Not only did the smile on Yang Shanshan's face froze, even the others were dumbfounded at the moment.

They were full of anticipation for the gift, and some of them had thought that it might be something for massage, but... even if they were killed, they would never have thought that there would be such a thing in it!

Zhang Yueyang was even more shocked, and his thinking was dull.

The only one who was not stunned by this situation was Ye Chui and Yu Xue.

The two hugged each other tightly, you bit me and touched you trying hard not to laugh, this is so funny...

At this moment, looking at the thing in Yang Shanshan's hand, many people couldn't help but think back to what Zhang Yueyang said before.

"It will relieve the fatigue of the day, and after using it for half an hour every day, it can give people the enjoyment of flying."

"It was put into use after extensive application tests in Japan. Japan is authoritative in this respect. It is a humanized design. Mrs. An, you deserve it."

"I can't live without it every day now, and I can't sleep without it relaxing every night."

"Not only can you enjoy the pleasure it brings you, but you can also use it to help Uncle Ann relax. I believe Uncle Ann will also like it."

And the last sentence: "Mrs. An, you can try it on the spot."

This is teasing!

It's Chi Guoguo's insult!

Revenge that can only be carried out with incomparable hatred and incomparable resentment!


The sound of vibration suddenly sounded, but it was Yang Shanshan who accidentally touched the switch, and the hard and black thing began to vibrate violently.


Yang Shanshan screamed and threw the thing on the ground by mistake.

She was short of breath, and there was a look of despair on her face that she wanted to die after being so insulted, and this despair turned into anger, and she couldn't restrain the anger like a volcanic eruption.

"Antai, this..." Zhang Yueyang tried to explain something.


Yang Shanshan slapped her with a slap, her eyes mixed with viciousness and anger: "You bastard!"

"I..." A red handprint immediately appeared on Zhang Yueyang's face.

He was about to say something, but someone grabbed him by the collar.

It was An Huashan who grabbed him.

This old man, who has always been full of city and connotation, is spewing flames in his eyes at this moment. He has never been so angry. What Zhang Yueyang said just now, "You can also use it to help Uncle An relax. I believe Uncle An will also like it." Go for it." The one next door to Spicy, what does this guy mean! ?

An Huashan did not beat others like Yang Shanshan.

Those who beat people are reckless. Only by using means and brains to completely destroy the other party is the real hero.

"You are responsible for everything you did today, Zhang Yueyang, I will make you no longer have a foothold in Xizhou City from today on!"

"Uncle Ann..."

"get out!"

An Huashan shouted loudly, making the entire hall silent.

Even Ye Chui, following Yu Xue's side, couldn't help regaining a little calm.

Yu Xue seemed to be a little frightened, some fear flashed across her eyes, she put herself in her shoes and thought, if Ye Chui hadn't exchanged the gifts between the two of them, then she might have been the one who received this kind of anger, but then she calmed down again. She made up her mind, Ye Chui was so reliable, what was she worried about.

As for Ye Chui, the expression on his face was still very calm. Of course, An Huashan would not scare him, but he just felt that the old man was quite imposing when he got angry.

Zhang Yueyang dared to stay here again, and walked outside with a look of embarrassment.

The guests in the hall gave way to him one after another, Zhang Yueyang even slipped accidentally, and after getting up from the ground, he felt a bit like shit, and rushed out of the hall in a hurry.

Those young masters and young ladies who were fawning over Zhang Yueyang were all in a strange mood. It was hard to guess what kind of mood Zhang Yueyang would be in to give Yang Shanshan such a gift of self-death?

It seems that there should be no more communication with him in the future, and just now Zhang Yueyang was angry and said that Zhang Yueyang would no longer have a foothold in Xizhou City, and I am afraid that there will be no chance to have more contact with him in the future...

Zhang Yueyang stumbled out of Xinglin villa and got into his car.

The three consecutive strikes at the birthday party, and the final strike, was fatal.

"How could this be... How could the gift change?" He muttered to himself, at that time he clearly watched the gift being put into the box by A Jian, how could it become that thing?

"Boss." A Jian got into the passenger seat of the car at this time, "I... I seem to know what's going on?"

"What's going on?" Zhang Yueyang looked at A Jian with red eyes.

"I saw Ye Chui sneak up to the gift table while Yang Shanshan was unwrapping the presents, and what he did, but I was standing outside the hall, so I didn't see clearly." Jian whispered.

He, and the few bodyguards Zhang Yueyang found, are not qualified to enter the hall.

"Ye Chui..." Zhang Yueyang chanted this name, never hating it so much as now, all the previous things appeared in front of his eyes, all kinds of humiliation rolled in, he was afraid and fearful before, but at this moment It turned into unforgettable anger and fierceness, and he growled in a low voice, "I will kill him! I must kill him!"

