The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

184 How can you just scold the car casually?

"Wow, it smells so good." As soon as the food was served, Wang Shiyu immediately sniffled and yelled.

An Le'er was a little surprised: "Ye Chui, the lunch box made by the auto show is so good?"

"That's not..." Ye Chui explained the origin of the food. There were only a few broken lunch boxes left at the auto show, and the service attitude of the staff was extremely poor, so he ordered takeaway. It just so happened that a buddy he knew just opened a high-end restaurant in this blue ocean commercial building, and these meals were provided by him in a friendly manner.

An Le'er obviously didn't believe Ye Chui's explanation, but the food was in front of her eyes, and she happened to be very hungry, so she couldn't care less.Next to each booth are some chairs for guests to rest, and a small coffee table. At this moment, these meals are directly placed on the coffee table. The table is full, and this little girl Wang Shiyu has already endured it. I couldn't help but picked up a small cake and ate it first.

"Thank Zheng Feng for me." Ye Chui said to Zhou Tao with a smile.

Zhou Tao, a young man with a pair of thick eyebrows, smiled honestly and said, "Brother Ye, our captain knows that you are using the car to confuse Hellfire. The night fire mission is very dangerous. You are at the forefront of the mission. We deserve a little support for you.”

What he said was very sincere, and he really thought so in his heart. Some time ago, when Ye Chui used the Huo Lei avatar to confuse Mu Xiaojie, the members of the Dragon Tooth Eighth Team were also present, and they also completely believed in the existence of Hellfire. And Ye Chui and Fang Jing are performing the night fire mission.

"We'll pack lunch in the future, Brother Ye, you don't have to be polite, just say so if you want something to eat." Zhou Tao said politely before leaving.

Ye Chui smiled, then went to the coffee table next to him and sat down to eat.

He was indeed very hungry, and the meals Zhou Tao sent were all delicious, so Ye Chui couldn't bear it, so he ate them all.

Wang Wenxue and An Le'er ate very quietly, but it was Wang Shiyu, the little lolita who fought with Ye Chui and ate happily.

They enjoyed eating like this, but someone beside them was not happy to see it.

"Others eat box lunches, but they ordered takeaway, which is a big meal. Isn't this a specialization?" The staff member who was in charge of distributing box lunch just now walked up to another staff member who had obviously higher responsibilities and said.

This staff member with a relatively high responsibility is the staff member who said to Ye Chui, "No one cares about you", and his name is Wu Cheng.

"During the whole morning today, no one visited their cars at all, and even came to the auto show at this level, hmph, I'm really overwhelmed." Wu Cheng also snorted coldly, and then carefully looked at it a few times. Yan Ye Chui eats here, he is just an ordinary employee with average economic level, and rarely goes to high-end restaurants for consumption. Now seeing that Ye Chui's food and drinks are all high-end restaurants, he suddenly felt a feeling called Feeling greedy, he swallowed hard, and suddenly became angry, "This Tianhammer car is too disgusting. Our company is the organizer of this auto show, and it is very clear in the relevant regulations that we cannot do special things. We must obey the arrangements of our organizers, and Sun Xiaoyue eats the boxed meals arranged by us, so why should they order takeaway?"

"That's right, they should be taught a lesson!" The staff member immediately followed up.

"They violated the regulations, I have to remind them!" Having made up his mind, Wu Cheng immediately walked towards Ye Chui.


Ye Chui was very happy eating here. He suddenly thought of the situation when they lived together with Yu Xue before. Although Yu Xue was very ladylike in front of outsiders, she was absolutely careless when she was with Ye Chui in private. No lungs, Ye Chui asked An Le'er with some doubts: "Where is Xiaoxue? Interesting things like the auto show, Xiaoxue should be the most interested? Why didn't she come?"

"Oh, she originally planned to come." An Le'er explained, "It's just that she's been playing an online game recently, and it seems that she has suddenly opened some kind of dungeon. I've been working on this thing recently, so I don't have time to come."

"Play dungeon?" Ye Chui was a little speechless, didn't he delete the consciousness virus about autism in Yu Xue's consciousness?How could she still be so addicted to playing games?I don’t know what’s so interesting about this dungeon…

It was at this time that Wu Cheng walked over with another staff member.

"Who told you to order takeaway!?" Wu Cheng said in a very serious voice with an arrogant look.

Ye Chui was slightly startled, he frowned, then pointed to the staff member standing beside him: "He."

"I... When did I tell you to order takeaway?" The staff immediately argued unconvinced.

