The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

176 You have nothing to do with being pure and flawless

"It's hard to say, she may be so old, she may have some root cause of illness in the future." The big man's eyes turned gloomy for a moment, "You sent people here for fainting, you must be responsible!"

Hearing what the big man said, Ye Chui was slightly taken aback, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, I met Pengci.

Wang Wenxue was also surprised for a moment, and then she hurriedly explained to the big man: " made a mistake, we sent the ** here."

"My mother~ has always been in good health, why did she suddenly faint? It must have been done by you!" The big man insisted, and said in a cold voice, "I tell you, don't think about it and let it go, if you don't Explain the matter clearly, and I will not let you go."

"But we didn't do anything." Wang Wenxue continued to explain.

Wang Shiyu didn't eat cotton candy anymore, she tugged at her sister's clothes: "Stop talking, this person is clearly trying to blackmail you."

"What do you want?" Ye Chui asked the big man at this time.

The big man chuckled, and swept his eyes maliciously at Wang Wenxue's body. It was the first time he saw such a beautiful girl.

Meeting the gaze of this big man, Wang Wenxue couldn't help but feel a chill all over, showing a frightened expression.

Ye Chui suddenly stood in front of her.

He smiled and continued to ask the big man: "You want money, right? How much?"

The big man snorted and said: "You have made my mother dizzy. If something happens to her, no matter how much money she has, it won't matter. You are all in the same group. Tell you, this matter will never end with you!"

Before Ye Chui spoke, Wang Wenxue hurriedly pointed to Ye Chui and said, "This matter has nothing to do with him, let him go."

Ye Chui was slightly shocked by these words, at this time, she still cared about herself and let herself go first?

"Hey, none of you can run away." The big man completely ignored Wang Wenxue's words, he snorted a few times, and then said to Ye Chui, "Boy, do you know who I'm messing with, I'm not afraid of scaring you to death if I tell you! "

"Really?" Ye Chui also sneered, "Take your boss out for a walk."

"You...what are you talking about!?" The big man was furious, thinking that Ye Chui's words were an insult to his boss. Immediately, the big man waved his fist and smashed it head-on at Ye Chui's face. I want to teach Ye Chui a lesson first.

"Be careful!" Wang Wenxue hurriedly shouted upon seeing this.


Ye Chui let out a cold shout, before the big man's fist hit him in the face, he kicked the big man's stomach directly, the punch of the big man hit nothing, and he rolled to the side.

This is the waiting hall outside the registration room of the hospital. There are many people seeing the doctor. This scene immediately attracted the attention of many people, and everyone turned pale with shock.

Ye Chui kicked this kick, but he didn't use too much force. He just kicked the big man to the ground. He was a little angry in his heart. He was very disgusted with this kind of behavior of touching porcelain. He kindly saved his mother, but he came back and bit him back. ?This kind of thing is the most infuriating.

"You... you wait for me!" The big man was kicked to the ground, got up in a shattered state, cursed viciously, and walked out of the hall.

The security guards of the two hospitals noticed the quarrel and rushed over. They saw the big man walking outside in a hurry, so they hurriedly tried to hold him back.

"Go away!" The big man directly pushed the two security guards away, with a fierce look on his face, he didn't forget to turn his head to look at Ye Chui, pointed with his finger, and threatened, "Wait for me!" !"

Then he walked out.

to the outside.

"Brother Ying!" The big man took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "I was beaten, you have to help me with this matter!"

"Someone hit you? What's the matter?" A cold voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Today, my mother was sent to the hospital due to heat stroke. I planned to make a fortune by the way, but I didn't expect the other party to be a stubborn person. He dared to attack me directly. Brother Ying, this area is covered by you. When he hits me, he hits me." Your face, I said your name, he didn't respect at all, and asked me to take you out for a walk... These are all his original words, brother Ying, you have to make decisions for me." Big man I talked a lot about it.

"There is such a thing!" Brother Ying was very angry after hearing this, "Tell me your address, and I will take someone to rush over there immediately! Damn it!"

The big man then said the address and hung up the phone.

He glanced at the hall with a gloomy face: "Stinky boy, wait until Brother Ying comes over to see how I beat you... Hey, that kick just now really hurts!"

On Ye Chui's side, naturally, he didn't take this matter to heart at all, and turned around and sat directly on the chair next to him.

" hit someone just now." Wang Wenxue was a little dazed, "You...are you okay?"

Ye Chui was a little amused: "You saw it too, I was the one who beat someone, how could something happen to me?"

"That's right... But, you'd better leave quickly, he will definitely bring someone over with that person." Wang Wenxue continued, with a concerned look on her face.

