"Hehe, break his leg."

Ye Chui said this sentence with a smile, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

That indifferent tone didn't even make Gao Sun aware of the great insult that these words contained to himself.

Ye Ling was stunned for an instant and broke his leg?


Did you hear me wrong?

How could that meek brother say such a thing?

Ye Chui patted Ye Ling on the shoulder, then walked towards Cheng Song.

Cheng Song is tall and strong, at least a head taller than Ye Chui.

His ferocious face has already left an indelible bad impression in the memory left by the original Ye Chui.

In the three years of high school, this guy often bullied the original Ye Chui.

Sometimes when I was stuck on the way home, I would go up and beat him without saying a word.

The hateful image of Cheng Song has long been a nightmare in Ye Chui's mind...

Feeling the unpleasant memories in his mind, Ye Chui sighed. From his point of view, Cheng Song is like a caterpillar who can be crushed at will. Ye Chui would never have the desire to do anything to such a character.

However, the memory that surged up in his mind at this moment made him very upset now, super upset, rub it!

Cheng Song waited for Ye Chui to come up to him persistently, and he finally realized what Ye Chui meant by "break his leg" just now.

The expression on his face that was the same as Erbaiwu's suddenly changed, and he became ferocious: "You have the kind..."


Ye Chui kicked Cheng Song's right calf.

The sound of broken bones stopped Cheng Song's words, and the pain had not yet reached Cheng Song's brain.

However, his right leg was kicked up with great force, and his body was also kicked up.

He fell two meters away and then fell heavily to the ground.

Only then did the severe pain from the leg reach consciousness.

What kind of power is that?

Even if he was knocked down by a speeding car, Cheng Song, who weighed nearly two hundred catties, would not have been knocked over such a long distance.

Even if Ye Chui's kick hit the steel plate, it would leave a dent on the steel plate.

If it were a human being, the leg bone of the right leg would probably have been crushed so badly that it couldn't be crushed any more...

This is the result of Ye Chui's efforts to restrain his own strength.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

The screams resounded outside the somewhat crude hospital in this small town.

Cheng Song's voice was loud, and his voice was even more shrill.

The piercing pain that made the whole person go crazy flowed through his body, and Cheng Song's consciousness was completely plunged into rage.

He screamed and roared at Ye Chui: "I'm so stupid..."


Ye Chui kicked him in the face.

Strength has been restrained to the minimum.

Even so, Cheng Song's head was lying heavily on the concrete floor, his nasal bone was broken, and blood flowed horizontally.

This made Cheng Song even more angry.

Maybe in his heart he always thought that Ye Chui was a super easy to bully person who could be bullied at will, but when he was suddenly beaten by Ye Chui, Ye Chui didn't experience the horror, but what he felt was the humiliation of being bullied by the weak slowly , he felt that this situation was wrong and impossible.

So he wanted to scold Ye Chui.

A few teeth erupted from the mouth: "You and me..."


Ye Chui slapped him across the face.

The sound was as loud as a fart in the silence of the night.

Cheng Song's face was immediately red and swollen, and several teeth erupted from his mouth again.

"I'm not with you..."


Another slap in the face, since he was still clamoring, the young master slapped him until he stopped. This is what the young master hates the most.





After several slaps, Cheng Song's face was bloody and bloodstained.

The teeth in the mouth are probably almost spit out.

——This image doesn’t need makeup when the crew plays zombies.

Cheng Song's not-so-developed brain finally understood the fact that the Ye Chui in front of him was no longer the Ye Chui in his memory.

He had become terrifying, and he was no longer someone he could bully at will.

He understood, and wanted to ask for mercy, but as soon as he spoke, he slapped him down...

Does this keep people alive?

In the end, Cheng Song gave himself to his instincts—he cried, crying terribly, accompanied by uncontrollable screams, his nose and eyes dripping with blood.

Ye Chui rubbed his blood-stained hand on this guy's body, and then asked: "How far away will you see me in the future, don't let the young master see you again, understand?"

"Understood, I understand." Cheng Song nodded vaguely.

Nearly 1.9 meters tall and weighing nearly two hundred catties, crying at this time is like a woman who has been xxooed.

Ye Chui walked away from this guy, shook his hand, wiped, it was so fucking cool.

He walked up to his younger sister Ye Ling.

The girl was completely stunned, dumbfounded, where had she seen such a formation?

Not to mention that it was her brother who beat someone.

Ye Chui smiled and asked her, "Are you happy?"

Are you happy?

It really feels good in my heart.

