The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

198 So Good That I Feel A Little Intentional

"Wow, Brother Hammer, you are awesome!" While everyone else was still stunned, Wang Shiyu jumped out laughing, and hugged Ye Chui's thigh directly, her cute little face was full of admiration.

An Le'er was a little worried, she walked over and asked, "Ye Chui, what did you do to him?"

"I beat him up and warned him not to make trouble in the future." Ye Chui said with a smile.

He did indeed do this, what else could he do with such a self-righteous young master?

Of course, Ye Chui estimated that this guy who claimed to be very rich in his family was just average. How could the real first-tier and second-tier sons of Xizhou City not know An Leer, a super white and rich beauty?

" it okay?" Wang Wenxue also asked with some concern, she felt that Ye Chui was too violent, although the young man was too much, but Ye Chui couldn't just beat him up like this - she is really a kind girl.

"Don't worry." Ye Chui comforted with a smile, "He's fine."

Then everyone looked at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man also looked stunned at this time, showing a little scared expression-Ye Chui's performance just now was indeed a bit too much. The car Xiaoxing showed a bit worried, and couldn't help but look at the black car.

"Sir, this car is yours." An Le'er walked over to the middle-aged man at this moment and said.

"My name is Xiaoxing, please take care of me in the future." Xiaoxing's voice rang out.

"Oh, hello." The middle-aged man greeted hurriedly, but then he showed some hesitation on his face, and said to An Le'er, "This car... just started by itself and sent that young man out of the shop Outside? This... isn't this a bit too fierce?"

Obviously, this middle-aged man belongs to the middle class. He bought this car just for family fun. Everything is about safety. If this car is too violent, he will definitely be reluctant.

"Don't worry about that." An Le'er said with a smile, "If you become friends with Xiao Xing in the future, you will get to know him better. His personality is very kind, and he will definitely become friends with your family. friend."

When the life of a car is born, it will form its own personality.

For example, Xiao Hei likes to chase speed, and his personality likes to take risks.

Tian Tian, ​​on the other hand, is smart and capable, with a gentle and virtuous personality.

The character of this little star is very kind, and it is easy to become friends with others. He is undoubtedly the most suitable for family reunions, and has a high level of security.

An Le'er continued to say to the middle-aged man: "You can try to communicate with Xiaoxing for a while first, and if you still feel that it is not suitable, you can return the car."

"No need." The middle-aged man shook his head, "I want this car, hehe, I'm not afraid of your jokes, in fact, my daughter likes this type of car and said that she can be friends with cars. I also want to change the car, and she has been pestering me to change this model of car, if I don’t buy it back, she will ignore me.”

While talking and laughing, the middle-aged man went to pay the bill, went through various formalities, then got into Xiao Xing's body and left the shop.

"Well, every time a car is sold, I feel so sad." An Le'er asked the service staff in the store to bring a few cups of coffee, and sat down with Ye Chui Wang Wenxue. The feeling of cars may not be very high, but the key is that these cars have their own intelligence, chatting and joking with them every day, and they leave suddenly, a little sad."

"Why are you sad?" Ye Chui said with a smile, "Cars are born to drive, and it's not good for them to stay in the shop all the time. Besides...although you have left, it doesn't mean that you can't be with them. Chatting, you can go online to chat with them."

"Huh? Can this be done!?" An Le'er was startled.

"Of course." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Every car life, consciousness will be linked to a car symbiosis network.

This car symbiosis network is similar to the human spiritual space.Through this car symbiosis network, each car can communicate normally. Later, Ye Chui asked Ozawa to help him design a chat software, which can connect to this car symbiosis network and chat with all car life.

Ye Chui did this to ensure that every car will be in its place after it is sold and will not be damaged maliciously.

After all, these cars are a very special existence to Ye Chui, and he doesn't want them to be bullied.

"Ozawa!" Ye Chui saw an ipad on the coffee table in front of him, picked it up, and called Ozawa's name.

Ozawa understood immediately, and a chat window appeared on the iPad.

A group chat window similar to penguins, and there are more than 30 members, including Gundam, Xiaohei, Tiantian, Xiaoxing, and even Fang Jing's Accord, etc., and these car lives are chatting enthusiastically at the moment .

"Eh? Tiantian is in there too!" An Le'er saw Tiantian among the chatting crowd at a glance.

