Dahei bowed his body, gritted his teeth and bared his mouth, as if he was about to bite Ye Chui.

It has no fear in the face of ferocious wolves.

"Very well, what if you are facing a tiger?"

Ye Chui used the power of his heart to imitate the ferocious aura of a tiger on himself again, provoking Dahei.

This time Dahei seemed to feel the threat, but he was still fearless, his black eyes fixed on Ye Chui in front of him, and the black hair all over his body was tied up vaguely.

"That's right. In the face of a fierce beast like a tiger, other dogs would have already prostrated themselves on the ground, but Dahei still completely resisted."

Ye Chui is very satisfied with Dahei's performance at the moment, as expected, it is what Feng Biao said, this is a mountain guard dog who dares to fight Xiong Xiazi.

"Continue, what if you are facing a mighty lion?"

Ye Chuanxin's power was activated again, raising the ferocious aura on his body. This time, in Dahei's feeling, he would be facing the always ferocious lion.

This is also the limit of Ye Yuanxin's power to operate the simulated breath.

Dahei's body was trembling.

But it still didn't flinch in any way, even if it felt the danger, it still faced it bravely.

Look dead!

A hint of surprise appeared on Ye Chui's face: "This kind of dog is really unique, a dog that has entered the mountains? Hey, it's really interesting, very good, this dog is exactly what I want..."

Recently, Ye Chui is planning to let Huo Leishen ** accept the task of hunting monsters from Hellfire. If Huo Leishen is alone, the success rate will naturally be very small, so Ye Chui thought of a way.

Fight monsters with pets!

Naturally, there is no such service in Hellfire, but Ye Chui entered Hellfire with the power of his heart, and he can bring other spiritual energy into it.

When he planned to enter again, he would bring Dahei with him.

Although Dahei's body is just an ordinary dog, he has the instinct of being fearless and unrelenting until death, which means that his spirit is very strong. Bringing him into the spiritual space will definitely help Ye Chui a lot big.

"Very good, I found Dahei from the street stall by chance, what luck!" Ye Chui sighed, and then took the breath off his body.

He reached out to pat Dahei's head.

"Wow! Woah!"

But Dahei sprang up, opened his mouth and bit Ye Chui's arm.


Ye Chui yelled, and quickly jumped up to escape.

Dahei chased after him unwillingly, so Ye Chui could only run away in a rather embarrassing manner.

If it were other dogs, if Ye Chui's beastly aura erupted to frighten them, they would definitely have a fearful impression on Ye Chui that they could no longer attack.

But Dahei is different, the awe just now can only give it the impression that this person will attack every time he meets.

Of course Ye Chui could get Da Hei away in a matter of minutes, but he was a little bit reluctant, so he had to run around like a dog.

The chubby bear Feng Biao in the recycle bin heard the movement and hurried out to check what was wrong.

It took a long time and wasted half a catty of Feng Biao's beef to stabilize Dahei.

"I said, what did you do just now, why did Dahei push you away like this?" Feng Biao asked Ye Chui with narrowed eyes.

"How do I know..." Ye Chui said casually.

Shit, a dog that dares to chase its owner is definitely a good dog!

Ye Chui glanced at Fat Bear, but was suddenly taken aback.

Chubby Xiong looked very decadent. He used to take good care of his personal hygiene. Now he was unshaven as if he hadn't shaved for a long time, and his eyes were a little red and swollen.

"What's wrong with you, fat bear?" Ye Chui couldn't help asking curiously.

"Brother Ye." Fat Bear looked sad, "You must be very familiar with Teacher Cang, right? How did she die?"


It turned out that it was because of Ozawa that he was so decadent.

In order to explain to Hellfire, Ye Chui let Maria Aoi blow up to death. With Ozawa's current hacking methods, she even fabricated a profile of Maria Aoi herself. Everything was created to be true. There is no doubt that Maria Aoi died accidentally.

Moreover, this incident has been regarded as one of the most astonishing events in the history of the game. There are countless people who follow it. All major game site post bars put red letters on the top to release this important news. Teacher Cang's honest teaching...

As for Ozawa's fraudulent death, Ye Chui told Yu Xue that night, but Pang Xiong forgot about it.

"Maria Aoi didn't actually die." Ye Chui said apologetically, "She just felt too much pressure, so she faked her death, so you don't have to be so sad."

"Not dead!?" Fat Bear immediately opened his eyes wide in surprise, showing surprise, "This... is this true?"

"of course it's true."

"I...I want to tell everyone the news as soon as possible!"

Fat Bear said that he was about to run into the house.

"Wait first." Ye Chui grabbed him, and said with a little sweat, "The meaning of feigning death is that I don't want others to know that she is not dead, so don't make trouble?"

