An Le'er drove Wang Wenxue and Wang Shiyu home. When they left, An Le'er looked at the community where the two lived, and frowned at Ye Chui: "I don't feel safe when they live in this kind of place... It seems that I have to give them a Find another place to live."

"I think so, too. Wang Wenxue is so pretty, there must be someone plotting against her." Ye Chui said deeply.

An Le'er glared at Ye Chui: "Among these people who are plotting evil, is there you?"

"Absolutely not." Ye Chui said swearingly, "I only approached her for our business."

"Hmph, it's strange to believe you." An Le'er said coquettishly, making her normally cold face a little more charming.

Afterwards, An Le'er drove Ye Chui outside his residence.

"Ye Chui, shouldn't it be time for you to change places?" An Le'er looked at the neighborhood where Ye Chui lived, and suggested, "I still have some money in my account, which can buy you a house. Where do you like it?"

"I'm preparing for the house myself. You don't have to worry about it." Ye Chui said with a smile. He has been asking Ozawa to help him find a house for the past few days, and there is no problem with the money. He has more than 700 million in his account. In addition, the mobile phone production line in Maple Leaf Town has restarted, and he will have a large amount of money in his account in a short time.

The two got out of the car, and An Le'er sent Ye Chui upstairs.

At this moment, the surroundings were silent and the atmosphere was peaceful. Ye Chui turned to look at An Le'er, and gently hugged An Le'er's shoulders with both hands. According to the normal development, a hot kiss should be the most appropriate time right now?

An Le'er sensed what Ye Chui was going to do, she showed a slightly shocked expression, watching Ye Chui's face gradually approaching, she seemed to be looking forward to it, but some feeling from the depths of her heart stopped her, she was a little panicked Gently pushed Ye Chui away and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry...I..."

"Why are you rejecting me?" Ye Chui couldn't help asking.

"I'm not rejecting you, it's..." An Le'er didn't know how to explain, how to tell Ye Chui that she actually has a certain degree of male misogyny, although she really wanted Ye Chui to have intimate movements, but her body instinctively opposed it. This kind of contact repulsion cannot go on.

"What's the matter with you?" Ye Chui asked softly, feeling that An Le'er had something hard to say.

"I have misanthropy." An Le'er gritted her teeth and said, secretly looking at Ye Chui, hoping that Ye Chui would not have any opinion on her because of her psychological problems.

"Misophobia?" Ye Chui heard this word for the first time, and after thinking about it, he realized what it meant. He frowned and said, "Is this a mental illness?"

An Le'er nodded: "I went to see a lot of doctors, but... nothing worked." She seemed eager to express something, looked at Ye Chui and said hastily: "I can't be too intimate with boys. The action is already very good with you, I have never even held hands with other boys before."

"You can tell me this directly, which makes me feel very happy." Ye Chui thought, and then thought to himself, mental illness?Heh, Ye Chui doesn't have enough ability to deal with physical illnesses, but when it comes to psychological's too easy for Ye Chui.

A computer is installed in his brain, which is equivalent to digitizing all thoughts. Mental illness is a kind of virus. Ye Chui can directly invade An Leer's consciousness, and run her anti-virus software "Tian Hammer Kill" directly. Delete An Le'er's consciousness virus.

Of course, the most difficult thing facing Ye Chui now is that he is still unable to access An Le'er's consciousness by non-violent means.

As long as Ye Chui can design the consciousness software to access the consciousness of others, then all this will be solved easily.

"I know you will feel bored when you date me...I promise you, I will make it up to you when my symptoms get better." An Le'er continued in a low voice, her voice was very soft and very shy.

Ye Chui chuckled: "How will you compensate me?"

"I won't tell you!" An Le'er whispered, then turned around and ran back, got into Tian Tian's body, and walked away.

Looking at the figure leaving Tiantian, Ye Chui smiled, turned around and went upstairs.


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, three days passed.

The Xizhou Motor Show was also held as scheduled.

The huge exhibition hall on the first floor of Hailan Commercial Building is the venue for the Xizhou Auto Show.

Ye Chui came here in the morning. The auto show is still in the preparation stage and has not yet officially opened. People who are interested in the auto show have already gathered outside the gate. Ye Chui directly entered the interior of the exhibition hall with the identity certificate of the sponsor. The inside is also very busy, the staff are running around, and the cars used for the exhibition are basically in place. From the location, we can see how popular it is in this exhibition.