This Cheng Song hurt his father, and he still acted like nothing happened. Although Ye Ling was kind-hearted and didn't want to care about it, it was impossible for him not to hate him at all when he was showing off his might.

But the most important thing is... isn't this too ruthless?

Ye Chui saw Ye Ling's thoughts, and explained with a smile: "If you don't teach this kind of thing a lesson, he won't be able to remember the pain."

Ye Ling nodded her head half understanding, but her eyes were sizing up Ye Chui seriously.

The appearance is still the same as before, but some things are really different.

The scene of the violent beating just now actually only happened in less than 1 minute.

There are many residents near this small town, and many people immediately surrounded it.

This kind of cruel beating scene has never been seen even in movies. Everyone stood around stiffly, and no one came to meddle in their own business.

Cheng Song's screams were absolutely shocking.

But after a while, Cheng Fugui, the mayor who hurried out when he heard the commotion in the hospital, came out curiously to watch the excitement, and when he found that the guy who was screaming miserably was his son, he ran away in a hurry To Cheng Song's side: "Songzi, Songzi, you... what's wrong with you? Who hit you?"


Seeing Cheng Fugui coming out, Ye Chui walked over and stood in front of the father and son.

He was smiling now, as if he hadn't done anything just now.

Cheng Fugui gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Chui: "You?"

Ye Chui nodded with a smile: "Your son hurt my dad, you don't have any sincerity in making amends, and my dad doesn't want to accept it. I must abide by the old man's wishes. I also support the lawsuit, but I have a bit of a temper. Urgent, if you don’t pay back the debt you owe, you won’t be able to sleep well. Since your son wanted to have a friendly exchange with me just now, I happened to break his leg first. In my opinion, the two of us The family is settled, are you not convinced? That’s fine, whatever you want, I’ll follow suit. You just said in the ward that I’m working in a big city, and I’m very promising. I’m very promising. Staying in the city for so many years has taught me one of the most basic things to be trustworthy and keep what you say. Heh, I will say what I say now, and if I come to trouble you in the future, I will definitely repay you double. no sooner said than done."

These words were not rushed, but there was a lot of energy in that calm tone.

At least Cheng Fugui, who was used to domineering in Yuxiang Town, was speechless in shock, and was overwhelmed by Ye Chui's aura.

Ye Chui laughed and patted him on the shoulder again: "Don't be dazed, find someone to send your son to the hospital for treatment, or he will be useless if it is later."

Being reminded by Ye Chui, Cheng Fugui reacted and hurriedly called for someone to help carry his son to the hospital.

During this process, he quietly stood two meters away from Ye Chui.

He thought in his heart that his son's life was the most important thing, and he would think of a way to deal with this person later... In fact, his slightly trembling body and the fearful eyes that looked at Ye Chui had already betrayed him.

He was afraid, in fear, and wanted to leave Ye Chui, the demon king, far away.

The outside of the hospital quickly returned to silence, and the crowds who watched the excitement dispersed.

Li Qiuju rushed out of the hospital, with a worried expression on her face, she held Ye Chui's hand: "Hammer, I heard that there was a fight outside, are you okay?"

Ye Ling said with a smile: "Mom, brother is very powerful now, how can something happen?"

Li Qiuju was stunned: "It's amazing...how do you say that, could it be your brother who fought?"

"Yeah, my brother beat up Cheng Song severely!"


In the ward.

Ye Ling recounted what happened with more details.

The scene just now was somewhat cruel, but when the little girl said it in a slightly exaggerated tone, besides the cruelty, it was a little more heroic, and Ye Chui described Ye Chui as extraordinarily martial.

After hearing this narration, the two elders were stunned.

The two of them know their son best, but what Ye Ling said just now doesn't seem like something their son can do.

After confirming with Ye Ling many times, and seeing Ye Chui nod his head to admit it, he finally accepted the fact.

And their reactions to it were quite different.

Li Qiuju took her son's hand with a worried face and blamed: "You...why are you so impulsive, that's the mayor, after beating him like that, why don't you make him anxious?"

"Women, what do you know?" Ye Haishan said with a smile on his face, "Hammer, you did the right thing this time, you should have beaten up that little bastard long ago, because your father is the mayor of the town." Prestige, I beat your third uncle two days ago, hmph, if I were younger, I would fight him!"

Li Qiuju tugged Laye Haishan's arm: "Just stop the meeting, how do you plan to solve this problem now?"

"How else can we solve it?" Ye Haishan snorted coldly, "I'm afraid they are a bird, I don't believe he dares to do anything to us!"

Ye Chui also said at this time: "Parents, don't worry, I'm here today, they don't dare to do anything, don't worry."

