Little Lolita was only over one meter tall, and she was crying while holding Ye Chui's thigh, which made Ye Chui feel extremely emotional for a moment.

But Wang Wenxue pulled the little loli away speechlessly, and she said to Wang Shiyu with some sweat: "Shiyu, are you acting a little too much?"

"Is there?" Wang Shiyu blinked her eyes. She cried so badly just now that she didn't have a single tear in her eyes. "Isn't it always played like this on TV?"

"Too fake……"

"Children's behavior is the most innocent, big stupid girl, if you don't pull me away Brother Hammer will definitely be moved by me." Wang Shiyu said seriously.

Ye Chui: "..."

An Le'er: "..."

"This little girl..." An Le'er didn't know how to describe it.

Ye Chui felt quite shocked, this little loli was actually acting...

Shit, Fang Jing and Wang Wenxue really should learn from her, this little thing is definitely professional.

"Why did the police let you go?" An Le'er continued to ask with concern, Ye Chui was fine, which made her feel relieved a lot.

"They knew I was innocent, so they let me go." Ye Chui explained casually, not wanting to say more on this topic, he pointed to Wang Wenxue, "Since you have known each other before, that's just right, I'm here today When I saw her on the street, I immediately felt that it must be suitable for her to be our car model, what do you think?"

"Huh? You also want her to be our car model." Ye Chui asked, but An Le'er couldn't help being startled, and smiled, "I was just thinking about it, and it would be perfect for her to be our car model." , I didn’t expect you to think so too.”

It turned out that An Le'er rushed to Wang Wenxue's place immediately after receiving the call. At the first sight, she felt that this girl was fresh and refined, with an excellent temperament. In terms of figure, appearance, and temperament, she was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate to be a car model spokesperson.

She was still thinking about how to talk to Wang Wenxue about the car model, but Ye Chui thought of it with her.

In fact, she was a little skeptical about Ye Chui at first, thinking that maybe Ye Chui secretly wanted to harass her when she saw her beautiful girl and was arrested by the police. Based on what she knew about Ye Chui, this kind of Ye Chui felt that something could be done... At this moment, the doubt disappeared.

Wang Wenxue was completely stunned, and pointed at herself: "What you said is true? Let me... be your car model?"

An Le'er nodded immediately: "That's right, your appearance and temperament are so good, I like it very much."

"But I... I've never been a model..." Wang Wenxue said with some worry, she had already confirmed that An Le'er and Ye Chui were not lying to him again, she was just worried about whether she could be a good car model.

"It doesn't matter, the car model only needs to understand some basic knowledge of cars, and then stand next to the car." An Le'er continued, and then she thought of something, and continued, "Of course, you can rest assured, we will not What revealing clothes will you wear, just like you are now, a long skirt is fine, all we want is temperament."

Wang Wenxue is still hesitant. Although she is very confident in her appearance, she feels a little unconfident about being a car model.

An Le'er continued to persuade: "How about this, there is a coffee shop over there, how about we go in and have a cup of coffee and talk while drinking?"

Wang Wenxue nodded in agreement.

She thought that Ye Chui's mobile phone was still on her body, so she hurriedly took it out and handed it to Ye Chui: "This is your mobile phone."

"Thank you." Ye Chui took the phone and put it in his pocket.

Then An Le'er and Wang Wenxue were discussing cooperation in the coffee shop. Ye Chui didn't care too much about business matters, so he didn't go over to meddle. Instead, he held up little Lolita's little hand and said with a smile: "There is a shopping mall over there." It’s not closed yet, let’s take a look around, shall we?”

"Are there any marshmallows for sale?" Little Loli asked with her head raised.

"There should be." Ye Chui smiled, feeling a little funny in his heart, this little loli really can't forget cotton candy...

"Brother Hammer is the best." She immediately said with a smile.


spiritual world.

Like a primeval forest, there stands a majestic building, like a commercial building, but it completely exceeds the scale of all buildings.Standing under this building and looking up, you can't even see the top, and it covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of hectares.

Placed on the earth, such a building would definitely be astonishing. However, in the vast and boundless area of ​​​​the spiritual world, this building does not seem so surprising. This building is the headquarters of Hellfire in the spiritual world.

At this moment, the building is located in a room on the top floor.

The room is like a conference room.

The room was a little dim, and seven people could be vaguely seen sitting there.

The heated debate has lasted for more than three hours. Except for the person sitting at the top, the remaining people are divided into two groups and are discussing a certain issue.

