"How did this kind of person sneak into the party? It just lowered our taste!" A girl in a famous brand said with a disgusted face. Her voice was loud, and she didn't seem to care that Ye Chui heard it.

Maybe she just wanted Ye Chui to hear it on purpose.

Standing next to her was a fat man, his fat face was full of contempt: "Who went to drive him away? I will never touch the food he touched again!"

His words also reached Ye Chui's ears.

Ye Chui's attention was finally diverted from the food, and he glanced at the group of people who were talking about it.

Fuck, the young master hates being disturbed while eating.

The food that the young master touches will never touch it again?

OK then.

Ye Chui picked up a plate and began to sweep, picking a little of each of the delicacies on these tables and putting them on his own plate.

The fat man's eyes widened immediately, with an expression of disbelief.

He never expected that there would be such a shameless person!

"Why is this person like this?" The woman in a famous brand was also surprised, "Where did this person come from!?"

Other friends also talked about it.

"Being so presumptuous at the party in An Huashan, we'll see how he ends up later!"

"I really don't know how to live or die, I took advantage of it and came here!"

The people who attended the party were all well-dressed. Although it was a hot day, they were all in dresses and suits, looking very solemn.

Only Ye Chui is Xia Ri's daily attire.

Cropped shorts, a short-sleeved T-shirt, and a pair of gorgeous flip flops.

——After the world was reborn, Ye Chui's dress has been very casual.

When meeting An Leer, Ye Chui was also in this state, so when she came with An Leer just now, although An Leer put on a dress, she didn't pay much attention to Ye Chui's dress. Putting on a suit, An Le'er might not get used to it.

In this party, Ye Chui is definitely the weirdest one.

"Quickly call someone to drive him away!"

"This person is here, it is an insult to us!"

A group of young masters and young ladies shouted in low voices, but no one really dared to come over and say something to Ye Chui.

stupid guy!

Ye Chui didn't bother to talk to them, and ate happily on his own.

Rich people's food is different, exquisite and delicious.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion in the hall.

A handsome and extraordinary man in a suit and leather shoes walked in. He quickly became the focus of a group of people, and many people immediately went up to him.

It's Zhang Yueyang.

Zhang Yueyang is definitely a prince type existence in this circle.

Handsome, talented, he seems to be able to do everything successfully. Since he was seventeen or eighteen years old, he has accumulated a lot of fame.

His family is also very prominent, which gives him a detached position in this circle.

There are countless women in this circle who fall in love with him, and many of them are in the same obsessive state as Yu Xue back then.

Ye Chui felt the tickle, chewing the food in his mouth and turning his head to look.

After seeing that it was Zhang Yueyang, he didn't care.

A waiter passed by with a few glasses of wine, so he took a glass, raised his head and took a sip. It tasted very good.

Here, as soon as Zhang Yueyang entered the hall, he immediately scanned it nervously.

Finally, his eyes rested on Ye Chui.

Ye Chui's shorts, t-shirt and flip flops are as conspicuous as fireflies in the dark night.

Zhang Yueyang's body trembled involuntarily, thinking of the time when Ye Chui drove into his car at the foot of Yangchang Mountain, the car was divided into three parts, and finally burst into flames...

Since then, because of being frightened, he has never had a hard time.

The doctor said that it was a psychological problem and he had to overcome it by himself.

But he can't get over it...

Zhang Yueyang felt the bone-piercing fear from Ye Chui. The air conditioner in the hall was fully turned on, but he was still sweating finely.

A Jian followed him, and behind him were four bodyguards who had just been hired from a security company. I heard that they were all retired from the special forces and were very good at fighting.

But none of these made Zhang Yueyang feel any safer.

"Brother Zhang, long time no see, are you free to have dinner together?"

"Brother Yueyang, you are so cruel. It's been a long time since I asked anyone to play with me."

"I heard that a good guild has just opened recently, do you have time to go and have a look?"

A group of people immediately surrounded Zhang Yueyang like stars.

Zhang Yueyang's stiff expression slightly improved, and being complimented by everyone made him feel a little more courageous.

"Hehe, okay." He laughed and entertained.

Ye Chui has been eating from the beginning to the end.

In the past two days, I was rebuilding cars in the wasteland, and the food I ate was not very good - the food was cooked by Fang Jing, and this girl's cooking level was comparable to her singing.

But after returning from the wasteland last night, he slept until noon, and now his stomach is empty, so Ye Chui is eating very contentedly at the moment.

Shit, I don't bother to pay attention to Zhang Yueyang.

Finding that Ye Chui didn't care about him, Zhang Yueyang gradually relaxed.

He thought to himself, although Zhang Yueyang has a good relationship with An Le'er now, the gatherings in this circle are still his territory, so he doesn't have to be afraid of Ye Chui.

