Although the task of killing level seven angry spirit monsters was nothing, it was astonishing that 51 of them could be killed at one time.

Beyond common sense.

In the history of Hellfire, there have been some talented executives who achieved cadre positions in a short period of time, but even this kind of genius has never made such an astonishing feat at the level of a first-level executive.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible..." Jack couldn't believe it.

A first-level executive who was despised by him, actually completed such a super record?

He became a junior cadre, controlled a teleportation array, and had seen many record-breaking moments, but he had never been so surprised.

He looked at Anderson: "There must be something wrong, let's check again!"

Anderson frowned, and said impatiently at Jack's attitude: "I can't make a mistake, I checked the wrath monster who died under the name of 51, and the lifelong wishes he collected, and compared them one by one. , those [-] angry spirit monsters were completely killed by [-], and there were no other people to help them, otherwise there would be errors in the records."

"You're too stubborn." Anderson shook his head again, and when he retracted his hands, the cage that trapped Ye Chui disappeared.

It was a magic weapon, and Anderson took it back to himself.

He shook his head slightly at Jack, then walked in front of Ye Chui, with an apologetic look on his face: "I treated you badly before, I apologize, I hope you don't mind."

"Hehe, no." Ye Chui shook his head with a smile, the young master is in a good mood now, so he doesn't care too much about it.

This change in Anderson's attitude is obviously because he has seen the potential in Ye Chui.

What does it mean that a first-level executive has completed this kind of task?

It shows that Ye Chui's talent is outstanding!

The rank of an executive represents combat power, but having combat power sometimes doesn't mean anything.

Combat, especially fighting in the forest, requires strategic capabilities in addition to combat.

Ye Chui's ability to rely on the combat effectiveness of a first-level executive to complete this kind of feat that can only be accomplished by at least a third-level executive, at least shows that his strategic ability is several times higher, which means that his talent in this area is very outstanding.

This kind of person is the scariest. His future development potential is immeasurable. Maybe he will become a mid-level cadre in the future, or...a senior cadre?

Naturally, Anderson didn't want to offend such an existence.

Before agreeing to Jack's help in testing, on the one hand, it was because he was friends with Jack, and on the other hand, he also had doubts about Ye Chui's record, but now that doubts have been cleared away, if he makes things difficult for Ye Chui, isn't it just making himself feel uncomfortable? ?

Ye Chui's attitude made Anderson secretly heave a sigh of relief, he nodded at Ye Chui: "My name is Anderson, I am a member of Hellfire's law enforcement department, a junior cadre, if you have anything to do in the future, you can ask me for help .”

After saying these words, he gave Jack another regretful look, turned and left the reception room.

Jack's face was cloudy and uncertain. He naturally understood Anderson's thoughts, but he just didn't want to admit that he was wrong—it was because of his personality.

Jack is a paranoid person, which has brought him many crises, but it seems that he has never thought about correcting it. He gave Ye Chui a cold look: "I was negligent and didn't pay attention to you when I was doing the task this time. You don't know what kind of loophole you took, but next time you won't have such a good opportunity!"

After speaking, Jack turned and left.

"Focus?" Ye Chui was startled when he heard the vocabulary, "This Jack controls the teleportation array, so he can observe me... Oops, I didn't think about it before. Fortunately, Jack didn't look at it this time." Seeing that I am wearing the Iron Man suit, but the next mission, he will definitely pay attention to me, I must find a way to hide the form of the Iron Man suit!"

"Huo Lei Shen, you are so powerful!" Xing Mei's words interrupted Ye Chui's meditation.

This little girl, who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, was looking at Ye Chui with some admiration.

Indeed, Ye Chui's broken record is too powerful, anyone would look at Ye Chui differently.

She took Ye Chui's arm and said in a chattering voice: "I was really worried when you were tested just now, and I was really afraid that you were cheating, but fortunately you did not live up to my expectations, you are really amazing , hee hee, you will definitely become a senior cadre in the future, maybe I will follow suit... Ah, yes, now that you have this record, maybe you can apply to participate in that relic mission!"

"Relic mission?" Ye Chui was taken aback, "What kind of mission is this?"

"The ruins are just a code name. I don't know what it refers to specifically, but I heard people say that this mission has a low degree of danger, but the point reward is very high. It is a long-term mission. Many people are vying to accept this mission. Yes." Starmi said with a smile.

As liaison officers, they also have their own small circle. They usually sit down and chat, gossip, and get to know each other. Naturally, there will be some comparisons. It's something to be happy about.

In these chats, Xingmei learned a lot of information about the mission of the ruins, but unfortunately she only had Ye Chui as an executor, and she was still at the lowest level, so she was not qualified to apply for this mission at all.

Well now, with this record, if she works harder, she might be able to get Ye Chui to apply.

Xingmei's lovely face was flushed with excitement.

"Sounds very good, try to apply for me." Ye Chui said indifferently. Seeing that Xingmei was so happy, he naturally had no reason to refuse. When he heard about Yu Xue, he said, "By the way, help me Pay attention to the task of arresting Yu Xue, if the five-three-seven-nine fails, you can help me with this task."

"This mission?" Xingmei was a little strange, "It's just a capture mission, there's no reason why it would fail, right?"

"Not necessarily." Ye Chui said with a smile.

In fact, this mission has failed, of course, Ye Chui cannot tell Xingmei directly.

Xingmei thought that Ye Chui was a high-point reward for commemorating this mission, and wanted to try her luck, so she smiled and said: "Well, I will help you pay attention, as long as the mission is released again, I will take it immediately Yes, although this kind of sudden mission is important, the points are nothing to those senior executives, so it shouldn't be difficult to win them... Hehe, I'm very good at grabbing things."

