The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

175 Let the Lun Family Go to Show off Their Cuteness First

"Extortion?" Wang Wenxue's face changed slightly, "Shiyu, what kind of idea did you think of?"

"Later you try to fuck him first, let him take the bait, and then I will yell and say he is a hooligan."

On Wang Shiyu's cute little face, there was an expression that could definitely be called a little devil. This little loli had a smirk on her face.

"At that time, let's ask him to come up with 3000 yuan, so don't we have to worry about our three-month rent?"

"This...isn't it good?" Wang Wenxue looked embarrassed. She sat down on a chair beside her, clutching the hem of the long skirt with both hands, her face flushed, "I...I will be embarrassed."

"What a silly girl!" Wang Shiyu said persuasively, "It's just asking you to make a small sacrifice, and it's not really asking you to sell yourself... By the way, didn't that Boss Chen willing to give you [-] yuan a month last time?" Let you be his ****? I really don't understand why you refuse."

Wang Wenxue's face turned even redder, and she said angrily, "Shi Yu, don't talk nonsense, you're still a kid who doesn't understand those things, that kind of things... that's not allowed."

"Oh, okay, okay." Wang Shiyu put on a helpless look, "Then you must cooperate with me in my blackmail plan later."

Wang Wenxue was still a little embarrassed, but she still blushed and asked, "Then... how do you want me to cooperate?"

"Well, I'll go and tell that hammer later that you're interested in him and let him have a preconceived impression in his mind. Then after he comes over, you tell him that he is the best person you've ever seen. Sometimes you remember to bite your lips, and your eyes are still a little rippling—just like the envious eyes you saw when you saw the high-end lace in the luxury store last time, with your beauty, you can use this expression to be a man You can't stop it. At this time, you close your eyes and pouted your mouth quietly, the hammer will definitely think that you want to kiss him, and when he is about to touch you, I will stop it Yes, leave the next thing to me, and I promise to obey his blackmail."

Wang Shiyu had a clear mind and told her sister exactly about her blackmail plan.

"This..." Although Wang Wenxue felt that what her sister said made sense, she still felt a little unable to accept it.

"Didn't you always want to be an actor? Think of it as practice in advance, to hone your acting skills, dear." Wang Shiyu urged.

"I...I want to prepare for practice first." Wang Wenxue said worriedly.

"What are you preparing for? Just perform on the spot, otherwise the chance will be lost." Wang Shiyu looked like he hated iron for being weak.

Wang Wenxue looked at her sister worriedly: "Shiyu, where did you learn all these things?"

"Desperate housewives have heard it, I've replayed it three times." Wang Shiyu said proudly.

"Desperate Housewives?" Wang Wenxue was shocked, "How can you, a child, watch that kind of TV series... No, I can't do what you say."

"Oh, sister, why are you so inked? Listen to me, you are so beautiful, it would be a pity if you don't make use of these talents. Just do as I said, and you will be happy soon. I don't want to miss today's plot." Wang Shiyu persuaded with a sigh, her cute little face was covered with devil's tits.

Wang Wenxue was shocked: " you still see joy?"

"Of course." Wang Shiyu stretched out her little finger and pointed at her extremely cute face, "I still want to keep the innocence of childhood."

Wang Wenxue: "...your innocence has already been shattered into pieces."

"He is back!"

At this time, Wang Shiyu suddenly saw Ye Chui coming in the distance. It should be that the old lady had already finished the infusion. of!"

Wang Wenxue finally reluctantly agreed, and she nodded, "Then... alright, but you must remember to stop later!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will see the timing." Wang Shiyu said proudly.

"Then what should we do now?" Wang Wenxue asked.

"Sit here and brew your emotions first." Wang Shiyu turned to look at Ye Chui who was walking over, "Hammer here... Let the Lun family go show off first."

After dealing with the old lady's affairs, Ye Chui came back to find the Wang family sisters.

He saw cotton candy sold outside the hospital, so he bought one for Wang Shiyu, hoping to make this little loli happy.

On the way here just now, although Wang Wenxue has always treated him very well, this little loli has always had a gloomy face.

Ye Chui felt that this little girl was very precocious, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he wanted to bribe her with some snacks.

"Brother Hammer, you're back." Wang Shiyu trotted up to Ye Chui, raised a cute smiling face, and looked at Ye Chui with a grin.

Uh, why did this girl's attitude change so much all of a sudden?

And... What is the name of Brother Hammer?

"I've already taken care of the old lady's matter." Ye Hang nodded and said, looking at the little loli suspiciously, "What's the matter with you?"

"Enen, Brother Hammer, I have a secret to tell you." Wang Shiyu said with a lovely smile, pure and innocent.

"Secret, what secret?" Ye Chui asked curiously.

