The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

171 The Death of Master Cang, the Super God

After explaining the matter to Xingmei, Ye Chui turned his head and glanced out the window.

The boundless forest.

Hellfire's headquarters is a massive building that stands out of it.

In other parts of the forest, there are other broken buildings scattered here and there.

That's the relic.

After Hellfire moved in, all the original existence of the spiritual space was erased, leaving only these dilapidated buildings.

"Ruins..." Ye Chui's heart suddenly moved, "I don't know what is the relationship between this ruins and the game of the ruins ol? This game is also a way to absorb the will power of all beings, but I don't know why, I always feel that this game What is the connection with cultivation civilization..."

Ye Chui only occasionally thought about this question, he quickly shook his head and didn't think about it any further.

Saying goodbye to Xingmei, Huo Leishen's avatar returned to the real world and merged into Ye Chui's body.

"If you want to exert the maximum power of this Iron Man suit, you must need the energy support of Yuanliye, but you need at least [-] points to get Yuanliye, and the points have to do tasks, those simple absorption tasks, assassination The points obtained from the task are too few and time-consuming, so I can only accept the task of clearing monsters, but unfortunately this kind of task is too dangerous, and I need to improve my individual strength..."

Ye Chui rolled his eyes, this is an endless loop.

"Oh, there is no way. Before getting the Yuanli Liquid, we should modify the Iron Man suit a little so that it can be powered by electricity... But in this way, the power will be weakened a lot."

Ye Chui was sitting on the sofa, with blue lightning flashing in his hand, building a model of Iron Man's suit in the air.

This Iron Man suit already has a general shape, and there are only some minor areas that need to be modified.


Ye Chui put away the model of Iron Man's battle suit, and walked to his computer.

"Ozawa, I have something to talk to you about." Ye Chui said.

The game screen of Relic ol is running on the computer screen.

At this moment, the Skyhammer guild has become the world's number one guild in the Skyhammer OL game, and Maria Aoi has a glorious name: Super God Teacher Cang.

It has only been one month since the public beta of Ruins OL, but the number of players has increased steadily. The number of players online at the same time has reached tens of millions, and the number of active users has exceeded 7000 million. It is definitely the most popular large-scale online game in history.

As Ye Chui spoke, Ozawa's charming image immediately appeared on the screen, and he asked Ye Chui with a smile: "Brother Ye, are you lonely?"

"...Fuck, I have serious business to do." Ye Chuihan said.

Ozawa smiled grinningly: "Solving physiological needs is a big deal, master, you haven't touched a woman for three days, Fang Jing is so cruel, she devoted herself to the research in the laboratory, and completely ignored you, Brother Ye... "

"Stop it, don't talk about it." Ye Chui stopped Ozawa from continuing, it seems that he has to find a way to adjust his computer, it won't work like this...

Ye Chui stabilized his mood before telling Ozawa of his plan.

The main thing is to make Ozawa's Maria Aoi disappear completely, and then she publishes some news on the Internet, announcing fake news such as Maria Aoi's accidental death, to deceive Hellfire.

In this way, even if Ye Chui completes this task, he no longer has to worry about the executioner of Hellfire using it to assassinate Ozawa, which saves a lot of trouble.

Ozawa didn't hesitate at Ye Chui's request, and immediately started to operate.

Originally, she controlled Maria Aoi and was leading the members of the Skyhammer Guild to pass a super-large dungeon with devil difficulty. After Ye Chui finished speaking, Maria Aoi went offline immediately.

Although Ozawa looks like a female hooligan, Ye Chui is her master, and she will never stop Ye Chui.

Of course, although the account of Aoi Maria can no longer be used, there is no need to delete the account that Ozawa put in the garbage collection bin.

After all, Hellfire only cares about Maria Aoi, so in the future, just make sure that the hundreds of clones keep a low profile and don't behave too badly.

Ozawa immediately began to use his full body to create momentum on the Internet, announcing the news of Maria Aoi's accidental death.

All these are left to her to operate, and Ye Chui doesn't care too much.

"That's right." After Ye Chui explained, he thought of something again, "If you think the game is fun, then apply for another account to enter the game."

"Well, good brother Ye." Ozawa replied sweetly.


"What! That task has been handed over to someone else?"

In a hotel, Wang Jing with a fat and round head was slightly startled when he saw the message in the contact box on the computer screen in front of him.

He hastily sent a message back, hoping that the person on the other side of the self-made chat software would give him another chance to send the killer to complete this task.

But no matter how much he begged, there was no response from the other side.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Wang Jing's forehead.

On the other side of this chat box is a senior director of the Killer Association.

Many tasks are issued from him, and maintaining a friendly relationship with such a director can allow him to receive many tasks.

It's also the main source of his wealth and reputation as a killer agent.

But now that the mission failed, it has obviously made the director doubt his ability to handle affairs.

In the future, he will probably receive much fewer assassin missions from the Assassin Association, and those assassins under him may also change jobs...

Xiaoshuai disappeared inexplicably because of his mental illness. He suspected that someone had already killed him. This time he came to Xizhou City to investigate Xiaoshuai's affairs.

"Damn it, how could it fail just to assassinate a player playing the game?" Wang Jing looked resentful, "Xiaoshuai, you are mentally ill, I was hurt by you..."

