There was a serious car accident here, and other driving vehicles immediately gathered over.

Many people recognized An Le'er's car, and they were all surprised when they saw the car thrown off the road and then rolled into the mud from a distance.

With such a tragic impact, I'm afraid it's impossible for the people in the car to recover, right?

Gu Feihai was the first to rush over. The middle-aged man looked angry and worried. Looking at the deformed car, he shouted in a trembling voice: "Xiaoxue! Xiaoxue!"

"Old man, I'm here." Yu Xue's voice sounded, but it came from behind.

"Huh?" Gu Feihai was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look.

He came here in such a hurry that he didn't notice that Ye Chui was lying on the ground, while Yu Xue and An Le'er were squatting aside with doubts on their faces.

Neither of them seemed to understand what was going on.

They didn't suffer any harm, but when Ye Chui's Huo Lei Shen ** took An Le'er out of the car, the broken glass left a faint bloodstain on An Le'er's arm.

"Xiaoxue, are you okay?" Gu Feihai rushed to Yu Xue's side and asked with concern.

Yu Xue shook her head, she looked at Ye Chui suspiciously, and tried her best to recall what happened just now: "Just now when the car overturned, Ye Chui rushed out holding me..."

"Me too." An Le'er had the same impression, that time happened so fast, she only felt that someone was holding her and flew out, but she didn't realize whether that person was Ye Chui or someone else, An Le'er's anger at the moment It had already been extinguished, with a deep self-blame on his face, "I'm sorry, I just... thought I could fly away, obviously I could do it before."

"Huh?" Ye Chui was a little strange, "Have you ever played Piaoyi before?"

"Yes." An Le'er nodded.

Just when Ye Chui felt that this girl was a bit unfathomable, An Le'er went on to say: "I'm very good at Need for Speed, and I'm very good at Karting, with elegant movements."

Ye Chui: "..."

Yu Xue: "..."

Gu Feihai: "..."

Girl, do you dare to be unreasonable?

Although the car accident just now was tragic and thrilling, no one was injured after all, everyone is happy, the most important thing is that An Leer's complaints about Ye Chui and Yu Xue just now disappeared, although the price is a bit high-the two scrapped red cars are BMWs The latest sports car of the 3 series, worth 30.

Others gathered around one after another, surprised to see that no one was injured in such a tragic car accident.

Gu Feihai also drove here by himself, he called someone to deal with it, and then left here with Ye Chui Yuxue and An Le'er.

Yu Xue still went back to her father's villa, and An Le'er was sent to the 4S shop first. She has been living here for the past few days, and she is used to it.As for Ye Chui, Gu Feihai finally drove him to the community.

"Zhang Yueyang's gift was made by you, right?" Gu Feihai chuckled, "It's so cruel that it was replaced with that thing. By the way, where did you get that thing?"

"You don't know?" Ye Chui was a little surprised, and said with a smile, "Xiaoxue originally planned to give it to Yang Shanshan, but I changed it."

"..." Zhang Yueyang was speechless for a moment, his expression was complicated.

That thing turned out to be a gift from his innocent and lovely Xiaoxue...

In this way, all the way to the outside of the community.

"What's happening with Wang Jing, I'll let you know?" Before Ye Chui got out of the car, Gu Feihai asked with a smile.

Originally, Gu Feihai didn't intend to let Ye Chui get involved in this matter, but just now when the car rolled over, Ye Chui got out of the car with two girls in his arms, leaving all three of them safe and sound. This is even more powerful than the special effects shot of a Hollywood car chase , his evaluation of Ye Chui was one point higher, and he also asked him about the assassination of Yu Xue's mastermind behind the curtain.

Ye Chui knew that the mastermind behind this was Hellfire, but since Gu Feihai asked him, he couldn't refuse, so he smiled and said, "Okay."

"Hehe, the boy is courageous, wait for me to contact you." Gu Feihai smiled and waved, and drove away.

Ye Chui returned to the room.


Ye Chui had dinner and sat on the sofa peacefully.

Strands of blue electric light stretched out from his hands, and then formed a pair of blue drawings in the air.

This blueprint is a forging mold, and Ye Chui is forging a magic weapon.

Iron Man Suit!

