Yu Xue was dressed in white, holding a little white cat in her arms, like a perfect work of art.

Fairy clear, sweet and lovely.

It is even more eye-catching, and everyone waiting at the station can't help but cast a good look.

Everyone's eyes were full of emotion: "Where did this little girl come from, she is so beautiful!"

There must be some differences between a big city and this small town.

Yu Xue's image is amazing even in a big city, let alone here.

Wang Li, Wang Jun's father and daughter, and Luo Hao stood aside tremblingly.

After Luo Hao's words, knowing the worth of this little girl, Wang Li, Wang Jun's father and daughter looked at Xue with admiration like heaven.

Not even the courage to strike up a conversation.

Beautiful, that's not counting. Taking advantage of the hundreds of millions of dollars, Wang Jun and Wang Li's father and daughter have a kind of indescribable admiration.

"Girls from rich families are different." Wang Jun couldn't help sighing in a low voice.

Wang Li also thought enviously: "Why don't I have such a rich father?"

And Luo Hao also made up a small idea in his heart: "I didn't expect to meet the boss's daughter in this Yuxiang Town. It is really a blessing that has been cultivated in several lifetimes. If it is possible to get close to the water first, something will happen to her... Then shouldn't I post it later?"

Each of the three stared at sister Yu Xue, who looked around at the bus door half like a doll, with good expectations and hopes.

And it was at this time that the sudden appearance of a person completely destroyed their illusions and left no residue left.

I saw that Ye Chui suddenly walked up to Yu Xue who was looking around, Yu Xue's small face suddenly showed a surprised expression, and the next moment the little girl hugged Ye Chui in surprise.

That kind of hug, if you are not already close enough to be xxoo, you don't even have the intention to do it.

"Ye Chui...Is this kid Ye Chui's girlfriend?" Wang Jun was surprised.

He turned his head stiffly and asked his daughter.

Wang Li also tried to think back with a puzzled expression: "No, I saw that Ye Chui's girlfriend was not like this at the time, she should be taller."

"What, this kid is actually Yu Xue's boyfriend?" Luo Hao ignored the words of the father and daughter beside him, but was surprised to himself, "Could it be that Yu Xue came all the way to this poor town just to see her?" Boyfriend... isn't it? I've heard that the boss's daughter is very savage, and she is willing to put down her dignity and come to this kind of place to meet her boyfriend's family? This..."

Luo Hao looked at Ye Chui, and began to calculate in his heart: "This kid is really capable, he is a model of a little boy, I want to learn from him... Since I can't get Yu Xue's attention now, I don't know if I can follow him. A good relationship? It will also be very helpful to my future future. First ask Wang Li if she knows him!"

Ye Chui was happily hugged by Yu Xue's waist, and he really liked this feeling.

Gently patted Yu Xue's little head: "Aren't you afraid of making jokes in public?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time." Yu Xue let go of her hand, looked up at Ye Chui and said, "How do you know I'm back? I was going to find you in person."

"Ozawa told me that she may have discovered you when you were checking the bus schedule on the computer." Ye Chui said casually, "How is it, are you tired after taking the bus all the way?"

Yu Xue shook her head: "It's not that I'm tired, I have someone to accompany me to relieve my boredom."

Ye Chui pointed to Yu Xue's kitten who was thrown on the ground when she hugged her in her arms just now, and now she was squatting there looking at Ye Chui's kitten with a displeased face, and said, "You mean this little beast? ?”

"Meow, meow!" The kitten immediately began to protest, saying who is the little beast!

"It's not a kitten." Yu Xue shook her head, then pointed behind her, "I'm talking about her."


Ye Chui looked behind Yu Xue and couldn't help being surprised.

"Fuck, why did she follow you?"

Little Wang Shiyu, who got off the bus with great difficulty just now, opened his mouth and smiled at Ye Chui, opened his hands and rushed over, shouting in a childish voice, "Brother Hammer!"

Wang Shiyu is only five years old, less than one meter tall, wearing cartoon children's clothes, carrying a small backpack on her back, her image is even cuter than Yu Xue, she is really like a cute porcelain doll.

Like an octopus, the whole person is wrapped around Ye Chui's body, and his little head is arched and arched in Ye Chui's arms.

He is very friendly with Ye Chui.

Ye Chui also liked this little girl very much, but he didn't expect to see her here suddenly.

