When Ye Chui came to the shop, An Le'er was sitting in the hall wearing a dark red dress.

There is a room specially prepared for her in the store, and she has been living here these days.

At this time, she has been well-dressed, with elegant and delicate makeup, and the dark red dress she wears sets off her tall and slender body.Crimson is the most difficult color for women to control. This color is noble and glamorous, but at the same time, it is also the most likely to make people feel vulgar. Most women can't stand it at all.

But An Le'er doesn't have this kind of worry. She has a peaceful and noble temperament, which complements the deep red, like a heavenly being.

"Ye Chui, you're here." Seeing Ye Chui, An Le'er hurriedly stood up holding the hem of her dress.

Her face was a little nervous, and she had a childlike surname, and she complained to Ye Chui.

Ye Chui's face was apologetic: "I've been busy these two days, so I haven't contacted you. I'll treat you to a big meal after the birthday party is over, okay?"

"Who wants to have a big meal with you?" An Le'er murmured childishly, she was not really angry, the quality inspection certificate of Tiantian hammer car has been completed in the past two days, she thought Ye Chui has been busy with this all the time Things, the most attractive man is the man who is ambitious.

Ye Chui walked up to An Le'er and said with a smile, "That's it. I heard that there will be domestic blockbusters released this day. Let's go to the movies together, shall we?"

Watching a movie after dinner, isn't that a date?

An Le'er felt a little longing in her heart, and since she and Ye Chui started dating, the two of them have never been too enthusiastic. An Le'er has not complained about it. Everyone is busy with their careers, which is understandable, but when she heard the invitation for a date at this time, she still felt quite For heartbeat.

It's just because of her arrogance that she subconsciously refused: "I won't go to the movies with you, it must be very boring."

"Then you can choose what movie to watch?"

"It's not too bad." An Le'er smiled, but realized something was wrong, "Wait a minute, I haven't agreed to go to the movies with you yet."

"It's too late, what you said just now is equivalent to agreeing." Ye Chui said with a wicked smile.

"Hmph, big bastard."

After talking and joking with An Leer, Ye Chui and An Leer left to attend the birthday party.

An Le'er was asked to leave the shop first, and Ye Chui closed the door behind, when Ozawa's image suddenly appeared on the flat-screen TV hanging on the wall in the hall.

In this 4s store, many flat-screen TVs are hung on the four walls, which are used to broadcast advertisements and car information.

After Ye Chui let Ozawa take over the store's computers, these TVs were completely controlled by Ozawa, allowing him to appear on any TV.

At this moment, she made a grimace at Ye Chui and curled her lips, as if she was saying that Ye Chui's teasing with An Le'er just now was very nasty.

Wow, this computer is really reversed!

Ye Chui immediately waved his fist at Ozawa, why don't you stay there!

It's a pity that his threats didn't work at all, Ozawa gave Ye Chui a smirk, and then tore off the uniform he was wearing.

The two lumps of soft flesh immediately jumped out like little rabbits, and the waves surged in their chests, which immediately brought a strong sensory stimulation to others.

Ozawa's expression is even more charming and provocative.


Ye Chui felt frightened.

Ozawa, this is not good...

"Ye Chui, what's wrong with you." An Le'er turned her head in doubt.

Ozawa on TV disappeared immediately.

"No...it's nothing." Ye Chui said hurriedly, only Ye Chui saw the scene just now, and the others didn't pay attention.

An Le'er had a strange expression on her face, but she didn't pay much attention and said, "Let's go quickly."

On the road.

"By the way, I'm going to the birthday party, do I need to prepare a birthday gift?" Ye Chui suddenly remembered this matter.

There is no such thing as a birthday party in the civilization of comprehension. Generally, birthdays are held when people live to be 60 years old, [-] years old, [-] years old, [-] years old....

"You don't have to worry, I've already prepared your share." An Le'er said with a smile.

"That's great." Ye Chui said with a smile, "But what is the gift?"

"The gift I gave her is a fashion that was just shown in Paris Fashion Week, and your gift is a Swiss watch." An Leer explained that although she didn't like Yang Shanshan very much, she didn't like Yang Shanshan at all when she chose these two gifts. There is no ambiguity, they are all high-quality products. Of course, the tone of her words at the moment is still a little unhappy, and she has a lot of resentment towards Yang Shanshan.

Seeing this, Ye Chui asked curiously: "You seem to dislike Yang Shanshan very much, why?"

"If you don't like it, you don't like it. Why?" An Le'er seemed a little angry, and gave Ye Chui a hard look, "What's the matter, do you like girls like her?"

Ye Chui recalled Yang Shanshan's appearance in his mind, she was very charming, her eyes were full of seductive charm, such a woman and man would be moved by instinct...so Ye Zhizhi said to An Le'er directly: "How could it be?" , I like a gentle and generous girl like you, Lele."

