Ye Chui spoke confidently, but Ye Haishan was skeptical.

He has been fishing all his life, and he can't understand the price of fishing boats.

A large enough boat, the kind that can go fishing in the ocean, is not worth buying for millions or tens of millions.

Cheng Fugui raised funds in the town to buy such a fishing boat, and now he can only rely on this kind of fishing boat if he wants to catch a large number of golden streaked fish.

Ye Chui wanted to get a big boat, Ye Haishan couldn't believe it at all.

He attributed these to his son comforting him.

After staying in the ward for more than ten o'clock in the evening, Li Qiuju said to Ye Chui: "Hammer, go home with Xiaoling. I'll just watch over here. I'll make some dumplings for you. If you're hungry when you go back, you can go home." Go ahead and eat yourself."

Ye Chui doesn't seem like leaving the hospital: "Mom, you should go back with Xiaoling, I'll stay here and guard Dad."

"Go back, why, are you still afraid that Cheng Fugui will come to trouble me?" Ye Haishan also persuaded, "Don't worry, he doesn't have the guts yet."

After a lot of persuasion, Ye Chui had no choice but to go back with his sister.

Of course, he was still a little worried about the safety of his parents, so he quietly left his mobile phone in an inconspicuous corner of the ward.

This phone can also be regarded as a clone of Ozawa.

Ye Chui has remodeled the phone so that Ozawa can monitor the situation here. If any accident happens, she can notify Ye Chui immediately.

Ye Chui's Iron Man suit naturally also has a communication function, which allows him to talk to Ozawa.

In fact, the main function of Ye Chui's mobile phone is for decoration.

Of course, you can also make a guest appearance in the occasional fight.

When they got home, Ye Lingcong took out the dumplings that Li Qiuling made during the day and gave them to Ye Chui. The taste of these dumplings was naturally not as delicious as the ones Ye Chui ate when he was with An Le'er and the others in Xizhou City, but Ye Chui did not. It is very comfortable to eat, and the mouth and teeth are fragrant.

It took two bowls in a row to fill my stomach.

Ye Ling has already tidied up Ye Chui's original room, which is simple but full of familiarity.

Lying on the simple bed, Ye Chui felt extremely comfortable: "This is the taste of home, it's such a long-lost feeling..."

Ye Chui closed his eyes, feeling relaxed all over.

But at this moment, Ye Chui was taken aback suddenly: "Huh? Huo Lei Shen's avatar has already devoured several secret books of exercises!"

spiritual world.

Huo Lei Shen's avatar stayed in the lounge specially prepared for the executives.

He sat cross-legged on the floor, naked. His whole body was densely covered with metallic lines.

At this time, the texture is shining, and if you look closely, you will find that the texture is also quietly changing, becoming more profound and wonderful.

This is the effect Ye Chui obtained after upgrading Iron Man's suit after absorbing the three exercises "Soul Search", "Meteorite Falling from Heaven" and "Wind Walk".

Just as the Iron Man suit of Huo Lei Shen's avatar changed, the invisible Iron Man suit worn by Ye Chui himself in the real world also changed.

The avatar and the deity have the same mind, and the avatar understands the way to make the clothes avatar, and naturally transfers these insights to the deity.

The textures of the electronic feeling shine and change.

After about half an hour, everything calmed down.

"After absorbing the three skills, I can make my Iron Man suit have the skill of meteorite falling from the sky, and the speed can be accelerated instantly because of the wind walking, but there is a time limit. As for the soul search formula, it can make my Iron Man The scanning function of the battle suit is more powerful..."

After comprehending this soul-searching formula, the computer system installed in Ye Chui's brain has also been improved to a certain extent.

Ye Chui's Sky Hammer 2 system was upgraded to Sky Hammer 0 system.

Let Ye Chui have the ability to quietly access the consciousness of others.

Originally, Ye Chui wanted to access other people's consciousness. If the other party's permission to open to him was too low, then Ye Chui could only brute force and force access, but this would also damage the other party's spirit.

But now, Ye Chui has mastered the ability to quietly access the consciousness of others, accessing in a hidden way without causing any harm to the other party.

At the same time, Ye Chui's wireless connection capability has also been greatly improved.

Before, he could only connect wirelessly with people within one meter of him, but now the range has reached about three meters.

"Try the power of a wireless connection!"

Ye Chuan's heart moved, and immediately released a wireless signal through his brain.

In fact, Ye Chui's wireless connection is somewhat different from the real wireless connection, which can be understood as a kind of spiritual scanning.

You can perceive the sentient beings around you, and then visit the other party's consciousness to connect with this consciousness.

Soon, Ye Chui noticed all the existences within three meters nearby.

"This is Xiao Ling. She is sleeping, and she feels at ease...huh?"

Ye Chui was taken aback suddenly.

Because he felt the consciousness signals of the other two people, within three meters of him.

"This signal..."

Ye Chui's room is in the center of the house, within three meters, it should be just outside the house wall.

Why would anyone stay outside at night?

Ye Chui immediately visited these two consciousness signals to see through their thinking.

Their dialogue can also be simulated.

"This is the house, right? If these two barrels of gasoline are poured down, the place will be burned to ashes with a single fire, and that Ye Chui will definitely not survive."

"It seems that his younger sister is also at home? The most juicy girl in our town, what a pity."

"Second brother, don't be stupid. It's important to do business. The mayor promised to give us 2 yuan each. With this money, what kind of girl can you find and you won't find it?"

