Gu Feihai told Ye Chui these things because Ye Chui knew about the killer.

He was afraid that Ye Chui was worried about Yu Xue's safety.

Regarding this point, Ye Chui was indeed a little worried, but the worry was not too great.

Having seen Gu Feihai's skills, Ye Chui felt that Yu Xue's safety could be guaranteed.

Besides, compared to the killer or something, he has indeed been busy with too many things recently.

But at this moment, Ye Chui suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and thought of something: "I heard from Xingmei that Hellfire will issue some tasks for ordinary killers to perform, and Xiaoxue will be hunted down by killers. Could it be related to Hellfire?"

"No." Ye Chui denied this idea again, "Hellfire's assassination missions are issued by those who have rejected Hellfire's invitation, and being invited by Hellfire must at least meet the top level in a certain industry, Xiaoxue... Don't you have the qualifications?"

Except for the hundreds of millions of dollars brought to her by a wonderful father, Xiaoxue should be just a very ordinary little girl.

"If Hellfire invited Ozawa, it would make sense..." Ye Chui had this thought inadvertently.

Then he was startled suddenly.


Hellfire absorbs top talents from various industries in order to research and develop technology. These various industries include various aspects, including gaming, and Ozawa's superb operations on the Internet... If she receives Hellfire's Invitation makes sense.

The most important thing is that Xiaoshuai's assassination target was the woman who lived in this room and played games, and Yu Xue was not named.

Could it be Xiao Ze who this handsome guy wants to assassinate?


After Gu Feihai explained these things to Ye Chui, he turned and walked away.

Ye Chui took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

Without dialing, he said directly to the phone: "Ozawa!"

"Brother Ye." Ozawa's sweet voice came out immediately.

Ye Chui shook his body slightly, and then continued: "There is something I want to confirm with you."

"What's the matter?"

"Have you ever received anything like an invitation from Hellfire?" Ye Chui asked.

"Invitation letter from Hellfire?" Ozawa thought for a while - she is an electronic life, in fact, there is no need to think about this process at all, any memory can be extracted from the data immediately, but she is still very human I took some time to think, and then I said, "Oh, I remembered, yes, it was sent to my inbox in the relic ol some time ago, and it felt as inexplicable as mental illness, so I deleted it directly. "

It was actually sent to Ozawa, but Ozawa was deleted as a psychopath...

This makes sense.

Sure enough, Hellfire issued an assassination mission, and the target was Ozawa, but he was misunderstood as Yu Xue.

Ye Chui thought to himself: "Hellfire will definitely not give up, and will definitely continue to send killers... We must find a way to cancel this mission. I heard from Xingmei that the first time Hellfire sent ordinary killers, if the killers fail , will send executors to carry out the task.”

If the executive is dispatched, it will be very troublesome. The previous [-] was only a first-level executive, so he resisted like that, and it took a lot of effort to kill it.

Although his Huo Lei Shen avatar replaced [-] as the executive, but his personal combat ability is not high.

The Iron Man suit must be made quickly...

When Ye Chui was thinking about these things, Ozawa continued to ask with a smile: "Brother Ye, isn't the birthday party boring? Do you want me to dance to help you adjust? You haven't got the ultimate charming dance I researched yet. Appreciate it."

" leave me alone to cool off!"

Ye Chui said angrily, and then put the phone back in his pocket.

What a hooligan, always trying to seduce him!

Ye Chui looked around the hall and found that the commotion caused by Yu Goudan's father and daughter had calmed down just now. Yu Goudan was pulling Yu Xue and talking aside, with a flattering smile on his face, but Yu Xue's face was puffed up. A very angry look.

At this moment, many people in the hall have developed a strong interest in Ye Chui, and they are all quietly looking at him.

Ye Chui is directly immune to this kind of gaze, he is not full after eating just now, so continue...

And when the other people saw Ye Chui leisurely picking up the plate and eating again, the title of foodie came to mind involuntarily.

"Food!" Seeing Ye Chui's appearance, Yu Xue couldn't help muttering.

