The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

179 I came to ask her to be a car model, do you believe it?

Ma San hurriedly ran out of the community and ran all the way.

He is a typical bullying and fearful character. Thinking of the eagle's respectful appearance to Ye Chui during the day, he felt a little frightened and frightened. He didn't expect to meet Ye Chui here...

He had some doubts in his heart: "Could it be that Brother Hammer also lives here? But if so, why did that pretty girl sneak away during the day?"

"Hmph, that Brother Hammer will definitely faint when I throw the drug on his face, and I'm not afraid that he will catch up..." Ma San thought about this, holding his hands on the wall next to him, panting heavily.

At this moment, a black figure suddenly appeared behind him.

Dressed in black and handsome, he is the avatar of the God of Fire and Thunder.

Ye Chui's body fell into a coma, but this did not affect his Huo Lei Shen avatar.

On the Hammer of Huo Lei Shen, the power of Ye Chui's heart is penetrated, it is a consciousness of Ye Chui, even if Ye Chui himself perishes, this thought will still exist in the Hammer of Huo Lei Shen, but it will be completely read. go out.

At this moment, Ye Chui's main body is only in a complete coma, but his avatar can still move freely, and can counter-control the body of the deity, so that Ye Chui can wake up as soon as possible.

"Who?" Feeling that there was someone behind him, Ma San was startled and hurriedly turned around to look. After finding out that it was someone he didn't know, he immediately felt relieved, "Boy, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing..." There was a sneer at the corner of the mouth of Huo Lei Shen's avatar, and then he punched out, there is no need to show mercy to this kind of scum.

Shit, someone kindly saved her mother, so let's forget about him not being grateful, but asking for trouble one after another. I've never seen such a bastard.

Of course, Ye Chui wouldn't really hit him hard, he just punched this guy a few times, kicked him a few times, and then said to him seriously: "Let me see you next to Wang Wenxue again in the future, I promise You will end badly."

"I... I'm leaving Xizhou right now, and I won't come back again..." Ma San said in a stern voice, as if he had been seriously frightened.

"Very good, I hope you will always remember what you said." After Ye Chui said coldly, he waved his palm, and with a bang, a blazing flame suddenly burst out from his palm, and the flame was still wrapped around There was a trace of electric light, reflecting Ma San's face with incomparable horror.


With a wave in the water, a large pit of more than half a meter appeared on the ground next to the street.

There were no pedestrians around, so no one noticed all this.

But Ma San was already petrified, a stench came from him, and he peed in his pants—is this... a human?

Ye Chui was very satisfied with Ma San's reaction, and he then said, "Okay, you can get out."

Ma San got up in a panic and ran away limping on one foot.

Huo Lei Shen's avatar put away the flames, floated up again, transformed into the shape of a hammer, and flew towards the main body quickly.


Wang Wenxue carefully opened the door.

There are all kinds of people living in this community. In the past, some gangsters often knocked on her door, taking the opportunity to strike up a conversation.

However, at the moment when the door was opened, Wang Wenxue was taken aback by what appeared outside the door. A man was lying on the corridor, and he seemed to have... fainted?

What surprised Wang Wenxue even more was... this is Ye Chui!

"Why is he here? Could it be that he has fainted?" Wang Wenxue felt strange, pushed Ye Chui's arm, and called out softly, "Ye Chui, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Chui didn't respond.

That kind of drug is very effective. It is a kind of paralysis product used in medical treatment. It directly paralyzes the nerves. Ye Chui feels as if he has fallen into the sea. What was the response to the cry.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Wang Shiyu, who had been lying down just now, heard the movement outside, sat up curiously and asked.

"It's okay..." Wang Wenxue said subconsciously, not wanting to worry her sister.However, a big man suddenly fainted outside the door, how can this be said to be all right?She then said strangely, "It's Ye Chui, I don't know what happened, he fainted outside the door."

"Ah, it's Brother Hammer." Wang Shiyu obviously had a good impression of Ye Chui, or she had a good impression of Marshmallow. Hearing Wang Wenxue's words, she immediately got up from the bed and walked to the door, "Sister, Why did Brother Hammer faint, did you knock him out?"

"He fainted when I just opened the door." Wang Wenxue combed the hair on her forehead, but looked at Ye Chui with worried eyes.

Wang Shiyu squatted next to Ye Chui's head, stretched out her tender fingers to touch Ye Chui's nose, confirmed that Ye Chui was still breathing, and breathed a sigh of relief: "He's still alive."

"..." Wang Wenxue was speechless. What does it mean to be alive?

"Sister, let's help him to the bed." Wang Shiyu looked up at her sister.

"No way..." Wang Wenxue suspected that Ye Chui was pretending to faint. After thinking about it, she pulled her sister aside, and then found out her mobile phone, "We'd better call the police and let the police handle it."

