Ye Chui had let Huo Lei Shen's avatar find Hell Fire's contact point last night, which was a church.

At this time, leaving Chaoming's smuggled car warehouse, Ye Chui took Fang Jing to a taxi, and it took only half an hour to arrive at the church.

Now in China, there are many people who believe in Christianity, and various churches have emerged as the times require.

There are many such churches in Fanghai City.

The scale is not very large, but the environment is quiet and has a natural and solemn feeling.

At the same time, standing in front of the church, Ye Chui felt the power of faith transmitted from the church.

This power of belief reacted with the belief virus in his consciousness, making the belief virus extremely lively.

"Sky hammer kill!"

Ye Chui hurriedly used the Sky Hammer to kill, suppressing the belief virus that had become a little manic.

With his hair standing on end, the Huo Lei Shen who looked very different was quietly summoned by Ye Chui as early as in the taxi. He came from the side and greeted Ye Chui Fangjing with a smile.

"What happened to your hair?" Fang Jing asked in surprise.

"It's just a new hairstyle." Ye Chui said with a smile while controlling Huo Lei Shen's avatar.

"Oh." Fang Jing nodded, then she turned around and made a face at Ye Chui, and whispered, "This kind of hair is so ugly and ugly."

"..." Ye Chui was speechless.

He controlled Huo Lei Shen's avatar to point to the church in front, and said, "Okay, let's go in."

"Is this the Hellfire's contact point?" Fang Jing looked at the church in front of her.

Huo Leishen nodded: "That's right."

Then Huo Lei Shen walked in front and led the way, Ye Chui and Fang Jing followed behind him.

At the same time, Ye Chui put his hand on Fang Jing's shoulder, and the Sky Hammer 2.0 operated, directly entering Fang Jing's consciousness.

They will be baptized later, and the virus of faith will be implanted in their consciousness.

Although Ye Chui is confident that his Sky Hammer Kill can clean up the virus directly, there may be accidents, and it may have an impact on Fang Jing's personality, so Ye Zhi directly runs his Sky Hammer Kill on Fang Jing. In Jing's consciousness, prevent her from being infected by the virus.

Ye Chui found that in Fang Jing's consciousness, he now had a higher level of open authority, from the original level [-] authority to the current level [-] authority.

This is the level of authority that the two will have after they have a relationship.

Fang Jing didn't know what Ye Chui did, she looked around curiously, and walked into the church.

The church is small and quiet.

Several devout believers are sitting in their seats and meditating.

In the center is the statue of the crucifixion of Jesus, and a priest in black robe is standing under the statue and flipping through the scriptures.

The pastor was a middle-aged man. Ye Chui and Fang Jinghuo Leishen walked into this church, and he looked at them curiously.

His eyes seemed dull and lifeless, but the belief virus in Ye Chui's consciousness reacted and became much more lively.

Ye Chui hurriedly used the Sky Hammer to kill, suppressing the virus tightly.

This change made him understand that the priest in front of him should be the contact person of this Hellfire contact point.

Holding a Bible in his hand, the pastor walked over slowly.

"I've never seen you before." The priest stared at Huo Lei Shen and said, but asked a rather strange question.

Ye Chui was very calm, and the control fire thunder god smiled calmly: "I am a new executive, the previous one has died unexpectedly, I replaced him and became the new executive No. [-]. "

This explanation was something Ye Chui had thought of long ago.

From Xingmei, he knew that the executive code name of the executive will not change, even if a Hellfire messenger dies in an accident, his code name will still remain and be handed over to the next one.

Ye Chui said that he was a newcomer and continued to perform the original mission of [-]. There is no loophole in this statement.

Among Hellfire members, mutual identification is based on identifying the belief virus in each other's consciousness, appearance is not important.

The priest sensed the existence of the belief virus in Ye Chui's consciousness, and recognized Ye Chui's identity.

"Who are they?" the priest went on.

Huo Lei Shen replied: "Brother Hammer and his assistants, they were absorbed into Hellfire. This is a task that the previous [-] executives did not complete. I will bring them here to accept the baptism of Hellfire."

"Oh." The pastor looked at Ye Chui and Fang Jing curiously.

Fang Jing was a little nervous, holding Ye Chui's arm tightly.

Ye Chui also narrowed his eyes, did the pastor see something?

After a while, the pastor only heard a smile: "iphone6s is very useful, I like it very much."

Ye Chui: "...Damn!"

"Okay, come with me, you can be baptized here." The pastor turned around and led the way.

Ye Chui, Fang Jing and Huo Lei Shen followed behind him.

There is also a side door on the side of the church, where the pastor usually rests.

The pastor opened the door and let Ye Chui and Fang Jing walk in.

When Huo Lei Shen was about to enter, the priest stopped him.

"You are the executor, didn't your liaison officer tell you that the executor cannot stay at the scene when you are being baptized, otherwise it will affect your 'belief'." The pastor warned.

Huo Lei Shen quickly said: "I'm sorry, I don't know this."

As he spoke, Huo Leishen hurriedly backed away.

Ye Chui thought to himself that the pastor's so-called belief refers to the belief virus.

Accepting the baptism is to implant the belief virus into the consciousness. Those who have the virus in the original consciousness will definitely be affected if they are re-implanted.

