Seeing Ye Chui's stunned look, Xingmei who was sitting opposite him couldn't help but giggled a few times: "Fire God, you're surprised, right?"

Fuck, these illusory characters can be summoned, isn't it possible to be surprised?

"What's going on here?" Ye Chui looked at Xingmei. Could it be that these illusory characters are real?

"This is a god-like body condensed by the will of all beings." Xingmei said with a smile.

"The will power of all living beings, god-like body?" Hearing these two words, Ye Chui couldn't help being taken aback.

Xingmei didn't know if it was to enhance her impression in Ye Chui's heart, or to show off deliberately, she began to talk about her knowledge in this area.

Ye Chui quickly figured out how these summoned objects were formed.

The wish power of all living beings is the power of gods. This power is naturally huge, allowing practitioners to have the power of gods. At the same time, after some crooked research, it was discovered that this power has some more wonderful applications.

Condensed into a god-like body.

The god-like body is different from the god body, and the god body is the body owned by the gods.

What are gods?

They are the manifestation of the willpower of all living beings. In an ancient civilization, people lived in the world with difficulty, were chased by various wild animals, and persecuted by natural disasters[***], so people began to look forward to and began to build a The image of a god, hoping to get their protection.

Some of these gods are mythological through some great men, and some are completely fictional.

After people's prayers, these virtual images gather the will power of all beings, manifest themselves with consciousness, and bless the world. These are gods.

Any kind of civilization will have their gods.

It's just that, in the technological civilization of the earth at the moment, beliefs are no longer there. People use technology to explain the nature of the world, and think that the existence of gods is basically unnecessary, so those ancient gods lose their power. They may disappear or be sealed. where.

From a certain point of view, household appliances such as computers, mobile phones, and cars, as well as stars in the entertainment industry and popular virtual characters in movies have replaced the position of gods and become a different kind of god.

They can be summoned, but because the power of all beings is differentiated, they can only have half or even less power of the gods, so they are called god-like bodies.

Take the Hulk for example.

This is a comic book image that has existed since the 60s. It has great popularity in Europe and the United States. In the past two years, the production of two Hulk movies and the appearance of the Avengers movie have made this powerful comic hero widely known. In this way , In the minds of many people, there will be a very powerful idea of ​​the Hulk. This idea is the power of will. When they gather together, the original illusory Hulk will actually exist in a certain way. This is called realization.

The materialized Hulk possesses the same powerful powers as depicted in the movie.

In addition, some other comics, film and television characters, and influential martial arts characters in China also exist in the world in this way.

Of course, not all comic images can be condensed through the will of all beings, and there are many limiting factors.

For example, some of the characters in a movie failed. The audience didn’t buy it, and they wished to kill the character directly. Such negative emotions would affect the cohesion of the will of all sentient beings. There is no way to visualize the image.

And in some movies or comic novels, a certain character is so powerful that he will destroy the world at every turn. Even if such a character is very popular, there is no way to realize it, because the realization of them requires the will of all beings It is an astonishing number.

Also, some characters may be popular, but useless to summon, and this type of incarnation is simply eliminated by Hellfire's cadres.

In the civilization of comprehension, righteous people are not ashamed to use this method to improve their combat power, but those crooked ways are very proficient.

They established certain sects, enshrined the evil gods, gathered the vows of the believers, and then let the evil gods manifest to a certain extent, borrowing the power of the evil gods to increase their own combat power.

The method of summoning is exactly the same as that of the crooked evil god summoning. Of course, the form is much lighter.

"No." Ye Chui suddenly thought of something, "If these comic heroes and movie characters can be summoned, why has there been no news about this in the real world?"

If the Hulk really appeared, it would definitely be an earth-shattering and sensational news, which had already been spread all over the world in the consultation explosion technological civilization.

Even if it's a steel egg, although Ye Chui has taken certain protective measures, the news of "Transformers appearing in Xizhou City" is still circulating on the Internet.

"Summoning these is very expensive, and it costs thousands of points per second, so someone would foolishly summon them in the real world." Xingmei explained with a smile, "Even the simplest summons usually don't have Executors will use it because they can get things done all by themselves."

Ye Chui thought about it and thought it was the same.

Like that [-], his own strength can already crush the whole world, why spend points to summon these virtual heroes?