Ye Chui had this plan when he met the [-] executive for the first time. He is a blacksmith. Does this earth have spiritual energy? With the help of external force.The tattooed battle armor on [-] gave him inspiration, why didn't he build a similar armor?Of course it won't be a tattoo engraved on his body, Ye Chui doesn't like that kind of non-mainstream look,

Therefore, Ye Chui planned to engrave the pattern on the clothes.

This is Ye Chui's Iron Man suit. Although the appearance is a bit different from the Iron Man in the movie, with the creative ability of Master Ye Chui, the appearance of this Iron Man suit is just as cool.

"There is no problem with engraving the lines, it is easy for me, but the difficulty is the problem of energy..."

Ye Chui was thinking in his heart while constructing the model drawings.

"The Iron Man in the movie is driven by a micro-nuclear reaction, which belongs to super energy."

"And now I can only use electricity or heat."

"My Fire Thor's Hammer can store these two kinds of energy, but if I want to have considerable power, these two kinds of power are not enough. If it is only these two kinds of power, then my body has the ability to fully exert these two kinds of power With the strength of the Iron Man, the Iron Man suit seems superfluous."

"But if nuclear energy is used... the miniature nuclear reactor in the movie is fictitious after all. Alas, it would be great if I could upgrade the Calcining Heart Sutra as soon as possible."

The atmosphere of the Calcining Heart Sutra has [-] levels and four stages. Every time you advance to a stage, you have an opportunity to forge your body.

The so-called forging is to integrate other magic weapons into the body.

When Ye Chui ascended from the third stage to the fourth stage, he entered the second stage from the first stage. During this process, he integrated a computer into his brain.You have to wait until the next time you can integrate the magic weapon into your body, and you have to wait until you ascend to the seventh level...

"It's time to integrate the body into a nuclear reactor...but it's useless to think about it now."

"It would be great if you had Yuanli..."

Yuanli is a kind of wonderful energy after refining and compressing the aura of heaven and earth. This kind of energy is very pure and powerful.

At that time, that [-] injected a little Yuanli liquid into his body, and his overall strength improved several levels.

If Ye Chui's Iron Man suit could be powered by Yuanli, then the power would naturally be extremely powerful.

"Hellfire has a way to create it!"

"The points can be exchanged for Yuanli Liquid...but I want to find out how to make this Yuanli Liquid!"

"This method is a secret that only executives and liaison officers above level [-] are qualified to know."

Ye Chui asked Xingmei about the matter of Yuanliye, but whether it is [-] who Ye Chui replaced, or Xingmei, they are both first-level executives and liaison officers, and they are not qualified to know about Hellfire Yuanliye. extraction method.

Ye Chui is the designer of Hellfire. After entering the laboratory with Fang Jing, he searched for the method of making Yuanli Liquid among the technologies disclosed by Hellfire, but still did not find any relevant information.

"In order to exert the strongest ability of the Iron Battlesuit, you must rely on Yuanli Liquid... Before that, maybe I can use the points to exchange some Yuanli Liquid first?"

Ye Chui looked at the void in front of the room, the power of his heart was running, and a portal appeared in front of him immediately.

The God of Fire and Thunder rushed out of Ye Chui, suspended in front of the door in the void, passed the verification of the virus of faith, pushed the door and walked in.

**appeared in the executive lounge, Ye Chui controlled Huo Leishen** from another door to the outside corridor, and then walked all the way to the next reception hall.

This is the third time Ye Chui has been here.

After returning from Fanghai City a few days ago, Ye Chui came here once to explain the task of absorbing Brother Hammer to become a designer.

That task was a simple one-star task, which allowed Ye Chui to get ten points, plus the thirteen points that 23 originally had, he now has a total of [-] points.

"23 points, I don't know how much Yuanli liquid can be exchanged for?"

Ye Chui sat down on a seat in the reception hall. This reception hall was the place he came to when he entered here for the first time. As soon as Ye Chui sat down, a beautiful maid came over to ask him what he wanted to drink. Ye Chui asked for a cup of tea, and then waited for Xingmei to come to him on her own initiative.

When he enters this spiritual space, Xingmei will be notified and come to him by herself.

Sure enough, after a while, the ignorant and cute Xingmei, who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, walked into the reception hall, looked around, and walked over with a smile when she saw Ye Chui, who was the only executive she was in charge of. , unlike other liaison officers who have a cold attitude towards the executive, she still feels a little fawning on Ye Chui.

