The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

183 I've Seen Everything Without Clothes

The on-site staff took out their cell phone cameras to take pictures one after another, and Sun Xiaoyue did not show any embarrassment at all, posing various posses for people to appreciate and commemorate, as a professional actor.

She has long been used to this kind of showing off, not to mention the revealing clothes on her body at the moment, even if she is completely naked, she can face it calmly as long as necessary.

This is the accomplishment of a qualified artist.

The sound of taking pictures from mobile phones and cameras continued, and Sun Xiaoyue seemed to appreciate this situation quite a bit, but when she saw Ye Chui standing aside, her expression was a little dull, but she recovered quickly.

Ye Chui doesn't have any interest in this kind of woman. He knows that Sun Xiaoyue's meat outfit will definitely cause a sensation, but this kind of sensation is not necessarily positive for car brands. After all, it just attracts everyone's attention. , but whether this vision is good or bad is not certain.

In comparison, Ye Chui still thinks that Wang Wenxue's goddess Fan Er is better.

He was about to leave, but he accidentally saw someone standing beside Sun Xiaoyue, he couldn't help being stunned, and couldn't help laughing.

It turned out to be Shaoyang.

Originally, Shaoyang was the sales manager An Leer found, but relying on his seniority, he ignored An Leer at all, and even wanted to end the partnership with Ye Chui, but was driven out by An Leer angrily. At that time, Ye Chui installed a level-[-] psychopathic virus from the killer Xiaoshuai in his consciousness, which confused Shaoyang's thinking.

After he left, he immediately joined Zhang Yueyang's 4S store.

At this time the auto show was about to start, Zhang Yueyang didn't show up for some reason, but Shaoyang came to the scene as the person in charge of the Dianzi auto show, and he happened to be standing beside Sun Xiaoyue to escort the car.


He seems to have forgotten his responsibilities. Facing all kinds of cameras and phones, he has lost his mind, and keeps posing posses to receive everyone's attention.

Obviously, Shaoyang put himself in the same position as Sun Xiaoyue, very narcissistically thinking that everyone was amazed by his handsomeness and wanted to take pictures as a souvenir.


Ye Chui couldn't help but chuckled in a low voice.

With such a genius staying in Zhang Yueyang's camp, Ye Chui is full of hope for the future...

Back at the exhibition area where his car was located, Ye Chui found that An Le'er and Wang Wenxue had returned.

After Wang Wenxue changed her clothes, she looked a little shy at the moment, her face was flushed, but her eyes were full of anticipation. She wondered what Ye Chui thought of her.

The clothes on Wang Wenxue's body are very ordinary, just a long white dress, which is also the dress Ye Chui wore when she saw her for the first time, but this long dress is a boutique fashion specially selected by An Leer for her, it looks very simple and There is no part that is too exposed, but with Wang Wenxue's fresh and beautiful appearance, as well as her quiet and peaceful temperament, the goddess style is properly exuded.

She only had heavy makeup on her face, and her long, smooth hair was naturally draped over her shoulders, without any excessive decoration, simple and natural.

"How is it?" An Le'er asked Ye Chui, Wang Wenxue's look was arranged by her alone.

"It's beautiful, it's unreasonable if this image doesn't attract attention." Ye Chui said with a rather exaggerated smile.

"It's not that exaggerated." Wang Wenxue said in a slightly shy voice.

"I'm not exaggerating, you are just beautiful." An Le'er smiled.

Ye Chui looked around, but didn't see Wang Shiyu there, so he asked, "Where is Shiyu? Where did she go?"

"Huh? She was still here just now." Wang Wenxue realized that her sister had gone there, and looked around in a hurry.

"There." An Le'er had sharp eyes, and soon spotted the figure of little Lolita and said, pointing to the distance.

Ye Chui turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw the figure of Little Lolita. She was standing not far away watching Sun Xiaoyue. The little figure appeared very petite among a group of adults.Ye Chui and An Leer Wang Wenxue were speechless for a moment, what's the point of this little thing?Ye Chui walked over again, took the little Lolita's hand: "What are you looking at, do you understand?"

"Tch, I've seen people without clothes on!" Wang Shiyu retorted.

"What!?" Ye Chui was taken aback. Did this little loli have seen that kind of love action movie?He continued, "Where did you see that?"