"It's not as simple as you think..." Li Qiuju was still worried.

Ye Haishan looked at Ye Chui with glowing eyes: "Hammer, I haven't seen you for half a year, why do you seem to be a different person?"

"Dad, my brother still made money in Xizhou City." Ye Ling also hurriedly said, her voice full of pride.

"Really?" Both Ye Haishan and Li Qiuju's eyes lit up.

Ye Chui chuckled, and replied: "I made some money. I suddenly became enlightened some time ago, so I wanted to change myself. I resigned from my original company and partnered with someone to start a company. I made a lot of money."

This is good news, both Li Qiuju and Ye Haishan were overjoyed.

Then he asked some details in detail, and Ye Chui briefly said that he is now the manufacturer of Tianhammer Automobile.

Hearing that his son was cooperating with others to produce cars, Ye Haishan, who didn't know much about it, only thought it was amazing, and couldn't stop laughing.

The family of four chatted in this ward, and Ye Chui gradually felt the warmth from it.

This is a feeling that Ye Chui hasn't experienced for a long time, it is very useful and comfortable.

During the conversation, Ye Chui also checked his father's injuries. His left leg was broken, and the problem is not too serious. He can recover after a period of training, and with the medicine Ye Chui made, the root cause of the disease will not remain.

This also made Ye Chui heave a sigh of relief.

During the period, a doctor came to check, and Li Qiuju asked about Cheng Song's situation.

The doctor looked at Ye Chui and said with some fear: "His left leg was shattered and fractured. Just now the mayor took him to the county town overnight. I'm afraid it won't be cured here, even if he is cured in a big county town." I'm afraid it will leave the root of the disease."

Hearing what the doctor said, Li Qiuju suddenly expressed worry.

Ye Haishan's expression was also a little unnatural, and he felt that Ye Chui's beating seemed a little heavy.

On the contrary, Ye Chui's calm expression didn't take it seriously at all.

Shit, the young master didn't directly cripple his legs for him, it was considered merciful!

When the doctor left, the second elder looked a little unnatural.

Ye Chui then persuaded with a smile: "Mom and Dad, don't worry, I will take care of this matter, so don't be afraid of them. I started my own company and accumulated some contacts during this period of time, and they don't need to be soft or hard. I'm afraid, if things get serious, I can solve them with a phone call."

Ye Chui's words were so loud that it felt like bragging.

Li Qiuju and Ye Haishan thought that Ye Chui was comforting them, so they forced a smile, let's talk about the future, the key is that the family is together now, that's enough.

Ye Chui understood what the two elders were thinking, and felt rather helpless.

This kind of thing is really nothing to him, a phone call to Zheng Feng, isn't the little mayor crushed like an ant?

Putting this topic aside for the time being, Ye Chui asked Ye Haishan, "Dad, what happened to make Cheng Song hit you?"

"Why else? Isn't it a joint venture to buy a boat?" Ye Haishan seemed a little unhappy when he mentioned this matter, "Cheng Fugui wants to mobilize the townspeople to jointly buy a large fishing boat. What is he thinking? Others can't understand I still don't understand? This boat was bought by a partnership of big guys. After buying it, they said that the fish they caught were distributed equally, but their family is the only one, and the distribution problem is not their decision. Get oil and water out of it!"

"Dad, are there many people in the town who agree with this?" Ye Chui asked curiously.

Ye Haishan snorted: "Two days ago, there were more than a dozen households who did not agree to him. I was the leader. Cheng Fugui knew this and asked his son to find a reason to beat me. Now they have all agreed to Cheng Fugui... Sigh .”

Ye Haishan sighed. In their generation's sea area, there is a very rare edible fish called golden fish, which is very precious and delicious.

It is also the fish species they depend on for survival here.

However, these fish are becoming less and less nowadays, and the number of catches is limited.

Not to mention what happened now, if Cheng Fugui really bought back the big ship in the future, even if Ye Haishan didn't take a stake in it, I'm afraid it would be difficult to win the big ship in the future.

"Is it a big ship?"

Ye Chui smiled lightly.

"It's hard to say? Dad, you are worried about this. I have connections. I can help you get a big boat back then."

"How big is the boat?" Ye Haishan asked in a daze.

"It's just too big." Ye Chui replied with a smile.

In Ye Chui's eyes, a fishing boat is a magic weapon, similar to a car.

Ye Chui can create a super fishing boat with random building, which can definitely far surpass all fishing boats in the world.

For him who possesses the fourth level of the Calcining Heart Sutra, these are already little kisses.

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