racers, and he didn't worry about having no way out.

When Shen Kun heard Fang Zichao's plan, he was overjoyed: he deserved it for stealing that kid's car!

He naturally had no reason to refuse this matter. Anyway, he was thinking about how to teach this kid a lesson. He smiled and put his arms around Fang Zichao's neck: "Let's go drink first, and I will take you to the place where Ye Chui lives in the middle of the night. The car is parked outside the hotel, easy to steal."

"That's it, go drink!" Fang Zichao immediately said with a smile.

The two then left with a smile.

in the box.

Fang Jing sang one song, and started another one. She enjoyed it and sang it thoroughly, regardless of whether others could stand it or not, she turned into a super micba.

Ye Chui made a decision quietly in his heart, no matter what happens in the future, Fang Jing must never be allowed to touch things like microphones...

Under such circumstances, Ye Chui and Han Ming discussed the car issue as loudly as possible.

"I just bought a batch of luxury cars two days ago, and they are all first-class cars." Han Ming said to Ye Chui with a smile, "I don't know what style you want?"

"How many cars do you have?" Ye Chui was curious when he heard what Han Ming said.

"Hey, more than a dozen cars are enough for you to choose. They are all luxury cars worth more than 80 yuan on the market." Han Ming was quite proud.

It is very rare for a car business to be as big as his. Most people get two or three cars, but he has connections. Not long ago, he directly pulled in more than a dozen cars from abroad through the relationship of a large freighter.

Of course, this matter is also risky. These dozen or so cars have almost exhausted his capital.

But high risk and high return, if these cars are sold, he will make a lot of money.

Ye Chui's heart twitched slightly when he heard that, more than a dozen cars?He and Fang Jing now have more than 1000 million money together, and I don't know if they can get it.

He took them all if he could.

"Can you let me go and see the goods first?" Ye Chui then said to Han Ming.

"That's easy to say, I'll take you to my garage tomorrow." Han Ming immediately promised, then stared at Ye Chui with his small eyes squeezed into a line by the fat, and frowned, "Mr. Mr. introduced it, I believe you won’t have any other thoughts.”

When he said this, there was also a hint of threat in it.

Ye Chui smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

Han Ming's eyes looked at Fang Jing who was singing loudly again, and there was an expression on his face that made Ye Chui extremely disgusted.

In the civilized world of comprehension, if someone dared to stare at his woman like this, Ye Chui would have smashed it with a hammer.But this is not a cultivation civilization after all, fighting or something can't solve any problems, Ye Chui snorted coldly, but didn't say anything, Ye Chui still has some self-control, so if there's anything uncomfortable, wait until you buy the car...

The matter was negotiated in this way. When Fang Jing's voice was a little hoarse, she reluctantly let go of the microphone. Seeing this, the girls who accompanied the wine immediately snatched it away, resolutely not letting it go. Fang Jing touched these things again.

"Mr. Han, since we have agreed to see the car tomorrow, Fang Jing and I just have something to ask, so we will leave first." Ye Chui said with a smile, holding Fang Jing's hand.

Han Ming's eyes swept aside Fang Jing's body, and he was a little bit reluctant: "Let's go now? Sit for a while."

"No need, I will call Mr. Han tomorrow." Ye Chui said lightly, what the hell, does this little fat man still want to have something happen with Fang Jing?

Then Ye Chui pulled Fang Jing away.

Fang Jing's face was slightly red, but it was because of singing loudly just now.

She was still in a state of excitement, and although her voice was slightly hoarse, she was still humming in her mouth.Walk out of the clubhouse all the way, and come to the street outside.

It was just dark, and the heat had not subsided, but there was also a cool wind blowing slowly.

Fang Jing pulled Ye Chui's hand, happily walked on the street, wandering aimlessly.

At this time, Ye Chui really felt the joy of falling in love.

How can there be such enjoyment in the civilized world of cultivation? The customs of men and women are more like the state of an ancient feudal country. It is calculated that those who come out for sale will be scolded as disciples if they pull their hands in full view...

Ye Chui held Fang Jing's little hand, enjoying it very much in his heart, and as a man, he felt very embarrassed at the moment, wondering what it would be like to go shopping with An Le'er and Yu Xue's little hands in the future...

Taking advantage of Fang Jing's inattention, Ye Chui flicked his right hand lightly, and the Fire Thor's Hammer silently condensed in his hand and flew out.

Walked around with Fang Jing, bought a bunch of things in large and small bags, and then Ye Chui carried them back to the hotel.

This is only a development zone around Fanghai City, and there are not many interesting places. After the car and Hellfire are finalized, Ye Chui and Fang Jing plan to go to other places.

After Ye Chui and Fang Jing returned to the hotel, it was already midnight.

