Yu Xue had a shocked expression.

This reminded her of when she was still in high school, she would live in a dormitory to recuperate because of illness, and then she was suddenly curious, so she secretly took out her laptop and downloaded a few small movies to watch.

When the red-eared and red-faced red heart was beating faster, the housekeeper aunt suddenly pushed the door and walked in...

The embarrassment at that time was exactly the same as Yu Xue's feeling now.

No, it should be stronger and make her feel even more ugly!

Damn, if Yang Shanshan tore open her gift wrapping and took out one of those things with a smile on her face later...she would not live anymore!

Yu Xue's expression did not escape Ye Chui's sight, he asked a little strangely: "Xiaoxue, what's wrong with you?"

"No, it's nothing..." Yu Xue shook her head subconsciously, and she glanced at the gift table near the entrance of the hall with flickering eyes. The big table was filled with all kinds of gifts. One of them, she wondered if she could steal it?

An Le'er didn't notice Yu Xue's strangeness, but Ye Chui felt something was wrong.

Why did this girl suddenly become so panicked when she heard Yang Shanshan say that she wanted to open the gift on the spot?

There are oddities.

Suddenly, Ye Chui thought that Yu Xue said in a rather strange tone that she had already thought of a gift for Yang Shanshan...

Could this gift of hers be something shady?

"Hello." Ye Chui leaned closer to Xue's ear, "Did you give Yang Shanshan any special gift?"

Yu Xue's mouth puffed up, hesitated for a moment, and leaned closer to Ye Chui's ear, blushing and whispered the gift she gave to Ye Chui.

"What?" Ye Chui was shocked even though he thought he had strong psychological receptivity.

Fuck me, this girl actually did something like that...

Yu Xue pulled the hem of Ye Chui's T-shirt, looked pitiful, and said to Ye Chui in a low voice: "Can you help me take that thing away, or if that gift is opened later... Don't live!"

Seeing Yu Xue's embarrassment at the moment, Ye Chui found it very interesting.

But at the same time, he also felt that this matter had to be resolved.

"This gift was really taken out... Although it should be very interesting, but the consequences are not good. Even if Xiaoxue did things too much in the past, I'm afraid she will lose her face?" Ye Chui thought to himself, feeling very sad. Headache.

"I'll help you get rid of the presents." Ye Chui finally said to Yu Xue with some amusement.

Yu Xue immediately cheered up and asked her to steal the gift by herself. She was still a little nervous. She put her hands together and looked at Ye Chui gratefully: "Ye Chui, you are so kind, thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, you don't have to thank me, after I've dealt with your gift, just promise me one thing." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Yu Xue asked curiously.

Ye Chui glanced at Yu Xue's plump breasts under the pale green dress, smiled and said in a low voice, "Let me touch your tits, okay?"


Yu Xue immediately kicked Ye Chui, and Ye Chui took the opportunity to jump away and ran to the big table where the presents were placed.

"Hmph, pervert!" Yu Xue looked angrily.

"Xiaoxue, what's wrong with you, what did Ye Chui do?" An Le'er asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Yu Xue shook her head and said.

Although she gave Yang Shanshan that thing as a birthday present to vent her anger on An Le'er, but she knew An Le'er, if she knew that she was messing around like this, she would definitely be angry too.

An Le'er looked puzzled, but didn't think too much, and turned to look at the center of the hall.

Yang Shanshan was the center of attention, standing in the center of the hall, surrounded by all the guests.

Generally speaking, at birthday parties, out of respect for the guests, presents are not opened on the spot. This is an ancient tradition in China.

However, this kind of birthday party is originally for entertainment purposes, and just now Yang Shanshan felt that she had been robbed of the limelight, and she was a little upset, so she wanted to unwrap the presents on the spot, so that the focus of everyone's attention would be on her for a long time ——She used to be a well-known singer, and what she enjoys most is the attention of the public, and she also understands how to attract the attention of the public.

However, there were countless guests who participated, and those who did not participate but gave gifts. There were at least a hundred gifts. Naturally, she would not open all of them, and would only select more important guests.

The first few gifts to be unwrapped were from several officials in the city.

Anhuashan's beautiful wife's birthday party, they will definitely not be there due to their identities, but there will be many gifts.

These gifts are the most respected, and Yang Shanshan will naturally open their gifts first.

Lin Bai, the butler, was in charge of choosing the presents. He was holding the gifts of several high-ranking and powerful figures and stood aside, waiting for Yang Shanshan to unwrap them.

No matter how expensive the gift is, Yang Shanshan will inevitably say: "I like this gift so much." and other words of praise.

And just as everyone was attracted by Yang Shanshan, Ye Chui quietly slipped to that table.

He easily found An Le'er's gift.

The gift was a rectangular box wrapped in blue gift paper.

Thinking of the kind of thing inside, Ye Chui couldn't help but smile.

"What a bold girl."

Ye Chui sighed in his heart, and planned to take this gift away.

But suddenly, he saw something.

Then a smirk appeared on Ye Chui's face again.

"Zhang Yueyang's gift box is exactly the same size as Yu Xue's, and it's also made of blue wrapping paper..."

Fuck, I have to do something at this moment.

Looking around, he found that no one was paying attention, so Ye Chui quickly tore off the stickers of the two gift boxes, and exchanged them.

Suppressing a smile, Ye Chui slipped back to An Le'er and Yu Xue again.

"Did you steal it?" Yu Xue asked in a low voice.


"No!?" Yu Xue was taken aback for a moment.

Ye Chui chuckled, and said something in Yu Xue's ear, and then Yu Xue couldn't help showing a smirk...

An Le'er looked at Ye Chui and Yu Xue strangely, and became even more curious: "What are these two doing?"

Center of the hall.