When Ye Chui's Huo Lei Shen avatar hurried back, he unexpectedly found a police car parked under Wang Wenxue's compound.

"Fuck me...Wang Wenxue called the police?" Huo Leishen's avatar floated in the air, his face was speechless, but after thinking about it, he suddenly found a strange man fainted at the door of the house, and anyone's subconscious reaction should be Just call the police.

At this moment, Ye Chui's main body was still in a coma, and the clone didn't think much, it turned into a flash of lightning and rushed into the main body quickly.

Two policemen were carrying Ye Chui outside, and there was a flash of lightning. The two policemen showed puzzled expressions on their faces, but they both thought it was just a hallucination and didn't think much about it.

The avatar controls the body of the main body and runs the power of the heart. The brain nerves that were in a paralyzed state immediately recovered, which also woke up Ye Chui's true deity, and he opened his eyes suddenly.

"He's awake!" A policeman immediately noticed that Ye Chui had opened his eyes and shouted loudly.

The two policemen hurriedly put Ye Chui down.

Ye Chui rubbed his dizzy head, looked at the two police officers, and said with a smile, "Sorry, I'm already awake."

This time, a total of three policemen came over. In addition to the policeman who was carrying Ye Chui, there was another policeman who was talking to Wang Wenxue and Wang Shiyu to understand the situation.

Seeing that Ye Chui woke up here, the policeman immediately came over and looked at Ye Chui suspiciously: "You were already unconscious just now, but you woke up so quickly? How did you become unconscious just now?"

Ye Chui told the truth about Ma San, so there is no need to talk nonsense at this time.

"According to what you said, you saved them?" After the policeman heard this, his face was full of suspicion.

Ye Chui glanced at Wang Wenxue and Wang Shiyu, Wang Wenxue seemed to be suspicious of what Ye Chui said, but Wang Shiyu was delighted, she had been worried about Ye Chui just now, and now Ye Chui woke up and she felt very happy.

Then Ye Chui replied to the policeman, "That's right."

"Hmph, who are you making up these reasons to deceive? Do you think I was deceived so easily? You must have been pretending to faint just now, right?" The policeman sneered, thinking that Ye Chui must have other plans. Otherwise, why would he faint in front of the girl's door inexplicably, he stretched out his hand and pushed Ye Chui, "Let's go, follow me back to the detention center first, I will investigate exactly what happened."


Ye Chui was speechless, the police actually suspected him?

The point is, looking at Wang Wenxue's vigilant face, she doesn't seem to trust Ye Chui too much, but Wang Shiyu does trust her appearance... But the point is what's the use of such a little loli talking?

Shit, the young master just wants to find a car model, so why bother?

"Tell me, what exactly are you looking for them for?" The policeman pointed at Ye Chui again and asked with a fierce look on his face.

Ye Chui replied seriously: "I said I saw how beautiful she is. I just happen to have a car brand that is going to participate in the Xizhou Auto Show three days later. In place, I think Wang Wenxue is beautiful and temperamental, so I want to ask her to be a car model, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it..." It was obvious that Ye Chui's reason was not convincing, and all the policemen shook their heads in unison.

Wang Wenxue was slightly stunned: "Let me be a car model? it real or fake?"

"Oh, it must be very profitable to be a car model?" Wang Shiyu's eyes turned into cotton candy shapes, "Can you buy a lot of cotton candy?"

No matter what Ye Chui said, he was still taken into the police car. It was easy for Ye Chui to escape, but of course he would not do unnecessary things irrationally at this moment, and obediently sat in the back seat .

The police car drove away quickly, and there was another policeman who wanted to stay to make a simple confession record. In fact, Ye Chui was in a coma and there were no casualties.

"Mr. Police, what will you do to Ye Chui?" At the end of the questioning, Wang Wenxue asked worriedly.

"It depends on the situation, don't worry, if he has any criminal record, we will definitely deal with it properly, and we won't think about your normal life." The policeman turned and left after leaving this sentence.

But Wang Wenxue was a little worried, a little ashamed for letting Ye Chui be taken away by the police, maybe Ye Chui really came to her to ask her to be a car model?

He had said in the hospital before that he would work for him, but he never had a chance to say what the job was. Maybe she really misunderstood Ye Chui.

Thinking about these things, Wang Wenxue took Wang Shiyu back to the room, but when she reached the door, Wang Shiyu suddenly yelled.

"What's the matter, Shi Yu?" Wang Wenxue asked hastily.

Wang Shiyu picked up something from the ground and waved it in his hand: "Sister, it's Brother Hammer's phone."

"Is his cell phone left here?" Wang Wenxue brought Ye Chui's cell phone over. She looked at the semi-old cell phone and thought, "Ye Chui has been taken away, let me help him contact his family..." (To be continued.)

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