Ye Chui took out his mobile phone from his pocket, pressed a button casually, and a recording immediately floated out of the mobile phone: "Are you not convinced? If not, you can order takeaway."

This sentence happened to be the voice of the staff member!

Of course, Ye Chui is not so cautious and would record his voice when he quarrels with others, but his mobile phone is connected to Ozawa, and Ozawa can be said to be omnipotent, she understands what Ye Chui wants her to do , and immediately synthesized this recording.

The staff member's expression changed immediately, and he hurriedly said, "I... I just said it casually."

"We also ordered takeaway casually." Ye Chui continued.

"..." Suddenly feeling a little speechless, he gave the staff around him a hard look, and then he said to Ye Chui, "Whether he said that or not, it's wrong for you to order takeaway without permission, according to our sponsorship According to Fang’s regulations, lunches for all staff are uniformly arranged, why do you make special arrangements? Hurry up and pack up all your takeaways.”

"Sir, why did you ask us to pack up the takeaway?" An Le'er stood up unconvinced at this moment and said, "The rules of the exhibition hall are set by you, you just stipulated that you will arrange lunch together, but you didn't explain it We can't refuse your boxed lunch? The most important thing is, when we passed by just now, all your boxed lunches were broken, how can we eat them?"

"This... the box lunch is broken, you can give our staff some advice, but you just ordered takeaway, it is clear that you are not satisfied with the service of our showroom!" Wu Cheng was already in a rage.

"Eh?" Ye Chui looked at him amusedly, "You are right, we are just not satisfied with your showroom service, why, you bite me?"

Wu Cheng took a few breaths, staring at Ye Chui fiercely.

Their company contracted the Xizhou Auto Show this time, and the car brands that came to participate in the auto show were all brought in with great difficulty, and each of them was flattered like a god. He couldn't offend any BMW or Audi. This morning Wu Cheng received a lot of anger, being shouted and shouted by representatives of major car brands, his stomach was already full of anger.As for the entire auto show, he felt that the only thing he could offend was Ye Chui's Tianhammer car...

If you don't get angry now, when will you wait?

Wu Cheng took a deep breath, then pointed at Wenwen next to him, and cursed: "What qualifications do you, a trash brand, have to be in this auto show? What Tianhammer car, it looks like a broken car..."

He still had something to say, but an angry shout suddenly interrupted him: "How can you just curse at the car?"

"Who's talking?" Wu Cheng looked around with a displeased face.

"This car!" Wenwen yelled in a somewhat angry voice, "Do you have the quality to scold the car casually?"

It's not cursing people, it's cursing cars.

Wu Cheng squinted his eyes, and looked at Wenwen's driver's seat for a while, was there anyone inside?Where did that sound come from?His face was full of doubts: "Who is talking?"

"Me." Wenwen swayed his body back and forth, "Why, don't you dare to admit that you scolded Che?"

"" Wu Cheng pointed at Wenwen and looked at Ye Chui in surprise, "The car is talking!"

"That's right, let's get to know him, his name is Wenwen." Ye Chui said with a sneer.


"Wenwen is the name of this car." Wenwen continued, "Hey, do your parents know that you are so unqualified? You just call other cars a broken car, and you are the broken car. Your whole family is Broken car, believe it or not, I sprayed you with salt and gasoline? Didn’t your parents teach you that the car is responsible for building a society..."

"..." Wu Cheng couldn't say a word.

He feels that his three views have been changed a bit. The car can talk, and can it still talk like that?Isn't he dreaming?

A faint sneer appeared on Ye Chui's face. He would choose Wenwen for this auto show, not only because Wenwen is an "academic" car, and he knows his own components very well. The most important point is that Wenwen's eloquence is very good. Among the 25 car babies in the batch, whether it is the mutated car Xiaohei or the Tiantian given to An Leer, when it comes to cursing, they are all inferior to Wenwen, just like now, Wenwen scolds a series of curses without Ye Chui Helping, directly made Wu Cheng speechless.

The most important thing is that because of the small quarrel here, it immediately attracted the attention of other people, and people gathered around.

——Before the booth of Tianzhu Automobile, it suddenly became lively because of this unexpected development.

"Wen Xue, it's up to you." An Le'er's eyes lit up, and she immediately whispered to Wang Wenxue.

Wang Wenxue nodded quickly, stopped eating, touched up her makeup a little, and then stood beside Wenwen.

A car that can't stop talking, a goddess of beauty and beauty.

This formed a wonderful landscape in front of the Tianhammer Automobile booth... (To be continued.)

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