"Don't want to leave for the time being?" The old man was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why Ye Chui said that, "Boy, I'm not joking, they will definitely bring someone over later, do you still want to fight with them?"

"Old man, thank you for your concern, but I really want to wait here and see what they are going to do." Ye Chui smiled, with a nonchalant look.

Seeing that he couldn't be persuaded, the old man had no choice but to shake his head and walk away.

Although Wang Wenxue saw that Ye Chui was full of confidence, she was still very worried in her heart, walked to Ye Chui and persuaded in a low voice: "Let's go first... that person is so fierce, I don't know who he will bring here. "

"It's okay." Wang Shiyu tugged at her sister's hand enthusiastically, "Brother Hammer is so powerful, it will definitely be fine."

"Shi Yu, stop making trouble." Wang Wenxue quickly stopped her sister.

But Wang Shiyu was still grinning, showing to Ye Chui that I believe in you.

"..." Ye Chui was a little speechless, why couldn't he be happy when such a precocious loli looked at him like this?

Then Ye Chui sat down on a stool beside him, and he motioned for Wang Wenxue and Wang Shiyu to also sit down beside him.

To be honest, Ye Chui is not interested in dealing with that big guy just now, but he just kicked that guy just now. Although Ye Chui is not afraid of his revenge on himself, Wang Shiyu is different from Wang Wenxue. Maybe the other party will secretly find this guy. Settle accounts with the sisters, so Ye Chui has to settle this matter once and for all.

Wang Wenxue was very worried about what happened next, but Wang Shiyu was very calm, and kept trying to comfort her sister to calm down.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Chui just mentioned to Wang Wenxue about letting her be a car model.

"You don't have any work recently, right?" Ye Chui turned to Wang Wenxue and said.

Wang Wenxue nodded. She used to work as a waiter in a restaurant, but she was fired by the boss not long ago—the reason was that the boss’s wife came to the restaurant once in a while. After seeing Wang Wenxue, she immediately put pressure on the boss to let the boss fire Wang Wenxue. up.

Sometimes being beautiful is not necessarily a good thing, especially Wang Wenxue is not used to using her beauty for profit.

"I have a job I want to give you. I don't know if you agree or not?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

"What job?" Wang Wenxue immediately asked in surprise.

Wang Shiyu also showed a happy expression: "How much is the salary?"

"Hehe, the salary must be very high. I have to discuss the exact amount with my partner, but one day's salary is at least equivalent to your working in the restaurant for a year." Ye Chui continued.

Wang Shiyu's small face immediately showed an expression of excitement, one day is worth a year?

——How many marshmallows can you buy?

Wang Wenxue's originally surprised expression cooled down in an instant: "You...you are such a rascal, I wouldn't do that kind of thing!"

A day's work is worth a year's wages at a restaurant?

How could there be such a good thing, unless she was asked to do that kind of **** dirty work, how could she agree! ?

"Huh?" Ye Chui couldn't help being taken aback by Wang Wenxue's reaction, and then he realized what Wang Wenxue was referring to, so he quickly said, "You misunderstood, the job I planned for you to do is not that kind, but yes……"

Before Ye Chui finished speaking, there was a burst of venting outside the hospital.

"Why are there so many people outside all of a sudden?"

"These people look like hooligans, are they here to find fault?"

"It must have been called by that person just now."

The patients and doctors around talked a lot, and then secretly looked at Ye Chui's place. They all had some worries in their eyes, but they didn't dare to come over and say anything more.

Ye Chui frowned, looked out of the hall, did he really call someone?

Shit, I hate it when someone interrupts him the most. I'll talk about the car models later, let's deal with these little bastards first.

"I'll talk to you about work later. Wait for me first." Ye Chui then said this to Wang Wenxue, and then walked out of the hall.

Although Wang Wenxue felt very unhappy because Ye Chui asked her to do that kind of work, she was still very worried when she heard that many people came looking for her. Seeing that Ye Chui was about to go outside, she hurriedly said: "You... ...you be careful."

"Small meaning, it's okay." Ye Chui turned to her and said with a smile.

Wang Shiyu, the lolita, was very enthusiastic, holding Wang Wenxue's little hand: "That's great, sister, let's go watch the fun!"

"Shi Yu, don't be so happy..." Wang Wenxue could only scold her sister in a low voice.

She was also very worried, and pulled Wang Shiyu out of the hall.

The hospital they were in was just a small hospital, at most it was a little bigger than a clinic, and outside the hospital lobby was the street outside.But at this moment, around the outside of the hospital were a dozen arrogant-looking gangsters, all of them vicious and provocative.The big man just now was standing in it.

At this moment, the big man looked at Ye Chui coldly, as if he was saying to Ye Chui: "See how I will teach you a lesson later!"

And in the center of these people is a tall man with a cold face, he is obviously Brother Ying who was called by the big man just now, at this moment he glanced at Ye Chui coldly: "Ma San, this is the man who beat you And then you still say insults?"

"That's right, Brother Ying, that's the guy!" The big man, that is, Ma San, complimented quickly, "Brother Ying, this guy doesn't think much of you, and he doesn't even know that this area is covered by you now. You must teach him a severe lesson!"

"Of course we have to teach him a good lesson!" Brother Ying said coldly, but his eyes suddenly narrowed.

