The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

180 If I Have a Chance, I Will Spank Your Butt Again!

"Fuck, lost your phone!?"

Sitting in the police car, Ye Chui suddenly realized that the mobile phone in his pocket had disappeared.

If you think about it carefully, it might be that you accidentally dropped your phone on the ground when you fainted. At that time, you immediately let the avatar counter-control your body and use the power of your heart to regain consciousness, but it will take some time because you are worried that Ma San will die After slipping away like this, it will not be easy to find him in the future. Ye Chui wanted to solve this matter once and for all, so he released his avatar to chase after Ma San, but he accidentally left his phone behind.

The mobile phone has been forged by Ye Chui, and its hardness is comparable to a brick. When Ye Chui fights, he can't always summon the hammer. He uses the mobile phone as a weapon in his hand. However, he is not worried about losing the mobile phone, but he just needs to use the phone at this moment. It's a pity to contact other people.

"Let me borrow your phone." Ye Chui turned his head and said to the policeman sitting beside him.

"Lend my phone?" The policeman sneered, "Why, do you want to make a phone call?"

Ye Chui could see that the policeman would not lend him his mobile phone too easily, so Ye Chui deliberately provoked him, saying: "Yes, I just want to borrow my mobile phone to entrust my relationship, as long as I make a call, You will release me immediately."

"You are so good!?" The policeman really showed a look of disbelief, "You really want to have this kind of ability, and you still use the way of pretending to be dizzy to take advantage of the girl? Well, I will give you the mobile phone. Do you have the phone? Give me a try on the phone."

Saying that, the policeman handed Ye Chui his mobile phone.

It's not that he's stupid enough not to see that Ye Chui is provoking him on purpose, it's just that he is too suspicious of Ye Chui's words and wants to see Ye Chui's jokes.A phone call can affect the public security system and let them release people?This kind of thing only exists in novels, right?He was ready to sarcastically mock Ye Chui later.

Ye Chui got the phone and immediately entered Zheng Feng's phone number.

At such a moment, we must find Zheng Feng, the younger brother.

Ye Chui remembers the mobile phone number in his mind. In fact, since he integrated a computer into his brain, Ye Chui's memory has become extraordinary. For him, a string of numbers is like entering a database. If he doesn't want to delete , then these numbers will always exist in his mind.

The call was connected quickly.

"Brother Ye." Zheng Feng's mean voice came from the other side of the phone immediately.

"I'm on my way to the Jinrong District Police Station in Xizhou, help me clear it up." Ye Zhizhi said directly.

Zheng Feng was stunned for a moment, and then asked nervously: "Brother Ye, you won't do such a thing as kicking the door again this time, will you?"

"..." Ye Chui was speechless, thinking that Ye Chui had made a similar phone call with Zheng Feng last time. Although what he said on the phone was insignificant, he actually killed a gang of 300 to [-] people. Because of this matter, Zheng Feng The Longya Eighth Team led by Feng was almost banned directly. He should be a little scared. Ye Chui smiled and said, "It's not that serious. I'm innocent this time, really."

"...Okay." Zheng Feng had no choice but to trust Ye Chui, "I trust you, I'll make a phone call right away."

After confirming the existence of Hellfire, and continuing to implement the Nightfire plan, Zheng Feng regained power. In Xizhou City, a second-tier city, Zheng Feng can almost cover the sky with one hand by relying on the power bestowed by the Qianlong Group... Little brother, Ye Chui is very relieved.

Ye Chui hung up the phone and returned the phone to the police.

"Is it true that I will receive a call soon and ask me to let you go?" The policeman was very disdainful, thinking that Ye Chui was playing tricks. He had never heard such a simple and direct call to ask for a relationship. It must be nonsense.

Ye Chui shrugged indifferently and stopped talking.

The policeman felt very unhappy with Ye Chui's attitude, and thought that he must interrogate this guy himself later, and then make him suffer... It's a pity that his wish only existed for a few minutes, and he was given by a phone call. Interrupted, the one who called him was the captain who had just acted together, because the captain had to stay to deal with Wang Wenxue's transcript, so he didn't come back with them in the car, but the captain's tone was very urgent when he called.

After the phone call, the policeman couldn't help showing a shocked expression on his face, and the way he looked at Ye Chui became very strange.

Then he asked his companion to stop the car, and took out the key to uncuff Ye Chui's hand.

"Hehe, no need." Ye Chui directly took off the handcuffs and handed them to the police.


"Sorry, I'm never used to being handcuffed by other people." Ye Chui said with a smile. At this time, the police car had stopped, and Ye Chui opened the door and walked out.

It was more than nine o'clock in the evening, the police car was very close to the police station, and there were few pedestrians on the street, it seemed that it was not easy to get a taxi. Ye Chui suddenly thought, should I trouble these hardworking policemen to send him back?