Yu Goudan beside her grinned appreciatively: "I can still be so calm and composed on this occasion, I really like this kid more and more."

Villa on the second floor.

The housekeeper Lin Bai told An Huashan in detail what happened in the hall just now.

"Hmph, old man Yu did this on purpose!" An Huashan snorted coldly, "Don't think I don't know, he just wanted to make trouble for me. Ye Chui came here as Lele's boyfriend, and he just made himself How ambiguous my daughter is talking to Ye Chui, I'm really not ashamed! I'll just see how he plans to act in the next play, grab something, this old thing has never robbed me!"

An Huashan muttered to himself angrily, but the butler Lin Bai stood aside but seemed quite helpless.

My boss and Yu Goudan have a good relationship, which belongs to the kind of friendship above business cooperation, but the two often get angry and find fault with each other.

Of course, this kind of fault-finding was purely for self-entertainment, and the two business tycoons enjoyed it.

At the same time, Lin Bai couldn't help but think, this kid Ye Chui is really lucky. If news of the birthday party spread today, he will definitely become the most blessed man in Xizhou City. Things, Ye Chui was pulled in, and he didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse?

Among other things, if this kind of thing happened, Zhang Yueyang would definitely lose face...

"Shanshan, Lele, are you all right? We are going to go down." An Huashan shouted to the bedroom next to him.

Yang Shanshan is trying on a dress.

She originally prepared the dress, but felt unsatisfied temporarily, so she wanted to change it again.

An Le'er stood beside her impatiently, with general interest, but she had to make some comments.

I was called by my father just now and asked her about the recent store. I originally planned to go down to find Ye Chui immediately, but was dragged into the room by my little mother as a reference for the dress. She is not the kind who would directly refuse Some people can only express their dissatisfaction with an unhappy face.

It's a pity that Yang Shanshan's attention seems to be all on her own figure in the mirror, and she doesn't care about her expression.

Yang Shanshan kept asking: "Lele, what do you think of me wearing this dress? Does it look good?"

"Well, it looks good." An Lele responded casually.

"I don't think it's suitable, so I'd better change into another one." Yang Shanshan changed into other dresses as she spoke.

An Le'er's pretty face was full of anger, she must have done it on purpose!

When she heard An Huashan's call, Yang Shanshan finally chose the clothes she liked, she said to An Le'er gratefully: "Lele, thank you for accompanying me to change the dress, what would I do without you."

"..." An Le'er rolled her eyes, it's really hypocritical!

When the two walked out of the room, An Huashan immediately laughed a few times: "Shanshan, you are really beautiful in this dress, and Lele, you are also very beautiful."

Yang Shanshan's face was full of joy, but An Le'er's expression was very flat.

"Okay, let's go down." An Huashan also knew that his daughter and Yang Shanshan were not easy to deal with, but he didn't take it seriously, and greeted with a smile.

In fact, this party banquet, logically speaking, the host should welcome it outside.

However, because it was Yang Shanshan's birthday party, although An Huashan spent all his efforts in preparation, he would not go out of his way to welcome the guests. Moreover, for a party of this level, real bosses would not come in person. The juniors come over.

So at the moment, there are still more young men and women in the hall, and people like Yu Goudan are already the highest status among the guests.

An Huashan walked in the center, Yang Shanshan and An Leer stood in the center, and the three of them walked out of the room on the second floor and walked slowly down to the hall on the first floor.

As soon as they appeared, there was an uproar in the entire hall.

An Huashan had a warm smile on her face, Yang Shanshan had a flowery smile on her face, and An Le'er... This girl seemed to be owed money, with an unhappy expression on her face.

"Lele's city is still too poor. To be a strong woman, you must have a little city." Ye Chui commented in his heart while eating.

An Le'er is the strong woman and president he wants to train, so it seems that he has to find a way to train her in the future.

Although An Le'er looked unhappy at the moment, she didn't know that she was more beautiful than Yang Shanshan.

If it wasn't for seeing her, Yang Shanshan wouldn't have changed her mind temporarily and changed to another dress.