Zhang Yueyang began to enjoy being complimented by everyone.

Of course, from time to time, he would sneak a look at Ye Chui, which was completely a subconscious reaction.

"Brother Zhang, that kid over there doesn't know how he slipped in, he looks really eye-catching." A young master noticed Zhang Yueyang's expression, and immediately said knowingly, "I really don't know what to do, dare to go to Anhua Mountain Eat and drink in the villa."

As the young master opened his mouth, the others also followed suit.

——They in this circle always think that they are superior to others. This is the arrogance hidden in their bones. The existence of Ye Chui is simply an insult to them.

At this moment, when he was ridiculed, he spared no effort.

"Should the guard be notified to drive this guy out?"

"Better beat up again."

"Just touched everything, how can there be such a tasteless person?"

Hearing everyone's words, Zhang Yueyang was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood that these people probably didn't know about Ye Chui's relationship with An Le'er, and thought they were a liar who came here to eat and drink?

Hmph, it's no wonder that Ye Chui deserves to be misunderstood with his [***] breath.

Zhang Yueyang's heart suddenly moved, and he thought of something interesting.

"This liar actually slipped in here, it's really audacious, why don't we play tricks on him?" Zhang Yueyang suggested with a smile.


A group of young masters and young ladies immediately became interested. The key point was that Zhang Yueyang proposed it, and everyone immediately showed great interest.

Immediately, seven or eight walked towards Ye Chui.

Zhang Yueyang stood on the spot, with a sneer on his face: If he doesn't do it himself, it doesn't matter even if he cheats these young masters and young ladies, the important thing is to relieve himself.

Soon, these seven or eight people surrounded Ye Chui.

Ye Chui was eating a small sausage, chewing in his mouth, and looked suspiciously at the group of people who came around.

"Hey, where do you come from? Eat and drink without looking at the place, do you know that you will end up miserable?" A girl with a mean face shouted in a sharp voice.

Another son with a fierce look went on to say: "Do you know what will happen if you offend Uncle An in An Huashan? Believe it or not, you will be disabled?"

"Being disabled is not counted, you will still suffer in the future, do you know what is the relationship between Uncle An and the boss of Hemen?" Another boy continued in a cold voice.

Ye Chui swallowed the small sausage in his mouth, and he leisurely inserted another small sausage from the plate into his mouth, and asked vaguely: "Hasn't Hemen been kicked by a bunch of people recently?" Is it gone?"

"..." The boy was speechless for a moment, he just wanted to intimidate Ye Chui, and subconsciously moved out of Hemen, because Hemen is the biggest dark force near Xizhou City, but he forgot to be in front of Hemen. what happened in time...

I heard it was attacked by missiles?I really don't know what horror character they offended.

The young man with fierce eyes snorted coldly, took the conversation and continued to talk to Ye Chui: "Is this something you can control? Get out of here quickly!"

While speaking, he reached out to push Ye Chui.

But his hand suddenly felt a sharp pain.

When he looked down, he found that his palm just touched the fork in Ye Chui's hand.

The steel fork penetrated at least two centimeters into his palm!

"Why are you so careless?" Ye Chui looked helpless, let go of the steel fork, leisurely picked up a new one from the table next to him, and continued to insert the food on the plate into his mouth leisurely deliver.

He looked super leisurely, leaning his butt on the table where the food was placed, and looked indifferently at the group of people surrounding him.

"You...you..." The son who was crossed took a few deep breaths, felt the sharp pain from the palm of his hand, his eyes immediately turned red, and he looked like he was about to go crazy, "you bastard, I can't forgive you..."

He was about to attack Ye Chui.

Others also plan to be helpers with the same hatred.

But at this time, there was another commotion in the hall.

Another guest walked into the hall, attracting everyone's attention.

This time it was Yu... Goudan and his daughter Yu Xue.

In the aristocratic circle of Xizhou City, there are not many people who can attract the attention of others at once. Zhang Yueyang is barely one, but he still lacks a lot of weight compared to Yu Goudan.

Yu Goudan, from the name, one can tell that he is from a mountain village.

Indeed, he comes from a remote mountain village, a mountain village so backward that even now there is no electricity.

From the moment he walked out of the mountain village, his history of struggle has been regarded as a legend, from being penniless and conquering the world to now having a family property of several hundred million.

His style of doing things is like a wolf in the mountains, fierce and decisive, and daunting.

His name is Yu Goudan, which is very joyful.

Many people knew his name, but no one dared to call it directly or laugh.

There was once a promising entrepreneur who heard his name at a banquet and couldn't help laughing, and then... he didn't have any more.

With a vigorous and resolute style, even the wealthy in this circle who are worth a lot like him would not dare to violate his silver prestige.

