On the double swords of the steel egg, Ye Chui engraved some power-enhancing formations, which made the two swords have a strong attack power, and the power of cutting down with one sword was extraordinary.

At this moment, I saw the steel egg slashing and hacking on the wall a few times, and the cement brick chips kept falling down. In a blink of an eye, the warehouse wall, which was nearly one meter thick, was planed out by the steel egg to allow cars to pass through. big hole.

Outside the wall is a field, and a road can be seen not far away.

Steel Dan withdrew his two swords and turned his head away: "Okay, everyone can leave from here."

"Gangdan, take them back to the wasteland first, and then come back to pick me up and Fang Jing after they go back." Ye Chui said while controlling Huo Lei Shen's avatar.

"Well, good boss." Steel egg nodded, clicked a few times, he turned into a car form, drove out, and said, "Everyone follow me, let's go."

Each of the sixteen luxury cars cheered happily. They admired the transformation ability of the steel egg. Naturally, they had no objection when the steel egg said so. They immediately agreed and followed behind the steel egg, and drove out. .

A total of seventeen cars connected with the steel egg drove away in a blink of an eye without a trace.

The body of Huo Lei Shen's avatar shook violently, as if it was about to vanish into thin air.

"We must replenish energy first..."

Ye Chui raised one hand high, and the electric light flickered in his hand, and there were streaks of lightning that diffused and converged towards his hand. The high-altitude fluorescent lights in the factory building kept flickering, and Ye Chui was absorbing electricity.

This state lasted for half an hour before Ye Chui stopped.

Having absorbed enough power of electricity, he can continue to maintain his form, but at this moment his appearance has undergone some changes.

Ye Chui can only absorb two kinds of natural power now, namely the power of fire and the power of electricity. Before, Ye Chui maintained the body of this clone mainly by the power of fire, which gave his body a characteristic of flame. But now, in order to awaken these dozen or so cars, his power of fire and power of electricity are exhausted, and then he absorbs a large amount of power of electricity. His physical state at this moment is condensed by the power of electricity. The smooth hair also stands on end. If someone touches him, he will feel a tingling sensation of being electrified.

"The power of electricity is sufficient, but my current appearance is a bit strange..." Ye Chui touched his broom head, feeling a little helpless, "Is this a Super Saiyan... It is better to use the power of fire to gather the body of the clone .”

Ye Chui shook his head, his body flew into the air, and then turned into a flash of lightning, and disappeared without a trace with a whoosh.

The lights in the warehouse flickered for a moment, and then suddenly went out with a bang, but there was a real problem with the wiring in the warehouse.

Inside the hotel room.

Fang Jing had already fallen into a deep sleep, she lay naked in Ye Chui's arms, showing her smooth and delicate back.

Ye Chui wrapped one arm around her slender waist, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Today, he doesn't need to sleep, and he can sweep away all the exhaustion by using the power of his heart.

There was a flash of lightning outside the window, and Huo Lei Shen's avatar returned to his body.

"I didn't expect that the matter of buying a car would be solved like this."

Ye Chui was still thinking about how to get a few luxury cars before. At first he just wanted to get three or four cars for consumption in the store, but now Ye Chui wants to build a technological kingdom, and the supply of products is naturally limited. It's much bigger, and these dozen or so cars are only temporary, and he will buy hundreds or thousands of luxury cars in the future!

Let Tianhammer cars spread all over the world, vying for the car market, and vying for the willpower of all beings in Hellfire.

At this moment, Ye Chui took away the dozen or so smuggled cars of Han Ming, and he didn't feel much indebted.

This kind of smuggled car is inherently risky. Ye Chui found out during the transformation that several cars had structural problems, and it was difficult to find out. If they were driving fast, it might cause a tragic tragedy.

The most important thing is that Han Ming and his nephew Fang Zichao made Ye Chui feel very disgusted. This Fang Zichao wanted to steal Ye Chui's car even more. It is very reassuring.

The night passed in a blink of an eye.

Early the next morning, Ye Chui received a call from Han Ming.

"Mr. Ye, am I free today? I'll show you the car." Han Ming said with a smile.

Apparently he didn't know about the theft of his car.

Ye Chui had to perform enough of this play, he also said with a smile: "Okay, we are really free this morning, please tell me a place."

Then they agreed on a place, Ye Chui and Fang Jing had dinner in the hotel, and planned to check the car first.

"What about the Hellfire?" Fang Jing kept this matter in mind.

"My friend has already found out where the Hellfire's contact point is, let's go there later."

"Oh." Fang Jing nodded, suddenly thought of something, and asked Ye Chui, "By the way, what is your friend's name, I still don't know."

"His name is rather strange, called Fire Thunder God."

"Fire and Thunder God?" Fang Jing was taken aback, "What a strange name...Huh? Where's the steel egg!?"