While hugging her affectionately, he looked around: "When Wang Shiyu came, wouldn't it be possible that her sister Wang Wenxue also came with her?"

Seeing Ye Chui looking around, Yu Xue got angry and kicked Ye Chui's thigh: "Don't look, Wang Wenxue didn't come."

"Eh... I'm not looking for her, really." Ye Chui said hastily.

Before Yu Xue was about to get angry, Ye Chui hurriedly said again: "Xiao Xue, why did you bring Shi Yu to find me? What's going on?"

Yu Xue explained: "I can't help it. These days, Lele said that she will arrange for Wang Wenxue to shoot commercials. You used to bring this little girl. Now that you're gone, Lele has no choice but to throw her to me. Gutou likes this girl very much. I originally planned to give him to Gutou to take care of and come to you, but she heard that she was looking for you so she insisted on coming with me, so I had no choice but to bring her too. .”

The tone of Yu Xue who spoke was slightly unhappy.

Although Wang Shiyu is a five-year-old little loli, but seeing her cuteness and her sister's disaster, she will definitely be a great beauty when she grows up.

Now it's so sticky to Ye Chui, will it be okay when he grows up?

But Yu Xue soon shook her head in a funny way, feeling a little ridiculous that she would be jealous of a child.

She bent down to pick up the kitten again and asked Ye Chui, "Where is your home? I prepared a gift for my uncle and aunt."

"Gift? What kind of gift?" Ye Chui was taken aback and asked curiously.

Yu Xue pointed to the big backpack on her back after being slaughtered—if there was anything incongruous about this petite beauty, it must be this big backpack.It's incredible that her seemingly slender and weak body can carry such a heavy bag.

Of course, this is completely child's play to Yu Xue now.

With her fourth-level cultivation of the Enlightenment Realm, she can lift things weighing hundreds of catties like playing with them...

She explained proudly: "I prepared some cosmetics for your mother, all of which are famous brands, and for your father, I bought a bottle of wine for your father, a kind of self-brewed wine, which I stole from my father. My dad is very precious, and the old ones are not allowed to drink. It is said that a mountain farmer brewed it himself. In fact, if there are only a dozen bottles of fraudulent sales, it can be sold for several million."

Hearing Yu Xue's words, Ye Chui couldn't help showing a speechless look: "Is this gift a bit too precious... Xiaoxue, aren't you cheating on your father?"

"It's okay, it's okay, anyway, his family property of several hundred million won't care about this little money." Yu Xue said indifferently.

She really is a model of a good daughter-in-law in China.

Ye Chui felt a little helpless, these gifts brought by Yu Xue were indeed very precious, but parents might not like them...

Let's talk about how to do it.

Ye Chui patted Wang Shiyu who was lying on her body: "Shiyu, come down, let's go."

But Wang Shiyu didn't respond, Ye Chui turned his head to look, and found that the little girl had already fallen asleep lying in his arms.

"We have been driving for nearly ten hours, and she only slept for an hour at noon, so she must be very tired." Yu Xue said from the side.

She also struggled a lot to take care of Wang Shiyu along the way.

But what made Yu Xue feel particularly good was that she met two hooligans on the train. Seeing that Yu Xue and Wang Shiyu were so beautiful and cute and had no other company, they came together to tease her or something.

Yu Xue was a little scared at first, but after being annoyed by the harassment, she directly and violently beat up the two of them.

Now that I think about it, it's really refreshing.

When there is a fly in the ointment, these two hooligans are too careless...

Yu Xue, who has cultivated at the fourth level of the Enlightenment Realm, has transformed into a violent superwoman.

Just like that, Ye Chui hugged Wang Shiyu, and then walked Yu Xue on the small road in Yuxiang Town, heading directly to the hospital.

They had just left, on the side of the station, Wang Li and Wang Jun had already explained to Luo Hao who Ye Chui was.

Both the father and the daughter have committed some crimes. Obviously Luo Hao told them Yu Xue's identity, but when they saw Ye Chui with Yu Xue, the two didn't know how to cover it up, so they completely made Ye Chui how hateful and the relationship with Wang Li. The relationship is said.

Judging from Wang Li's tone, the two sides are incompatible.

But Luo Hao's expression turned cold after hearing these words.

He originally planned to use Ye Chui as a springboard to get acquainted with Yu Xue, and he might have a good future in the future.