High above the sky, a black figure was floating out of thin air, with a vague body shape, under the cover of darkness, it was impossible to see clearly if you didn't look carefully, it was Ye Chui's Huo Lei Shen **.

Huo Leishen was suspended in mid-air, with his eyes closed tightly, he took a moment to comprehend carefully.

"This direction!"

Then Huo Leishen quickly flew towards a certain direction. After a while, he stopped again, closed his eyes to sense for a while, and after confirming the direction, he acted again, and so on. After about half an hour, Huo Leishen landed outside a church .

"right here!"

Ye Chui's feeling is very clear, there is a sense of majesty coming from this church, with a force of awe, which makes him involuntarily have the urge to worship.

Of course, this kind of impulse is nothing to Ye Chui.

This urge comes from the belief consciousness virus in his consciousness.

This belief consciousness virus is like a shackle, which makes people involuntarily believe in a great existence, and the church in front of them has the breath left by that existence.

There is no doubt that this church is the Hellfire contact point that Ye Chui is looking for.

"Tomorrow, the body and Fang Jing will come together again and be baptized here..." Ye Cui thought to himself, then flew into the air and flew to the hotel where the body was.

He had changed back into the form of the hammer, turning into a flame and flashing through the air quickly.

Even if someone noticed it, they would subconsciously think it was their own illusion.

In the blink of an eye, Huo Lei Shen ** came outside the hotel.

But at this moment, Ye Chui was taken aback.

"Huh? This is Shen Kun... What is he doing here? The one with him is... that noble son?"

Outside the hotel, a group of people were standing, looking furtive, looking at the parking space outside the hotel.

Ye Chui recognized Shen Kun at a glance, there was no way, the scar on Shen Kun's face was too terrifying and very conspicuous.

Then Ye Chui saw Fang Zichao again.

The others are all punks.

Ye Chui couldn't help being curious: "It's already early morning, what are these people doing here?"

As a result, Huo Lei Shen's body turned into a hammer and fell quietly on the ground. Under the cover of the night, Shen Kun and his group didn't notice it.

"It's right here, that broken car over there!" Fang Zichao shouted in a low voice, pointing at the steel egg.

"It's this car? Young Master Fang, it's not that we don't want to help you, it interesting for us to go to such lengths to get this broken car?" asked a little gangster.

"Hey, it's interesting, of course it's interesting." Fang Zichao sneered, "This car is not ordinary, you can help me tow the whole car away later, and I'll buy you a drink, and no one will get a red envelope."

"Thank you, Young Master Fang." These punks immediately shouted happily.

"The trailer hasn't arrived yet?" Shen Kun called out in a low voice at this time, and glanced back and forth on the street in front of the hotel.

In the dead of night, there are not many people on the street, and there are not many vehicles, but there are monitoring facilities installed on the street after all.

Although Fang Zichao had been doing a lot of stealing cars and was familiar with the way, it was the first time for Shen Kun, so he couldn't help being a little nervous.They had already seen that the steel egg was actually there, and they were waiting for the trailer to drive over.

"Come on, don't worry." Fang Zichao was very calm, and snorted coldly, "It's unlucky for Brother Hammer to meet me, I want to see what kind of configuration is in this car, the performance is so good... ...Hmph, this kid wants to do business with my uncle, so I won't let him go, and when the business is over, I'll see how I can kill him again!"

Hearing these conversations between them, Ye Chui was very surprised.

Damn it, Shen Kun is planning to steal his car with someone like this son?

And this son is actually that Han Ming's nephew?

With a thought in Ye Chui's mind, he thought of something, and the Huo Lei Shen ** turned into a flash of lightning, and returned to Gang Dan's side, entered the driver's seat through the car window, and then the Huo Lei Shen ** manifested.

"Boss, is there anything to do so late?" Gangdan immediately noticed Ye Chui's appearance and asked.

"Keep your voice down." Ye Chuihuo Leishen's naked hand was placed on the steering wheel, sparks flew from his hand, and he quietly passed a thought to communicate with the steel egg with his thoughts. He first reminded the steel egg, and then continued Said, "Have you noticed those people not far away? They are planning to set fire to abduct you."

"What!?" Gang Dan was furious when he heard Ye Chui say that, and he also communicated with Ye Chui with his mind, "Boss, don't say anything, these people are too bullying, we will beat them later , dare to abduct and sell me?"

"Shit, be honest with me, if you make a big fuss here, it won't end well." Ye Chui said angrily.

"Then what shall we do?"

"Let them take you away later, I will go with you, and I will definitely take you to some hidden place, then we will do it again!" Ye Chui said with a sneer.

Shit, dare to steal my car, do you think my car is so easy to steal?

Then Ye Chui showed a pensive expression again.

When these people steal the steel egg, where will they take the steel egg?

Will it be put together with those dozens of ** luxury cars?

Ye Chui suddenly felt that this matter became interesting... (To be continued.)

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