The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

173 Find a beautiful girl to be a car model

"There are so many models now, it shouldn't be difficult to find another beautiful one, right?"

Ye Chui tentatively asked An Le'er.

You don't know much about him, but you often browse the news on the Internet, and you see a lot of news about young models.

There are countless models of all kinds, and it should be easy to find a replacement car model.

"That's so easy." An Le'er shook her head, "Models are easy to find, but it's not easy to find ones that are both beautiful and stylish. Car models represent car brands. If the performance is poor, not only will they not It serves the purpose of advertising the car, and it will also leave a bad impression on our car brand."

In the eyes of many people, a model is one who is taller and prettier, has a more open personality, and acts more sexually, but it is not the case.

The most important thing about a model is temperament.

Without that kind of temperament, no clothes can set it off.

Some people look old-fashioned in the latest fashion, while others look fashion-forward even in old-fashioned clothes.

Car models are like that.

If you just drag a beautiful girl to stand next to the car, she has no temperament at all, and she is not professional at all, then it will only give everyone a bad impression of the car.

An Le'er looked anxious, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on her white and tender forehead.

Ye Chui suddenly looked at An Le'er up and down.

"What are you looking at?" An Le'er immediately opened her eyes wide.

"A car model needs to be beautiful, sexy, and temperamental, right?" Ye Chui asked.


Ye Chui nodded, and then smiled at An Le'er.

An Le'er immediately understood what Ye Chui meant, and she hurriedly folded her hands on her chest: "No, I can't be a car model!"

In the past two years, with the appearance of various "Lulu" in auto shows, the term "car model" has been given a color of "no lower limit".

An Le'er was naturally disgusted with this kind of thing, so she would naturally not agree to Ye Chui's proposal.

Of course, she is also very confident in herself, if she is a car model, the effect will definitely be very obvious...

Ye Chui was just joking, and didn't really want An Le'er to be a car model.

"It's only three days, try to find it again, it really doesn't work..." A thought that made him feel helpless emerged in Ye Chui's mind.

——If it doesn’t work, I have no choice but to make a realistic body for Ozawa.

Shit, it's just a virtual image, the computer just keeps teasing him, the master, if there is a real one, then it's okay?

"What can't be done?" An Le'er asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Ye Chui shook his head, pulled An Le'er up from the sofa, "Forget about this, I brought you a present."


"You'll know when you come out."

Then Ye Chui brought An Le'er outside the shop.

"That's it." Ye Chui pointed at the little red car and said to An Le'er with a smile, "Last time your car was completely scrapped, so I prepared this one for you. This is a Skyhammer Gangya generation , is also one of the first batch of cars that we jointly sell, besides this one, there are another 23 cars, the speed can reach up to 210, and it only takes 6 seconds to accelerate to [-] mph..."

Ye Chui told An Le'er the characteristics of this car.

Finally, Ye Chui said with a smile: "Of course, the most important thing is also the most unique feature of our car - the name of this car is Tian Tian."

"Tiantian?" An Le'er was looking at the car with joy, and she was a little amused when she heard Ye Chui's words, "How can anyone name the car."

"Why can't cars have names?" A childish girl's voice suddenly rang out.

"Who's talking?" An Le'er immediately looked around curiously.

"Of course it's me." The body of the red car moved and made a crisp sound.

" talked?" An Le'er looked surprised, "The car actually talked, this..."

"Didn't I say that our car owner is focusing on the concept of a super smart car, so what's the point of a car talking?" Ye Chui smiled and said to the shocked An Le'er, "She named Tian Tian for herself. .If you don’t like it, you can discuss with her to change to another name. She has the intelligence level of an ordinary fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. I hope you can be friends with her.”

Ye Chui specially selected Tian Tian from the first batch of cars for An Le'er.

Each of Ye Chui's cars has artificial intelligence.

The most important thing is that each car has its own personality.

Or docile, or gentle, or savage, or savage, all kinds of things.

And Tian Tian was specially selected by Ye Chui, who felt that it was more suitable for An Le'er. She was considerate and would comfort others, but she did not lose her sense of wildness.

In terms of speed among the first batch of cars, it is second only to the mutant model, Xiao Hei.

Although she didn't mutate into a Transformer, she was almost the same.

Let this car be An Le'er's car, Ye Chui will feel at ease in his heart, he doesn't have to be afraid of An Le'er getting into a car accident because of his anxiety, An Le'er will be witty enough to take her out of danger every day when she is in danger.