Yang Shanshan quickly finished unpacking several gifts, and then Lin Bai went to pick out a few more gifts.

Among the gifts this time, there happened to be a blue gift box with Zhang Yueyang's name written on it.

Yang Shanshan first picked up a gift, which was a gift from the boss of a large company. It was a valuable bracelet. Yang Shanshan naturally smiled and said that she liked it very much, and solemnly gave the gift to her subordinates.

Then he picked it up again, but it happened to be Zhang Yueyang's gift box.

"This is a gift from Yueyang." Yang Shanshan smiled and glanced at Zhang Yueyang's direction, "I'm looking forward to what gift Yueyang will bring me."

At this party, Ye Chui had enough of the limelight, while Zhang Yueyang was simply reduced to a laughing stock.

Following Yang Shanshan's words, everyone looked at Zhang Yueyang involuntarily, with complicated eyes.

Zhang Yueyang was also slightly startled, then he snorted in his heart and thought: "Although I was ashamed just now, I can't just let go of my face! I want to show a calm look, Xiao Xiao What kind of setbacks are you? The more this is the case, the more calm I have to be, and I can't show a little bit of cowardice because of other people's opinions!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Yueyang showed a very indifferent smile, and walked in front of Yang Shanshan.

"Mrs. An, I carefully prepared this gift for you. Can I say a few words before you open it?" He asked with a smile.

Yang Shanshan replied with a smile: "Of course there is no problem, Yue Yang, you can say whatever you want."

Zhang Yueyang smiled faintly, he was quite proud in his heart, Yang Shanshan is An Huashan's wife, a wealthy wife, what kind of valuable things have you never seen before?

The few things that were disassembled before were all antiques and jewelry. Could it be that Yang Shanshan lacked these things?There is no sincerity at all!

On the contrary, his gift was ingenious.

It may not be as valuable as those, but it will definitely meet Yang Shanshan's wishes.

Zhang Yueyang has received strict training since he was a child, and he understands people's sophistication very well. What he gave Yang Shanshan was a massage tool—how would Yang Shanshan use this thing?Of course, I gave An Huashan a massage.

This gift was for Yang Shanshan, and it meant to please An Huashan.

Kill two birds with one stone, this is the mind.

Yang Shanshan naturally had no objection when she heard Zhang Yueyang's words, and said with a smile: "Of course, what do you want to say, Yueyang?"

Zhang Yueyang chuckled, then pointed to the gift in Yang Shanshan's hand and started talking.

"This gift may not be very expensive, but it was carefully selected by me. I asked a friend to bring it back from Japan. It is a high-tech product. It may not be popular in China now, but in Japan, those celebrities Rich people, almost all use this thing, it will relieve the fatigue of the day, and after using it for half an hour every day, it can give people extraordinary enjoyment."

Ye Chui, who was standing in the distance, followed Yu Xue and opened his eyes involuntarily.

The expressions of the two of them were distorted because of enduring the urge to burst out laughing.

Yu Xue's petite body leaned against Ye Chui's side involuntarily, holding Ye Chui's arm tightly with both hands.

Only the two of them knew what was in the gift box...

——I use this thing almost every day. It will relieve the fatigue of the day. Using it for half an hour a day can make people enjoy flying.

Excuse me, Zhang Yueyang, do you dare to be more explicit?

Yang Shanshan had already become interested in this gift, and asked curiously: "Yueyang, what you said made me even more curious. Is this thing really so good?"

"Of course." Zhang Yueyang said proudly, and he talked freely, "It is an electric high-tech, and it was put into use after extensive application tests in Japan. Japan is authoritative and humane in this respect. Design, Mrs. Ann, you deserve it."

Ye Chui and Yu Xue couldn't help hugging each other.

They stood on the periphery, and this action did not attract attention.

It feels very hard...

"What's wrong with you?" An Le'er stood beside the two of them, asking in surprise.

"No...it's nothing." Ye Chui struggled to squeeze out these few words.


An Le'er looked at the two of them strangely, there must be something strange in them!

Zhang Yueyang continued to show off and said: "I can't do without it every day now. I can't sleep without it to relax every night. Hehe, I believe Mrs. An, you will also be inseparable from it every day. The most important thing Yes, you can not only enjoy the pleasure it brings you, but you can also use it to help Uncle Ann relax, I believe Uncle Ann will also like it."

Yu Xue couldn't bear it anymore, she opened her small mouth and bit Ye Chui's shoulder.

Otherwise, she was afraid that she would faint from laughter.

Ye Chui was sweating profusely, what the hell, dare to bite?

Like the young master, he endured so hard. Do you want to bite this girl?

After thinking about it, Ye Chui wrapped one arm behind Yu Xue, and then grabbed her upturned buttocks, rubbing and rubbing vigorously.

Well, this method was really effective, and it slightly weakened Ye Chui's urge to burst out laughing...

Gu Feihai was standing not far away, he was always paying attention to Xiaoxue's situation, and at this moment, he happened to see Ye Chui's hands ravaging Yuxue's buttocks.

The middle-aged man blushed and looked away: "Oh, young people nowadays..."

In the middle of the hall, Yang Shanshan was eager to give it a try: "Yueyang, I'm so interested in this gift after hearing you say that, I can't help but want to give it a try."

"Hehe, Mrs. An, you can try it on the spot." Zhang Yueyang said with a smile.

Everyone else also showed expectant expressions, very curious about what kind of gift Zhang Yueyang gave.

Zhang Yueyang was very satisfied with everyone's expecting gazes, and this effect was what he wanted!

With a tearing sound, Yang Shanshan tore open the blue gift wrapping paper of the gift box as expected.

Opening the box, she put her hand in, and after a while, she took out a hard and black stick.

The smile on her face froze immediately. (To be continued.)

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