The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

261 playing Infernal Affairs

The area separated by the abyss is thousands of kilometers in size.

Kaya looked like she was only twelve or thirteen years old.

She punched the ground

When this punch was punched out, it didn't look like it had any power.

But when the fist touched the ground, a wave of extremely powerful force was transmitted out, directly smashing the entire area with a radius of thousands of kilometers to pieces...

What kind of power is this?

If Kaya meets that kind of giant, a light punch will be enough for an instant!

While Ye Chui was amazed, he also thought to himself: "This is the ability of a senior executive. It is too powerful. At least it is several levels stronger than me now. It is really imminent to improve my strength."

Kaya turned her head to look at Ye Chui, and found that Ye Chui could levitate by herself, so she smiled sweetly, showing no signs of her fierce attack just now.

She waved to Ye Chui, and then walked in one of the directions.

Ye Chui naturally followed behind her.

After a while, Ye Chui only saw a black shadow flash in front of him, and You Du's figure flashed out.

With a hint of tender anger on his face, he said in that sharp childlike voice: "Kaya, you'd better remind me before you do it next time!"

"Such a little shock won't do you any harm at all, do you still need someone to remind you?" Kaya said with a smile, as if she didn't care at all.

Then she paused even more, and then said: "If you accidentally hang's your own carelessness, I don't think that great existence will blame me, the monster can only blame you for being too bad .”

"You..." Youdu became even more angry when he heard Kaya's words.

His handsome face became a little distorted in an instant.

However, he quickly recovered, and said with a cold smile: "Kaya, don't be complacent for too long, my Shifang lore puppet is about to be developed, and by then, the senior cadres of Hellfire I'm afraid the rankings will have to be rearranged."

After saying these words, You Du's figure flickered, and then disappeared from sight again.

"This is... the fluctuation of the power of the sky, he has opened the door and left here." Ye Chu thought to himself.

"Shifang lore puppet..." Kaya muttered the name, with a very distressed look on her face, "Oh, if he really refines that kind of thing, it will give people a headache It's over."

Even though she said that, she also acted like she was having a headache, but Ye Chui felt that she wasn't worried about this kind of thing at all.

"Shifang lore puppet... the name sounds so awesome." Ye Chui thought to himself, "I don't know what it is... but Kaya is obviously not worried that Youdu will successfully develop this thing, maybe she It also has some hole cards."

"Let's go too!" Kaya said afterward.

With a wave of her hand, something appeared in her hand, which was a key.

Kaya pushed the key forward lightly, twisted it, and a door appeared in front of it and slowly opened.

Kaya stepped in and said, "You have to follow."

Ye Chui hurriedly carried Xingmei into the door.

I thought to myself, that key should be a magic weapon of the nature of space, which can open certain space passages...

Ye Chui has no way to create this magic weapon yet.

But when he comprehends the power of the heart, he can easily create it.

Enter through this door, walk through a dark corridor, and there is a little light in front of you.

After walking over and taking a step forward, Ye Chui found that he had arrived at Hellfire's headquarters, and he was staying in the teleportation hall.

Some low-level cadres and executives showed surprise expressions when they saw Kaya and Ye Chuixingmei suddenly appearing.

Most of the low-level cadres know Kaya, and know that she is the famous magical girl. Although she looks cute, she is a bit moody, and it is usually best not to provoke her.

So after seeing Kaya, these low-level cadres stopped talking intentionally or unintentionally, and tried to avoid Kaya's side as much as possible.

Regarding the reaction of everyone in the teleportation hall, Ye Chui saw the reaction in his eyes and thought in his heart: "It seems that Kaya's reputation is not very good, and I don't know what she has done before. I was saved by her this time." Come down, this is considered to be her subordinate? I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse... No matter, let’s cater to her for a while, and when the young master achieves the power of time and space, he will have enough power to protect himself!"

Thinking of this in Ye Chui's heart, he felt relieved.

