The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

164 What a wonderful pair of father and daughter

Ye Chui looked at Yu Xue in amazement.

Although this girl lived together for a period of time, Yu Xue was in a very depressed state during that time. Although she dangled in front of her little panties every day, she felt that she was no longer attractive.

But at this moment, Ye Chui's eyes lighted up when she appeared in such a splendid dress, as if she didn't recognize her.

What surprised Ye Chui the most was that the girl showed such familiarity with him...

But when Ye Chui thought about it, she knew Yu Xue's plan—she definitely did it on purpose. The purpose of doing this was to tell other people at the party that she was not alone in Yu Xue's family. It's broken, but she still has a man who loves her.

After thinking about her small thoughts, Ye Chui naturally wouldn't be angry about it. Since the little girl wants to act, let's play with her.

Ye Chui put his hands on Xue Guangjie's round shoulders, and said with a smile, "Why would I miss the appointment? It's just that I'm a little hungry, so come in and have something to eat first."

"Food!" Yu Xue muttered with her mouth puffed out, and then she suddenly saw the young man next to him, or what she noticed was the fork that this young man stuck in his palm. Yu Xue was very surprised, "Hey, Ye Chui, he What's going on here?"

"Just now he accidentally hit the fork on himself." Ye Chui explained, what he said was 100% truthful.

Yu Xue covered her small mouth and smiled: "It's so stupid."

The son who was forked: "..."

He was originally full of anger, and wanted to teach Ye Chui a hard lesson, but at this moment, he didn't know where the anger went, and he just looked dumbfounded.

Yu Xue was very curious about his injured fork. The girl's big eyes were full of doubts and curiosity, and she asked the young master with a bit of innocence and concern: "Does it hurt?"

Brother Young Master was taken aback for a moment, but Yu Xue actually asked him in such a concerned tone!

——In fact, even in their circle, there are strict class divisions. For example, this son belongs to the category whose family property has not exceeded [-] million. When Yu Xue talked to him with such concern, he became a little moved for a moment.

"It's just a small injury, it's okay." The young master said nonchalantly enduring the pain that made him almost run away.


Yu Xue nodded, and then she made a move like the wind, pulling out the fork from the palm of the young master's hand.

She seemed to have developed a strong interest in this steel fork.

"Hiss..." Brother Young Master immediately gasped, with the fork being pulled out in his hand, and a few small blood sprayed out, his face was distorted by the pain.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Yu Xue looked terrified and innocent, and then... the girl seemed to be acting completely subconsciously, and with a groan, she inserted the fork back into Brother Young Master's hand, "I I didn’t pull it out on purpose, so I’ll give it back to you.”

Other people around: "..."

This kind of small steel fork is specially used to fork meat. The sharp end is very sharp, and it is easy to fork.

Of course not in the original wound.

Brother Young Master's face turned purple in an instant. Although he was very self-controlled, he still couldn't help but want to run away violently at this moment. He glared at Yu Xue angrily.

Do you think Lao Tzu is so easy to bully?

Far Yu Goudan walked over with a gloomy expression.

Brother Young Master suddenly woke up again.

Lao Tzu... Can't you just leave?

The accomplice next to him had already handed him a tissue, and he used it to cover the wound on his palm, gave Yu Xue a look of aggrieved expression, then turned and walked away.

Yu Xue smiled smugly, then turned her head to Ye Chui with an expression of "I helped you vent your anger, you don't have to thank me".

She is not a fool, so she can see what happened just now at a glance, so she deliberately helps Ye Chui vent her anger.

Although Ye Chui didn't think it was necessary, he was still very grateful for Yu Xue's help.

He patted Yu Xue's upturned breasts under the light green dress with a snap: "Thank you."

This girl's dick is still as perky and elastic as ever.

Yu Xue immediately gave Ye Chui a hard look, but she wasn't really angry.

Living together for two months, I don't know how many similar intimate movements.

——This is just a habit, this is definitely not a masturbation!

But the caring people who were looking at this place were all shocked. Damn it, this relationship is definitely not ordinary!

Standing in the distance, Zhang Yueyang couldn't help but tremble all over...

Yu Xue had been secretly in love with him for ten years, and he completely regarded Yu Xue as a flower that he could pick at any time, but there was no intimacy between him and Yu Xue, not even holding hands, he thought to himself, anyway, Yu Xue If you like him so much, it's not too late to do it when the time is right.

But now it's completely impossible.

And Ye Chui casually doing these intimate actions towards Xue... To humiliate him is like giving him a cuckold.

The key is that there is more than one green hat for this feeling...

Suddenly, Zhang Yueyang also saw Yu Goudan walking towards Ye Chui with a gloomy face.

Zhang Yueyang's heart moved, and a sneer appeared on his face.