"On TV."

"On TV!?" Ye Chui was even more surprised, did some TVs start to show that kind of movie now?With the shock in his heart, Ye Chui continued to ask, "What kind of movie are you watching on TV?"

"Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf." Wang Shiyu said innocently.

"Joyful...and Big Big Wolf?" Ye Chui almost fell to the ground, I'm so scared, the characters in this animation are really naked...

Then Ye Chui brought little Lolita back to Anleer Wang Wenxue, and then told them the conversation he had just had with little Lolita. After listening to it, both of them couldn't help laughing, it was very funny.

On the contrary, little Lolita was not happy with the function, stomped her feet severely, and muttered softly: "What's so funny, hum!"

Just a few minutes after little Lolita was returned by Ye Chui, the auto show officially started.

The exhibition hall was open to the outside, and countless people poured into the exhibition hall. The originally lively exhibition hall suddenly became more lively, with a constant flow of people.

The flash of the mobile phone camera kept flashing, and some reporters from Internet newspapers, magazines, and TV stations were on-site to conduct interviews and videos.

And soon, the bright spot in the exhibition hall appeared: naturally it was Sun Xiaoyue's side.

Not to mention that Sun Xiaoyue was originally a well-known actress, but her hot outfit alone is extremely attractive.

In an instant, a crowd surrounded her.

All kinds of professional and non-professional photographers seem to be afraid of missing any shot, and they are constantly shooting.

In contrast, the other booths are much deserted, and the most deserted one is probably Ye Chui's place, and no one cares about it.

"Sister, why don't you take off your clothes too, there will be people watching you soon." Little Lolita paid attention with a serious look.

"Shi Yu, don't talk nonsense!" Wang Wenxue said hurriedly with a blushing face.

What Xiao Luoli said was really embarrassing, but she also blamed herself a little at the moment, thinking that it was because of her own reasons that no one cared about this booth.

When discussing with An Leer before, the issue of clothing was actually mentioned. Wang Wenxue wanted to be more conservative, so An Leer prepared this outfit for her. If this outfit affected the auto show, he would feel very sorry.

She looked at An Le'er, "Lele, how about me...I'll change into a dress."

"Change clothes?" An Le'er was also a little anxious, but she was slightly taken aback when she heard Wang Wenxue's conversation, "What clothes should I change?"

"Change into clothes that are a little...slightly more open." Wang Wenxue continued, her personality was always conservative, and she was already blushing when she said these words.

"No need." An Le'er shook her head. Although this booth was partly because Wang Wenxue's appearance was not attractive enough, the main reason might be that the brand of Tianhammer Automobile was too weak.

Ye Chui also said: "Wen Xue, you think too much. Many people who come to the exhibition are looking for beautiful women. They will definitely be attracted by those naked clothes at first sight, but they will get tired of seeing them too much. If I notice you again at this time, there will definitely be a different feeling, and you will be more attractive than other models."

Although what he said was very rough, but after thinking about it carefully, it is indeed the truth.

The auto show officially started at nine o'clock in the morning, but until twelve o'clock at noon, Ye Chui's booth was still empty, and few people came. Most of the audience gathered at Sun Xiaoyue's side. It was so hot, it was definitely a big hit, attracting the attention of all the media.

This made both An Le'er and Wang Wenxue quite frustrated, but Ye Chui was always full of confidence.

"It's time for lunch. The auto show will be suspended for an hour." An Le'er looked at the time and said, "The organizer of the auto show has arranged a unified lunch box. Ye Chui, go and get some back."

"Eat box lunch?" Ye Chui felt that this kind of box lunch bought by Tongyi would not taste very good, so he suggested, "It's better to order takeaway directly."

"Forget it." An Le'er shook her head, "Everyone eats box lunches, and we'll make everyone feel bad if we order takeaway."

"Okay then." Seeing what An Le'er said, Ye Chui naturally had no objection, he didn't really care about good or bad food, so he could do whatever he wanted.

However, what Ye Chui did not expect was that when he rushed to the place where the boxed lunches were distributed, there were not many boxed lunches bought by the organizers left, and most of the remaining lunch boxes were damaged, obviously someone else Picking up the leftovers, Ye Chui frowned, how can I eat this?