"Hey, that's right, 2 yuan is enough for us to have fun for a while."

"Go ahead!"

Ye Chui jumped up on the bed, furious in his heart.

Cheng Fugui actually asked someone to come here to set fire to his house?

It's so vicious!

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Ye Chuiren had already rushed out of the window.

Outside the house, two sneaky figures were lighting a lighter just now, and then throwing it on the ground casually.

There were some oil stains on the dry ground, where gasoline had obviously just been poured on it.

The lighter fell quickly, however, when it was only a few centimeters from the ground, a palm suddenly appeared and grabbed the lighter in its hand.

Both of them were surprised: "Who?"

"How dare you come here to set fire?" Ye Chui said coldly with hidden anger.

Looking closer, he already recognized who the two were.

Two well-known hooligan brothers in Yuxiang Town have never learned or learned since they were young. One is called Big Laizi and the other is called Erlaizi.

I don't know how many times I have entered the game.

The two of them just felt a black shadow flash in front of them, and the lighter they threw out was caught by someone.

Da Laizi was surprised for a moment, then snorted coldly, took out a dagger from his body, aimed it at Ye Chui with a cold light, "Hey, I didn't expect to be bumped into by you, so I can't spare your life !"

Erlaizi cooperated well with his elder brother, and when he saw this, he immediately reached out to cover Ye Chui's mouth.

He wanted to cover Ye Chui's mouth first, so as to save himself from yelling later.

However, before Er Laizi's hand touched Ye Chui's mouth, Ye Chui's hand grabbed his wrist.

Then there was a click, which was the sound of a broken wrist.

Da Laizi brandished the dagger, piercing it towards Ye Chui's chest in a flickering cold light, but the blade stopped suddenly when it was only a few centimeters away from Ye Chui's chest, no matter how hard Da Laizi tried, he couldn't insert it any further. cents.

Looking at it seriously, his face changed suddenly, Ye Chui's two fingers clamped the blade, which made him unable to push the dagger any more.

With a crisp snap, the blade of the dagger snapped off.

At this moment Er Lai Zi felt the sharp pain in his wrist, and was about to scream, Ye Chui grabbed his collar like lightning, and the other hand also grabbed Da Lai Zi's arm.


Erlaizi screamed out, but the sound was dissipated by the rising air current, and they felt as if they were flying through the clouds, and they were dragged by Ye Cui to fly in the air, so fast that they flew directly into the sea .

The two yelled, but no one heard the sound.

The black sea stretches as far as the eye can see.

"You... who are you? How can you fly?"

"Brother, please forgive me, we...we also wanted to harm you because we were deceived..."

"You have to settle the score and go to Cheng Fugui, it was all his instructions..."

"It has nothing to do with us..."

The two yelled.

But Ye Chui didn't say a word, and drove like this for nearly half an hour.

Iron Man's suit scans the sea and finds a small island in the sea.

This kind of small island is only a few hundred square meters in size, and it is full of bare stones, and it may be submerged directly with the high tide.

It is not a short distance from the coast, and there will be no fishing boats passing by here for several months.

Satisfied with this place, Ye Chui let go of his hand and left the two brothers here.

"Great Immortal, Great Immortal, please spare me."

"We don't dare any more!"

The two knelt on the ground and begged Ye Chui for mercy.

Ye Chui looked extremely indifferent.

Shit, these two people just planned to burn him and his younger sister to death, is it necessary to be soft-hearted towards such a person?

Ye Chui asked in a cold voice: "Tell me what's going on?"

"Yes." The two nodded hurriedly, and then told the story.

In fact, Ye Chui can guess what happened. After Cheng Song was injured, Cheng Fugui asked someone to drive his son to the county for treatment. He was a little scared, but when he saw his son who kept howling, he suddenly became angry again, so he couldn't let it go.

So he called the two lads in the village and told them to deal with Ye Chui, and then each of them would give them [-] yuan.

These two rascals are masters who can do anything, they were tempted by the money and agreed, and then they walked outside Ye Chui's house in the middle of the night, wanting to burn it down...

After telling the story, the two begged and cried out, "We are animals, we were wrong..."

"Great Immortal, please spare us, we... we will kill that bastard Cheng Fugui for you."

Ye Chui Yile: "There is no need for this, I will give you a way of life."

The two were immediately overjoyed.

Ye Chui continued leisurely: "If I don't kill you, I will just throw you here. If you are lucky enough to meet the fishing boat coming here, then you will be rescued naturally. If not, then you are out of luck."

When the two of them heard Ye Chui's words, their faces changed, leaving them here?

This is the kind that killed them, and it was slowly tortured.

The two immediately begged again.

However, Ye Chui's body was already suspended. With a wave of his hand, he directly grabbed the mobile phones on the two of them. When he pinched them hard, the two mobile phones were shattered into pieces.

Ye Chui smiled slightly: "You can wish for happiness."

The figure flashed and flew away in the distance, and two people shouted loudly behind them.

"This kind of scum doesn't deserve to live in this world!" Ye Chui thought to himself as he flew back, "It seems that this Cheng Fugui didn't plan to count things like this? Hmph, if something like this happens now, even if he If you want to leave it like this, I will not agree!"

Fearing that Cheng Fugui would also find someone to trouble his parents, Ye Chui hurriedly called Ozawa.

After learning that everything in the hospital was safe, Ye Chui was relieved.

In a place like a hospital, there are too many people, so compared to Cheng Fugui, he dare not go too far.

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