His girlfriend turned out to be Ye Chui's ex-girlfriend!

That's not to mention, the most important thing is that the two of them are already incompatible, and their relationship is bad. According to Wang Li's words, there is a bit of an endless plan to entangle with Ye Chui.

Damn, Wang Li really offended Ye Chui completely, if Ye Chui said something to Yu Xue, wouldn't his future be ruined completely?

On Wang Li's side, she was still prodding and cursing: "Ye Chui's little boy must have stepped on shit luck to become this woman's boyfriend."

Luo Hao thought to the side impatiently: "There is such a piece of shit, let alone stepping on it, he would be willing to eat it."

Looking at Wang Li again, Luo Hao couldn't help feeling a bit of disgust from this woman.

It just so happened that the bus was about to restart and leave. This bus made a trip to Yuxiang Town every afternoon, and when it was leaving, it would continue to take another bus to leave. Seeing this, Luo Hao jumped on the bus without any hesitation.

Wang Li was taken aback when she saw this: "Luo Hao, what are you doing..."

"Sorry, I think we should break up." The bus door slowly closed, and Luo Hao waved to Wang Li from inside.

Originally, he didn't particularly like Wang Li towards Luo Hao, but now he took the opportunity to break up and he didn't feel any pressure at all.

Wang Li was stunned for a while and hurriedly rushed to the car door and slapped on the door: "Luo Hao, why are you doing this? It was agreed that you would come to see my family..."

"Haven't your family already met?" Luo Hao said standing on the other side of the car window, "We are really not suitable, we should break up."

"Luo Hao!" Wang Li shouted loudly.

But Luo Hao had already found a seat and sat down.

The bus left slowly.Wang Li chased after a few steps and finally stopped, trembling and squatting down...


"Ye Chui, are your parents fierce?" On the way to the hospital, Yu Xue asked Ye Chui worriedly.

She absolutely seized the opportunity to meet Ye Chui's parents first, and then cook the raw rice in the main city, so as to make a good impression on Ye Chui's parents first.

It's a pity that Yu Xue really doesn't have much experience in this kind of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, and she is a little scared, for fear that her future parents-in-law will not like her.

"Don't worry, my parents have no reason not to like you." Ye Chui comforted with a smile.


He looked at Yu Xue carefully for a few more times, and he could see that Yu Xue had undergone a lot of careful makeup. The little girl's face was more pink and lovely, and she looked even more...[***].

The previous impression of Yu Xue in front of Ye Chui was that she was loose and sloppy most of the time, and occasionally she would show her protruding inner parts to Ye Chui unscrupulously. Her petite but hot figure was invisible It weakened the immaturity of her appearance.

It's just that she dresses up seriously at this time, and the direction of the little girl's dress is naturally to be cute, so that the whole image is even younger.

No matter what Yu Xue said, she was already 19 years old, but now she is more than half of her age, but she feels like she is only fifteen or sixteen years old, almost like Xingmei...

Taking such a girl back, Ye Chui really couldn't decide what his father would think.

With apprehension in my heart, I came outside the hospital ward.

Ye Chui opened the door first and went in, but Yu Xue stood at the door and muttered something, obviously she was rehearsing.

"Your girlfriend..." Ye Haishan, Li Qiuju and his younger sister Ye Ling were all looking forward to it, and when they saw Ye Chui coming in, their eyes fell on the little loli that Ye Chui was holding.

The expressions of the three were a little stiff, could it be that Ye Chui's so-called girlfriend was this little girl...

"Dad, this is my girlfriend." Ye Chui said.

"You...what did you say? You...how could you find such a young girlfriend?" Ye Haishan shouted slightly angrily.

"Eh..." Ye Chui thought that his father was really unhappy.

But he didn't realize that Yu Xue hadn't entered the door yet, and his parents regarded the little girl in his arms as Yu Xue.

This misunderstanding is big enough.

Fortunately, at this time, Yu Xue finally mustered up the courage to walk in, and said in a cute voice: "Uncle and aunt, hello, I am Ye Chui's girlfriend, Yu Xue."


Ye Haishan and others all looked at Yu Xue, looking up and down at this beautiful and lovely little girl.

Although Yu Xue looks very young, but because of the misunderstanding of Wang Shiyu just now, let's compare it now...

Immediately, she felt that her age was quite appropriate.

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