"Ozawa, help me collect information about models in Xizhou City on the Internet."

On the way back, Ye Chui took out his mobile phone and contacted Ozawa.

The model issue is very important, and he wants to solve it as soon as possible.

Ozawa's ambiguous voice came back immediately: "Okay, I'll collect it right now, hehe, there are a lot of pornographic videos of models, Brother Ye, do you want to take a look together?"

"Fuck, would I be interested in these?" Ye Chui was very disdainful, and then whispered, "But it's good as a reference..."

"Hee hee." Ozawa let out a burst of laughter that I understood.


When Ye Chui came to the shop, he sat Tiantian, but now he had to walk back.

The weather is sunny and the breeze blows, giving people a refreshing feeling.

Ye Chui also enjoyed this feeling very much.

Walking on the street, people come and go.

Suddenly, Ye Chui saw a group of onlookers appearing in front of him.

Something seems to have happened.

Ye Chui was curious, so he walked over, and through the onlookers, he saw an old lady among the crowd.

After all, it was summer, and the old lady might have suffered from heat stroke, and she passed out while lying on the road.

There was no one around to help, everyone was hesitant. Although they were very concerned about the old lady, they were more afraid of getting into trouble.

Now there are countless incidents of Porcelain in China, and some old men and women fell to the ground. Although everyone will be concerned about it subconsciously, but in view of the concerns about Porcelain, they will be hesitant.

This is actually a kind of helplessness.

Ye Chui figured out what was going on, so he couldn't help sighing, pushed away from the crowd, and wanted to go over and send the old lady to the hospital.

If you really touch porcelain...

Shit, why does the young master care about these little tricks, if you have the ability to try a piece of porcelain for him?

But at this time, Ye Chui only saw a movement in front of his eyes, and a girl rushed to the old lady's side first.

Seeing this girl all of a sudden, even though Ye Chui already has many beautiful girls around him, each of whom can be called a top beauty, this girl still gave Ye Chui a wonderful sense of shock.

She seemed to be a gust of summer breeze, blowing gently, making people involuntarily no longer feel the irritability of Xia Ri.

She looked only about 20 years old, wearing only a simple white long dress, with long hair in a shawl, her skin was as white and delicate as snow, revealing a slender neck.

Her figure is perfect, and she may not be as popular as Fang Jing in terms of figure, but she has a sense of balance that one point is too much to lose and one point is too little.

The face covered by a few strands of hair is even more hazy and beautiful like a rose in the mist.

This made Ye Chui stunned.

Regardless of whether it was the previous life or this life, he had seen many beauties who could be called alluring, some of whom were very famous in one world, but at this moment Ye Chui still felt astonished.

This astonishment only came from the shock of the girl's sudden appearance.

She stretched out her naked fingers, and gently brushed a few strands of hair behind her ears, revealing her flawless face.

There was a bit of anxiety on this glamorous face, and her eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if she was worried about the fainted old lady.

The people watching all around suddenly fell silent.

They may have been surprised that anyone was meddling.

Perhaps, like Ye Chui, he was overwhelmed by the beauty like an elf or a fairy.

Ye Chui's two lifetimes as a man and as a master craftsman made him understand that there can be no absolutely perfect existence in this world.

Even An Le'er, Fang Jing, Yu Xue, or Shui Yueqin who had been with him in the previous life.

They are all the most magnificent beauties, but in Ye Chui's aesthetics, they are still only above 95 points and [-] points dissatisfied.

They have their own charming places, but they also inevitably have some subtle and almost negligible flaws.

But Ye Chui stared at the girl in front of him, but Ye Chui felt the existence of perfection, or infinitely close to perfection.

If there is such a thing as falling in love in the city and seeing people in the country again in the world, then she will definitely be the heroine!

"There is such a beautiful girl." Ye Chui sighed in his heart, and then couldn't help thinking, "If, let her be a car model..."

While Ye Chui was thinking about it, the girl had already helped the old man up with great effort.

She doesn't have much strength, and it seems quite strenuous to support the old lady like this, but she still gritted her teeth and persisted. Her beautiful eyes looked around, and there was a look of pleading for help in her eyes, but others ignored it directly.

In any case, the matter of Pengci left a deep impression on everyone. Maybe this beautiful girl and this old lady are in the same group?

"Sister, what are you doing?" A crisp voice rang out suddenly, but a little girl squeezed in from the crowd.

This is a child who is only four or five years old. He is carved in pink and jade, and his appearance is somewhat imaginary of this beautiful woman. He is carrying a cute cartoon schoolbag on his back.

Obviously, she inherited the same genes as this beautiful woman, beautiful and lovely.

Ye Chui couldn't help but praise in his heart, what a beautiful little loli!