"Hee hee, it's about my sister, she treats you... Huh!?" Wang Shiyu was talking, and suddenly saw the cotton candy in Ye Chui's hand, and the little loli's eyes immediately became heart-shaped , "Wow, this cotton candy is so beautiful."

"..." Ye Chui was speechless, and handed the cotton candy to Wang Shiyu, "I bought it for you."

"Really?" Wang Shiyu looked surprised, took the marshmallow with her little hand, and couldn't wait to stick out her bright red tongue to lick it. She enjoyed it, "It's so sweet, and it smells like butter. I haven't had it for a long time. I have eaten such delicious cotton candy."

Seeing the appearance of the little girl Tim Ah Tim, Ye Chui felt that she was extremely cute, and he asked curiously, "What's the secret you said you were going to tell me just now?"

"Secret? What's the secret?" Wang Shiyu ate the marshmallow sweetly, and had already forgotten about other things.


Ye Chui was a little helpless, he thought that what this little loli was going to say was just some trivial things, and he didn't take it seriously.

Seeing Wang Wenxue sitting not far away, he walked over and planned to talk to Wang Wenxue about making her a car model.

In Ye Chui's vision, Wang Wenxue would not be allowed to wear such revealing clothes. It is important to reflect Wang Wenxue's fairy-like temperament. Even her current appearance in a simple long dress is attractive enough.

"There is something I want to tell you." Ye Chui sat down beside Wang Wenxue.

"I...I also have something to tell you!" Wang Wenxue said first, she looked a little nervous, and kept thinking with her head down.

"What did you say?" Ye Chui became curious, Wang Wenxue looked a little strange now.

Wang Wenxue raised her head suddenly, staring straight at Ye Chui: " are a good person."


Ye Chui was even more surprised, what exactly did this girl want to express?

Then Ye Chui became even more strange, she saw Wang Wenxue biting her bright red lips, and looked at Ye Chui with rippling eyes...

My second son, does she want to fuck my young master?


This **** technology is almost as good as Fang Jing's.

Are you trained in one place?

——The performance is a bit exaggerated, and the expression is not devoted at all. Thanks to Ye Chui's sufficient understanding, otherwise he will definitely think it is making faces.

Wang Wenxue suddenly closed her eyes.

Her face was slightly forward, her mouth was pursed, and her quiet face was flushed.

Damn, is this... asking for a kiss?

Do you think Young Master is such a casual person?


The little girl took so much trouble to seduce him, even though her skills are poor, she can tell at a glance that her acting skills are not up to the mark... But Ye Chui thought that she was really a good person, and since she was so beautiful, she would be perfect. .

So Ye Chui also put his mouth together.

The two slowly approached.

Wang Wenxue was already extremely nervous now, and could vaguely feel Ye Chui's breathing.

"Shi Yu stop drinking quickly, hurry up..." She kept shouting in her heart.

And at this moment Wang Shiyu——

Little Lolita sat on the other side, licking the marshmallow with her little tongue, with a look of enjoyment on her face, she closed her eyes, with a sweet smile on her face, completely immersed in the world of marshmallows... …


Just like that, Ye Chui and Wang Wenxue's mouths kissed together.

Wang Wenxue immediately jumped up as if she had been electrocuted, and stared at Ye Chui with a blushing heartbeat: " are a hooligan!"

"Eh..." Ye Chui was a little depressed, he was just cooperating with this girl's plan to rape him, so is being so kind as a hooligan?

Wang Wenxue wiped her mouth vigorously, as if she had been greatly insulted, even her eyes seemed to be wet, she gave Ye Chui a vicious look: " pay me for my first kiss."

"First kiss?"

Ye Chui was a little surprised that such a beautiful girl still had her first kiss?What a nice girl.

With a look of taking advantage of it, he continued to act obediently by the way: "What, it's actually my first kiss."

Wang Wenxue said angrily: "I believe you are a ghost."

"Okay, you have seen through, this is not my first kiss." Ye Chui said seriously.


Wang Wenxue turned to look at her sister: "Didn't you say you would stop drinking?"

"Ah, I forgot." Wang Shiyu was surprised with the marshmallow in her hand, her small face flickered, and then she suddenly pointed at Ye Chui, "It's all his fault, he used the marshmallow to fuck me to reach his goal. The purpose of suing people, bad guy!"

Don't forget to lick the marshmallow again after talking.

Ye Chui: "...Your willpower is super unstable, right?"

At this moment, a big man with a vicious look suddenly walked over from the side.

When he saw Wang Wenxue, his eyes lit up immediately, and a kind of wretchedness that all men could understand flashed through his eyes.

Then he asked, "Did you send my mother to the hospital?"

Wang Wenxue diverted his attention temporarily, and looked at the big man: "Yes, we sent it, is ** okay now?"

"It's hard to say, she may be so old, she may have some root causes of illness in the future." The big man's eyes darkened for a moment, "You sent people here for fainting, you must be responsible!" (To be continued .)

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