He hadn't touched Yuxue before. On the one hand, he felt that it was unnecessary for the time being, and on the other hand, he was a little afraid of Yu Goudan.

This is a well-known strong in the circle, and also a well-known baby Yu Xue's daughter.

Just now Ye Chui patted Yu Xue's butt in front of so many people, Yu Goudan must be very angry

Zhang Yueyang snorted and laughed: "Uncle Yu is about to lose his temper."

The young masters and ladies who stood by Zhang Yueyang's side also became interested, waiting to see how Yu Goudan would fix Ye Chui.

Under everyone's gaze, Yu Goudan walked aggressively in front of Ye Chui and Yu Xue.

"When will you marry our Xiaoxue?" Yu Goudan opened his mouth and asked.

"Eh?" Ye Chui was a little speechless.

Zhang Yueyang almost fell to the ground with a fist - what's the situation?

Yu Goudan is not tall, but he is very imposing. He reached out and patted Ye Chui's shoulder: "I heard that you are working with An Huashan's daughter on some kind of car service shop? You have no future. Come to work in my company. In the future, I will give you hundreds of millions of property!"

Fuck, you really deserve to be a local tyrant, a local tyrant with hundreds of millions!

"Father, what nonsense are you talking about!" Although Yu Xue had always been shameless, she still couldn't help herself when she heard Yu Goudan's words suddenly, her face was blood red.

Yu Goudan snorted, why is he talking nonsense, if this matter is not settled sooner, it will be too late!

"This, let's talk about it later..." Ye Chui said with some sweat.

He felt that Yu Goudan didn't really want him to marry Yu Xue right away, this posture...instead, he wanted to make trouble on purpose?

"No!" Yu Goudan was very serious, with fierce eyes.

Yu Xue was not happy anymore, and kicked Ye Chui: "Hey, what's your attitude, wouldn't you be happy to let you marry me?"

"..." Ye Chui was speechless, what a wonderful father and daughter.

Yu Goudan had a tough expression that could not be rejected by others: "My daughter has been living with you for two months, and her belly is getting bigger..."

All around exclaimed, what the hell did they hear? This is definitely shocking gossip in the circle!

Yu Xue was very angry: "Dad, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm not pregnant. Didn't you already take me to the hospital for examination!?"

"It's okay, we can wait until you get married when you're pregnant, anyway, sooner or later." Yu Goudan said nonchalantly.

Fuck me, what kind of logic is this...

Yu Xue was even more angry: "Yu Goudan, believe it or not, I will sever the father-daughter relationship with you in the future!"

——The entire Xizhou City also dared to call Yu Goudan directly by the name Yu Xue.

Yu Goudan finally panicked, and quickly comforted his daughter: "Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore."

His expression at the moment was rather funny, but there was a glint of complacency in his eyes.

Of course it is not that easy to marry his daughter, just as Ye Chui guessed just now, he is here to make trouble!

He knew a little bit about his daughter. From Gu Feihai's two-month purchase of meat buns in Ye Chui's community, he concluded that Ye Chui should be someone his daughter really liked. Yu Goudan was very dissatisfied with this, so he decided to come over and smash the scene, no matter what 21 [-] first occupied Ye Chui.

He didn't believe that An Huashan would give his daughter to Ye Chui because of his trouble just now!

As for the embarrassment of this matter...

When did they ever care about this when they were old at home! ?

Yu Goudan pulled Yu Xue to say nice things to make his daughter happy, but Ye Chui was left aside, he felt a little headache, and felt that this matter was a bit difficult to deal with.

At this time, Gu Feihai suddenly walked to Ye Chui's side.

"Boy, come here and tell you something." The middle-aged man whispered.

Ye Chui gave him a strange look, then nodded, and followed him to a relatively remote part of the hall.

"I have investigated the killer who came to assassinate Xiaoxue last time." Gu Feihai whispered.

The killer in his mouth refers to the fourth-level mental illness.

Ye Chui immediately asked curiously: "Who is the main messenger behind it?"

"I don't know yet." Gu Feihai shook his head, "But I found out that this is a D-rank killer, nicknamed Xiaoshuai. Every killer of this type has a killer agent who is responsible for accepting tasks. I have already Find out, this handsome killer's manager is a man named Wang Jing."

"Then from Wang Jing's mouth, we should be able to know who is the main messenger?" Ye Chui asked.

"It's not as easy as you think." Gu Feihai still shook his head, "The killer world has rules of the killer world, if I attack Wang Jing directly and find the master messenger from him, that would be provoking the killer agreement of the killer world. They will be attacked by killers, but..."

"But what?"

"However, I found out that Wang Jing came to Xizhou City recently. The mental illness mission failed. I think he came to investigate. At this time, he should have contact with the mastermind behind it. I have already found someone to monitor Wang Jing. Maybe we can use this to find out who is behind the scenes.” (To be continued.)

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