The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

185 Let Her Deliberately Disappear to Make a Stunt

"This car can actually talk by itself?"

"Is this artificial intelligence? When will artificial intelligence develop to such a degree that it can quarrel with people!"

"The point is that that person doesn't seem to be able to argue with this car?"

People who came to participate in the auto show kept crowding around. A car with super artificial intelligence is really too gimmick. Besides, this car quarreled with one person and left another person speechless?This made everyone have a strong interest in this car, and at the same time, the people who gathered here also saw Wang Wenxue.While marveling at Wenwen's super intelligence and eloquence, everyone also became very interested in Wang Wenxue.

"I didn't realize just now that the car models in the Tianhammer car exhibition area are so beautiful?"

"Not only is she beautiful, but more importantly, she has such an outstanding temperament!"

"Quickly shoot it, I have a hunch that this car model will definitely become one of the highlights of the auto show!"

The flashing lights kept flashing, making Wang Wenxue's eyes bright. She was wearing a long dress and standing in the center of the flashing lights, she looked like a fairy above the nine heavens, indifferent and detached.

And the faces of the reporters who were taking pictures were all solemn and pious. When they were filming Sun Xiaoyue before, these reporters had fanaticism and wretched eyes. They were not as sincere as they are now.

The current situation is completely beyond Ye Chui's expectation. He did not expect such an unexpected development, but it is very good. Tianzhu Auto has successfully attracted everyone's attention. I believe that with the powerful quality and technology of Tianhammer Auto , bringing up the topic will not be any problem.

Wu Cheng, a staff member of the auto show who accidentally caused this situation, had already walked away in despair.

"Continue to eat." Ye Chui was not full just now, so he put the small tea table aside, and then continued to sit down with Wang Shiyu's little lolita and eat happily.

An Le'er was explaining to the crowd who came to watch. She didn't know much about the Tianhammer car. Although she was responsible for some explanations, most of them were done by Wen Wen herself. Some car body parameters, Wen Wen He said it casually, and the witty remarks made the people around him even more interested.

Soon, the one-hour break at noon ended, and the auto show continued. After taking a break in the break room, Sun Xiaoyue, Shao Yang and others came back to the exhibition hall, but they were a little surprised to find that the crowd who were originally very interested in Sun Xiaoyue, at this time Some of them were actually attracted by Ye Chui.

"What are they doing? They are more attractive than Sun Xiaoyue?"

As Zhang Yueyang's number one subordinate at this time, A Jian was very curious, so he went to the Tianzhu Automobile Exhibition Area to take a look. He was also instantly amazed by Wang Wenxue's freshness and refinement. What is missing...

At this moment, A Jian's cell phone rang, and A Jian looked down, it was Zhang Yueyang calling.

This auto show is very important to Zhang Yueyang, but he did not come to participate.

In Zhang Yueyang's words, he didn't bother to attend this kind of exhibition, but Ah Jian knew that Zhang Yueyang did it purely because he was afraid of meeting Ye Chui...

A Jian glanced at Ye Chui, who was sitting not far away, eating with a cute loli, and then connected the phone.

"How's the situation?" Zhang Yueyang asked on the phone.

"As we expected, Sun Xiaoyue's outfit attracted many people, and our car will definitely become the highlight of the entire auto show." Jian replied.

Zhang Yueyang was very happy, he paused, then asked in a solemn tone: "Then... where is Ye Chui?"

"They were miserable in the morning, and almost no one cared about them, but at the beginning of the afternoon..." Jian was a little embarrassed, and then said, "Suddenly there were a lot of people on their side, I heard it was because their cars were very busy. It is unique, it seems to have created the concept of a super smart car, which is very gimmick.”

"Hmph, what kind of super smart car, could it be a Transformer?" Zhang Yueyang said with some disdain. After he finished speaking, he felt guilty because he suddenly thought that Ye Chui's broken car might indeed be a Transformer... … Zhang Yueyang snorted coldly, and continued, "I absolutely don't accept this situation, what kind of gimmick, hmph, tell Sun Xiaoyue to let her deliberately go out and make a gimmick, and try to steal the limelight of this auto show from me!"

"This... What if Sun Xiaoyue doesn't want to do it?" Jian said with some embarrassment.

"Stinky bitch, she dares!" Zhang Yueyang said coldly, "She sees the reality clearly, so she probably wants this kind of hype herself!"

"Okay then, I'll go tell her."

A Jian hung up the phone and came to Sun Xiaoyue, who was making a pose. At this moment, A Jian looked at Shaoyang responsibly—this man was the sales manager in Ye Chui's shop, and he was the one who contacted the other party to give him It was pulled to Zhang Yueyang's shop. It is said that this person is quite capable in the car sales industry, but... Ah Jian always felt that this person's mind was a little abnormal.