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Wang Jing froze for a moment, then took out his mobile phone, the number displayed was a person he met in the bar two days ago.

In addition to accepting tasks from the Assassins Association, Wang Jing can also accept some private goods by himself.

It's just that these life and death will not improve the level of his killers, but can only bring wealth.

Because many people who confess their private work don't know the price, but he can make a lot of money, so he is also willing to let many people know his contact information.

"Hello." Wang Jing calmed down and connected the phone.

"Mr. Wang?" Jian's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Hehe, Mr. Jian, do you need my help?" Wang Jing tried to smile.

"There is indeed something I want to trouble you with." Jian also said with a smile, "If you have time, we can have a meal together."

Wang Jing subconsciously agreed.

But then he hesitated again. The failure of the big deal just now made his cautiousness increase sharply.

This Jian is just a person I met by chance, how about meeting him again like this?

Do you want to investigate this person's background first?

So Wang Jing said: "Mr. Ah Jian, I'm really sorry, I'm busy with business recently, and I may have to wait a while before I can meet with you. How about this, I will contact you proactively every week, okay?"

A Jian was a little hesitant, but he still agreed: "Okay then, Mr. Wang, I'll wait for your contact."

The phone then hung up.

"Look up and see what the origin of this Jian is..." Wang Jing immediately took the computer and started to operate quickly.

He is an excellent hacker himself, and he is very familiar with this kind of thing.

Outside the hotel.

There is a snack street.

A middle-aged man who looked like a migrant worker took a hot rou jia mo from a rou jia mo stand.

He glanced at the hotel room where Wang Jing was, and then took a bite of the Roujiamo.

"...It's much uglier than my cooking."


"Brother Ye, you are here!"

The thin monkey who was teasing Dahei saw Ye Chui get off from a black car, and immediately stood up in surprise and shouted.

These days he has been idling at the recycle bin. Ye Chui promised to build him a car, but it has been more than half a month, and there has been no information from Ye Chui, so he can't go directly to remind him. .

Now seeing Ye Chui driving a new car over, his eyes lit up immediately.

"How's it going these days? How's the chest injury?" Ye Chui asked with a smile.

The time Jiang Hemen kicked, a bullet penetrated Ye Chui's palm, and then shot into the thin monkey's chest.

Although it didn't hurt the heart, it penetrated a centimeter thick.

Ye Chui's resilience is amazing, now only scars remain, but he doesn't know what will happen to Shouhou's injury.

"It's all right, that little injury is fine." The thin monkey said indifferently, but his eyes were always looking at the cool black car behind Ye Chui.

He saw that behind the black car, there was actually a red car following. The two cars were of the same model, but with different colors.

"Hehe." Seeing the thin monkey like this, how could Ye Chui not know what he was thinking?He smiled and said, "This car is called Xiao Hei, and it's for you. He is a mechanical life like a steel egg. I hope you can become friends with him in the future."

"It's really for me?" The thin monkey couldn't hide his excitement, and immediately rushed to the front of the car, touching left and right, looking extremely surprised.

"Hi, my name is Xiao Hei."

The black car made a boyish sound like a boy.

"Speak, you have spoken!" Shouted the thin monkey in surprise.

"Of course, I'm an intelligent life, of course I can talk." Xiao Hei said proudly.

"Hello, hello." Shouhou hurriedly introduced, "My name is Cheng Guanxi, and my nickname is Shouhou. From now on, you can just call me Shouhou."

"Ye Chui already told me on the way here." Xiao Hei smiled.

Steel Dan is his father, called Ye Chui's boss, and it's difficult for him to address Ye Chui, so Ye Chui just let him call him by his name, anyway, it's just a code name, so don't worry too much about it.

"Oh, are you as powerful as the steel egg?" The thin monkey asked in surprise.

"It's worse than my father, but I will surpass him." Xiao Hei said proudly.

The thin monkey nodded obediently, and then realized something was wrong: "Wait, you said... Steel Dan is your father? I'm sorry, Steel Dan has a child?"

Li Cheng was in charge of the food in the car, so the thin monkey didn't know anything about the wasteland.

"Yes, I heard from my father that you are his first friend besides Ye Chui, let me get along with you." Xiao Hei continued.

Ye Chui interjected at this moment: "Xiao Hei, you can take the thin monkey for a drive and get to know each other."

"Well, yes." Xiao Hei agreed, and opened the car door automatically, and the thin monkey naturally couldn't wait to get in, then the car started, bypassed the red car, and walked away.

——The red car was given to An Leer by Ye Chui.

Ye Chui was about to get into the red car and leave when he suddenly saw Dahei lying beside him.

After two months of care by Feng Biao, the puppy has grown several times in size, squatting there like a calf, looking lazy.

"This dog..."

Ye Chui suddenly thought of something, walked up to the dog and squatted down.

He wants to try to see how fierce this mountain dog is now!

Using the power of his heart, Ye Chui immediately simulated a ferocious consciousness, letting his whole body exude the aura of a beast.

"Dahei, let me see what will happen to you if you meet a wolf."

Ye Chui simulated a murderous consciousness, and his momentum exploded.

In Dahei's perception, it was as if a hungry wolf had appeared in front of it, provoking it.

Dahei's body moved slightly, then he stood up, staring at Ye Chui firmly, and made a grunting sound from his mouth.

No fear. (To be continued.)

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