The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

197 You are not allowed to insult our store manager's blacklist

The day's car show is over.

Tianhammer Motors secured three more transactions, and the results were very gratifying, so after the auto show ended, Ye Chui suggested to An Le'er: "There are five reservations today, and Sun Xiaoyue was driven out of the auto show, such a good thing Why don't we go drink and celebrate?"

"Don't drink!" An Le'er's originally happy face immediately turned cold, she thought that Ye Chui must have tricked her into drinking on purpose, and then took advantage of her!

Ye Chui continued to propose with some sweat: "Then let's go have dinner, shall we?"

"I'm so hungry." Wang Shiyu raised her head and said while stroking her little belly.

This little lolita is unparalleled in the world, An Le'er immediately grabbed Wang Shiyu's hand and said, "Okay, what do you want to eat, my sister treats you today!"

Then a group of people happily went to eat and celebrate by the way.

This meal was extremely joyful, and finally An Le'er drove Wang Wenxue and Wang Shiyu home, and then sent Ye Chui to his community, and then left.

When Ye Chui returned home, he immediately asked Ozawa to help him find online news about the auto show. Ozawa already knew that Ye Chui was interested in this, and had already collected all relevant information and presented it to Ye Chui.

The news that Sun Xiaoyue was kicked out of the exhibition hall has indeed become a hot topic, hotly discussed on the Internet, and the fact that Brother Fengxuan replaced Sun Xiaoyue as a model at the auto show has also been brought up to the forefront. It's more, it's all for fun.

As Ye Chui guessed before, this has no effect on the promotion of the auto show.

And what makes Ye Chui even more happy is that Wang Wenxue also hit the top ten of the hot search list today. You know, she was not ranked in the top [-] yesterday, but today she has rushed to the top ten. This is enough to show that Wang Wenxue How popular is the image.

Wang Wenxue was dressed in white at the auto show, she was not exposed and there was no malicious hype, and she was not famous before that. The goddess of a generation.For the title of goddess, Ye Chui felt that Wang Wenxue could take it on, she was indeed a goddess.

"Under such circumstances, it will be easy to find a way to get Wang Wenxue into the entertainment circle..." Ye Chui thought to himself.

Many people who have become popular on the Internet because of certain events will use it as a ladder to enter the entertainment industry smoothly. This is already a very common thing. Of course, Ye Chui will not let Wang Wenxue be associated with any hype.

He wants to make her a first-rate star, but she must rely entirely on her own strength, and Ye Chui believes that this girl must have this kind of strength.


After the third day, the auto show ended successfully.

Tianhammer Automobile has made another four turnovers.In the past three days, a total of [-] cars have been sold, which has exceeded the total sales of all other brands of cars. In other words, Tianhammer is definitely the biggest winner of the entire exhibition.

As for Zhang Yueyang's Audi booth, although Brother Fengxuan's hard work has aroused the interest of many people, but these interests are all for jokes, and the promotional effect on the 4S shop is much less.

A crushing defeat.

Three days later, the Tianzhu Automobile Co., Ltd. jointly operated by Ye Chui and An Le'er, that is, the Tianzhu 4S shop, officially opened.

As An Leer's exclusive model, Wang Wenxue will stay in the shop every day for a period of time afterwards.The little girl Wang Shiyu came here with her. She is still in kindergarten. This time is the summer vacation. Wang Wenxue is very worried about leaving her at home alone, so she can only keep her with her.

Fortunately, this little girl is very smart. Although she is far from sensible, she will never cause trouble. Give her a cotton candy and she can sit on the sofa obediently all morning...

Ye Chui naturally came to the shop every day during this time. He was not interested in the car business, but he was also a partner in this shop. Naturally, he would come here to watch every day in the early stage, and Ye Chui After arriving here, half of the responsibility is to play with Wang Shiyu's children, and Ye Chui also enjoys himself, being with Wang Shiyu, Ye Chui rarely feels a kind of innocence and joy.