Ah Jian who was sitting on the side, his eyes lit up at this moment, thinking of something, he lowered his voice and whispered to Zhang Yueyang: "Boss, I have a way to kill Ye Chui."

"What way?" Zhang Yueyang turned around and asked.

"Look for a killer." A Jian said in a gloomy voice.

"Assassin?" Zhang Yueyang hesitated slightly. Although he was domineering, he never wanted to get in touch with things that were too dark, especially killers. His family hated such behavior... But at this moment, Zhang Yueyang couldn't think of so much , he asked, "Can you contact the killer?"

"I know a killer manager." A Jian saw that Zhang Yueyang was interesting, and immediately said hastily, "We can use him to contact the killer to kill Ye Chui!"

"Really?" Zhang Yueyang was overjoyed, "Okay, I'll leave this matter to you."

Thinking of something, Zhang Yueyang then asked again: "How did you know the killer manager? What's his name?"

"We met while drinking in a bar a few days ago." A Jian said, "His name is also quite interesting, Wang Jing."


in the hall.

Yang Shanshan felt that she was so ashamed, she had no face left to stay in the hall, she covered her face and went back to her room.

Zhang Yueyang was furious, said "you can do whatever you want" and followed him back.

Only the scene of Lin Bai greeting was left in the hall.

If this kind of thing happened, the birthday party would naturally not go on.

The original arrangement was for a party in the afternoon, followed by a grand banquet and dance in the evening.

But at this moment, everyone is very knowledgeable and is about to leave silently.

An Le'er went to the room to comfort her father and Yang Shanshan, and then left.

She was a little angry, although she was very happy to see Zhang Yueyang and Yang Shanshan making embarrassments.

But just now it became clear that even her father was hacked together...

Ye Chui sat in the car with Yu Xue and waited for An Le'er.

When An Le'er came to the car, she couldn't help but sweat a little.

The driver's seat of the car was empty, and Ye Chui followed Yu Xue to sit in the back seat.

Are these two waiting for her to drive?

"I don't have a driver's license." Ye Chui explained seriously.

Yu Xue spread her small hands: "I have a driver's license but I haven't driven for a long time, and I forgot how to drive."

An Le'er was a little speechless, then got into the driver's seat in a fit of anger, and started the car.

——Before An Le'er came out, Ye Chui colluded with Yu Xue to prevent An Le'er from getting angry and asked her to drive, so that she would have no time to blame the two.

An Le'er is not a fool, just now Ye Chui followed Yu Xue's weird look, so she guessed that it was the two of them who made it up.

But... Ye Chui soon realized that he was wrong, very wrong.

An Le'er was very angry, she stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and the car was speeding along the suburban road.

Fuck, this girl is completely fucked in the car.

Yu Xue's petite body immediately began to tremble.

Even if Ye Chui had the experience of riding a steel egg at extreme speed, he couldn't hold it at all at this moment.

Although the steel egg is fast, it is safe and secure, and there will never be any accidents, but An Le'er...

"Lele." Yu Xue almost cried in fright, "I was wrong, okay? I just want to vent my anger for you..."

"No!" An Le'er said angrily.

"Then why don't you stop first?" Ye Chui continued.

"Don't stop!" An Le'er continued to say angrily.

Ye Chui: "..."

The car was driving fast all the way, there were not many cars on the suburban roads, most of them were people who had left the party before,

Soon, there was a turning point ahead. .

"Slow down, slow down!" Ye Chui shouted.

But An Le'er's eyes were full of murderous intent at the moment, it seemed that this girl wanted to play with elegance?

Fuck me, don't be so overwhelmed!


At the corner, An Le'er stepped on the brakes, and the car flicked perfectly, brushing the ground and then swung over.

The movement is chic and the posture is graceful.


The whole thing rolled over and spun 720 degrees in the air.

The screams of Yu Xue and An Le'er resounded at the same time.


When the car rolled in the air, Ye Chui kicked the door of the car, and at the same time hugged Yu Xue's slender waist with one hand, and rushed out quickly.

At the same time, with a light flick of his other hand, Huo Lei Shen's Hammer was thrown into the driver's seat, transforming into a Huo Lei Shen dressed in black, Huo Lei Shen hugged An Le'er, and then hit the windshield with his back Glass, with the sound of shattering glass, rushed out holding An Le'er.

At the same time, Huo Leishen quickly returned to Ye Chui's side and blended into Ye Chui's body, and An Le'er was also hugged by Ye Chui.

Holding the two girls, Ye Chui fell to the ground.

At this moment, An Le'er's red trot just crashed into the field beside the road with a bang, splashing a big crater directly on the soft ground, and then rolled a few times before stopping, the car body was completely deformed , the windows of the car were shattered, and it seemed that the car was completely scrapped.

"Lele must be equipped with a Sky Hammer car..." This was the thought that flashed in Ye Chui's mind. (To be continued.)

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