"Go? Why should I go?" Ye Chui said with a smile, "I want to see how he plans to bring people here. Don't worry, it's fine."

Wang Wenxue showed an urgent expression, and was about to persuade her to say something, when Wang Shiyu next to her burst into tears.

After all, she was only a five-year-old girl, no matter how precocious she was, she was still quite frightened when she encountered the situation just now.

At this moment, tears flowed from the big eyes, crying miserably.

Of course, while crying, I still didn’t forget to stick out my little tongue and lick the marshmallow in my hand...

"Shiyu, what's wrong with you?" Wang Wenxue hurriedly squatted in front of Wang Shiyu, hugged her in her arms and comforted her carefully.

"That person just now is so scary... Woooo... Will he come back to look for us?" Wang Shiyu said while weeping bitterly.

Wang Wenxue also had concerns about this, but of course she couldn't tell the truth to her sister, she just tried her best to persuade her: "No, why would he make things difficult for us after we rescued mother, no, Shi Yu, you don't have to worried."

Ye Chui walked to the other side of Wang Shiyu at this time, reached out and patted her little head, and said with a smile: "Yes, you don't have to worry, I will protect you."

Probably because of Ye Chui's kick just now, his words were very comforting to little Lolita, Wang Shiyu sobbed a few times, then looked up at Ye Chui: "Then you can protect me from now on With my sister?"

Protect both of them in the future?

After Ye Chui was stunned for a moment, he smiled and said, "Hehe, if you don't mind, of course it's fine."

"Then it's settled!" Wang Shiyu stretched out her tender little hand and raised her little finger, "Pull the hook!"

"……All right."

Ye Chui also stretched out his finger, touching Wang Shiyu's little finger, and Wang Shiyu said in a childish voice, "If you hang yourself on the hook, it won't change for 100 years."

"After you pull the check, you must never go back on your word!" Wang Shiyu smiled on her small face, giggling, "From now on, you will be responsible to me and my sister!"

"Shi Yu, what nonsense are you talking about!" Wang Wenxue felt embarrassed again.

Wang Shiyu leaned closer to her sister's ear and whispered, "This man is so powerful, if he protects us in the future, no one will bully us!"

"What did you say to make her can't say that!" Wang Wenxue hurriedly persuaded.

"Don't worry, I've watched Desperate Housewives three times, I'm sure you'll be fine!" Wang Shiyu said calmly.

Wang Wenxue suddenly thought of something, she looked into her sister's eyes: " were fake crying just now, right?"

"Of course, if you don't cry, why would Brother Hammer agree to protect us?" Wang Shiyu said with a smile.

Ye Chui: "..."

Wang Wenxue grabbed her sister's little hand and continued, "You don't even know if he's a good guy or a bad guy."

"Sister, haven't you heard of it? Children's hearts are the most pure and flawless, and their intuition is the most accurate." Wang Shiyu said clearly.

"Shi Yu, you have nothing to do with being pure and flawless..." Wang Wenxue said with some sweat, she knew that her sister was very smart, but she didn't realize how smart her sister was until just now.

Ye Chui also squatted down at this time, he said with a smile: "I will take care of you in the future, you will know soon whether I am a good person or not."

Wang Wenxue looked at Ye Chui's face that was close at hand, and suddenly thought of the accidental kiss between the two just now, she blushed and turned her head away hastily.

But suddenly, she saw that Ye Chui's eyes seemed to be a little straight.

Following Ye Chui's eyes, Wang Wenxue looked down at herself - she was wearing a plain white dress, and the movement of squatting down stretched the neckline of her chest, and her white and tender breasts were clearly visible...

"Bad guy!" Wang Wenxue hurriedly covered her chest, staring fiercely at Ye Chui.

Ye Chui smiled embarrassingly: "That what... I didn't mean it."

Wang Wenxue stared at Ye Chui with a look of complete disbelief.

Wang Shiyu looked at her sister, and then at Ye Chui, this absolutely precocious little loli opened her mouth and laughed as if thinking of something.

At this time, an old man who came to see a doctor came over.

"Why are you still here?" The old man said with a concerned face, "I heard that person call outside just now, and he seemed to have called someone and was about to rush over. This kind of person is not easy to mess with, you should quickly find a chance Slip away."

When the old man said this, Wang Wenxue immediately became nervous, but Wang Shiyu looked up at Ye Chui with a small face.

Little Lolita seems to trust Ye Chui very much, maybe it comes from her innocent intuition that only children have...

"Thank you for reminding me." Ye Chui got off the bus and said to the old man, "However, I don't want to leave yet." (To be continued.)

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