An Le'er was extremely surprised when she heard Ye Chui's words.

After all, she came out of college and has a good understanding of the current level of technology. Artificial intelligence and other things can only appear in movies. Where are these things in the real world?

Thin monkey Li Cheng and the others could easily accept this setting, but she couldn't accept it at all.

Originally, An Le'er thought that the super smart car that Ye Chui mentioned was just equipped with some smart systems, but she never thought that it would be this level of smart!

This is simply powerful to the extreme!

"Get in the car and go for a drive with Tiantian, you two get to know her well, and you can be good friends with her." Ye Chui patted An Le'er on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Hey, I also hope to be good friends with you, Lele." Tiantian also said with a smile.

An Le'er still couldn't accept it, and felt like she was ruining her three views, but she still slowly opened the car door and got in.

It seems that it will take some time for her to fully accept this setting.

But it doesn't matter, Ye Chui just wait slowly.

After driving away with An Le'er every day, Ye Chui returned to the shop and began to think about the car models.

"This is a bit difficult. Where can I find a beautiful girl to be a car model?"


Inside a luxury apartment in Xizhou City.

"Yueyang, do you really want to wear this kind of clothes?"

When she walked out of the bedroom, Sun Xiaoyue felt very embarrassed.

Although she never minded nude scenes when she starred in movies, she even went out of the country naked in a famous director's art work, and she also filmed many passionate scenes.


Asking her to wear this outfit as a car model, she still feels that she has exceeded her bottom line by a lot.

This suit is a translucent material.

It is embellished with chunks of diamonds.

Unlike the car model wearing a diamond skirt that became popular on the Internet not long ago, although there are few diamonds in this set, they are all real diamonds that are priceless.

Glittering, embellished on the looming tulle, it can cover several important parts.

Push nudity to the limit!

A small movement at random may leak out, hot and full of sexual amorous feelings.

As a qualified employee in the entertainment industry, Sun Xiaoyue has already developed a strong mentality of being shameless...

But when she thought of dressing up like this for everyone to observe, she still felt a little blushing.

Most importantly, she is not a model, but a star.

Some time ago, she acted in a hit movie, and her fame is rising. Instead, she became a car model. This is a sensational event. If she dresses like this again...

The sensation caused can be imagined.

Of course, Sun Xiaoyue also has her own examination school.

Although such overdressing may arouse some people's disgust, it can also greatly enhance her reputation on the other hand-this is the case in the entertainment industry, and there is never a lack of followers for unlimited behavior.

Based on this consideration, although Sun Xiaoyue refused, she obediently changed into this dress.

"That's it!" Zhang Yueyang, who was sitting on the sofa, insisted.

Car models should dress like this, only in this way can they attract the attention of others.

The more there is no lower limit, the more attractive!

In fact, Zhang Yueyang didn't plan to let Sun Xiaoyue make such a sacrifice. After all, he invested a lot in Sun Xiaoyue. Letting Sun Xiaoyue dress like this might ruin the star. He only planned to make Sun Xiaoyue a car model at the beginning. To help his 4S store to gain some fame.

But these two days Zhang Yueyang got too angry and wanted to completely attack Ye Chui, so he found someone to design this super revealing costume.

He also secretly bought Ye Chui's car model and terminated the contract with Ye Chui.

"If there are no car models at the auto show, I'll see how you will become famous, Ye Chui, An Le'er, I will squeeze your shop step by step!"

Zhang Yueyang muttered to himself in a cold voice, his face gradually gloomy.

He suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Sun Xiaoyue.

It was too late to go to the bedroom, so he directly pushed aside the things on the coffee table next to him, and then laid Sun Xiaoyue on it.

He took off her clothes that had no covering effect, took off his pants, and pressed them on Sun Xiaoyue's body.

Sun Xiaoyue was naturally cooperating with his movements, and showed the appearance of a frightened lamb - she knew how to make a man more excited.

She was waiting to be destroyed like a storm by this man.


Zhang Yueyang's movements suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Sun Xiaoyue blushed, waiting for Zhang Yueyang to continue.

"Wait...wait a while." Zhang Yueyang said a little awkwardly.

The weakness at this time made it impossible for him to maintain the toughness just now.

Sun Xiayue raised her head and glanced down, and immediately understood what happened. Ever since what happened at Yangchang Mountain last time, Zhang Yueyang had serious psychological problems...

After a while.


"……not yet."

"Do you want to take some medicine?"

"..." (to be continued.)

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