In the end, Ye Chui still felt that it was too rude to do so, so he had better find a place to take a taxi and go back.He looked around and walked back.

A moment later, a car stopped beside him by itself, and when Ye Chui turned his head to look, he was slightly startled.

The car window was rolled down, and what appeared in the driver's seat was a girl's face—a beautiful oval face with short hair, looking heroic, but she was the captain of the Sixth Team of Longya who had a bit of trouble with Ye Chui before. wood summary.

At that time, Ye Chui spanked her butt, and said very softly...

The Qianlong team confirmed the existence of Hellfire, and Mu Xiaojie played a big role. After that, the Yehuo plan continued, and she also temporarily stayed in Xizhou City to carry out auxiliary tasks.

This girl must hate Ye Chui very much. Now that she suddenly appeared in front of him, is she trying to trouble Ye Chui?

"Long time no see, does your butt still hurt?" Ye Chui greeted immediately with a smile.

A trace of anger immediately appeared on Mu Xiaojie's face, but she suppressed it very well and snorted coldly: "Get in the car, I have something to tell you."

"Do you want revenge?" Ye Chui asked with a smile.

"You don't dare to get in the car, do you?" Mu Xiaojie retorted, his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

Of course Ye Chui is not afraid of her. Although Mu Xiaojie's joint skills are very powerful, it does not make Ye Chui afraid, because no matter how powerful she is, she belongs to the category of ordinary people, and Ye Chui is a cultivator. The bottom is not a level at all.Ye Chui opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat. He looked at Mu Xiaojie: "Did you hear that I'm here from Zheng Feng?"

"I was at the side when you called him." Mu Xiaojie explained briefly, then stared at Ye Chui and said, "I came this time to warn you of something."

"What's the matter?" Ye Chui thought, did she see that she was impersonating the Hellfire Emissary?Although the avatar of the God of Fire and Thunder showed great power that day, if you analyze it carefully, you will still see some flaws. For example, the mysterious organization Hellfire showed its face in front of these so-called gangsters, and they did not kill anyone. Leave, this is obviously not Hellfire's mysterious style of acting.

Ye Chui thought so in his heart, but Mu Xiaojie's subsequent answer made Ye Chui a little speechless: "I am going to perform a confidential mission, and it may take a long time to come back, so I warn you to be quiet! I will definitely snatch her away in the future." Come back, she is my woman!"

"Um... alright." Ye Chui said in a dazed manner, forgetting that this is actually a lesbian.

She made a special trip to find him at night, and it turned out that it was just for this matter...

But if you want to take Fang Jing back or something, what the hell, do you think the young master is a vegetarian, even a lesbian can't handle it?

"You can get out of the car now." Mu Xiaojie continued.

"It's better to send me back at night, okay?" Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Get out of the car!" Mu Xiaojie may have originally intended to send Ye Chui back, but at this moment she obviously changed her mind and was full of displeasure with Ye Chui.

"It's hard to get a taxi at night, okay?" Ye Chui continued.


Mu Xiaojie directly pulled out a gun from his waist, loaded the bullet, aimed at Ye Chui and fired three shots in succession without hesitation.

I'm second, this woman is serious!

Ye Chui immediately straightened up like a carp, and slid out of the car window. He moved nimbly and easily dodged the shot, and it was obvious that Mu Xiaojie didn't really intend to kill. She hesitated for a few seconds in the middle, and she deliberately stayed for these few seconds to let Ye Chui prepare.

After forcing Ye Chui out, Mu Xiaojie sneered, then started the car and drove away.

"Shit, if there is a chance, I will definitely spank your butt again!" Ye Chui whispered angrily.

It seems that I can only walk back.

"If only my Iron Man suit has been researched, I can use this suit to fly directly into the airspace..."

Thinking in his heart, Ye Chui continued to walk back.

After a while, another car stopped beside him, this car was very familiar to Ye Chui, it turned out to be Tian Tian, ​​it was the car that Ye Chui just gave An Le'er this afternoon.The car stopped beside Ye Chui, and An Le'er rushed out of the car worriedly. She looked Ye Chui up and down a few times: "Are you okay? I knew you were taken away by the police, so I rushed to the police station to look for you, but they said You were released halfway."

"I'm fine, how did you know I was arrested?" Ye Chui said curiously.

An Le'er pointed to the inside of the car: "They used your mobile phone to call me and told me."

Tiantian's car door opened, and Wang Wenxue and Wang Shiyu got out of it. They were also full of worries. Wang Shiyu even threw herself on Ye Chui's body, hugging Ye Chui's thigh and crying: "Brother Hammer, I I thought I'd never see you again, woo woo, it's good that you're fine..."

Fuck, today I just bought a lollipop for this little loli, and she has such deep feelings for me? (To be continued.)

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