With some doubts on her face, little Lolita looked at the old lady that her sister was supporting.

"She fainted, I want to send her to the nearest hospital... Shiyu, where is the nearest hospital?" The beautiful woman asked with some effort, it took her too much effort to support the old lady.

Little Loli tilted her neck and thought for a while, then pointed in one direction: "There is a hospital three stops away from here."

"This little loli has such a good memory, she actually remembers that there is a hospital there?" Ye Chui secretly exclaimed in his heart, and then he hurried to the beautiful woman, "Let me carry her on my back."

"Really? Thank you." The beautiful woman was surprised when she saw this.

"But..." Ye Chui then showed hesitation, "Can you accompany me to the hospital?"

He pretended to be afraid of getting into trouble.

The beautiful woman didn't think too much, and quickly agreed: "Okay, I'm also worried about her condition."

The little loli next to her had a displeased expression on her face, and secretly tugged on her beautiful long dress.

"Then let's go." Ye Zhi picked up the old lady on his back, and walked to the hospital according to the guidance of little loli just now.

With Ye Chui's surname, if he found an old man fainted on the ground, he would definitely send her to the hospital.

This has nothing to do with good people or bad people, but just the minimum moral bottom line.

But at the moment he has other thoughts, he wants to communicate with this beautiful woman, and ask her if she would like to be his and An Leer's car model, that's why he looks like he was afraid of getting into trouble just now, and let this beautiful woman accompany her go.

"You are really a good person." On the way, the beautiful woman took out a handkerchief and wiped the old lady's face.

"You are a really kind person." Ye Chui said with a smile, "By the way, I don't know your names yet, my name is Ye Chui."

"My name is Wang Wenxue." The beautiful woman said with a smile. She pointed to the little loli next to her who seemed a little unhappy, "This is my younger sister, named Wang Shiyu."

"Wang Wenxue, Wang Shiyu, what a good name." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Thank you." Wang Wenxue smiled reservedly with a dimple on the corner of her mouth.

But Wang Shiyu muttered in his mouth: sycophant.

Ye Chui originally planned to stop a taxi, but he found that any car would not stop seeing him carrying an unconscious old lady on his back. Ye Chui had no choice but to give up and walk directly to the hospital. Distance comes easily to him.

It just so happened that he could also learn about the situation of the sisters.

"Are you from Xizhou?" Ye Chui pretended to inquire unintentionally.

"Yes, Shiyu and I have lived in Xizhou City since we were young." Wang Wenxue said while wiping the old lady's sweat. She looked worried from the bottom of her heart, her face was full of concern, and she looked like a goddess. brilliant.

"Looking at your appearance, you should still be in college, right?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

Wang Wenxue shook her head regretfully: "No, my parents passed away two years ago, and I had to drop out of school to raise Shi Yu."

Ye Chui was a little surprised, did not expect them to have such an experience?

Wang Shiyu followed behind, and the little loli had an angry expression on her face, wishing she could kick her sister.

Silly girl, do you have to answer everything you ask?

When he arrived at the hospital, Ye Chui already had a general understanding of the situation of the sisters.

They used to be a harmonious family and had a good life, but a car accident two years ago made them orphans, and they had no relatives to count on. As older sisters, they had to drop out of school and work to raise their three-year-old younger sister.

The past two years have been very difficult, and I have suffered a lot.

This also made Ye Chui sigh, it is commendable that the pure and beautiful heart of her sister has not been obliterated in such an environment.

Come to the hospital soon.

Because of the hot weather, there were many people suffering from heatstroke. Ye Chui hung up the call and took the old lady for an infusion. Wang Wenxue originally planned to go with her, but was stopped by her sister.

"Shi Yu, what are you doing?" Wang Wenxue asked with some doubts.

"Idiot, let's take advantage of this opportunity to leave quickly." Although Wang Shiyu was only five years old, she was obviously a little precocious, and said sternly, "There are too many people in this society now, you have already done good things, and if you have any problems Just let that man resist, let's slip away quickly."

"This is not good..." Wang Wenxue hesitated.

"Hey, you have been blackmailed so many times by others, why don't you remember your name at all?" Wang Shiyu was very angry, and the little Lolita climbed onto the rest chair beside her, and then said aggressively to her sister with her hips on her hips, "Also, again We will pay the rent in two days, and we are still several hundred dollars short, making money is important, do you want us to live on the streets together?"

"It's not as serious as you said." Wang Wenxue said hastily, "I will find a way about the rent."

"What method do you think of? Don't you rely on me to find a way to get away with it every time?" Wang Shiyu said, her big eyes rolled around, and she came up with a good idea, "Sister, just now that man looked He looks very rich, and it's obvious that a big bastard is interested in you, how about we blackmail him?" (To be continued.)

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