While talking, Xingmei waved her small fist, looking very proud.

"Okay, I believe you." Ye Chui said with a smile.

He must grab this task, otherwise Hellfire will take other executives to make trouble for you, and Ye Chui will be busy.

As for how to solve Yu Xue's trouble in the end, Ye Chui had to think of a way.

After chatting about some things, Ye Chui bid farewell to Xingmei and returned to the executive's lounge.

This lounge is where the spiritual world connects with the real world. Each executive has a unique lounge, which can store some of the executive’s items. The rest style can be changed at will according to the executive’s requirements, including some Decoration, items, etc., these are free to apply.

However, Ye Chui didn't spend much time decorating the rest, keeping it as it was, since he didn't have much time here anyway.

Coming to this lounge at this moment, Ye Chui closed his eyes and released the power of his heart to look around. After a while, he opened his eyes: "There is no surveillance here, at least I didn't find it!"

After confirming the monitoring issue, Ye Chui waved his right arm, and the Iron Man suit was passed on to him again.

This battle suit is a product of energy realization. After Ye Chui condenses energy, he can store it and energy flow in his body at any time, and take it out when it is used.

"The Iron Man suit in the real world is engraved on the clothes, so as to avoid attracting too much attention. My avatar is in the spiritual world, and I should also do some related processing..."

Ye Chui opened his hands, closed his eyes, electric light mixed with flames began to spread around his body, and the Iron Man suit seemed to melt as well, turning into strands of energy that merged with the flames and electric light...

Ye Chui is undergoing a kind of reorganization.

The avatar of the God of Fire and Thunder was originally a combination of lightning and flames, created by Ye Chui after he realized the power of the heart. He can naturally reorganize this avatar in any form.

And at this moment of reorganization, Ye Chui integrated the Iron Man suit into this body.

This reorganization lasted for more than half an hour, and then the flames merged with the electric light again, turning into a human form.

By this time, Iron Man's battle suit was gone, replaced by lines on the clone's naked body.

This is a tattoo suit. Ye Chui broke up Iron Man's suit into pieces, fused it into his body, and turned it into these tattoo suits.

"In the previous [-], I exchanged points for a set of tattoo suits. Jack should be able to find out this information. So I also turned my Iron Man suit into the pattern of tattoo suits and integrated it into In the body, I also modified this style according to the tattooed battle suit on the previous [-], so it shouldn't be obvious from the outside!"

Afterwards, Ye Chui stretched out his hand and waved, a black robe passed on him, and he also had two more tubes of Yuanli Liquid in his hand. Yuanli liquid was injected into his body, and a stream of pure energy flowed into his body, and under Ye Chui's command, it was stored in Ye Chui's chest.

Ordinary executors, even if they have tattooed battle suits, would not just inject Yuanli liquid into themselves.

Because that will cause the loss of Yuanli energy, even if it is not used, the energy will disappear after a while.

And Ye Chui doesn't have to worry about that, his storage device is designed according to the dantian of a cultivator, as long as it is stored, there will never be any loss.

After the registration was completed, Ye Chui walked towards the door leading to the real world: "It's time to go back!"


In the real world, on the ruins on the top of the mountain, Yu Xue leaned on Ye Chui's shoulder and fell asleep.

After tossing for three or four hours, she was really tired...

Ye Chui, on the other hand, was resting with his eyes closed.

At this moment, in Ye Chui's field of vision, a portal suddenly appeared in the sky. After the portal opened wide, Huo Leishen clone flashed out of it, quickly sank into Ye Chui's body, and then the portal disappeared.

This clone merged into Ye Chui's body, and the energy carried by the clone also entered Ye Chui's body.

"Well, I spent 5.00% of the energy in the previous battle with the 20.00. The 17.00% of the energy I got from Yu Xue was left over. After adding the energy of the original energy on the avatar, two more energy were added. Percentage points, I now have a total of [-]% energy in my body."

Ye Chui thought silently in his heart, now he is not too worried about Yuan Li's matter - damn, with Yu Xue's human battery, he is afraid of a hair.

At this time, it has been almost an hour since the end of the war.

Ye Chui's expression changed suddenly, and he saw a bright light appearing at the foot of the mountain. It was a car driving up the mountain.

If I guessed correctly, it should be that Yu Goudan is back.

I contacted Yu Goudan before, and he said he would come back in five hours. After doing the math, it has been almost five hours now.

Ye Chui took a look at the ruins around him, and suddenly thought a little funny in his heart, it's like the dog is back, seeing the scene here, how would he feel?

Yu Goudan was very angry, but before he got angry, the first emotion he felt was surprise.

The moment he jumped out of the car, he opened his eyes wide, stared at everything around him in a daze, and shouted: "Damn it, old Gu, why did you drive the car? Where is this?"

Gu Feihai got off the driver's seat of the car, and he said strangely: "That's right, it's here..."

"Are you kidding yourself, how could this be our home, here... here..."

As Yu Goudan talked, he looked around.

Some of the flames left by the war just now have not been extinguished, allowing Yu Goudan to see some familiar existences.

For example, he spent hundreds of thousands to buy a hundred-year-old locust tree with only a wooden pile left in the town house.

There is also the small garden that he took care of carefully and spent a lot of effort, but it is now a mess.

All of this shows that this is his hilltop villa.


Why did his home become a ruin, and there were cracks on the ground, as if a meteorite had just hit here...

No, even if it was a meteorite attack, it wouldn't be so miserable, would it?

Yu Goudan continued to bark, "I'm sorry, this is indeed my home!" (To be continued.)

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