At this time, a staff member next to him urged: "The ones on your side haven't been picked up yet, hurry up."

"Is there anything else?" Ye Chui couldn't help asking the staff member.

"That's all that's left." The staff member said impatiently, "If you want to blame, you can blame yourself for coming late. You are those Tianhammer cars. I don't know how you got the qualification to come here to participate in the auto show. Your small brand is only suitable for this kind of leftover lunch."

"How do you talk?" Ye Chui's face changed, what kind of attitude is this?

"Don't accept it? If you don't accept it, you can order takeaway yourself." The staff turned his face and looked at Ye Chui with contempt.

He looked down on Ye Chui very much, mainly because he had never heard of a car of the Tianhammer brand before, and it must be a copycat car produced by a small factory. This kind of car has no future, and he thought it ridiculous that he dared to come to the auto show.

When he said ordering takeaway or something, his tone was even more disdainful.

Where is this Hailan Commercial Building? Although there are many restaurants, they are all high-end restaurants. How can this kind of place provide takeaway?

Ye Chui was speechless, and took another look at the leftover boxed lunch. The appearance was really bad. Although Ye Chui didn't care about this kind of food, An Le'er would definitely let An Leer eat it, so he took out his mobile phone and called Zheng Feng. .

The call was connected quickly.

"Help me prepare lunch." Ye Zhizhi said directly.

Yesterday, Zheng Feng knew that he would participate in this auto show, so he contacted him and was willing to provide food for Ye Chui. Ye Chui just told him to talk about it later. He was preparing lunch, but he still had some food ready. At the moment Ye Chui asked him to deliver the lunch, he simply said: "Okay, I'll let them deliver it."

Ye Chui hung up the phone.

"It's really a takeaway?" The staff in charge of the lunch box sneered, "Let me see what your box lunch looks like?"

While talking, the staff member put away the incubator that contained the boxed lunch and took it away. When he came back, he was holding his own boxed lunch in his hand, eating deliciously, and staring at Ye Chui with a proud face. : "Hey buddy, is the takeaway you ordered delivered yet?"

"...Not yet." Ye Chui said lightly.

"Hey, don't worry, wait slowly..."

This staff member is also virtuous enough, it may be that he was scolded by the person in charge of another brand of cars today, so he wanted to do more to get back on Ye Chui, the person in charge of the unknown brand.He showed Ye Chui a smug expression that I have food to eat but you don't, then picked up a tea marinated egg with his chopsticks, and waved it in front of Ye Chui's eyes very stinky.

"This stewed egg is really fragrant, it must be delicious."

"..." Ye Chui rolled his eyes and was speechless.

The staff member took a bite, and the food was delicious.

At this moment, someone suddenly walked into the exhibition hall, but it was Zhou Tao.

Behind him were several waiters from the restaurant on the top floor, each holding a plate in his hand. Zhou Tao didn't have much interest in Ye Chui at first, but since Ye Chui hit Mu Xiaojie a few days ago, Zhou Tao has been very fond of Ye Chui. Chui's attitude has undergone a 180-degree change, and at this moment there is a smile on his face.

"Brother Ye, the lunch you ordered is here." Zhou Tao enthusiastically introduced: "Brother Ye, this is the best fried abalone, this is herbed salmon, this is Swedish meatballs, and satay beef rice, Italian meat Sauce noodles, by the way, the captain has prepared desserts for you, this is cheesecake, and this is tiramisu."

Following Zhou Tao's introduction, the waiters walked past Ye Chui one by one, and the strong fragrance permeated everywhere.

The staff member was already stunned, with a marinated egg in his mouth, he completely forgot to chew it, and he forgot to swallow it. He just stared blankly at the trays of delicious food being passed in front of him, and with a snap, he bit his mouth. Half of the marinated eggs fell directly to the ground.

He recognized the clothes on these waiters. They were clearly the clothes of the high-end restaurant on the top floor of the commercial building, which was said to have deep water, and this high-end restaurant would take the initiative to deliver food?

This... what the hell is going on here?

Ye Chui sighed a little, originally he just wanted Zheng Feng to give him a pork chop rice bowl, but he didn't expect it to be so good...

With such a good little brother, what can he say? (To be continued.)

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