When Ye Chui hadn't comprehended the power of water and the power of wind before, Ye Chui could only feel the fluctuation of the power of air when he probed this magic weapon.

But now that he has comprehended the power of water and the power of wind, and then comprehended this magic weapon, it is quite different from the previous situation.

I also have a deeper understanding of this magic weapon.

He knew where he had to work hard to repair this magic weapon faster and completely.

Holding the stone in her hand, she felt it silently for a moment, while Bai Xi stared at Ye Chui motionlessly.

"It can be repaired!"

After a moment, Ye Chui suddenly opened his eyes.

"The essence of the space magic weapon is to use the space array to generate the power of space to open up a space. However, the array built in this magic weapon has been damaged and cannot support the existence of space. With some time, I can slowly repair these arrays. picture."

"Meow!" Bai Xi let out a cheerful cry.

"There are about seven damaged formations. Some of these seven formations are difficult to repair, while others are easier to repair. Repairing one formation can open up a part of the space... Take your time, I will try this repair first This is the first relatively easy formation!"

Ye Chui made a decision in his heart.

"Brother, breakfast is ready, you can wake up Xiaoxue and eat." Ye Ling's voice suddenly came in from outside the door.

"Okay, we'll come out." Ye Chui replied.

At this time, it was already past nine o'clock.

But yesterday, Yu Xue told Ye Ling that she likes to sleep in, so Ye Ling sensiblely postponed the breakfast time to more than nine o'clock.

Ye Chui was sitting on the bed at this time, he turned his head to look at Yu Xue and Wang Shiyu, and a drop of sweat rolled down his head involuntarily.

It's a hot day, and although it's relatively refreshing because of the proximity to the sea, the room is still somewhat stuffy.

So at night when Yu Xue went to bed, she happily stripped herself naked, wearing only a pair of panties.

Although she is petite, her boobs are big.

At this time, he was lying on his back on the bed, and the twin peaks on his chest were very spectacular.

Of course, Ye Chui has seen Yu Xue's body many times, and this is not the reason why he sweats profusely.

What made him sweat profusely was...

The little girl Wang Shiyu was burying her face between the snowy twin peaks with a relaxed expression.

The two little hands were still kneading the two lumps of soft flesh, looking very comfortable and enjoying it.

Yu Xue also seemed to groan from time to time...

"This little loli enjoys it so much, what dream is she doing?"

Ye Chui couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and out of curiosity, he put his hand on Wang Shiyu's head.

The Tianhammer 3.0 system was launched, directly accessing the consciousness of little loli.

At this time, Wang Shiyu has a high degree of affection for Ye Chui, and the consciousness authority she has given to Ye Chui has reached the fifth level. Ye Chui can easily enter her consciousness, and it is very easy to see that Wang Shiyu is at the moment. experienced dreams.

I saw that this little thing was lying in a world full of marshmallows, and then it was laughing happily.

Rolling and rolling on the cotton candy like clouds...

"It turned out that Xiaoxue's breasts were taken as cotton candy..." Ye Chui broke out in sweat again.

Fuck, how obsessed this little thing is with marshmallows!

Afterwards, Ye Chui spent a lot of energy before completely waking up the two of them.

The two rubbed their sleepy eyes and slowly put on their clothes.

A few drops of saliva hung from the corner of Wang Shiyu's mouth, and she said with admiration: "Just now I had a super wonderful dream, I really hope this dream can become a reality..."

Yu Xue asked her while wearing a veil, "What dream did you have?"

"She dreamed that she was in a world full of cotton candy, and then she rolled and rolled on the cotton candy." Ye Chui said for Wang Shiyu.

"Huh? How did you know?" Wang Shiyu was taken aback for a moment.

Ye Chui only spoke quickly, he hastily explained casually: "You were talking in your sleep just now."

"So that's the case." Wang Shiyu nodded, and then looked at her little hand with some doubts: "However, why do I feel that I really caught the cotton candy? It feels super good."

"That's right, the hand feels really good." Ye Chui nodded in agreement.

He has personally verified Yu Xue's part many times, and it gives people an extraordinary enjoyment. In a word, it's cool!

Yu Xue looked at Ye Chui and Wang Shiyu suspiciously, feeling a little confused about what the two of them were going to say.

But then she also showed a longing expression: "Cotton candy, I haven't eaten it for a long time, I really want to eat cotton candy."

"Brother Hammer, sister Xiaoxue also wants to eat marshmallows, hurry up and buy them!" Wang Shiyu immediately ordered with her hands on her hips.

Ye Chui said helplessly: "This is a town, and it's not a festival. Where can I sell cotton candy?"

"It doesn't matter, I want to eat cotton candy!" Wang Shiyu said coquettishly, and Yu Xue followed suit: "That's right, we want to eat cotton candy."

The two then hugged each other and rolled around on the bed...


Ye Chui was speechless, these two were just playing tricks.


