Ye Chui, Fang Jing, and Huo Leishen came out of the church. While Fang Jing was not paying attention, Ye Chui waved Huo Leishen back into his body. After the previous experience, Fang Jing was not surprised this time, and just muttered: "Ye Chui Why is your friend so neurotic that you didn't even say hello when you left."

Ye Chui smiled and didn't explain.

It's only eight o'clock in the morning, and Ye Chui and Fang Jing are wandering around Fanghai City.

The experience of Hellfire just now left Fang Jing in a trance, feeling incredible, but she gradually accepted it.

While eating at noon, she thought about smuggling cars again. She originally planned to buy more than a dozen cars directly, but the car was stolen. While eating, she complained angrily: "Who stole it?" The car, it's too wicked..."

"There is something I want to tell you all the time—" Ye Chui had no choice but to interrupt Fang Jing, "Actually, I stole those cars."


Fang Jing's small mouth was as big as an egg.

"Last night, Sun Kun and Zhao Ming's nephew wanted to steal the steel egg. It happened that Huo Leishen was sleeping inside the steel egg. They dragged the steel egg into the warehouse..." Ye Chui explained, and finally said, "Now it is estimated that Steel Egg has brought all sixteen cars back to Maple Leaf Town."

Fang Jing was surprised, and it took a long time to fully digest the news, and then she said pleasantly: "So that's what happened... After these cars have been modified by you, can they all have car babies in the future? Plus My Honda Accord, a total of seventeen cars... I don't know how many car babies will be born..."

Saying this, Fang Jing's eyes seemed to turn into money symbols, shining brightly.

"..." Ye Chui was speechless.

Originally, he thought that Fang Jing would reject this kind of thing, but now it seems that he is too worried.

In the afternoon, Gangdan had returned from Xizhou City to pick up Ye Chui and Fang Jing, and they left Fanghai City just like that.

After eight o'clock in the evening, I returned to Maple Leaf Town.

Ye Chui and Fang Jing asked Gang Dan to take them to the wasteland.

The wasteland at this moment is densely packed with cars.

The 25 car babies of the Honda Accord are now about the size of a normal car.

The sixteen new luxury cars are also moving around, very curious about this new environment.

What pleased Ye Chui was that the Honda Accord got along very well with these new cars, and there was no such thing as a palace fight...

In fact, for these cars, just awakening of consciousness is like the most innocent baby.

This kind of harmony is what they can only wish for.

It's a pity that steel eggs have suffered, there are eighteen girls in total——

Ye Chui patted the front of Gangdan's car: "Do you want me to study something for you about the car Wei~ brother?"

"Damn it, Boss, why don't you believe me? Is my body so useless! It's only seventeen cars, what a fool..." Steel Egg said proudly.

"Well, then I can rest assured of you." Ye Chuiyou said leisurely, with a pensive expression on his face, "We will buy hundreds more cars in the future..."

Steel Dan's body softened and almost fell apart.

Hundreds of cars?

Fuck, it really is the harem.

For the next two days, bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bah

Ye Chui is transforming these dozens of luxury cars, installing the reproductive system of the car into the body.

The Longya Eighth Team led by Zheng Feng has regained power. In the past two days, through Zheng Feng's relationship, Ye Chui had the relevant personnel of the car quality inspection department of Xizhou City also conduct various tests on the car babies in the wasteland. .

These inspections originally took a lot of time to complete, but under the operation of the Qianlong team, the results were obtained in only two days.

Needless to say, the quality of the cars, each one has been qualified for listing.

When these cars were being registered, after Fang Jing's proposal, this model of car was named Tianzhu Gangya Generation.

Tianhammer is the name of the car brand, and Gangya is taken from the names of the steel egg and the Accord.

In the future, steel eggs and BMW's car babies can be called gang horses or something.

Generation indicates that this is the first generation of this model.

Ye Chui built a car symbiosis network, which can connect the consciousness of each car, so that cars can reincarnate through this network.

At the same time, the car's surname can gradually evolve during reproduction.

Just like the 32 car babies in the Honda Accord now, when they are born, some of them will become the second generation of Tianhammer Gangya.

The surnames of these second generations will be strengthened to a certain extent compared to the first generation, and the appearance will also undergo some slight changes.


"These cars are finally getting a complete makeover."

After spending two days without sleep, Ye Chui finally completely remodeled all sixteen luxury cars.

Gang Dan has not been idle for the past two days. With the help of Li Cheng, he built a car mansion for sixteen new cars to live in.

At this moment, the center of this wasteland has become very lively.

"Boss." At this time, the image of the phantom suddenly appeared beside Ye Chui, "Just now another group of people wanted to come to this wasteland, but I managed to drive them out."