"The game Ruins OL was originally designed for the purpose of discovering spirit bodies. It is simply too risky to connect this game directly to the spiritual world!"

"According to the latest information we have received, another member of the Spirit Guard has broken through to the sky realm, which has greatly enhanced their strength and increased the threat to us a lot. In this case, we must kill their prestige !"

"Hmph, isn't there an executor for dealing with the spirit defenders?"

"There are less than a thousand executors who are capable of fighting against the Spirit Guards. We simply don't have enough manpower!"

"Then absorb more people. With so many people in the real world, we can create an execution force of tens of thousands at will!"

"You said it lightly. To recruit an executive must go through layers of screening. How can it be so easy to gather tens of thousands of people?"

"The screening criteria can be relaxed."

"The screening criteria are set by that great being, how can we have the right to interfere?"

"You can apply to several senior cadres!"

"No, this kind of thing also has to trouble the senior cadres. It is an insult to our ability to handle affairs. I think it is the best solution to connect the relic ol with the spiritual world and use those game players to fight against the spirit defenders!"

"Too nonsense!"

"That's right, the original purpose of the relic ol is to excavate the spirit body and forcibly connect it to the spiritual world, maybe something unexpected will happen!"

"These are things for those designers, you can put pressure on them to do it!"

"What a joke!"

The debate was still going on, and it looked like the two groups were about to fight.

At this time, the person sitting at the top seat who had been silent for a while suddenly tapped the table lightly with his fingers.

The voice was very soft, but both groups of people stopped at the same time, looking at him in surprise.

Of the seven people in this conference room, only he is a senior cadre, and the others are all middle-level cadres.In Hellfire, high-level cadres are only next to that great being, there are only seven of them in total, and their power is much higher than that of the next-level mid-level cadres, and they can even directly decide the life and death of mid-level cadres!There are many more middle-level cadres, more than 30.

"Your Excellency You Du, what do you have to say?" A mid-level cadre asked in a flattering voice.

"Hee hee, it's an interesting idea to connect that online game with the spiritual world, so that gamers in the real world can control the game characters to help us fight against the spirit defenders..." The voice of the senior cadre named Youdu There was a bit of banter in his voice, his voice was very sharp, like a child, but his figure was that of an adult man, and he continued, "Interesting, let's do this."

"This..." Another mid-level cadre was a little embarrassed, "The matter of excavating the spirit body..."

"Hee hee, why do you still need to ask me such a simple matter?" Youdu said with a bit of disdain, "You release a dungeon task in the relic ol, connect this dungeon to the spiritual space, and enter this dungeon Now, you can set up a test to stop those players with spirit bodies and the garbage who can't operate... Hee hee, let's do it like this."

After Youdu said that, several middle-level cadres did not raise any objections.

"Let's just settle things like this, hee hee, it's really interesting, shall I become a dungeon boss to play with those players?" After You Du finished speaking, his figure flashed, and he disappeared from the meeting room—— Apparation, this is a stunt that only senior cadres can possess.

There was silence in the conference room.

After a while, a middle-level cadre who was originally on the opposing side sighed helplessly: "Your Excellency Youdu was a game player before he was absorbed, and he is very passionate about games. Since he has made such a decision, let's implement it like this... It's a big event."

"I'm really looking forward to it." A middle-level cadre who opposed him said very proudly.


When Ye Chui took little Lolita's hand and returned to the coffee shop, An Le'er had already discussed cooperation with Wang Wenxue.

The little loli held a piece of marshmallow in one hand, and licked this and that with her little tongue, looking very happy.Ye Chui felt a little lucky, he didn't expect to find a place selling cotton candy so late.He walked up to An Le'er and Wang Wenxue: "How is your discussion going?"

"It has been discussed, Wang Wenxue is our car model." An Leer said with a smile, she seemed to be full of confidence in the future, "With Wenxue's help, our car will definitely shine at the auto show."

"It will definitely." An Le'er no longer had the haze of being terminated as a contracted model in the afternoon, and looked happy.Then she gave Ye Chui a hard look, "Also, even though Wang Wenxue is our car model, Ye Chui, if you deliberately strike up a conversation with her by virtue of your privilege, I will not forgive you!"

"Huh?" Hearing An Le'er's words, Ye Chui suddenly looked enlightened, "It turns out that I can deliberately strike up a conversation with her with my privilege."

"..." (to be continued.)

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