This is the first time Ye Chui said the words "I like you", An Le'er blushed, but said nothing more.

Seeing An Leer's expression, Ye Chui's heart moved, and he remembered his authority in An Leer's heart: "It seems that she has feelings for me, but why is my authority in her mind so low?"

I can't figure out this question for now, but it's actually very easy to figure it out, just visit An Le'er's consciousness directly.

But accessing her consciousness requires breaking through her subconscious firewall.

The brute force cracking software developed by Ye Chui can do this, but relatively speaking, it will also create a bad impression on An Le'er's subconscious mind, making An Le'er subconsciously hate Ye Chui.

Ye Chui would not do this.

He is now developing another kind of awareness software that compulsively accesses consciousness. It is not a brute force cracking, but access through disguise and confusion.

There are two ways to break through the firewall, one is brute force cracking, and the other is pretending to confuse.

Pretending to be confusing means that Ye Chui disguised his consciousness as someone close to An Le'er, so as to gain access.

This kind of software is more difficult than brute force cracking, and Ye Chui still needs a lot of time to develop it.

"By the way, speaking of Yang Shanshan..."

Ye Chui recalled the aura he felt on Yang Shanshan when he left last time.

At that time Ye Chui just felt puzzled and didn't pay much attention to it.

But thinking about it now...

"Is that the breath of the Hellfire Belief Virus?"

While Ye Chui was thinking about these things, the car had already arrived at the Fenglin villa area in the suburbs.

Park your car in front of the villa.

Compared with the last time I came here, it is much more lively now. There are many vehicles parked at the door, and many people are walking around.

An Huashan is a very prestigious person in Xizhou City. Whether it is wealth or power, he is at the top of this circle. His young wife Yang Shanshan is hosting this birthday party. Naturally, many rich and powerful people want to give it to him. Her face.

At this moment, almost everyone from the entire upper circle of Xizhou City gathered in Xinglin Villa.

"Miss, you are here."

Just as An Le'er and Ye Chui got out of the car, a middle-aged man walked over.

This person is An Huashan's personal butler, Lin Bai.

"Uncle Lin." An Le'er greeted.

Lin Bai nodded, then looked at Ye Chui again: "Mr. Ye, you are here too."

"Hello." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Miss." Lin Bai turned to look at An Le'er again, "The boss told me to wait for you here, and let me take you to find him when you come over."

"Oh." An Le'er nodded. Thinking of the presents she bought, she opened the trunk of the car and took out the two beautifully wrapped presents. She said to Ye Chui, "I'll go see Dad first, Please help me get the gift in."

"Well, okay." Ye Chui naturally had no objection.

Then An Le'er followed Lin Bai into the villa first.

Ye Chui looked around, and he was relieved when he found that Yu Xue was not there.

"It seems that Yu Xue hasn't come yet, so it's just right..."

Although Ye Chui told Ozawa that he can handle the two girls with ease, this kind of thing is still somewhat stressful.

These two girls are not easy-going lamps!

"Let's play by ear later."

Ye Chui picked up two gifts and walked into the villa.

People come and go, very lively, and there are waiters shuttle back and forth, responsible for pouring wine and other services.

Ye Zhizhi came to the hall of the villa, and saw a large table next to it, which was full of gifts. Obviously, this gift was placed here. Ye Chui walked over and put the two gifts in his hand on the table.

"Sir, please register your name on the gift." A beautiful waitress in a low-cut cheongsam said with a smile when she saw this.

"Do you still need to register your name?" Ye Chui was slightly taken aback.

"Yes." The waitress nodded.

"Okay then." Ye Chui took the notepad stickers and pen handed over by the waitress, wrote his and An Le'er's names on them, and pasted them on the two gifts.

I thought to myself, this kind of birthday party does not pay attention to the heart when giving gifts, the weight of the gift represents the weight of friendship, so each gift must clearly write your name.

Then Ye Chui looked at the whole hall.

Most of the people staying in the hall at the moment are men and women in their 30s and [-]s, who are chatting together in twos and threes.

Ye Chui didn't know any of these people.

Switching to someone else will definitely feel at a loss.

But Ye Chui never felt this way.

"Huh? There is self-service food here. It's great. I just didn't eat at noon and I'm hungry."

Seeing some food on the side table for people to enjoy freely, Ye Chui was not polite, walked over to pick up the plate, knife and fork, and started to eat.

The food is delicious, and Ye Chui is very happy to eat, the key is that there are so many, just keep full.


His behavior quickly attracted the attention of others nearby.

"What does this person do? Why is he so uneducated when he eats?"

"The clothes he's wearing are obviously from street vendors. Could it be that he sneaked in to eat and drink?" (To be continued.)

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