Yu Goudan is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves.

But at this moment, he looked at the ruins in front of him tremblingly: he was fine when he left a few days ago, why did he become like this after he came back.

This must be a dream, this must be a dream, this must be a dream...

But when Ye Chui appeared in front of his eyes with a smile and greeted him, "You're back", he knew that this was not a dream, it was real, and the hilltop villa he was so proud of was completely gone Turned into slag.

"Xiaoxue! Where's Xiaoxue?" Yu Goudan then roared, as if he had gone completely crazy.

"Father, I'm fine here." Yu Xue stood up from behind Ye Chui.

The little girl originally had a slight smile on her face, but when she saw her father, a kind of joy after a catastrophe suddenly flooded her heart, like a person who has experienced some hardships and then saw the closest relative She threw herself into Yu Goudan's arms and cried, "Dad, you scared me to death. A bad guy threatened me just now."

"Where is that bad guy?" Gu Feihai growled and shouted, his eyes were already red, scanning the ruins of the villa.

"Ye Chui has beaten her to a pulp." Yu Xue cried.

Gu Feihai: "..."

Yu Goudan's most precious thing is his daughter, seeing that his daughter is fine now, the villa and so on are like clouds to him.

After comforting his daughter carefully, Yu Xue calmed down, and then he paid attention to the affairs of the villa.

And in the process, Gu Feihai has already inspected the villa——the originally luxurious and high-grade villa is really rotten and there is no dregs left, all the buildings have collapsed, and there are horrible roads on the ground Cracks, huge craters, it is not an exaggeration to say that Gu Feihai would believe it without hesitation, even if it was said that a battle involving aircraft, cannons and missiles just happened here.

And when Goudan asked Ye Chui what happened here, Gu Feihai also saw the [-] lying on the ground without any spirit. Gu Feihai asked Ye Chui: "Who is this person here?" Who? Your friend? Is he seriously injured."

"Oh, he is the one who wants to take Yu Xue away." Ye Chui replied casually.

"where is it?"

Yu Goudan roared angrily immediately, and then rushed forward, coming to Wu San Qi Jiu's side.

Gu Feihai had already pulled out his gun from his pocket and was on guard, but Yu Goudan couldn't help but snatch the gun, fired several shots at [-], and cursed: "Don't dare to touch me!" Yu Goudan's daughter, die for me!"

Ye Chui helped Yu Xue to walk in front of the furious old man Yu: "Don't bother, he is no longer a threat."

"Is he dead?" Yu Goudan asked.


"Papa papa." Yu Goudan shot again and again, and continued to curse: "Go to hell, go to hell!"

Ye Chui was a little sweaty, it seemed that Yu Goudan really loved his daughter and was really angry. .

He kept watching Yu Goudan shoot all the bullets in the pistol, and then he walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Stop hitting him, you can't kill him...Look, he The wounds have healed."

"Huh!?" Hearing what Ye Chui said, Yu Goudan and Gu Feihai went to see [-]. When they saw what happened in front of them, they immediately showed surprised expressions: Yu Goudan just now Seven or eight bullets were shot at Wu[-]'s body, but at this moment, the bullet that entered Wu[-]'s body bounced out by itself, and the gunshot wound was still healing at a speed visible to the naked eye with...

Yu Goudan couldn't help but yelled, "Fuck me, is this Wolverine?"

"That's not true, it's just that there is a kind of life energy in his body, even if he is smashed to pieces, he can be demobilized." Ye Chui explained, he has already decided to tell Yu Goudan about his cultivation, " He injected Yuanli Liquid into his body. This kind of thing can provide a huge life essence. Before this energy is exhausted, his physical body will continue to be reborn, but don't worry, his soul...or his The spirit has been destroyed by me, he is just a walking dead now."

Yu Goudan and Gu Feihai looked at Ye Chui in astonishment. Anyone who heard Ye Chui's explanation would probably have such an expression.

But... Gu Feihai was not only surprised by these words, he asked with surprised eyes: "Yuanliye...you mean Yuanli? Yuanli in cultivation."

"You have read a lot of novels and heard of such things." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Yu Goudan's reaction was very strange. He walked up to Ye Chui and grabbed Ye Chui's shoulders with both hands: "How do you know how to cultivate?"

Before Ye Chui answered, Yu Xue said from the side: "Father, Ye Chui got the inheritance of cultivation by accident, that's why I know about it."