On this day, when Ye Chui returned to the shop holding Wang Shiyu's little hand, he suddenly heard a quarrel.

"This car is mine, old man, don't try to steal it from me."

"Obviously I placed the order first..."

"I have an extra 10 yuan!"

"how could you do this?"

"My family is rich, you poor bastards are nothing, let me tell you, I want to order this car!"

The two sides in the quarrel were a middle-aged man, and the other was a aggressive young man, who seemed to be from a wealthy family.

An Le'er stood aside and tried to reconcile, but it was obvious that this situation made An Le'er a little at a loss. Wang Wenxue next to her also showed a feeling of embarrassment and affection. When they saw Ye Chui come back, they immediately relaxed. Take a breath.

An Le'er hurried over and said to Ye Chui: "You are finally back, there is only the last car left in our shop, and they all want this car."

The first batch of Tianzhu Gangya cars has a total of 25 cars. Among them, Xiao Hei is by Shouhou's side and has become An Leer's car every day. Seventeen cars have been reserved at the auto show. When the 4S store officially opened, there were only six cars for sale in the store.

In the past few days since the opening, there is almost only the last one left.

Today, the middle-aged man came to the shop first, took a fancy to the last Skyhammer Gangya, and wanted to buy it, but just after he placed the order, another young man followed him in. According to him, He heard about this super smart car and thought it was very interesting, so he wanted to buy one.

Hearing that there was only one car left and the next batch of cars would have to wait for more than a month, the young man immediately became unhappy and quarreled with the middle-aged man.

"This young man is very unreasonable, what should Ye Chui do?" An Le'er asked Ye Chui in a low voice, she didn't have much experience in facing such things, so she couldn't hold it.

Shit, if you meet such an unreasonable guy, just blast him out!

Ye Chui thought so in his heart, but on the surface he was very indifferent. He said to An Le'er seriously: "Lele, you are going to make a career in the future, so what is this small setback? In such a situation, you You should find a way to solve it yourself, and directly warn him not to make trouble in the shop!"

An Le'er is to be cultivated to be a strong woman, a female president. Her personality must be very strong, and she must be able to stand up to the scene!

Hearing Ye Chui's words, An Le'er was slightly taken aback. She is also a woman who wants to be strong, and she immediately thought in her heart: "Ye Chui is right, I should find a way to solve this kind of thing by myself, and I can't always rely on it." Tell Ye Chui, I want to be a strong woman, and a strong woman can’t be achieved by just thinking about it, you must take practical actions! I want to become strong!"

Thinking of this, An Le'er nodded, and said to Ye Chui, "Okay, I see."

Afterwards, An Le'er showed a serious expression and walked towards the two parties who were arguing.

"Two gentlemen, please don't quarrel here." An Le'er said in a very businesslike tone.

"Are you the store manager here?" The young man immediately yelled at An Le'er, "I have an extra [-], and this car belongs to me."

"Sorry." An Le'er showed a polite smile, "This gentleman has already placed an order in advance, and this car has already belonged to this gentleman."

"After placing the order, you will take it back. Will you do business? You don't even want an extra 10 yuan?" The young man said aggressively.

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "It's not about money. I have already discussed what I want to buy first. How can I go back on my word?"

"Sir, don't worry, our Tianhammer Motors is sincere, and we will never regret it." An Leer first said to the middle-aged man with a smile, and then her face changed, revealing a serious expression, and continued to the young man, "It's not a matter of money or not. If you really want to buy our Tianhammer car, you can wait for the next batch in a month and a half. We have already decided to sell this batch to this gentleman."

"Next batch? I can't wait that long!" The young man snorted coldly, "To tell you the truth, I'm going to order this car!"

Seeing the young man's appearance of getting angry, An Le'er couldn't help feeling nervous, but she quickly regained her composure.

Ye Chui saw that her hands were clenched quietly, as if to strengthen herself.