Xizhou City was originally a second-tier city, so the level of the Xizhou Auto Show was naturally not that high. Among the cars on display, the best ones were priced in the millions.

Ye Chui and An Le'er exhibited only one car, the Tianzhu Gangya generation, and the price was set at 30.

Ye Chui specially selected a black car for display. At this moment, this car is being placed in a corner.

"This is our booth?" Ye Chui came over and asked a staff member in charge of order in the exhibition hall with a somewhat unhappy voice.

The staff first took a look at Ye Chui, saw Ye Chui's ID card hanging around his neck, and knew that he was a partner of Tianzhu Automobile, so he said: "What kind of Tianzhu Automobile is it, it's just a small brand, there is nothing Well-known, arranging a booth for you is pretty good, why, you still think the booth is not good?"

This booth is indeed not good. It is located in a corner, and there are probably very few people passing by this booth, and even fewer people will notice this car.

"I remember that the arrangement given to us was not here." Ye Chui said coldly.

"That was adjusted later. It would be nice to have a booth. Anyway, even if your car is in the best position, it is impossible for anyone to pay attention."

The voice of the staff member was very disdainful. He originally belonged to an automobile trading company and was one of the organizers of this auto show. They also made internal guesses about the exhibitors of the auto show. At this time, he said with a smile: "No one is optimistic about you To put it bluntly, your Tianhammer car is just to set off those BMWs and Audis, and you should expect that your car will be mentioned a few words in those news reports."

After finishing speaking, the staff member walked away with a face full of contempt.

Ye Chui's expression was very bad, but he quickly regained his composure. He is not the kind of person who will get angry when he is provoked. Of course, he is not the kind of person who will swallow his anger when he is despised.

Being despised at a car show?Then he will be a blockbuster at the auto show!

Nobody likes them?Sorry, everyone will be disappointed.

"What if we are not welcome?" said a voice with a bit of anxiety, which came from the car.

"Don't worry, Wenwen, it won't happen." Ye Chui said with a smile.

The name of this black car is Wenwen. The reason why Ye Chui chose her to exhibit is because the price of this car is more "academic". With a taste, he has been very puzzled about his own existence since he was born, wanting to understand the meaning of his mechanical life existence, and this kind of exploration has also made him very familiar with his own components, and let him be responsible for explaining The composition of the Tianhammer car is undoubtedly a very correct choice.

"But... But what if we are not welcome?" Wenwen said with some worry.

"A super smart car that can talk and have self-awareness, damn it, this kind of existence that only exists in movies, how can it be unpopular?" Ye Chui patted Wenwen's front of the car, "Just wait until you behave well , don't worry about the rest."

After a few words of comfort, Ye Chui looked around: "Where are An Le'er and Wen Xue? Why didn't I see them? They should have arrived before me, right?"

"They said they were going to change clothes." Wen Wen replied.

"Really." Ye Chui wondered what kind of costumes An Le'er and Wang Wenxue prepared.Ye Chui knew that with An Le'er and Wang Wenxue's tastes, this outfit would definitely not be very eye-catching, the important thing is temperament, he was full of expectations.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion not far away, and the busy staff in the venue surrounded them in a certain direction, and bursts of surprise and praise continued to come, Ye Chui couldn't help wondering, could it be Wang Wenxue Dressed like a goddess and successfully shocked the audience?

Ye Chui's heart moved, and he immediately walked over curiously to find out.

However, soon Ye Chui was surprised to find that it was not Wang Wenxue who caused the sensation among the staff, but someone else.

Ye Chui had a vague impression of this person, seeing her with Zhang Yueyang—it was the well-known female star Sun Xiaoyue.

But at this moment, she was wearing a bold and revealing outfit, with thin translucent fabric, only embellished with a few diamonds in the key parts, her image was hot and sexy, and her body was full of lust.Sun Xiaoyue was originally a big beauty, with a well-maintained figure, tall and sexy, and wearing this hot and revealing dress, she has a charming charm that attracts people's attention.

The most important thing is that her appearance here at this moment clearly means that she is a car model, and the staff members who understood this showed completely stunned expressions.It can already be expected that this car model will definitely become the biggest hot spot of the Xizhou Auto Show!

"Zhang Yueyang is really willing to do it..." Ye Chui looked at Sun Xiaoyue's image and couldn't help but sneered. (To be continued.)

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