"Of course, any car life will be automatically added. I'll register it for you, and you can join it at any time in the future." Ye Chui said with a smile, and handed the ipad in his hand to An Leer. As long as it is connected, Ozawa can directly control it. In the future, An Leer doesn't even need an account if she wants to chat in the car group. She just needs to pick up her iPad and enter directly.

An Le'er happily greeted the car life in the car group, and then she looked at Ye Chui unhappily: "If this is possible, why did you wait until now to tell me?"

"Didn't you not ask me?" Ye Chui said innocently.

"Hmph, you did it on purpose!" An Le'er snorted, and then continued to chat in the car group.

"Brother Hammer!" Wang Shiyu said suddenly at this time, and this little lolita showed her cute stunt again, "Can you also give me a car?"

"Shi Yu, don't talk nonsense!" Wang Wenxue hurriedly stopped her. She had been a car model for three days before, and even signed a contract to help with publicity in the future. The money An Leer gave her was only 20—this is already top-notch. The price of the model is too high, but a Tianzhu car costs 30 yuan, she has no way to pay for the car, and she will not accept Ye Chui as a gift for them, it is too expensive.

"Okay." Ye Chui said with a smile, "Wen Xue, during this period of time, you have to find a way first but rely on the driver's license test. When the next batch of cars comes out, I will prepare one for you, as well as Shi Yu. . . . and I will prepare a car for you, too."

Ye Chui originally planned to equip Wang Wenxue with a car, which can be regarded as a personal protection for her. After all, she is now popular on the Internet. There are many popular people. It is difficult to guarantee that no one will harass her. A car can keep her safe at ordinary times, it can be regarded as a bodyguard.

However, the number of the first batch of Tianhammer cars is limited, and they are a bit compact, so we can only wait for the next batch.

Fortunately, in the wasteland, Steel Egg's [-] cars are all pregnant with car babies, and the next batch of cars will increase exponentially...

As for Wang Shiyu, Ye Chui really likes this little loli, and he plans to give her a car baby directly, treating it as a toy car.

Wang Wenxue was startled when she heard Ye Chui's words, she was a little at a loss: "This...isn't it good?"

"Hehe, there's nothing wrong with it. From now on, you will be the spokesperson of our Tianzhu Automobile, and this car will be distributed to you by me." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Wang Wenxue was still in a bit of a dilemma, thinking that Ye Chui's doing this was so good, it was so good that she felt a little ill-intentioned...

In the end, it was An Le'er who said, "Wen Xue, consider this car as a gift from me, so you can accept it with peace of mind."

Seeing what An Le'er said, Wang Wenxue could only nod her head in agreement.

As for the car Ye Chui promised for Wang Shiyu, she didn't mention it, because Ye Chui said that she would prepare a car for Wang Shiyu, and she felt that it should be a small toy car, that is, a toy for children.

—— She never imagined that Ye Chui's so-called small car was a relatively small car.When it comes to functions, etc., it is not bad at all with these big cars.


This is a western restaurant.

The environment is elegant, and there are large pots of potted plants between the tables and chairs, making each compartment seem very secretive.

This restaurant is mainly for couples to come here for a date, the elegant music is constantly ringing, very romantic...

Of course, this kind of place is also suitable for talking about some shady secrets.

Wang Jing had already eaten half of a pepper steak. He wiped his mouth with a napkin, looked at his watch, and thought, the other party should be coming soon, right?

The last time A Jian contacted him, he asked A Jian to wait a week before contacting him out of caution, in order to investigate A Jian's identity during this period of time, which was a matter of caution.

And during this week, he used his network hacking skills to thoroughly investigate Ah Jian, and he was very satisfied with the results of the investigation. This Jian was a gangster when he was a child, and he met a young man when he became an adult. From now on, I will hang out with this young man. It is said that that young man has been unsatisfactory recently. It is estimated that Ah Jian contacted himself to contact the killer for this young man.

This is a good business to do.

So he contacted Jian and made an appointment to have dinner here.

Wang Jing is very cautious, but he still has negligence. For example, behind him with a pot of Clivia, a middle-aged man with a hat is struggling with a plate of salad.

He seemed very unaccustomed to using a knife and fork, and muttered in a low voice: "What kind of western restaurant, it's better to eat a Roujiamo."

This middle-aged man is naturally Gu Feihai who has a soft spot for Roujiamo. (To be continued.)

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