Fat Xiong was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Ye Chui was talking about cheating death, he said a little strangely: "Okay, why did you cheat death?"

"As a super god, the pressure is too great." Ye Chui gave a random reason.

Fat Bear is still very accepting of this reason, but he has some regrets: "What a pity, will Mr. Cang stop playing games after that?"

"That's not enough. She opened a small account, and she should be upgraded in the near future. Then I will let her contact you directly, but remember, it's best not to tell anyone that she is cheating." Ye warned.

"Okay, I got it." Fat Bear nodded repeatedly.

Ye Chui said a little funny again: "Fat Xiong, your eyes are red and swollen, you must be crying, right?"

Fat Bear smiled embarrassedly: "I can't cry enough, but I've been feeling bored for the past two days, so I just read online novels all night."

"Online novel?"

Ye Chui heard this term for the first time, he thought for a while, and finally understood the meaning of this term. In recent years, online novels have developed rapidly and have a strong momentum, and have become indispensable in many people's lives. Condiments.This kind of literary genre is very attractive. Fat Bear said that he read it all night, which is very common among many people.

Originally, Ye Chui had a few classmates, and it was very normal to read novels and see early morning.

Ye Chui suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

He left the recycling bin and drove the little red car to the 4s shop.

On the way, Ye Chui kept thinking about online novels.

Online novels are a unique literary genre that appeared in China, and there is no such thing as online novels in other countries.It may be because of this regional surname that Hellfire's willingness to collect sentient beings has not yet aimed at online novels.

Then can he find a way to occupy this blank field?

"You should think about this matter carefully..."

Ye Chui wondered in his heart.

He can find a way to shape a few online novel writers and make their works popular, so that the power of all beings in them will be gathered on Ye Chui, and if the power of all beings is enough, Ye Chui can Like the way Hellfire summons the Hulk, it summons certain characters or monsters in online novels.

"A writer of online novels?"

Ye Chui thought about these things in his heart, and drove the little red car to the 4S shop he and An Leer jointly opened.

Now the shop has been completely renovated, and An Le'er has put a lot of effort into it.

Ye Chui parked the car outside the shop. This little red car, Ye Chui, has already passed through the Qianlong Group's relationship, completed all the formalities, got the license plate, and registered An Le'er's name. It is now parked outside There is no need to be afraid of being dragged away by the traffic police.

This car was originally intended to be a surprise for An Leer by Ye Chui, but when she walked to the lobby of the store and saw An Leer, she found that An Leer's face was frosty, and she was sitting sullenly on the sofa specially prepared for customers Sulk.

"Lele, what's the matter with you?" Ye Chui asked later, and sat down beside An Leer.

"I'm so mad!" An Le'er looked up at Ye Chui, with a bit of anger on her face, resentful, "Zhang Yueyang must be behind the scenes!"

"What did he do?" Ye Chui asked with a cold face.

"It was the car model I found." An Le'er explained with an unhappy face, "I originally found her through a performing arts agency and signed an endorsement contract for an advertisement. Seeing that the Xizhou Station is about to be held in three days , but this car model suddenly broke the contract!"

The car models are mainly to attract the attention of visitors at Xizhou Station.

Beautiful, attractive, and beautiful, these are the necessary conditions, and the most important thing is a certain amount of car knowledge.

And Ye Chui and An Leer's Tianhammer car is just a new car brand that cannot be renewed, and the funds are insufficient, so there is no way to do a good advertisement. So she was made the spokesperson of the car brand. In fact, this Xizhou Station is a rare promotional opportunity.

However, the car show was coming soon, and the car model actually broke the contract. Someone paid her to sign her away and paid enough liquidated damages for her.

"It must be that Zhang Yueyang was ashamed at the birthday party two days ago, so he completely tore up his face and wanted to target us." After the explanation, An Le'er said this to Ye Chui again.

At the beginning, An Huashan was extremely angry and said that Zhang Yueyang would have no place to live in Xizhou City, but this was just an angry word. Even if he was very angry, it was impossible for him to really treat Zhang Yueyang because of this weird incident. Yue Yang started.But Zhang Yueyang was completely enraged, he no longer estimated Ye Chui's deterrence, and directly attacked An Le'er.

An Le'er looked at Ye Chui for help: "Car models are necessary, what should we do?"

"This is indeed a problem..." Ye Chui squinted his eyes and said to himself, feeling very angry.

"Maybe I can do it." On the flat-screen TV hanging on the wall next to him, Ozawa's figure emerged, smiling and promoting himself.

"Go away, don't join in the fun." Ye Chui said, rolling his eyes.

Ozawa is just a virtual image, and it is not impossible to use the power of phantom to directly project her image, but the concept of ultra-smart cars is already very advanced, and with the car projection, Ye Chui is worried that he will Being treated like an alien... (To be continued.)

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