The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

247 This is the treatment only available to the main palace, other women should sit in the back row.

Ye Haishan, Li Qiuju and Ye Ling all looked at Yu Xue seriously.

Before Ye Chui told Ye Haishan that his girlfriend was beautiful or something, he didn't take it seriously, thinking that it was just that Xi Shi felt good about himself in the eyes of lovers.

But now that he really saw Yu Xue, he felt that what his son said was true, he was really beautiful.

No matter how you can get rid of Wang Li by a few blocks.

Li Qiuju was also very satisfied, she always thought that her son was good, Yu Xue was so beautiful and her son was a good match.

Ye Ling was even more happy that her future sister-in-law was so beautiful, and she herself was also honored.

It's just... Is this brother and girlfriend younger than her?

Then what should she call her in the future?

After experiencing the initial slight nervousness, Yu Xue quickly recovered her lively and lovely side, and asked about Ye Haishan's injury with concern. Ye Haishan also responded with a smile and said it was nothing to do. After greeting Li Qiuju again , Yu Xue looked at Ye Ling who was standing beside Ye Chui.

He is always subconsciously wary of Yu Xue, a beautiful girl beside Ye Chui.

However, Ye Ling vaguely resembled Ye Chui in appearance, which made her feel a little relieved, and looked at Ye Chui inquiringly.

It was only then that Ye Chui remembered that he had never told Yu Xue about his younger sister, so he introduced: "This is my younger sister, Ye Ling, who is one year younger than you and just finished the college entrance examination."

"Your sister!?" Yu Xue exclaimed in surprise, her mouth opened into an O shape, "Why didn't you tell me about your sister, I didn't even prepare a gift for your sister this time!"

Ye Chui felt a little sorry: "Hehe, I forgot."

"Brother is so careless!" Ye Ling who was on the side was also a little unhappy, and muttered in her mouth.

Yu Xue felt very sorry, she took the backpack she was carrying, opened it, and took things from the inside to the outside.

Ye Haishan was very fond of Xue, and reproachfully said to Ye Chui: "Hammer, you just asked me to come here with a backpack alone? I'm not afraid that I will get tired."

"I'm really not afraid of this..." Ye Chui thought in his heart, "Without activating the Iron Man suit, Xiaoxue's strength is now much stronger than mine."

Li Qiuju hurried to Yu Xue's side, and said with a smile, "You can come as soon as you come, what should you bring?"

"I have to prepare gifts for such occasions as I watch on TV. The more expensive the better..." Yu Xue said, taking out all the things in the backpack and putting them on the hospital bed beside her.

Her words sounded quite interesting, and both Li Qiuju and Ye Haishan laughed, thinking that Yu Xue was playing tricks.

But Ye Chui knew that she really learned from TV.

Most of the things taken out of this backpack are cosmetics for Li Qiuju, very expensive ones, she went to several luxury cosmetics specialty stores and asked the clerks about the cosmetics used by women in their 50s and [-]s. The clerk recommended such a bunch to her, and she didn't know what to buy, so she packed them all at once.

There are also some jewelry and so on, which are all expensive things.

Yu Xue kept taking things out of her backpack.

Li Qiuju, Ye Haishan and Ye Ling were slowly stunned: such a big backpack was full of cosmetics and jewelry, and each piece was placed on the hospital bed, which directly filled a bed.

Fortunately, I knew that these were all gifts from Yu Xue, otherwise I would definitely think that she was selling cosmetics and jewelry.

Li Qiuju and Ye Haishan were surprised or surprised, but they still felt very happy in their hearts, and felt that Yu Xue was very hardworking.

Ye Ling, who knew a little about cosmetics and jewelry, was already dumbfounded.

She barely recognized the brands and knew the value of these things.

"This is similar to the aa brand of high-quality makeup liquid on TV, but the price seems to be three thousand a bottle? There is also this brand, which seems to be several thousand..."

Ye Ling simply estimated the price of the dazzling array of things.

Adding cosmetics and those jewelry, if these are genuine products, the result really surprised her, at least 30.

This is because she is not familiar with several brands, and the actual price may be higher.

The last thing Yu Xue took out from her backpack was a bottle of unpretentious looking wine.

The wine bottle is earthy brown, as if it is a pottery product made of burnt paper, and the wine bottle is solemnly covered with a red cloth.

This bottle of wine looks very ordinary and ordinary, but if you look closely, you will feel that this bottle has an unusual and unique flavor.

——This wine bottle comes from the handwriting of an old craftsman.

In the eyes of a sensible person, this bottle alone is worth more than one hundred thousand, and it is still the kind that has a price but no market.

And the wine preserved in this wine bottle is even more valuable.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is fine nectar and jade liquid!

According to Yu Xue's estimate, if Yu Goudan finds out that she stole the wine, no matter how indulgent she is, it will be unavoidable to scold her...

You know, since she was a child, she never gave her a bad look, let alone scolding her daughter.

This shows how high the value of this bottle of wine is.