When countless people gathered around Sun Xiaoyue to take pictures, this guy actually stood in front of the car and made a pose...

I wipe, what is the situation?

A Jian shook his head, leaned close to Sun Xiaoyue's ear and repeated Zhang Yueyang's words.

Sun Xiaoyue's expression was slightly startled, and there was a flash of anger, but she calmed down quickly, her eyes flickered - if you want to get ahead in the entertainment circle, you have to use extraordinary means to hype, without hype, you can't get popular , This is already common sense in the entertainment industry, all kinds of hype without a limit is the magic weapon for success!

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaoyue bit her lip and made up her mind.

She quietly stretched her hand behind her, and gently pulled away the sling that held the whole dress together. At this time, as long as she made a slight movement, the translucent dress would immediately slip off her body, and her Inside... almost nothing is worn.

at the same time.

"Can I take a picture with you?" An otaku with thick glasses said to Wang Wenxue with a blushing heart.

Many people at the auto show would ask the car models to take photos with themselves. This is not an outrageous request. Naturally, Wang Wenxue has no reason to refuse. She nodded with a smile: "Okay."

The otaku immediately showed a happy dark expression, walked to Wang Wenxue, and then he stretched out his hand to hug Wang Wenxue's shoulders - when taking pictures with car models, car models are generally more casual, hugging and other actions are very common, even compared with some Open car models are not recommended to kiss and take pictures.

After all, hugging the shoulders or something is considered very conservative. This nerd probably has a lot of similar experiences, so the movements at this moment seem very natural.

However, Wang Wenxue seemed to have been electrocuted, and hastily pushed the nerd away, with a defensive face on her face: "I'm sorry, please focus on yourself."

"Uh, I just took a picture." The nerd said a little unhappy.

"It's okay to take pictures, but please don't touch me?" Wang Wenxue continued, this is a matter of principle.

The otaku looked very unhappy, and took a photo with a somewhat deserted face, then walked away sullenly, as if he had a problem with the treatment he had received.

This made Wang Wenxue a little embarrassed, she looked at Ye Chui with apologetic eyes, but Ye Chui smiled and nodded, encouraging her that there was no problem.

Damn, just let someone hug your shoulders and take pictures casually, then you won't be called a goddess.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Sun Xiaoyue accidentally took off her clothes at the booth over there, it's almost full!"


Hearing this cry, the people who were nostalgic in front of the Tianhammer car booth immediately ran over to Sun Xiaoyue.

I'm second Austrian, almost full of snails!

And these people naturally included the otaku, in fact, this otaku was one of the few people who ran at the front...

"My sister is dressed so conservatively, she is not attractive at all." Wang Shiyu expressed his opinion while eating a piece of cake, "Look at how open they are, they immediately attracted all the popularity we had so hard to attract here."

"You're still going to ask your sister to take off all the clothes on her body." Ye Chui said jokingly, and wiped off the cake on the corner of Little Lolita's mouth with a paper towel.

"Hmph, so what if you take it off, anyway, my sister's breasts are not big at all, just like little steamed buns." Little Lolita said innocently.

Ye Chui glanced at Wang Wenxue subconsciously: "Little Mantou..."

In front of Tianhammer Motors' booth, the flow of people suddenly decreased a lot, and most of them were attracted by Sun Xiaoyue. Just when An Le'er was feeling a little dejected, a middle-aged man suddenly walked in front of An Le'er, and he smiled. He said: "Are you the person in charge of this Tianhammer car?"

"That's right, I'm the store manager of the 4S shop in Xizhou City of Tianzhu." An Le'er immediately put on a professional face and said, "Sir, you can ask me any questions you have."

"Hehe, no need, I stopped very clearly just now." The middle-aged man also said with a smile, "I am very interested in this kind of super smart car. I am not good at driving, and I am often scared when driving. I like the smart car very much, I want to reserve one first, I wonder if it is possible?"

An Le'er was stunned for a moment, and it took a while to realize - the 4S store that she and Ye Chui jointly opened, the first business has come!

"Of course, our shop will be open after the auto show is over in two days, and you can go directly to pick up the car!" An Le'er said hastily.

"I'm also pre-ordering one!" A luxurious woman also came over and said, "Super smart car, this car is really interesting."

"And me, I also want to book one." This time it was a rich man who spoke.


In the blink of an eye, five cars were reserved.

An Le'er must be very happy, and Ye Chui also showed a faint smile - after all, the unlimited hype at the auto show is still crooked. How many people can afford that kind of high-end car?What everyone saw was just the excitement.

Except for those who were attracted by Sun Xiaoyue's gimmick to leave, the rest of the people are the money owners who really want to buy a car. (To be continued.)

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