"Huo Lei Shen, you are finally here. I just found a few tasks for you." Xing Mei sat down opposite Ye Chui and said with a smile.

"The task will be discussed later." Ye Chui said to her, "I want to exchange points for something."

"Ah? What do you want to exchange?" Xingmei asked curiously.

"Yuanli liquid."

"Yuanliye?" Xingmei showed a perplexed look, "This..."

"What's wrong?" Ye Chui was a little curious about Xingmei's appearance.

"Hey, Huo Lei Shen, you are still a first-level executive, so you must not be familiar with the exchanged items." Xing Mei's little hand suddenly snapped her fingers in the air, and with a snap, a form appeared in her hand, and then , she sent this form to Ye Chui, "This is the form for exchanging Hellfire points. There are items, weapons, and summons in it. You can read it yourself."

The coffee was brought by the maid, who seemed to know Sing Mi well enough to know her taste without asking.Then, Xingmei held the cup in both hands and drank in small sips, staring at Ye Chui with big eyes.

Ye Chui looked at the form suspiciously.

This form has a total of seven or eight pages, and it is densely packed with exchange points for various items.

There are three types of items that can be exchanged. The first type is booster items, the second type is **, and the third type is summoning items.

Augmented items, including potions, weapons, and armor.

Needless to say, the meaning of the armor is divided into the actual armor and the tattoo armor. The tattoo armor is relatively lighter, but the price is also more expensive. The tattoo armor is divided into seven levels, and the one with [-] is the lowest. Level [-] armor requires [-] points to exchange.

Weapons are some pistols, swords, etc. that have been blessed with strength, and the value ranges from five points to one thousand points. Ye Chui doesn't pay attention to these. When it comes to weapons, he can solve them by himself.

Then came the drugs, nothing more than some illegal drugs like cholesterol.

In this first category, Ye Chui did not see the introduction of Yuanliye.

Then he opened the form of the second category.

The first item in this form has a reminder.

"The ** needs to rely on Yuanli to activate, so if you want to use the **, you must first exchange it for Yuanli Liquid. The exchange of Yuanli Liquid is in milliliters, and the points required for one milliliter of Yuanli Liquid are [-] points."

"Five hundred points?" Ye Chui was taken aback when he saw this sentence, what the hell, is it so expensive?

Then Ye Chui thought again, the Yuanli liquid that the previous [-] possessed was probably something he exchanged with great difficulty to save his life.

It's just that Ye Chui only has 23 points at the moment, and it's too far away to exchange for Yuanli Liquid. I don't know how long it will take to save up to five hundred. No wonder the girl Xingmei looked at him so strangely just now.

Ye Chui sighed slightly in his heart, then continued to look at the form.

There are various types of **, which are also divided into seven levels, the lowest level is level seven, and the hell flames owned before [-] belong to the lowest level seven**, and fifty points are required to redeem.

Ye Chui browsed through it, and was not very interested in these weapons. He is a great master of refining weapons in the world of cultivation and civilization, and he knows countless people. Many people use things like weapons in order for him to forge magic weapons. In exchange, according to this level, I am afraid that all the ** that Ye Chui has mastered are ** or above.

Turning over this category, Ye Chui looked at the next category, Summoned Objects.

Summoned objects refer to the consumption of points to summon, and the summoned things can be used to assist in combat.

This summoned object is also divided into seven levels. The lowest level is things like skeleton soldiers. The summoning time is calculated in seconds, and one point is consumed per second.

Next to the table, there is also an image display of the summoned object. The skeleton soldier is a skeleton with a shield and a long sword, which is the same as the game image.

Ye Chui looked down.

The higher the level, the higher the points consumed by summons.

He scrolled down quickly, wanting to know what the tallest summon was.

Suddenly, Ye Chui saw the name of a certain summoned creature, and opened his eyes wide.

"Summon... Hulk?" Ye Chui shouted out.

This hulk is a special summoned object, and it needs to consume five thousand points every second.

In the table on the side, the image of the Hulk displayed is exactly the same as the image of the Hulk in the movie.

"How is this going?"

Ye Chui was taken aback for a moment, and then looked carefully at the other summoned objects, he couldn't help being stunned.

"You can even summon Spiderman, Superman, Iron Man, Batman, Thor, Ximen Chuuxue, Dugu Qiubai, Dongfang Invincible... What the hell is going on?" (To be continued.)

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