Then An Le'er's voice raised a few notes, and said rather coldly: "Sir, our 4S store treats people politely, I hope you can also pay attention to politeness, otherwise you will be blacklisted in our store, I hope you can respect yourself, if you continue like this, I will ask you to leave here!"

The young man was startled slightly by An Le'er's aura, but he quickly recovered.

——He felt that there was no need for him to be afraid. There was not even a security guard in this store. The only man, Ye Chui, seemed to be a softie. Intervene, he doesn't have to be afraid of this situation at all.

Thinking of this, the young man simply went straight to the hood of the last car and sat on it: "Please let me get out of here? Okay, I want to see how you want to get me out of here!"

An Le'er's body trembled slightly, she didn't know whether it was from anger or anger, she suddenly pointed at the door with her finger: "Xiao Xing, kick him out!"

Xiao Xing was the last car in the shop, the one the young man was sitting under.

"Good Lele." Xiaoxing's voice came from the car.

Then the car started automatically, and before the young man could react, the car started flying like flying.

Although this is a room and the place is very small, Xiaoxing is the life of the car, and the car is like his body. He naturally has perfect control over his body. He didn't touch anything, let alone anyone. He easily led the young man to the door of the shop.

Then a sudden brake...


The young man was originally sitting on the hood of the car, but he slid up involuntarily and flew a full distance of three meters before falling to the ground.

"Ouch!" He suddenly cried out in pain.

Xiaoxing obediently returned to her original position, and then said obediently to Ye Chui: "Ye Chui, Lele asked me to do this."

"It's a bit too much..." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Fuck, how many petals does the ass fall to the ground at that level?

"He deserves it!" An Le'er said angrily, "From now on, if this guy dares to come to the store again, I will continue to ask Tian Tian to kick him out. He is already on my blacklist!"

"..." Ye Chui was taken aback by An Le'er's reaction, and then he smiled comfortably. That's right, this kind of bearing is what he wants from a strong woman!

At this time, the young man who was thrown out of the store and screamed in pain got up from the ground. He was so painful that he kept screaming in his mouth, and his face was even darker. He was obviously in a state of rage, and his momentum To rush into this shop.But just as he walked to the door of the shop, a figure appeared in front of him in a flash.

It was Ye Chui.

Just handed over the scene to An Le'er. At that time, because that kind of scene was in the category of business, Ye Chui would not intervene when it came to these things. He had to try his best to ensure that An Le'er could play a role in this aspect. This was also Ye Chui's training strategy.

But now, this is the other party wanting to smash the scene angrily, this is not just a business, Ye Chui will naturally not be stingy to make a move.

"What are you doing? Get the hell out of here!" The young man originally looked down on Ye Chui, but when he saw Ye Chui standing in front of him, he immediately cried out in displeasure.

"Didn't you hear what our store manager said just now?" Ye Chui said with a faint smile, "You have entered our store manager's blacklist, and you are prohibited from stepping into our store in the future."

"I control the blacklist of your birds..."

"Hush." ​​Ye Chui made a gesture of silence, "You are not allowed to insult our store manager's blacklist."

"I wipe..."

Ye Chui covered the young man's mouth, and then he turned his head: "It's not suitable for children, children should quickly cover their ears and eyes."

Wang Shiyu looked very excited, so naturally she wouldn't cover her ears, it was Wang Wenxue who hurriedly covered little loli's eyes and ears.

"Wipe you paralyzed!"

Ye Chui cursed angrily, kicked the young man's stomach, and kicked the young man's body for more than three meters, and then fell to the ground...

This time, I don't know how many pieces have been completely broken?

The young man's face had already turned the color of foie gras, and he was in extreme pain.

Ye Chui walked over and grabbed the guy's leg, and dragged him away under the surprised eyes of others...

5 minute later.

Ye Chui returned to the shop with a smile: "Okay, the trouble has been resolved." (To be continued.)

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