Ye Chui managed to get rid of Lao Ying and his group, and when he turned to look at Wang Wenxue and Wang Shiyu, he saw that they had disappeared.


"Old man, did you see the two girls standing here just now?" Ye Chui walked up to an old man and asked politely.

"They just sneaked away." The old man replied hastily.

His tone of voice was a little frightened, and he looked at Ye Chui with a bit of fear in his eyes.

Obviously, Ye Chui frightened the eagle, and this scene also frightened the people around him.

"Did you see them going in that direction?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

The old man pointed in one direction: "This way."

"Thank you."

Ye Chui immediately chased after her. Wang Wenxue is very beautiful and has a good temperament. It is definitely the most suitable candidate for her to be a car model, but she did not expect this kind of thing to happen.

Fuck, if I knew it, I would have told her about the car model earlier.

After chasing for several minutes, but still couldn't see the two sisters, Ye Chui had no choice but to give up.

"It seems that we have to think of other ways to find the whereabouts of the two..."

Soon, Ye Chui thought of a way.

In a networked society, information consultation is overwhelming, and it is not too difficult to find someone, as long as you have a strong network.

arrive home.

Ye Chui put his hand on the main computer, and a thought was sent into the main computer through the unique mental operation of the Calcining Heart Sutra.

"Xiao Ze, help me find this person." Ye Chui then ordered.

He turned the image of Wang Wenxue he had seen into an idea, and input it into the computer host like data, just like Ye Chui created the image of Ozawa back then, he transformed the image of Shui Yueqin in his mind into an idea and input it into Ozawa in the database.

At this moment, Ozawa quickly received the idea, and one page after another flashed on the computer screen immediately, and began to search for human flesh.

"How long will it take to get the result?" Ye Chui then asked.

Ozawa replied: "It's hard to say. The online world is like the sea. Looking for it now is like finding a needle in a haystack. It may take a few minutes, or it may take a few days. You can't say for sure."

After a pause, Ozawa then asked teasingly: "Brother Ye, this woman is so beautiful, is she your new prey? She is so beautiful, even more beautiful than An Leer, Fang Jing Yuxue, is this the legendary love at first sight?"


"Hee hee, Brother Ye, you don't need to be shy, everyone understands." Ozawa said on the screen with a wink.

"Fuck, find someone for me quickly." Ye Chui yelled helplessly, it's really a rogue computer.

He looked at the time, it was more than two o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Chui frowned, why did he suddenly have a bad premonition?

After Ye Chui comprehended the power of the heart, he had a very powerful intuition, which told him that something might happen to Wang Wenxue...

"I hope Ozawa can find her address soon."


This is a dilapidated residential complex.

It is next to several third-rate universities, and it is dilapidated and old. Most of the people living here are students from nearby universities.

There are also some houses that are rented out as part-time houses.

The houses here are very cheap and the neighborhood is very convenient, so Wang Wenxue chose to live here with her sister.

The house they rented was a small house with a size of no more than [-] square meters, and the furnishings inside were also very simple, including a bunk bed, a large wardrobe, a worn-out TV, and some cooking belongings—see It can be concluded that the two sisters are living in poverty.

The rent of such a house will not be very expensive, but it is still a big burden for them.

"I really don't understand why we left." Wang Shiyu kept muttering about it in a low voice. She thought it was unnecessary. Brother Hammer seemed like a good guy at first sight—he bought her marshmallows, and he was so Powerful, I want to introduce my sister to a job that can buy countless cotton candy, so she doesn't understand her sister's insistence on pulling her away.

"That person... I don't think he's a good person." Wang Wenxue sat down on the bed and said worriedly.

"I think he is a good person." Wang Shiyu muttered, she climbed onto the bed which seemed a bit high for her, and sat beside her sister, "Then what should we do now? There are still a few days left, that one is very fierce, very fierce The landlord is coming to collect the rent."

"I'll go look for a job tomorrow!" Wang Wenxue glanced outside and found that it was already evening, "Don't worry about the rent, I will take care of it."

Wang Shiyu's cute face was bulging, and she muttered something in her mouth, but children are the easiest to change their moods, and they are naturally optimistic. She quickly thought of something, and rushed over to put the dilapidated small TV When it was turned on, a beaming TV screen just appeared. Wang Shiyu moved a small bench and sat in front of the TV, watching it with great interest.

Seeing her sister's happy look, Wang Wenxue quietly waved her fist: "Come on, Wang Wenxue, you will definitely find a job!"

At this moment, outside the room where the two sisters are.

"Hey, they used to live here." Ma San whispered outside the door with a gloomy face.