"Take your little liaison officer to get treatment. If it's a little later, she might die." Kaya turned her head and said in a cute tone.

Ye Chui nodded, this matter is indeed more urgent.

"By the way." Seeing that Ye Chui was about to leave, Kaya continued, "You can avoid that giant, and your strength should be quite good, but it's not enough to hang out with others. If you want to eat more meat , then it’s best to quickly reach the level of a mid-level cadre, and then people will come to you again.”

After saying this, Kaya left the teleportation hall with brisk steps.

Following her departure, the teleportation hall seemed to be thawed in an instant.

Those low-level cadres and executives began to discuss in low voices.

The focus of the discussion was naturally Ye Chui. Ye Chui appeared with an injured girl in his arms. This scene was a bit shocking no matter how you looked at it.

Ye Chui didn't stay in the teleportation hall for too long, and immediately left here with Xingmei in his arms, and walked to Hellfire's special treatment department.

Xingmei is a ghost, a combination of energy.

However, under the restriction of the laws of the spiritual world, her body made of energy already possesses the characteristics of an entity.

If you are injured, you will bleed, and if you bleed too much, you will go into shock and die.

She also has some specific vital points in her body, and she can't live without hurting them.

These rules are also followed by most existences in Hellfire, and it has become common sense.

Only the laws that control the spiritual world can defy these common senses.

Of course, Ye Chui's avatar does not have to strictly abide by these rules. It's not that he controls the rules, but because his avatar is relatively special, between the entity and the spirit, so it escapes the restrictions of these rules.

It's just that this characteristic doesn't seem to be of much use in fighting with others.

"I hope Xingmei will be okay..."

Watching several hellfire doctors treat Xingmei, Ye Chui secretly looked forward to it.

Then he thought of something else.

"No, it should be said that Xingmei will be fine!"

That Xingjue should have intentionally not hurt Xingmei.

What he said when he met Ye Chui just now was also telling Ye Chui that Xingmei was still alive.

Although Xingmei was seriously injured, none of them were fatal.

Although this can be explained by the fact that Xingjue is enjoying the pleasure of torturing the girl, Ye Chui feels that Xingmei's injury is just Xingjue's method to confuse Kaya and others.

Moreover, a small liaison officer at the first level is not enough for Kaya to use her charm to interrogate her.

Xingjue launched a thought flower to attack, and he escaped only after Ye Chui rescued Xingmei.

With such a comprehensive consideration, it is very likely that Xingjue is deliberately protecting Xingmei.

Xingjue, Xingmei, their names are so similar, do they have any relationship?

Then Ye Chui thought of some special things about Xingmei.

The most special point is that the belief virus in Xingmei's consciousness is obviously not real, just like Ye Chui, it is a fake.

This belief virus has a great restrictive effect. Even if Xingjue didn't hurt Xingmei before, Xingmi might not think that she is a spy of the Spirit Guard. Hurting her is just an insurance policy.The main reason is that this belief virus is very restrictive, so that everyone can worship the great existence that controls Hellfire by heart, and cannot violate it.

Xingmei has a fake faith virus.

In the entire spiritual world, only the spirit defenders can have this kind of means.

Looking at it this way, the result is already obvious.

" playing Infernal Affairs."

Ye Chui smiled lightly, then frowned slightly.

"It's just that this time the entire army was wiped out, and I almost died. This is all done by Xingmei on purpose? She kill me?"


The spiritual world is vast and boundless, and hellfire dominates 90.00% of its territory.

This 90.00% territory is cut into 1 regions.

And the size of each area is as large as the area of ​​the earth.

The remaining [-]% of the territory was occupied by the spirit defenders.

Although the spirit defenders only occupied [-]% of the territory.But the scope of this territory is still boundless.

In a certain mysterious forest in the territory occupied by the spirit defenders.

"woo woo woo woo……"

A terrifying spirit monster let out bursts of hissing.

This is a hungry ghost.

Hungry ghosts are ghosts formed from the original sin of hunger.