"An Le'er really deserves to be one of the best sisters in Xizhou City. She is really beautiful. If she becomes an actress, she will have nothing to do with those beautiful stars." Beside Zhang Yueyang, the young man with the nickname of Playboy He said in admiration, and then he thought of something, and said to Zhang Yueyang with some compliments, "Only such a girl is worthy of you, Brother Zhang."

Zhang Yueyang held a wine glass in his hand, his expression was a little ugly, he was still brooding over Yu Xue's behavior just now.

The young masters and young ladies around him are not idiots, they know that he cares about what happened just now, but they still chose to compliment Zhang Yueyang, and as the playboy opened his mouth, a group of people started talking in a mess.

An Le'er usually doesn't have much contact with their circle, and most people don't know about An Le'er and Ye Chui, so the focus of compliments at this moment is that An Le'er will definitely become Zhang Yueyang's girlfriend in the future. , that is a certainty.

Before Ye Chui stepped in, most people, including Zhang Yueyang himself, thought they would be with An Le'er in the future.

But that's not the case...

There was a bitter smile on Zhang Yueyang's face. He had always been very prestigious among these young masters, but at this moment he felt ashamed.

Suddenly, Zhang Yueyang thought of something.

Just now when Yu Goudan made such a fuss, most people thought that the relationship between Ye Chui and Yu Xue was very ambiguous. Even if they didn't get married as Yu Goudan said, the relationship between the two had already been affirmed.And this is the birthday party that An Huashan hosted for his lovely wife. At this kind of party, does Ye Chui dare to openly admit that he is in two boats?

In this case, why does he still care about the relationship between Ye Chui and An Le'er?

Maintaining your dignity is the most important thing.

Thus, Zhang Yueyang regained his usual calmness and confidence, smiled before continuing: "My relationship with Lele has improved a lot recently, hehe, it's just a pity..."

Having said that, Zhang Yueyang glanced lightly at Yu Xue who was not far away.

He seemed to be saying that Yu Xue left him because of his development with An Le'er.

In this way, he also found an excuse for being so embarrassing just now.

He thought he was simply too witty!

Of course, the others would not let go of this opportunity, with such expressions on their faces.

"Although Xiaoxue is also a beautiful woman, she is still a bit inferior to An Leer after all."

"That's right, that's right, I heard that you just opened a 4S store in Yueyang, which is next to An Leer's store, so you are a husband and wife store."

"Brother Zhang, you and An Le'er are definitely a match made in heaven."

Amidst the compliments, Zhang Yueyang was greatly satisfied.

At this time, An Huashan brought Yang Shanshan and An Le'er down the stairs to the hall.

I just heard An Huashan say with a smile: "Thank you for attending my lover's birthday party today, hehe, taking this opportunity, I have another piece of good news to announce to you all."

While An Huashan was talking, he gave Yu Goudan a faint look, his eyes seemed to say, old man Yu, I know you are here to make trouble, and I will not let you do what you want.

Then he took An Le'er's hand, and continued with a smile: "Lele recently made a boyfriend, hehe, I feel very happy to be a father. I thought this girl was not going to get married in this life. Don't worry, today I will introduce Lele's boyfriend to everyone."

There was an uproar in the hall again.

Then many people involuntarily looked at Zhang Yueyang.

"Brother Yueyang, I didn't expect that Uncle An would come here today to directly announce the relationship between you and An Leer's boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Brother Zhang, congratulations, you have a treat tonight."

A group of people immediately smiled and said to Zhang Yueyang, after what Zhang Yueyang said just now, everyone subconsciously thought that the boyfriend Anhua Shankou was talking about would be Zhang Yueyang.

But Zhang Yueyang's complexion became ugly.

He already had a very bad premonition...

"Everyone must be wondering who my daughter's boyfriend is?" An Huashan said with a smile, and then he was holding the plate to Ye Chui, who was a little stiff, and said, "Ye Chui, come here and let everyone get to know each other."


The hall immediately exploded.

Excuse me, what's going on here?

Ye Chui: "Fuck, are you trying to kill me?"

Zhang Yueyang: "..." (To be continued.)

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