As he walked in, there was a commotion in the hall, and immediately someone came over to greet him and make friends.

This caused much more commotion than Zhang Yueyang's presence just now.

Many people stared at Yu Xue who was standing beside Yu Goudan.

She is only 20 years old this year. She is small in stature, but her figure is very hot. She has big breasts and a slim waist. She is exactly the legendary girl with big breasts!But now, she was wearing a light blue low-cut dress, which made her even more agile like an elf, but with a bit of temptation like a little devil.

Ordinary people can't hold it when they see it!

There are countless beauties in this hall. It is very easy for a wealthy family to give birth to beauties. Even if they are not beauties, they can be transformed into beauties. Naturally, all of them have excellent appearance and figure, but Yu Xue is obviously more eye-catching among them. attention-grabbing level.

In the upper circles of Xizhou City, there has always been a saying of "the best sisters", and the best sisters refer to An Le'er and Yu Xue.

The beauty and status of the two are evenly matched.

Obtaining one of them is a beautiful blessing cultivated in eight lifetimes.

And when it comes to Yu Xue, many people can't help but think of Zhang Yueyang.

Everyone in this circle knows that Yu Xuexin looked up to Zhang Yueyang, and made a scene of suicide because of Zhang Yueyang playing games. .

Seeing Yu Xue's arrival, those young masters around Zhang Yueyang began to compliment Zhang Yueyang again because of Yu Xue.

"Brother Yueyang, you are really a blessing. The girl Xiaoxue is getting more and more beautiful. What's even more commendable is that she has a deep love for you. Hehe, one of our best sisters in Xizhou City has been in love with you for ten years, and the other is probably about to be killed. Have you got it?" A young man nicknamed Playboy said to Zhang Yueyang with admiration, "What I admire most is Brother Yueyang, hey, you can't be convinced."

"That's right, Brother Zhang is talented and rich, and he's the heir of the Zhang family. His identity and strength are really much stronger than ours. Not to mention these things, even the relationship with the best sisters is beyond our reach." In addition A man followed suit.

A noble lady who admired Zhang Yueyang said sourly: "Brother Zhang, you are really playful. It doesn't count that you have Yu Xue by your side, and you still pursue An Le'er... why don't you add me too?"

In fact, these people also heard about the conflict between Yu Xue and Zhang Yueyang some time ago.

But they didn't take it seriously.

After all, Yu Xue had been secretly in love with Zhang Yueyang since ten years ago, and they felt that even if they had a quarrel, they should have reconciled soon.

This is Zhang Yueyang!

Hearing everyone's compliments, Zhang Yueyang's expression became ugly.

If he had to describe his mood at the moment, it would be... shame.

So ashamed!

Not to mention whether An Le'er can catch up with him, even Yu Xue, who was originally regarded as his concubine, has already ignored him now...

When I saw him, I pretended not to know him at all.

He was still hesitating whether to go over and say hello to Yu Goudan Yu Xue just now, but after hearing these people's compliments, he felt that he lost that face.

At this moment, he could only laugh dryly a few times.

Yu Xue, who was standing at the entrance of the hall, was scanning the entire hall with her eyes wide open.

"Xiaoxue is looking for you, brother Zhang." Someone saw Yu Xue's appearance and immediately said with a smile.

The dude who was nicknamed Playboy also said with a smile, "She will definitely fly over later, let's make room for Brother Zhang."

A group of young masters and young ladies laughed and gave way to a path, surrounding Zhang Yueyang in a semicircle.

Zhang Yueyang: "..."

I wipe, this is even more embarrassing and ashamed!

Yu Xue looked around for a moment, with a joyful expression on her face, she finally found the person she was looking for.

So she ran over quickly.

Because the food table is at the innermost, from the hall to Ye Chui, Zhang Yueyang happens to be in the middle.

So in the feeling of everyone, Yu Xue was running towards Zhang Yueyang.

She is near!

It's about to come to Zhang Yueyang's side!

She has come to Zhang Yueyang's side!


She just ran past Zhang Yueyang's side directly!

Here at Ye Chui, the man who was crossed didn't pay attention to the commotion caused by Yu Goudan, and was staring at Ye Chui with a ferocious face, as if he was about to crush Ye Chui to ashes, and shouted viciously: "You bastard, do you know what my family does, dare to hurt me, I don't want to live..."

At this time, Yu Xue rushed over.

The little girl was very happy and hugged Ye Chui's arm.

"It turns out that you have already come inside, so I couldn't see you outside and thought you weren't coming." Yu Xue was very excited, and she stretched out her small fist and shook Ye Chui's eyes, "If you dare Break the appointment and see how I teach you."

Although what he said was threatening, there was a bit of sweetness in it.

Everyone who noticed the movement here was stunned.


"This...what's the situation?" (To be continued.)

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