Although there is a word hungry in the name of this kind of spirit monster, their bodies are all extremely large and fat without exception.

It is because hunger is the original sin, so after being alienated into spirit monsters, they will devour them crazily, devouring everything they see.

Ghosts, spirit monsters, some primitive birds and beasts in the forest, anything will be swallowed by them.

Even their kind will fight after encountering each other, and the result of this fight is often that one of them devours the other.

At this time, the hungry spirit monster that was screaming was a huge, terrifying existence with a height of hundreds of meters.

In the area where it lives, there are also huge trees that are thousands of meters high.

Ordinary people entering here are like ants.

And it is obviously a hungry spirit monster that has reached the first level.

I saw a series of blood vessels emerging from its body.

Its huge body twisted continuously.

Then slowly, it actually began to shrink...

This process is going on continuously, as if something is crazily absorbing him in this hungry spirit monster.

From a height of 80 meters at the beginning, slowly only 50 meters, 30 meters, [-] meters, ten meters...

In the end, the whole body of the hungry spirit monster was completely withered and withered together.

A green shoot grew out of this wilting thing.

Longer and faster.

It turned out to be a vine.

It grew rapidly and grew to a height of hundreds of meters in a blink of an eye.

At the top of this vine, a huge flower bud bloomed.

It is in bud.

The gigantic vine was constantly beating and shaking, as if something was brewing.

Then at a certain moment, this huge flower bud finally opened,


And among these flowers, there is actually a person!

It was Star Lord!

"One thought blooms!"

He can reshape his body with the help of spores, turning into hundreds of millions of spores.

Anyone who escaped from the battlefield can quickly absorb energy and recondense their bodies.

After a big battle with Youdu, one of his spores drifted away from the battlefield, came to this area, and parasitized on the hungry spirit monster.

Absorbed the nutrients of the hungry spirit monster, then reshaped the body and gained rebirth.

In some respects, this flowering of thoughts is almost a kind of immortality.

"Youdu, next time, I will definitely kill you!" Xingjue, who was completely naked, fell to the ground, his face was full of anger.

Then, there was a bit of worry.

"Xingmei... there should be nothing wrong..."

in the real world.

"Huh, it's finally over."

The avatar is fighting in the spiritual world, and the deity here is also sweating.

Now the battle is finally over, and the result is relatively satisfactory, which makes Ye Chui heave a sigh of relief.

Then he thought solemnly: "It seems that I must improve my combat ability, redesign a suit of Iron Man, and comprehend the power of the sky as soon as possible... Although just having the power of the sky can't make me have comparable Kaya Youdu has the power of Star Lord, but at least he will be able to escape in the future."

Ye Chui is not that kind of delicate person.

No matter what, your own life is the most important thing.

"Meow meow!"

Bai Xi, who was nestled on Ye Chui's lap, called softly a few times, with a hint of worry in her voice.

She watched Ye Chui come out of the sea in a mess, and now Ye Chui was in a daze again, so she was very concerned about what happened to Ye Chui.

Ye Chui gently stroked Bai Xi's supple back, and said with a smile: "I'm fine, don't worry. By the way, give me your magic weapon, I can really comprehend it now."

The Calcining Heart Sutra is divided into twelve stages, and the twelve stages are divided into four stages.

The four stages are the four bottlenecks, which are comprehension of the power of the heart, the power of space, the power of time, and the last twelve ultimate profound meanings...

The best way to understand these four forces is to learn from them.

Start with other forces of the same kind.

Before Ye Chui comprehended the power of the heart, he also began to comprehend it through the process of the steel egg evolving into artificial intelligence.

At this time, Ye Chui made a decision.

"Starting with Bai Xi's space magic weapon, although it is damaged, it can still sense the existence of the power of space. If I try to repair this magic weapon, I will naturally analyze the mystery of the power of space. When I When this magic weapon is completely repaired, it is also the time to fully comprehend the power of space!"

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