The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

161 Production of counterfeit mobile phones to the end

"What's your forehead?" Yu Xue asked after hearing Ye Chui's doubtful tone.


It was only then that Ye Chui remembered that when Yu Xue moved away, she had also told her that she would attend Yang Shanshan's birthday party.

But listening to Yu Xue's tone of voice at that time, it felt like she was playing with her, even if it was with An Le'er, it didn't matter.

But now, from what the two girls said, they wanted to find a male companion, not just a friend.

Boyfriend and friend, these are two completely different concepts.

People who come to this kind of party are people from their circle, and people of the same age group will be there, but when there is no company with a different surname around them, it will be despised.

But Yu Xue's situation is even more special. She disappeared some time ago and broke up with Zhang Yueyang. Zhang Yueyang will definitely go to this birthday party.

If she doesn't have a man by her side to support the scene, where will she put her face?

But An Le'er had almost the same reason for looking for Ye Chui as company.

Ye Chui knew that the relationship between An Le'er and her little mother was not harmonious, and he asked Ye Chui to accompany her in order to get Ye Chui's support.

Ye Chui felt a headache.

How should he choose between An Le'er and Yu Xue?

Ye Chui thought badly, being popular is such a headache.

He said to the phone: "About tomorrow's birthday party..."

"Don't you want to come?" Yu Xue interrupted Ye Chui and asked angrily.

"I'll definitely go tomorrow..." Ye Chui wanted to explain that An Le'er had also invited him.

"That's good!" Yu Xue didn't give him a chance to explain at all. She thought that what Ye Chui said meant that Ye Chui had agreed to be her male companion. "The party will start tomorrow afternoon, and the place is Xinglin Villa in Huashan, you have already gone there last time, when the time comes, you can just wait for me there, that's all, goodbye."

Yu Xue said a series of words, and then hung up the phone directly.

"Hey Hey hey?"

Ye Chui had no chance to explain.

It's really hard for me to be caught between two big beauties!

Ye Chui complained about himself for a while, and then decided to wait and see the situation and adapt to the situation.

Fortunately, the birthday party Fang Jing will not interfere.


Since coming back two days ago, Fang Jing has been fascinated by the laboratory on Hellfire.

The various advanced technologies that Hellfire has mastered can be browsed and studied at will - because of the belief in viruses, Hellfire is not afraid of these technologies being passed on by designers at all.

The designer installs the belief virus, which is equivalent to a follower of hellfire, a puppet, and obeys orders.

Designers can refer to any technology at will.

Fang Jing has always been interested in electronic machinery. She seems to have found a treasure house, and spends a lot of time in the laboratory every day doing research.

Ye Chui rarely goes in, because those technologies are of no use to Ye Chui.

From the standpoint of his master craftsman, any technology of technological civilization can be interpreted with the theory of cultivation civilization.

For the technologies in Hellfire, if he wanted, he could use the theory of cultivation civilization to carry out inverse reasoning.

But he didn't have time for these things.

This Hellfire laboratory is handed over to Fang Jing.

When Fang Jing has a problem that she doesn't understand, Ye Chui will help her.

This is also to cultivate Fang Jing's ability in this area in a disguised form. Ye Chui wants to use Fang Jing to steal Hellfire's advanced technology.

——In addition to mobile phones, cars, and networks, Ye Chui will also create other technological products in the future, such as TV sets, washing machines, etc., and use these to compete for the power of sentient beings in Hellfire. There are various technological products, Mr. Ye Chui You can't study everything by yourself, Fang Jing is the most important step.

He wants Fang Jing to master Hellfire, which is decades ahead of modern technology, and then help Ye Chui create a technological kingdom that belongs to him.

As for the night fire plan to penetrate Hellfire, Qianlong Group is now fully supporting it.

Originally, Ye Chui's iPhone 6s was sold to Shen Kun, but now Shen Kun has been injured by Zhao Ming's men - it is said that he will be hospitalized for at least half a year, and his counterfeit mobile phone sales network has also been cut off.

But Ye Chui need not worry at all.

The Qianlong team immediately found several counterfeit mobile phone sellers for Ye Chui.

"If you want to gain the trust of Hellfire, you must make achievements, so you must increase the sales of counterfeit mobile phones!" Ye Chui said to Zheng Feng.

Zheng Feng reflected this opinion to Longtou, and Longtou immediately issued an order: "Fully cooperate with his counterfeit mobile phone business!"

Ye Chui is also planning to create several more mobile phone production lines.

There are people above, everything is easy to handle!

"However, we can't always produce counterfeit mobile phones like iphone6s, and we should find ways to get more other brands..."

Ye Chui thought about it.

He does not intend to establish a regular mobile phone brand, because counterfeit mobile phones are relatively free, with more convenient prices and distribution, and fewer restrictions.

He wants to produce counterfeit mobile phones to the end!

Strive to spread the sales network of counterfeit mobile phones to all parts of the world, and let counterfeit mobile phones occupy the global market!

"I'm excited just thinking about it..."


When I woke up in my room, it was already noon the next day.

Although after comprehending the power of the heart, he no longer needs to sleep, but sometimes he is too tired, and he still likes to have a refreshing sleep.

Went to the bathroom to wash up, and when he came out again, Ye Chui saw Ozawa on the computer screen, looking at her with a smirk.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Chui asked vigilantly, his computer is definitely a bad attribute, so Ye Chui had to be on guard.