Yu Xue walked up to Ye Haishan holding the bottle of wine, and explained: "Uncle, this is my father's privately brewed wine. It is said to be delicious. I brought it for you. Why don't you try it?" .”

Ye Haishan took the bottle of wine with a smile, naturally he didn't see any tricks.

But this kindness was very useful to him, and he said: "Thank you dad for me, this wine is the best at first glance."

Yu Xue smiled, then pointed to the cosmetics and jewelry all over the bed, and said to Li Qiuju and Ye Ling: "This is something I prepared for my aunt, but Ye Chui didn't tell me that she has a younger sister, Xiao Ling , You see, you can take whatever you like from here, and I will make it up for Auntie later.”

"You're too polite, you don't need to buy so many things." Li Qiuju said hastily.

She thinks there are so many things here that add up to thousands of dollars (...), which is too expensive.

I think Yu Xue is really hardworking.

Ye Chui smiled at this time and said: "Mom, Xiaoling, you can accept these things, it is also Xiaoxue's kindness."

"But brother, isn't this too expensive?" Ye Ling said nervously.

She picked up a cosmetic package and looked at it. Although she didn't know much about it, she could tell that it might be the real product.

This is a gift of hundreds of thousands...

She felt it was a little unreal.

"It must have cost a lot of money to buy these things."

"It's okay, her family has money." Ye Chui said casually.

It was in a joking tone.

Li Qiuju glared at Ye Chui: "Even if you have money, you can't spend it like this. Just bring something meaningful. No matter how rich your family is, you can't spend it like this."

"It's okay." Yu Xue continued. The little girl was very nervous, and her head was inevitably a little mushy when she was nervous. She said jokingly as usual, "Anyway, my dad said that after his several hundred million family property They will all be left to Ye Chui."

Hundreds of millions of property! ?

Ye Haishan, Li Qiuju and Ye Ling were all stunned.

Ye Chui couldn't help covering his face with his hands, feeling that this scene was a bit too ridiculous.

Usually, Yu Xue and Yu Goudan and his daughter often talk about the family property of several hundred million, which is almost a mantra, and it is a bit of a joke.

Of course, Yu Goudan really has hundreds of millions of property, and he did plan to leave it to Ye Chui...

Yu Xue originally planned to speak in a joking tone, but she was too nervous, and it seemed to be true when she said it.

Hundreds of millions, this is definitely an astronomical figure for Ye Chui's family.

Yu Xue also quickly realized the lethality of her words. She immediately felt that it was useless to watch several Chinese family theory dramas in succession in two days. She said something wrong and made the scene cold.

Fortunately, after a while, the child Wang Shiyu lying in Ye Chui's arms uttered a series of crisp murmurs, and then woke up from his sleep with his arms stretched out.

The little girl rubbed Shui Lingling's big eyes, stared at Ye Chui who was close at hand and said, "Brother Hammer, I want to eat cotton candy."

Little Lolita woke up suddenly, which made the embarrassment in the ward a little less.

Li Qiuju pointed to Wang Shiyu curiously and said, "Hammer, who is this little girl? She looks so cute and cute."

"She is my friend's younger sister. Because her older sister is busy with work recently, she is handed over to Xiaoxue to take care of her. If Xiaoxue wants to come here, she will also be brought here." Ye Chui quickly introduced Xiao Luoli, "The name is Wang Shiyu, and she is five years old this year. .”

Wang Shiyu was also very well-behaved. She looked around the ward with big eyes, and then called out in a crisp voice: "Aunt, uncle, sister."

The little girl was so cute that she directly made the embarrassment in the ward disappear.

Originally, if Ye Chui came back with a little girl and said that it was a friend's family who wanted to take care of her, the family members would definitely be unhappy, but Wang Shiyu is different, the little loli is infinitely charming and cute, she is naturally attractive, like an angel, This immediately made Ye Chui's parents happy.

Yu Xue's several hundred million slip of the tongue just now has been exposed.

She stuck out her bright red tongue at Ye Chui, she was really glad that she brought Wang Shiyu, a cute little creature.

Not only is Wang Shiyu cute, but she's also very smart. I don't know if it's intentional or innate. In a short period of time, Ye Chui's parents couldn't stop laughing, making the atmosphere in the ward much happier.

Ye Chui helped Yu Xue pack up all the things she bought, and in the evening Li Qiuju went to cook again, Ye Ling followed to help, Wang Shiyu continued to stand by Ye Haishan's hospital bed to act cute, Ye Chui followed Yu Xue relax.

Taking advantage of the summer and night, Ye Chui took Yu Xue's little hand for a walk in the small town.

The kitten followed listlessly.

The small town doesn't have any beautiful scenery, but Yu Xue still feels quite novel because of its completely different flavor from the big city, and she is very happy to bounce around.

Yu Xue is really happy not because she likes this place, but because Ye Chui is by her side.

Most importantly, she was the first girl around Ye Chui to meet Ye Chui's family.

This is the treatment only available to the main palace, other women should go to the back row.

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