The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

269 ​​Do you want to grab the head so chicly!

Thinking of this in his heart, Ozawa immediately felt super interesting and began to prepare.

Of course, she couldn't just go up and grab the head, that's called hatred.

Although Ozawa doesn't care about these things, he still has to consider Ye Chui.

So Ozawa took off all the equipment on his body with a bang, and directly changed into a commoner clothes.

It is the most basic novice outfit.

Then Ozawa put on another mask for himself.

This mask is an ornament and has no strength bonus, but it can cover the face, and it can also be set to prevent other people from investigating.

No more weapons, Ozawa put away the Hemoying sword, and then built a stick casually.

In this game, sticks can be picked up as weapons in the dense forest, but they have basically no attack power, but this is not the case for Ozawa.

After comprehending the power of soul light, adding this power to any attack can play a powerful attack role.

After five or six hours of practice, Ozawa has become familiar with the use of soul power.

With a stick in his hand, it is no different from using a top-level weapon.


There was a loud roar in the distance, pieces of trees collapsed one after another, and a monster with a height of 30 meters stood up.

It looks like an octopus, with eight terrifying tentacles waving around, the huge suction cups on the tentacles, if it touches any player, that player will immediately turn into ashes.

There is a pile of horns growing on the head of the huge octopus. When the horns are used to top it, two terrifying gullies will appear on the ground immediately, and the game players are all thrown off their feet.

This is a jealous spirit monster, and it is also the most powerful first-level angry spirit monster (corresponding to level [-] to [-] in the game), with terrifying attack power.

It is a monster formed by the mutation of ghosts because of the original sin of jealousy.

All the members of Tianlu Guild immediately surrounded it and began to attack.

Masked Ozawa watched from afar, waiting for the jealous monster to become weaker and weaker.

Thousands of people besieged, and each player was like an ant in front of this jealous monster, but everyone refused to back down and attacked hard.

time slowly disappears,

The jealous spirit finally became weaker.

"Keep working harder, it's going to die soon!" Everyday Yilu shouted, feeling a little anxious.

Tens of millions of families have been killed so far, and there are only three or four hundred people left. At this time, I realized how lucky they were under the leadership of Ozawa.

Because Ozawa's planning strategy is really too clever, he can calculate the most perfect attack strategy in a very short time, and strive to achieve the most damage to monsters with the least loss, he is still far behind in this respect.

"We've worked so hard until now, this jealous monster must be completely killed, otherwise it won't be worth it!" Daily Yi Lu thought fiercely in his heart.

Among the people who are fighting this jealous spirit monster, there is naturally Picasso.

In fact, he is still the one with the most damage output.

However, he didn't look very happy.

"Damn it, if the president of the Sky Hammer Guild was the commander in chief, he wouldn't have to fight so hard, and I wouldn't have to be at the forefront, just watch the fun from behind, but now, I'm going to be the main force! To deal with this A first-level spirit monster, even I may be in danger of being killed at any time... This speed is too slow, and this is a task of 200 million points, which is completely incomparable with the previous one!"

Picasso's heart was filled with suspicion, and then he completely blamed it on Ye Chui.

"It's all the fault of this executor. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to fall into this kind of world. Damn it! I must find a chance to kill this guy, and then I will find a way to contact the Skyhammer Guild!"

With this idea in mind, seeing that the jealous monster was about to be killed, Picasso was also slightly relieved.

But at this moment...

With a whoosh, a masked figure rushed over like lightning.

Turn left and right among players, like a ghost.

When he got in front of this jealous spirit monster, he even jumped up suddenly.


The jealous spirit waved a huge tentacle and slapped the figure.

The attack power of that kind of tentacles is very huge, and if it slaps on the player, it will directly kill the player.

Seeing this inexplicably appearing figure about to be slapped by tentacles, all the game players sneered in their hearts.

They could see that this was a head grab.

It's a pity that it will be completely wiped out!

However, an unexpected scene suddenly appeared.


The masked figure waved a wooden stick in his hand, directly facing the huge tentacle with a diameter of at least seven or eight meters.

The tentacle touched the wooden stick of the masked figure, and with a snap, it was disconnected.

The huge tentacles fell directly to the ground, killing several players directly.

Then the tentacle became more transparent and then disappeared.


The masked figure jumped directly on top of the octopus-shaped spirit monster's head, and landed between its horns.