But Ye Chui was still a little puzzled: "Aren't these summons useless?"

"Of course not." Xingmei pointed out the window with her white fingers, "Actually, most of Hellfire's tens of thousands of executives are fighting here, walking in the real world to perform tasks like you, Just a few."

Ye Cui turned his head with surprise in his eyes, and looked through the window to the vast and boundless outside.

When Ye Chui came here for the first time, he was shocked by the scene outside. It was an endless forest, and there were dilapidated buildings standing in it, like ruins.

However, Ye Chui did not ask Xingmei about this at that time, because Ye Chui had too many things to talk about at that time, so he ignored this point. Now that he had the opportunity, Ye Chui immediately asked: "Xingmei, can you Can you tell me what's going on? I'm sorry, I've been busy in the real world since I became an executive, and I don't know much about the spiritual space."

"Okay." Xingmei has developed a good habit of explaining to Ye Chui, "Hundreds of years ago, before our hellfire came to the spiritual space, this place was a virgin forest, and it was destroyed by powerful gods. Presided over, created the six reincarnations..."

Through Xingmei's narration, Ye Chui gradually learned some past events of Hellfire.

The spiritual space is the place of the six realms of reincarnation. After death, the spirit will sublimate and enter this spiritual world, accept judgment in this spiritual world, and enter the six realms of reincarnation.

The so-called reincarnation is not a magic weapon or a trial mechanism, but the rules of the entire spiritual world.

When a person's spiritual energy enters here, it will evolve into its original form. The rules of the spiritual world will give a certain degree of tempering based on past sins and good karma. If you can withstand the tempering, you can re-enter reincarnation. Can stay in this spiritual world forever and become a ghost.

It's just that after the hellfire came here, it completely closed the reincarnation channel, so that all spiritual energy can only enter and cannot go out.

In this way, more and more ghosts will be hoarded in the entire spiritual world.

Some of these ghosts will lose their minds and have a mental breakdown because they cannot re-enter reincarnation and their long-cherished wishes cannot be fulfilled-similar to the characteristics of mental illness, but because the essence of ghosts is spirit, after this characteristic of losing their minds occurs, the image of the entire ghost It will change and become a monster.

Because these monsters are generally produced due to emotional breakdown, killing them will generate strong energy of will, so most of the missions issued by Hellfire are to kill such monsters, and the points obtained are also very rich .

"Then you can help me take on this kind of mission in the future." Ye Chui said to Xingmei with great interest.

He looked out through the window, and felt a little bit in his heart. Hellfire sealed the six realms of reincarnation, and it should be intentional to create so many monsters with mental breakdown, and then use it to collect the will power of all beings.

"No, no!" Xingmei hurriedly waved her hand, "Your current level is too low, and you can easily be killed by monsters in the ruins."

"I have confidence in myself." Ye Chui said with a smile.

The attack power of Huo Lei Shen's avatar is indeed not high, but it has flexible and changeable characteristics, which is fundamentally different from other executives here. When encountering danger, Ye Chui is still confident if he cannot escape.

Seeing Ye Chui's insistence, Xingmei had no choice but to puff her mouth and nodded: "Okay then... But it may take a while to accept this kind of mission, which is different from real world missions, it will take time."

"Okay, got it."

Then Ye Chui thought of something else, and said to Xingmei: "By the way, Xizhou City seems to have a mission to assassinate game players. This mission is given to an ordinary killer to complete, but I accidentally learned that this The killer's mission failed, please help me with this mission, I will complete it."

"That's it, that's okay." Xingmei didn't think much about it. Originally, according to the procedure, some ordinary assassination missions had to be completed by ordinary assassins. After the ordinary assassins failed, they would be replaced by executors. Ye Chui's request was not strangeness.

With a wave of her hand, a window similar to a computer screen appeared in front of her eyes. She quickly waved her hands on it, and she found the mission to assassinate the game player - to assassinate Maria Aoi.

"Okay!" Xingmei quickly completed the operation, "I have already helped you with this task, remember, you must make Maria Aoi disappear within ten days, and you will get five points at that time. "

"Five points?" Ye Chui nodded, "I will definitely."

In order to prevent other executives from taking over the task of assassinating Maria Aoi, Ye Chui rushed over first, but in this way, the super god Maria Aoi may disappear... (To be continued. )

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