"Another batch?" Ye Chui frowned.

In the past two days, people have been curious about the wasteland and want to explore here.

In the end, they were naturally driven out by the phantom.

The main reason why some people are curious about the wasteland is that there are more than a dozen luxury cars here at once. These cars are not as obedient as those car baby doors. They run around in the wasteland all day. Even if there are illusions to help cover them up, they still Let those who are interested see some traces.

"Looks like it's time to relocate the cars."

Ye Chui thought in his heart.

Suddenly, Ye Chui thought of something, looked up at the sky, it was night, and he saw the moon in the sky.

"Transfer the cars to the moon?"

This thought flashed across Ye Chui's mind.

"Of course it's not easy to do now, but when my Calcining Heart Sutra reaches the seventh level, I can comprehend the power of space. The power of space is the power of space. I can make a link between the earth and the moon. Passage, to send the Autobots to the moon. The Autobots have little requirements on the environment, and they can survive on the moon..."

"But it will take a while."

"I'm only at the fourth level of the Calcining Heart Sutra, and it's not easy to get to the seventh level."

The Calcining Heart Sutra has a total of twelve layers, and these twelve layers can be divided into four stages.

One to three is the first stage, four to six is ​​the second stage, seven to nine is the third stage, ten to 12 years old is the third stage.

The difficulty will increase with each level of improvement, and the improvement between stages is the so-called bottleneck, and the difficulty will increase exponentially.

It took a long time for Ye Chui to ascend from the third level to the fourth level, which was the bottleneck of the first stage.

And entering the second stage, each level of upgrading is more difficult. As for the bottleneck of going from the sixth level to the seventh level, it is even more difficult.

In the civilization of comprehension, Ye Trika spent three full years on this bottleneck.

But now that he has the experience of the previous life, the cost of events should be reduced a lot.

"It's still too far to reach the seventh heaven. The most urgent thing is to reach the fifth heaven..."

"The fifth heaven requires me to comprehend the power of water!"

Starting from the third level, every time one level is raised, one needs to comprehend a kind of power.

The fourth thing to comprehend is the power of the heart, the fifth is the power of water, the sixth is the power of wind, and the seventh is the power of space...

The so-called forging the sky is to understand the world and control the various forces of the world. When it reaches the No. 12 weight of the Calcining Heart Sutra, it can even truly "forge the sky" and forge a new world.

"To comprehend the power of water, it's best to be in the lake and the sea and feel the ebb and flow of the water." Ye Chui's eyes suddenly brightened, "Aren't there many islands that have been developed into tourism projects? In hot weather, I can go to the island to play, which will definitely help me understand the power of water..."

Ye Chui walked slowly out of the wasteland, imagining the scene of island tourism in his mind.

He felt that he could invite An Le'er to go there with him, just to cultivate a relationship with An Le'er.

Most importantly, he was actually very curious about An Leer's appearance in a bikini...

And said Cao Fuck Cao Fuck, at this moment, Ye Chui's cell phone rang suddenly, and the caller happened to be An Le'er.

"Lele, what's the matter?" Ye Chui answered the phone.

"Ye Chui, what have you been doing these two days? You promised to have dinner with me, but in the end, there was no sign of you." An Le'er said rather complaining.

"I'm busy with something." Ye Chui thought that he had promised An Le'er before, but he had forgotten about it, so he quickly explained, "The first batch of cars I got here, a total of 24 cars, have just been picked up in the past two days. When the quality inspection certificate is obtained, it is ready to go on the market, and I will bring it over to have a look at another day."

"Really?" This is undoubtedly good news for An Leer.

Although she naively believed in Ye Chui, she still had some worries in her heart, fearing that Ye Chui's car would not be completed in the end.

"Lele, why are you calling me?" Ye Chui then asked.

"Hmph, you must have forgotten!" An Le'er complained in her voice, "You promised me that I would accompany me to my little mother's birthday party."


Ye Chui was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that he had indeed promised An Le'er before. Calculating the time, it seems to be tomorrow. Ye Chui patted his head and said helplessly: "I've been busy with the car recently. Things, I have forgotten... But I will definitely accompany you tomorrow."

"That's good. I'll wait for you in the store tomorrow." An Le'er hung up the phone hastily after saying these words.

She seems a little angry?

Ye Chui smiled, there were too many things these two days, it was really his negligence, he had to find a way to compensate An Le'er...

But at this moment, Ye Chui's cell phone rang again.

This time it was Yu Xue who called.

"You promised me to go to Yang Shanshan's birthday party tomorrow, remember to get to Uncle An's place in time tomorrow!" After connecting, Yu Xue immediately shouted on the phone.

"Huh?" (To be continued.)

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