She raised the wooden stick in her hand high, and then slammed it into the top of the octopus monster's head.


The jealous monster let out a terrifying and tragic roar, and a series of transparent lines began to spread from the place where the gaze was inserted to the surroundings.

This scene was extremely shocking to everyone.

They just watched the angry spirit monster gradually become transparent.

Then it completely faded and disappeared, and the figure behind the mask also fell to the ground.

Naturally, this masked figure is Ozawa, and she is very satisfied with her power: "Not bad, my soul light power is still very lethal, and it should be more than enough to face jealous monsters with full blood. "

There are other players in the game every day, but they are all stunned.

After a while, he realized something: "This person... stole our heads and killed the boss who we worked so hard to kill!"

So everyone became angry.

However... no one dared to come over and make a move.

Even though the jealous monster had lost some blood just now, it was not something they could deal with.

The masked man was easily killed, and they didn't even know what skill it was using.

Is this an npc in a game?

"This is definitely not an npc!" Picasso stared at the masked man solemnly, shocked in his heart, "I have never seen the way he kills the masked monster. From my experience, if I don't know him, then it must not be The executors from Hellfire...are they middle-level cadres or high-level cadres who have mastered the law? No, they shouldn't be so boring..."

From the appearance, we can only tell that she is a woman from Ozawa's figure and long hair, but because of the mask, I can't see his appearance, nor can I read her character information. The masked man who came out was very puzzled.

Then everyone saw that the masked man reached out and waved the wooden stick in his hand, put the wooden stick on his shoulder and planned to leave.

Fuck, seven or 800 people died in the Tianlu Guild, and finally the boss who got the blood was robbed by this man, turned around and left without saying a word...

Do you want to grab the head so chicly!

"and many more!"

But Picasso couldn't bear it anymore. After working so hard for a long time, and seeing that he was about to get 200 million points, an inexplicable masked figure suddenly appeared horizontally.

This made him extremely angry.

"You stole our boss, are you going to leave like this?"

Ozawa turned to look at Picasso, but did not speak.

It's not that she's afraid of revealing herself if she speaks, but that she has no desire to speak at all.

Her attitude made Picasso even more angry.

"court death!"

Picasso was furious in his heart, and a raging flame suddenly burned on his body.

When fighting against the jealous spirit monster before, he still had reservations, because he didn't want to go too far and make other game players suspicious.

But now he couldn't help it because of anger.

He decided to teach the man in front of him a lesson.

Flames were burning all over him, and his whole body seemed to be completely melted into flames.

It's a fantastic state that makes him temporarily immune to physical attacks, and also unleashes powerful fire attacks.

With this kind of flame burning on his body, he didn't stop, it turned into a flame and punched at Ozawa.

The flames are monstrous, with a scorching temperature.

The players of Tianlu Guild all involuntarily took several steps backwards.

But Ozawa had a calm look on his face.

She took the wooden stick on her shoulders in her hands, covered one end with her hands, and turned her body slightly to one side, making a posture like playing baseball.

coax --

Flame's fist came in front of her in a blink of an eye, and the wooden stick swished out with a whoosh.


Throw it on Picasso's fist-thumping arm.


The arm, which should have been completely immune to physical attacks, collapsed completely with a blow, turning into streaks of flames.

The flame effect on Picasso disappeared, and the others had already rushed in front of Ozawa.

Ozawa kicked him in the stomach and kicked Picasso to the ground.

Just a face-to-face meeting, Picasso, known as the most powerful executive, lost an arm by Ozawa, and was kicked to the ground!

——The main reason is that Ozawa's soul power is too powerful, and he is born to restrain all spiritual energy bodies, so that this terrifying effect can be achieved.

Picasso couldn't believe it at all. He lay on the ground and glanced at the shoulder where his arm had disappeared. He had never been defeated like this since he became an executive. At this moment, he was a little hopeless.

The wooden stick points to this Picasso.

With just one blow, Picasso can completely disappear from the world.


Ozawa did not intend to do so.

"He troubled Brother Ye, and Brother Ye must really hate him in his heart. I can't just kill him like this, I have to leave him to Brother Ye to deal with."

Thinking of this, Ozawa put away the forehead stick and put it on his shoulder again, then turned and left.

Not a single word is left, only mythical legends are left...

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