Ye Chui was standing with the backlight, and the dazzling sunlight formed a halo behind him, making his face a bit blurred, Brother Ying couldn't see his appearance clearly for a while, but his figure looked familiar , For a while, he couldn't remember who came, he thought to himself, I just covered this place recently, if I don't build up a little prestige, wouldn't everyone ride on my neck in the future?

Let's take this kid first!

Thinking of this, he thought he was majestic and walked towards Ye Chui: "Boy, you are so bold..."

His words stopped abruptly, his body was stiff, and the steps he was planning to take were also frozen in the air.

On his face, there was a look of shock.

"Huh? What's wrong with him?" Wang Shiyu, a lolita, was about to watch a very violent scene with great interest, when she suddenly found that the body of the black boss who seemed to be very naked suddenly stiffened, she became very curious and stretched Neck wanted to figure out what was going on.

Wang Wenxue was equally curious, what happened?

Ye Chui also felt strange—he had no impression of Brother Ying in front of him at all, and was about to let go of his hands and feet and beat him up, but he seemed to be suddenly Smecta, the young master was so horrible?

"It's...it's you!" Brother Ying finally recovered a bit, his face twitched a few times, and then forced out a smile, "I didn't expect it to be you, Brother Hammer, you... how are you?"

"Huh?" Ye Chui couldn't help being taken aback, not many people know the name Brother Hammer, so is this guy really an acquaintance?Ye Chui couldn't help asking, "Who are you?"

"I'm the Eagle of Hemen." Brother Ying, also known as Eagle, said with a smile, with a compliment on his face.

"Eagle?" Ye Chui thought for a while, then shook his head, "I have no impression."


Hemen is under the old Dalinhe. There are seven hall masters in total. They use tigers, eagles, foxes and other animals as names. At the time, the eagle was at the scene, and he was terrified of Ye Chui to the bone, and then he fell out with the boss, and he probably would never come out again in this life. Most of them were also caught, and the fox among them was seriously injured by a sniper rifle. The Eagle Man was more cunning and escaped secretly. Thinking of it, I met Brother Hammer again here.Brother Hammer's appearance often wakes him up from nightmares in the middle of the night, and Transformers and other things have already left him with indelible scars...

But Ye Chui has no impression of him at all?

Apart from rejoicing, Lao Ying was also dissatisfied. At least he had a dozen or so lines at the time...

"Brother Ying, this guy has two tricks, here you go, just beat him to a cerebral hemorrhage..." Ma San saw Eagle froze on the spot, impatiently, he walked over with an iron bar, and handed the gang to him. eagle.

The eagle took the stick from Ma San's hand, and before Ma San could finish speaking, the gang swung it round and threw it directly on Ma San's forehead.


Amid the exclamation of the crowd, Ma San fell headlong to the ground.

"Neighbor Spicy, you dare to do something to Brother Hammer, I think you don't want to live anymore!" The eagle seemed to be crazy, threw away the stick, and then punched and kicked Ma San, making Ma San scream again and again , constantly begging for mercy.

After a while, the eagle seemed to be completely relieved. He looked at Ye Chui panting, and smiled apologetically on his face: "Brother Hammer, this guy is just a little bastard, ignorant, and I guarantee that he will never appear in front of you again in the future." .”

Ye Chui already felt that he was not interested, shit, and wanted to show his heroism in front of Wang Wenxue, but this kind of thing happened... He waved his hands indifferently: "Let him go."

"Get out!" Lao Ying kicked Ma San's chest.

Ma San got up from the ground in a mess, with a frightened face, and ran away in a hurry.

"Brother Hammer, how are you lately?" Eagle looked at Ye Chui again, and seized the opportunity to connect with him with a smile.His younger brothers were already stiff, but most of them were very smooth people. They thought Ye Chui was some kind of big shot, so they hurriedly gathered around and talked nice things together.

All the people who paid attention to all this were completely stunned.

Who the hell would have thought that this would be the result?

what is happening?

After seeing this situation, almost everyone subconsciously had the idea in their hearts: If Ye Chui is a black person, and his level is obviously much higher than that of Ma San and Eagle...

"Brother Hammer is so amazing!" Although Wang Shiyu couldn't figure out what happened, she was already staring at this situation.

Wang Wenxue looked worried. At this moment, she was not worried about Ye Chui, but about herself——Ye Chui really has a complicated background. Could it be some kind of underworld overlord?He just said that he would give him a job...it must not be a good thing, she took advantage of the group of gangsters to surround Ye Chui, and hurriedly pulled Wang Shiyu's little hand: "Let's go!"


"Don't ask so many questions, let's go first!"

Then he couldn't help but dragged his sister and slipped away.

He walked very quickly, as if he was deeply afraid that he would cause trouble to his upper body.

And not far away—

"Fuck, what's the origin of this Brother Hammer...I've only heard of a guy called Hammer who dumped a fake phone, could it be this guy? But why is Brother Ying afraid of a guy who dumped a phone? Hmph, there's no future in following this pustule! Ma San covered his face and muttered angrily. His face was red and swollen from the blow, and he was very miserable. At this moment, he saw two girls, Wang Wenxue and Wang Shiyu, slipping away.

"Why are these two people leaving in such a hurry?" Ma San was stunned for a while, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I don't know what the relationship between these two people is with Brother Hammer, but... I got hurt for nothing. Dunda, this matter can’t just be left alone, I’ll go and see where they live first, and I’ll visit them in the evening...hehe.” (To be continued.)

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