"Hee hee, Brother Ye, you must be very distressed now, right?" Ozawa said with a smirk, "I know it all, An Le'er and Yu Xue both regard you as a male companion, will you meet this afternoon? It must be very difficult to be caught between the two of them, right?"

"What is this?" Ye Chui decided not to let his computer look down on him, "Aren't they just two girls, I'm so good at it!"

"Yeah, I believe in you, Brother Ye." Ozawa nodded, "So I told them that you will do your best to be a male companion—I told them separately, so They all think now that you went to this birthday party just to be with her."

"..." Ye Chui looked at his computer speechlessly.

Fuck, Ozawa, are you trying to kill me to death?

Ozawa winked at Ye Chui: "Brother Ye, fuck you!"

"Damn it!" Ye Chui felt extremely depressed, he felt that he asked Ozawa to play games with Yu Xue, and then asked her to help An Leer open a store, which was clearly a mistake, Ye Chui rolled his eyes and questioned Ozawa, "What the hell are you trying to do?"

Ozawa smirked smirking, with a complacent expression on his face.

What she was thinking at this time was to try to create conflicts with the girls around the master, and it was best to let all the women leave Ye Chui, so that she could monopolize the master...

Ye Chui was too lazy to be here, so he planned to go out after washing up.

Before going out, he thought of something again, and said to Ozawa, "Help me check if there are any good houses for sale in Xizhou City. It's time to change places."

Ye Chuka has more than 500 million yuan in his wallet. Originally, this money was used to buy a luxury car. Now that the car issue is settled, the rest is to settle the house.

With the continuous operation of the mobile phone production line, it can be said that Ye Chui has not been short of money recently.

"Okay, Brother Ye, what kind of house do you want?" Ozawa asked.

"Of course it's a big house." Ye Chui said with a smile.

He wants a big house.

A big house full of beautiful women.

This house can be named as the harem...

Ozawa snorted coquettishly, but did not disobey Ye Chui's order: "Okay, I'll check it out for you as soon as possible."

Ye Chui then went out.

At this time, in a mansion in Xizhou City.

"Boss, you asked me to ask a friend to bring this back from Japan." A Jian handed Zhang Yueyang a beautifully packaged box.

Zhang Yueyang took the box, unpacked it, and took out a stick-shaped thing from inside.

A Jian introduced to the side: "This is the latest massage product in Japan. It is powered by electricity and has an ergonomic design. It can relieve the fatigue of the day after 5 minutes of massage. It is a high-end product. One piece is equivalent to 5 yuan in Huaxia currency. It is said that the rich people in Japan use this product."

Zhang Yueyang looked at this stick-shaped thing and pressed the switch.


The massage stick immediately vibrated quickly. He tried it on his body, and it really felt extremely comfortable.

Zhang Yueyang was very satisfied.

"Give this thing to Yang Shanshan, I think she will like it very much, but..." Zhang Yueyang frowned slightly, "This thing is in the shape of a stick, isn't it... a little unsightly?"

It is said to be a massage stick, but this shape, this switch activation form - it is a bit like some kind of tool that often appears in pornography.

"You don't have to worry about this boss." A Jian said hastily, "Boss, this is the latest Japanese product. It is high-end and high-grade, and it is for the rich. It is quite famous even in the wealthy circle of China. I I think Ms. Yang must have heard about it, so I won't misunderstand you."

"Alright then." Zhang Yueyang made up his mind and put the massage stick back into the box, "Pack this up and use blue gift paper."

"Okay." Akane nodded quickly.

"Also." Zhang Yueyang thought of another thing, "Are those bodyguards ready?"

He will definitely attend Yang Shanshan's birthday party, but he has received accurate information that Ye Chui will also go. Although he knew that Ye Chui would not dare to do anything to him on such an occasion, he still immediately contacted a security guard. The company hired a few bodyguards for him...

A Jian nodded quickly: "Don't worry, I've already made arrangements, they are all top-notch masters."

"Well, that's fine."

at the same time--


In Yu Goudan's luxurious villa, Yu Xue stayed in her room and was curiously studying the thing she was holding in her hand.

The little girl looked at the vibrating stick-shaped thing in her hand, her face was flushed and her heart was beating.

It's somewhat similar to Zhang Yueyang's, but obviously, the function of this thing is not massage.

It's the kind of thing that's often used in porn.

The one in Yu Xue's hand is hard and black, with an electric motor, it vibrates shamelessly...

"Hey, give this thing to Yang Shanshan as a gift, it will definitely relieve your anger!"

Yu Xue said to herself with a smirk, when she separated from An Le'er two days ago, she said that she had already prepared a gift for Yang Shanshan, and her gift was this...the tools commonly used in porn are hard and black.

She could already imagine Yang Shanshan's expression when she opened the gift box and saw this thing.

It must be wonderful!

"Buzzing." The motor of this thing is very powerful and keeps turning.

This thing was bought by Yu Xue, and it just arrived today, holding it in her hand, Yu Xue suddenly imagined something, her face became redder like an apple.

The little girl turned off the switch of this thing, put it in a packing box, and wrapped it in gift paper.

It just so happened that her gift box was about the same size as Zhang Yueyang's.

More coincidentally, the gift paper he used was also blue...


Ye Chui took a taxi and headed to the 4S shop. An Huashan's little wife Yang Shanshan's birthday party was about to start in a few hours.

And this birthday party will definitely be called unforgettable.

——At least for Zhang Yueyang. (To be continued.)

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