Because this residential area is next to several universities, there are many people coming and going in a mess. Ma San covered the redness and swelling on his face, and thought coldly in his heart: "This woman is really beautiful. Could it be that she is from a nearby university?" College students... Hmph, I haven't been to college, so the last time I was a college student was a new thing, hey, come back tonight after getting some drugs!"


"Brother Ye found out!"

At nine o'clock in the evening, Ozawa jumped out on the computer screen and said.

Ye Chui was sitting on the sofa practicing the Calcination Heart Sutra, when he heard Ozawa's words, he recovered from the state of practice: "Where is she?"

"I found a post on the Internet. This post was posted by a student from a third-rate university. It said that there was a goddess living in a community near their school. Someone secretly took a photo and posted it on this post. It is exactly Brother Ye, the woman you mentioned." Ozawa replied.

"What's the specific address of that community?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

"The xxx community is just 300 meters north of the intersection of the South Second Ring Road and Wenjin Road." Ozawa told Ye Chui the specific address, and then said with some regret, "Unfortunately, I only found out that she is in that community." , there is no way to find the specific address.”

"It doesn't matter, I'll look for it seriously when the time comes." Ye Chui said and planned to go out, a bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he thought to himself, "There must be something going on with Wang Wenxue. Something is happening to me...but what is it? Well, if I can comprehend the power of time, I can make accurate predictions..."

The power of time is the power that can only be comprehended when the ninth level is promoted to the tenth level.

Leaving the community in a hurry, Ye Chui took a taxi and drove to that community.

Half an hour later, the bus arrived at the station, Ye Chui paid the bill and got off the bus, and walked directly to the community.

"Young man, do you want a place to live?" Immediately, an aunt stopped Ye Chui, "30 yuan a night, very cheap."

"No." Ye Chui shook his head, thought of something, took out his phone again, and with a flash in his hand, directly entered the image of Wang Wenxue into the phone, which appeared on the screen, "Excuse me, have you seen this woman?"

When the aunt heard that Ye Chui didn't want a house, the original politeness on her face disappeared, and when she heard Ye Chui asking her for information, she looked unwilling, squinted her eyes and glanced at Ye Chui's cell phone, but said "huh" sound.

"Have you seen her?" Ye Chui asked hastily.

The aunt shook her head, and looked at Ye Chui with a smile in her eyes: "I haven't seen her, but young man, I know some beautiful girls, do you want to introduce them to you?"

"Uh, no need..." Looking at the aunt's eyes, Ye Chui could understand what she meant. Does this aunt still work as a procuress?

After getting rid of this aunt, Ye Chui walked to the community, and met many people who asked her if she had a house along the way.

But suddenly, Ye Chui was taken aback for a moment, but saw an acquaintance—he saw Ma San's figure.

Ye Chui hurriedly hid behind a big tree nearby.

Ma San is tall and tall, his face was red and swollen after being hit by an eagle. smirk.

"Why is he here? What is he going to do?" Ye Chui immediately had this question in his heart.

Afterwards, without hesitation, he immediately followed behind Ma San quietly.

Ma San quickly touched the door of Wang Wenxue and Wang Shiyu's house.

He fumbled in his pocket, and then took out a white plastic bag, which contained some white powder. This powder was called fainting powder among their punks, and a little bit of it could make people faint.

Holding this thing in his hand, Ma San knocked on the door of the small room.

"Who is it?" Wang Wenxue rang out with a somewhat vigilant voice.

Ye Chui just happened to walk to the side, and was taken aback when he heard this voice: "Wang Wenxue lives does Ma San know?"

Originally, Ye Chui had a bad premonition, but at this moment, he immediately understood that his bad premonition must have come from this Ma San, and he didn't know how Ma San knew where Wang Wenxue lived, so he secretly searched for him. Come here, looking at it like this, he must have no good intentions.

Ye Chui walked over immediately.

"I'm your neighbor, I have something to ask..." Ma Sanzheng said with a squeeze of his throat, trying to trick Wang Wenxue into opening the door, but he suddenly froze and saw Ye Chui walking towards him with a smile.

He was terrified of Ye Chui, he was someone that even the eagle would not dare to mess with.

At this moment Ye Chui was smiling faintly.

That smile frightened him.

So, he reacted subconsciously, throwing the powder in his hand, and at the same time, Sa Yazi ran to the side.

The powder was thrown very suddenly, Ye Chui didn't expect it at all, subconsciously inhaled a lot, a burst of dizziness suddenly appeared in his mind.

Before he fainted, he saw Ma San running away.

Paralyzed, want to run away so easily?

With a flick of Ye Chui's hand, Huo Lei Shen's Hammer flew out, chasing after Ma San.

As soon as Ye Chui's real body softened, he fell to the ground. (To be continued.)

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