The two were talking, and when they came outside the hotel, Fang Jing saw that the steel egg was gone with a sharp eye.

"He has something to leave first." Ye Chui explained to Fang Jing with a smile, "Should have returned to Xizhou City by now?"

"Then how do we go back?" Fang Jing frowned.

"He'll be back to pick us up again this afternoon."

The two took a taxi, went to the place Han Ming mentioned on the phone, exchanged some pleasantries, and Han Ming brought Ye Chui outside his warehouse.

Under normal circumstances, Han Ming would not bring customers to his warehouse, but Ye Chui's situation is quite special. The famous Brother Hammer, he felt that Ye Chui's counterfeit mobile phone business was not very upright. The fellow traveler, he believed even more in his heart.

"I have a total of sixteen cars here, and there is absolutely no problem with the quality. You will definitely like them." Han Ming introduced his car, and then asked someone to open the door of the warehouse, and he walked in , while continuing, "This smuggled car is actually no different from the car bought in a 4S shop. This car..."

His voice suddenly became clear, and then turned into an exclamation: "Where's my car!?"

Fang Jing poked her head in curiously, and immediately saw the big hole in the wall not far away. She opened her eyes wide in surprise: "A thief was recruited here last night?"

"Obviously." Ye Chui continued.

Han Ming was furious, and asked the gangsters who were in charge of guarding the gate what was going on.

These little bastards were already petrified and terrified. They had been guarding the door last night, but they didn't hear any movement in the warehouse—mainly because the sound insulation effect of the warehouse was too good.

Seeing Han Ming's violent look about to kill someone, one of the hooligans suddenly thought of something: "Young Master Fang...Young Master Fang came here last night and brought other people with him!"

"Zichao? Find Zichao for me!" Han Ming shouted immediately.

He no longer cared about Ye Chui and Fang Jing, his short and fat body was walking back and forth.

Ye Chui and Fang Jing stood aside and watched the excitement.

After a while, Fang Zi, who was obviously hungover, rushed over. He had already heard what happened, and now he looked panicked: "Uncle, what... what's going on?"

"You still ask me?" Han Ming was impatient, and kicked his nephew. Although he was fat, it was quite scary to get angry. He kicked Fang Zichao several times, panting all the time. He stopped when he was about to stop, and he cursed, "You bastard, say, did you steal the car in collusion with others?"

"Uncle, where do I have the guts? How could it be me..." Fang Zichao cried.

"Then who do you say?" Chao Ming looked like he was going to kill someone.

"Shen Kun!" Fang Zichao suddenly thought of this name, and he immediately shouted loudly, "Shen Kun must have done it, last night I... I took him to the warehouse, but then there was a problem with the line and he left , we continued to drink after that, Shen Kun left after staying for a while, the car theft must have something to do with him!"

"Shen Kun!" Han Ming growled the name in a low voice, then turned around aggressively and walked away, shouting in his mouth, "Call me, let's go to Shen Kun to settle the score! Spicy next door, dare to move!" my car……"

With such cursing in his mouth, Han Ming walked away slowly.

Fang Zichao got up from the ground in a panic, and suddenly saw Ye Chui and Fang Jing standing aside.

Seeing Fang Zichao suddenly, Fang Jing was a little surprised.

Ye Chui was very indifferent, and he still had a somewhat mocking smile on his face.

Shit, dare to steal my car!

Fang Zi trembled slightly towards his body, he felt some kind of uncomfortable feeling from Ye Chui's body, he hurriedly got up from the ground, hurriedly chased his uncle and left.

In the next few hours, Han Ming led a group of people to find Shen Kun, and he couldn't help but drag Shen Kun out of the bed and beat him up violently.

This made Shen Kun stay in the hospital for several months.

But Han Ming's car could not be found no matter what.

Steel egg left with his car in the middle of the night. Instead of taking the highway, he drove in a remote place. After Ye Chui's modification, the performance of the sixteen cars has also improved a lot. Although it took a little time, But he returned to the wasteland outside Maple Leaf Town, Xizhou City without any surprise or danger.

This time, Han Ming spent a lot of money getting these cars, and he lost all his money at once. He vented his anger not only on Shen Kun, but also on his nephew Fang Zichao, and a beating was inevitable.

Ye Chui saw a good show.

He originally planned to go to Shen Kun to settle the score, but now it seems that he can forget it, and the young master doesn't care about him encouraging Fang Zichao to steal the car.

Ye Chui took Fang Jing's little hand and left here. On the way, Ye Chui said in a deep voice, "We have to increase the production of iphone6s mobile phones, and if we add a few more production lines, we will have to find more mobile phone manufacturers. Dimensional Qi is seriously injured, and I guess I won’t be able to cooperate with us in the future..." (To be continued.)

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