Ye Chui then had a thought in his heart: "Didn't I already think about it yesterday? After comprehending the power of wind, I can use the power of wind to control white sugar, and then use the power of fire to barbecue. With my meticulous control, it is completely Can make marshmallows."

Thinking of this, Ye Chui nodded, and said to the two coquettish girls, "Okay, I'll help you make marshmallows."

"Really?" Wang Shiyu immediately showed a greedy expression, and opened her two thin arms, "I want a lot of cotton candy, so that I can roll over and over on it so much."

Yu Xue also nodded: "That's right."

"Okay, I will definitely satisfy you." Ye Wei nodded and agreed.

It shouldn't be a problem to buy a few catties of white sugar and make a room full of marshmallows...

He went on to say: "However, you should get up and go to eat now, Xiao Ling has already made breakfast."

"Okay okay."

Under the temptation of cotton candy, the two hurriedly agreed.


In the provincial capital near Yuxiang Town.

The provincial capital is not considered developed and looks quite dilapidated.

In a somewhat dim tavern, Cheng Fugui, the mayor of Yuxiang Town, walked in tremblingly.

Glancing at the furnishings in the tavern, he finally looked at the innermost table.

Sitting next to the table was a big man with a scarred face, drinking a bottle of beer with a plate of peanuts on the table.

Seeing that Cheng Fugui had walked into the tavern, he waved to Cheng Fugui.

Cheng Fugui immediately knew that this was the person he wanted to meet.

He looked around furtively, making sure no one had noticed him walking in, and then he walked over to the scar-faced man and sat down.

"Are you the one who called me?" the scar-faced man asked in a cold voice.

Cheng Fugui nodded quickly, then took out his mobile phone and let the scar-faced man take a look at the call records on the mobile phone.

"It is indeed the person who called me." The scar-faced man nodded, and continued, "One life is 5 yuan, the deposit is [-] yuan, and the remaining [-] yuan will be paid after the completion."

"Deposit?" Cheng Fugui hesitated, "You want a deposit, if someone sneaks away after taking the money, who do I go to?"

The scar-faced man glared at Cheng Fugui, and then pointed to the horrible scar on his face: "I have a scar-faced reputation, you can find someone to inquire about it, am I the kind of person who doesn't believe what I say?" ? If you want to do this business, you have to take out 2 yuan first, or get out of here!"

Cheng Fugui hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth: "Okay, I will give you 4 yuan first, you kill two people for me, and I will give you the rest of the money!"

As Scarface Zhou himself said, he has a great reputation. Who hasn't heard of the name Scarface Zhou?

Doing this kind of business is also about reputation.

Picking up the beer and taking a sip, Scarface Zhou picked up a few peanuts and threw them into his mouth. While chewing, he asked, "Tell me about the person you want to kill."

Cheng Fugui swallowed his saliva. Scarface Zhou likes to call killing people butchers. He is a butcher by profession. I am afraid that in his eyes, people are similar to animals.

Not daring to delay, Cheng Fugui quickly described the appearance of Ye Chui and Ye Ling.

He doesn't have a photo, but it doesn't matter, Ye Chui and Ye Ling are easily recognizable in appearance.

Especially Ye Ling, who can be described in just one sentence: "Ten ** years old, the most juicy girl in Yuxiang Town."

Soon, Cheng Fugui finished talking.

"No problem, I'll do it later, and you may hear the news in the evening." The scarred Zhou said, pouring all the last wine in the beer bottle into his mouth.

Yuxiang Town.

After breakfast, Ye Chui took Yu Xue and Wang Shiyu to the hospital.

Li Qiuju stays at the hospital at night. Although there are vacant wards in the hospital, it is definitely not safe to sleep here.

When Ye Chui came here, he asked his mother to go back to rest. Naturally, Ye Chui quietly put the mobile phone beside Li Qiuju to avoid any danger for her.

After waiting for his father to finish his breakfast, Ye Chui asked with concern: "How is your leg?"

"How can this kind of fracture happen overnight?" Ye Haishan said angrily, but then he said doubtfully, "However, don't tell me, after taking your pills, I really feel that my leg is better. "

"Then you can continue to eat, it will be good for you." Ye Chui continued with a smile.

This pill has a great effect. I am afraid that within a few days, Dad will be completely cured.

In the following time, Wang Shiyu used her cute talent to make Ye Haishan laugh non-stop.

Yu Xue stays in the ward to connect with Ye Haishan according to what she has learned about self-cultivation of a daughter-in-law.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Chui quietly slipped out of the ward.

He walked around the town, bought white sugar in a small supermarket, and then went back to his room at home.

Marshmallows are essentially strands of sugar. Ye Chui poured out the white sugar, and then under the control of the power of the wind, all the white sugar was suspended in the air, and then Ye Chui burst out the power of fire from his hands, blowing these Melt white sugar.

Simulating the production principle of marshmallows, the molten sugar water is quickly rotated to form a strong centrifugal force.

Strands of sugar stretched out and gathered together.

The warm marshmallows are freshly baked...

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