The priest followed into the room.

Fang Jing was very nervous, grabbing Ye Chui's hands urgently.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Ye Chui comforted her in a low voice.

The room doesn't look big, but it's only twenty square meters in size. There are some daily necessities placed there. It can be seen that it is the place where the pastor usually rests.

But Ye Chui could feel that there was a secret room behind the wall.

Because he felt that the power of faith was being transmitted from behind that wall.

Sure enough, the pastor went directly to the wall and opened a movable hidden compartment. It was a coded lock. He entered the code, and with the rattling sound, the wall automatically separated to the two sides, revealing space behind.

"You go in." The pastor looked at Ye Chui and Fang Jing, and said calmly.

"What's in here?" Ye Chui asked pretending to be panicked.

"What's the matter? You'll know when you go in." The pastor urged, "Hurry up, I don't have much patience."

So Ye Chui took Fang Jing's hand and walked in slowly.

This is a small ten-square-meter room with no doors and windows around it. There is a chandelier above it, emitting a dim light.As Ye Chui and Fang Jing entered here, the door of the secret room was also closed.

They were completely locked in this small room.

For a moment, a feeling of confinement made Fang Jing more nervous, leaning tightly on Ye Chui: "I'm a little scared..."

"I'm by your side, don't be afraid." Ye Chui quickly comforted her, and he looked aside.

There's a picture on the wall!

In the room of [-], Ye Chui had seen this portrait before.

There is nothing wrong with this portrait, but it is impossible to see the appearance of the characters on the portrait clearly. There is a sense of majesty that naturally shocks the soul, making people unable to bear the feeling of kneeling—this is the so-called baptism.

Implant this shocking feeling deep into the hearts of others, put people in shackles of consciousness, and make people involuntarily develop beliefs.

"Who is this person? It's just that the portrait can exude such a strong shock that people can't even see his appearance... This shows that ordinary people can't form a concept in their minds about his existence. This is a kind of Great means..."

Looking at the portrait, Ye Chui couldn't help feeling the urge to bow down.

He hurriedly used the Sky Hammer to kill, barely suppressing this impulse.

And Fang Jing beside him saw the location of the portrait, and the expression on his face instantly became obsessed, and his body was involuntarily about to kneel down.

"not good!"

Ye Chui hastily put his hand on Fang Jing's neck, and rotated the hammer to enter her consciousness, protecting her consciousness from infection.

Both he and Fang Jing had a strong emotion forming in their consciousness.

This emotion is surrender, faith, and loyalty, which makes them have a belief in the existence in the portrait that they must always be loyal to him and become his puppets.

This belief is the virus.

It is a kind of shackles of consciousness, and it is the way of Hellfire to control the executives and designers.

Infected by this virus, Hellfire issued an order for them to commit suicide, and they would execute it even with a smile.

This is the horror of faith.

After a while, the virus of faith in Ye Chui and Fang Jing's minds was fully formed.

However, under the protection of Ye Chuitian's hammer, the virus was isolated.

Although the virus still exists in consciousness, it will not affect the personalities of the two.

"What happened just now?" Fang Jing regained consciousness, and looked at Ye Chui suspiciously, "Why do I feel that I was unconscious for a while just now?"

"This painting is somewhat evil, but it's all right now." Ye Chui said simply.

His Skyhammer 2 system is constantly running, trying to create a stable isolation zone in Fang Jing's consciousness, allowing the virus to exist in Fang Jing's consciousness, but it will not affect Fang Jing's personality .

This virus is a certificate for identifying each other.

If Fang Jing wants to dive into this hellfire with her and become a designer, she must have this virus in her consciousness.

At this moment, Ye Chui frowned suddenly, and felt a pull in his consciousness, and he felt light all over his body.

The belief virus is running, and it seems to pull his consciousness into another space.

In this case, Ye Chui would be able to wake himself up immediately as long as he operated the Sky Hammer Kill, but he didn't do that, but let the situation develop.

The same is true for Fang Jing beside her.

The eyes of the two slowly closed, and then they leaned on each other and passed out.

In the church, Huo Lei Shen sat in a position closest to the side door.

"This feeling... the consciousness of the main body has been pulled into the spiritual space, I hope nothing will happen, right?"

He's ready, and if anything goes wrong, he'll rush right in.

But his worries are superfluous, Ye Chui and Fang Jing are safe and sound.

When Ye Chui regained consciousness, he found that he was staying in a huge laboratory, Fang Jing was standing beside him, and slowly opened his eyes.Both of them put on white coats.

"Where is this?" Fang Jing looked around in surprise, "This seems to be a huge laboratory? We... We were kidnapped? We were clearly staying in that church just now, where is this place?"

It was a woman's voice that answered Fang Jing.

"This is Hellfire. From today onwards, you are the first-level designer of Hellfire."

Following the sound, a woman came out from the door behind her.

She walked over and continued talking.

"My name is Max, and I will be your future liaison officer. At this moment, you are in a spiritual space. From now on, no matter where you are, you can enter here as long as you sincerely look forward to it. This matter The laboratory is reserved for the two of you, you can conduct research here, and Hellfire can provide you with any experimental equipment you need, even if you are waiting for a particle collider, you can apply for use." (To be continued .)

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