"Cultivation inheritance? There are other cultivation inheritances|..." Yu Goudan murmured.

Ye Chui was slightly taken aback: "Other cultivation inheritances? Could it be...do you know other cultivation inheritances?"

Yu Goudan didn't answer Ye Chui's words. He looked at the ruins around him, and suddenly laughed a few times: "That's right, it's the power of cultivation. Only the power of cultivation can cause such destructive power. Goudan has been out of the mountains for so many years, and he can still see such a situation... I have seen similar power when I was young."

"Similar power?" Ye Chui couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He felt he had to re-examine the man in front of him.

"Do you know anything about the era of earth cultivation?"

"Yes, I know, I know everything!" Yu Goudan's appearance has changed from shock to a strange ecstasy, he suddenly looked at Ye Chui, "show me, show me quickly you the power of!"

"..." Ye Chui doesn't know what Yu Goudan is going to do, but it doesn't matter to him to demonstrate.

With a wave of his hand, he summoned the Hammer of Huo Lei Shen - before fighting against Wu San Qijiu, this Hammer of Huo Lei Shen turned into a clone in the spiritual world, and now that the clone came back, Ye Chui could use the hammer of Huo Lei Shen The hammer is summoned.

I saw him wave casually, and with a bang, there was a loud noise on the ruins not far away, and an explosion occurred.

The ground also shook, and a terrifying crater had already appeared at the place of the explosion.

It's just that Ye Chui exerted less than [-]% of his strength, but Gu Feihai and Yu Goudan were still stunned.

Just waving it casually, there is such a big explosive power?

If it weren't for the fact that this place had already been turned into ruins, they would never believe what they saw with their own eyes.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Yu Goudan burst out laughing: "That's right, it's this kind of destructive power! I've seen my great-grandfather do it before!"

"Great grandfather?" Yu Xue interjected curiously, "Father, what are you talking about, your great grandfather... have I seen it?"

"Of course you haven't seen it. I was less than ten years old when my great-grandfather passed away, but I will never forget his power to cause terror and destruction at will!" Yu Goudan showed a nostalgic expression, The voice suddenly sighed, "Unfortunately, Grandpa is the last cultivator on earth. Since then, no one has been able to do that kind of thing..."

The last practitioner on earth?

Ye Chui felt that he might be able to get some secrets from Yu Goudan.

He immediately asked, "Can you give me a detailed introduction to what's going on here?"

Yu Goudan nodded, and then spoke in a turbulent voice.

"Our Yu family hid in the deep mountains for 300 years. It was because of the catastrophe in the cultivation world that the spiritual energy on the earth was exhausted, and the cultivators could no longer survive. It was a famous cultivator family, but the aura was exhausted and the power of cultivation was not manifested, so our Yu family could only hide from the world... My great-grandfather lived at least three hundred years old. The source, as he got old, gradually lost. When he was ten years old, he finally couldn't hold on any longer. Before he died, he told me many secrets of the cultivation world, and said that he was the last practitioner on earth. Now, with his passing away, I am afraid that the cultivation civilization of the earth will be completely cut off..."

Yu Goudan had never told anyone these words, even Gu Feihai didn't know about it.

At this moment, he was a little surprised and said: "Cultivation civilization? I always thought it was just a legend, a plot in a novel, but I didn't expect such a thing to exist...Boss, why did the cultivation civilization disappear?"

"It's because the spiritual energy on the earth is exhausted." Yu Goudan explained, he knows a lot about the cultivation civilization on the earth, "Cultivators have to rely on spiritual energy for cultivation, without spiritual energy, they can't exert the power of cultivation, the reason why grandpa He was able to survive 300 years because he had some accumulated spirit stones to maintain his life. Several major cultivation families had their own means to maintain themselves, but as 300 years passed, these means were also exhausted. Grandpa's spirit stones are also exhausted, and he is the last one."

"Do you know what is the reason for the exhaustion of the earth's spiritual energy?" Ye Chui asked in a deep voice at this time.

"According to what my great-grandfather said, there was an unprecedentedly powerful enemy in the cultivation world at that time. He possessed a powerful force against the entire cultivation world by one person. He used certain methods to seize the aura of the earth. However, the civilization of cultivation has declined. I know why he did this, because after everything last night, he disappeared completely." Yu Goudan continued.

"Take the earth's aura, and then disappear completely?" Ye Chui wondered, "Could this person be the one who established Hellfire?" (To be continued.)

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