The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

271 She Wants a Woman Who Unspokenly Rules My Master, Fuck!

"Great, then I'll pay to buy a big boat for your father, the best boat in the world!" Yu Xue said proudly immediately.

She originally talked to Ye Chui in a low voice, but Ye Haishan on the hospital bed beside her couldn't hear her.

But at this time, Yu Xue's voice suddenly became louder, and Ye Haishan heard it in his ears.

He was still angry at first, but he couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard Yu Xue's words: "Xiaoxue, what did you say?"

Wang Shiyu held a freshly baked marshmallow from Ye Chui in his hand, licked it with his little tongue and said, "Sister Xiaoxue said she would buy a big boat for you. Sister Xiaoxue's family is very rich, how many are there?" Billion."

Well, little Lolita has already completely learned Yuxue's few hundred million catchphrase.

Ye Haishan's face was a little stiff, and he thought it was a joke when he heard Yu Xue said something about hundreds of millions.

But now, it doesn't look like a joke...

Is the beautiful girlfriend my son is looking for is still such a powerful rich girl?

Thinking of Ye Haishan in his heart, he looked at Ye Chui with strange eyes: "Hammer, is... what Xiaoxue said is true?"

"Uncle, of course what I said is true. Where can I find boats for sale? I have more than 1000 million in my card, can I pay directly?" Yu Xue said with a smile.


Ye Haishan was completely speechless, he just felt how powerful his son found a rich wife and girlfriend...

Ye Chui took Yu Xue's little hand: "You can buy a boat of that size casually, and I can't ask you to spend money. I've already told my father that I will find a way to get a big boat." of."

Ye Chui is actually designing in his spare time during this time. He wants to design a big boat, a mid-level magic weapon, a super fishing boat that can operate in the ocean.

On the contrary, Yu Xue became a little unhappy, and seemed to complain that Ye Chui didn't want to spend her money.

Ye Chui leaned close to her ear and whispered, "My dad will be upset if you insist on buying me a boat. He will think that I have climbed up to a rich woman."

"That's it." Yu Xue finally figured out what was going on.

Ye Haishan also said: "Xiaoxue, how dare I ask you to pay, but I am very happy with your intention, thank you."

Ye Chui continued: "Dad, as I said before, I will find a way about the boat. Some people I know may get some second-hand large fishing boats, and they may be able to buy them cheap at that time. The price is reasonable." Then you don’t have to worry, I’ll figure it out.”

Ye Haishan still had some hesitation on his face.

Although he likes Yu Xue very much, he doesn't want Ye Chui to rely on women's money from the bottom of his heart, thinking that it is useless.

Ye Chui quickly smiled and said, "Dad, don't worry, I will earn the money to buy the boat myself."

After a few words of persuasion like this, Ye Haishan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yetrikari now has more than 1000 million, which comes from selling mobile phones and cars.

And this number is still rising.

Ye Chui originally planned to use the money to buy a house, but now he has given up on this idea and plans to use the money to buy a big boat.

Then use this big ship to modify it and make it into an intermediate magic weapon.

As for the house, Ye Chui now has a better choice - Bai Xi's magic weapon.

This cave magic weapon was damaged, and seven of the formations needed to be repaired.

When Ye Chui repaired the first array, he could use part of the space in the magic weapon.

According to Ye Chui's estimate, it is about a thousand square meters.

He intends to convert this space into a villa.

It's fun to think about it, a villa that you can take anywhere!

"However, it will take some time to repair the first array, and we must start to understand the power of space as soon as possible!"

Ye Chui thought so in his heart.

The matter of buying a boat was discussed, and then Ye Haishan came forward to discuss with the panicked townspeople, calmed their emotions, and told them that his son could buy a big boat, which would guarantee everyone's life.

Ye Haishan usually has quite a lot of people in Yuxiang Town.

, His words immediately made the townspeople feel even more grateful.

However, some people have doubts, a big boat costs tens of millions, how can Ye Haishan afford it?

However, Wang Jun and Wang Li's father and daughter later told people that Ye Chui's girlfriend was a rich girl worth hundreds of millions, which instantly reassured everyone...

In the next few days, there was an endless stream of people visiting Ye Haishan in the hospital.

When Ye Haishan was hospitalized, these townspeople deliberately stopped contacting Ye Haishan in order not to annoy the mayor. Now that this happened, they came over to express their goodwill, and the wards couldn't fit all kinds of gifts.

Ye Chui was naturally quite upset by the townspeople's sloppy behavior.

But he thought that most people in the town live a simple life, and he was forced to draw a line with Ye Haishan before, so he didn't say much.

Here Cheng Fugui officially confirmed that he had disappeared with a huge sum of money, and the relevant department issued a wanted arrest, but so far no relevant clues have been found.

As for the new mayor of Yuxiang Town, although the department above has already arranged other people, the townspeople jointly recommended Ye Haishan.

In a small town like Yuxiang Town, this kind of thing is not very strict.

Seeing the popular expectations, the relevant departments appointed Ye Haishan as the mayor of Yuxiang Town.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Chui has been in Yuxiang Town for more than a week.

During this period of time, he just accompanied Yu Xue to play around every day, and by the way, he went to the sea to catch some gold-streaked fish.

Now, even if Ye Chui does not ask Yu Xue to help, he can directly scan to the location of the gold-patterned fish, and he can return with a full load every time and gain a lot.

Of course, most of these fish were eaten by Yu Xue and Bai Xi Wang Shiyu.

Yu Xue has been deeply fascinated by the delicacy of golden fish.

Ye Chui's heart moved, and he thought: "The reason why the gold-patterned fish are delicious is because the water array leaked the power to replenish these golden-patterned fish. Now that I have comprehended the power of water, maybe I can set up something similar. The formation diagram, and then cultivate golden fishes by myself... Let’s talk about this later.”

During this week, Ozawa was very indifferent to Ye Chui.

Obviously still angry about something.

In the spiritual world, Ye Chui's avatar of Huo Lei Shen has been staying in the residence of Ge Luo Town, developing the Iron Man suit.

And on this day, Ye Chui suddenly received a call from An Le'er.

"Ye Chui, when are you coming back?" An Le'er's voice on the phone was somewhat anxious.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chui asked hastily.

I thought to myself, could it be that guy Zhang Yueyang came back from Yanjing again?

"We have a little trouble here..."

An Le'er explained in a soft voice.

It turned out that after the Tianhammer car sold out, An Le'er planned to promote it further, so she contacted a commercial shooting company and wanted to shoot a commercial.

One of the protagonists chosen to shoot is naturally Wang Xuexue.

This is also what was mentioned in the previous contract.

And just a few days after Ye Chui returned to the acquaintance with her, the filming of this commercial had already started.

The trouble that An Le'er encountered also stemmed from this advertisement.

Although Wang Wenxue is very beautiful, she is not well-known after all, and star power is also very important in this kind of advertisement, so An Leer found a celebrity to shoot this advertisement with Wang Wenxue.

The star she was looking for was called Peng Tianhua. Recently, because he had appeared in several TV dramas one after another, he became very famous and very popular.

According to the idea of ​​the creative staff of the advertising company, Wang Wenxue and Peng Tianhua were to act as a couple.

Of course, with Wang Wenxue's surname, it was already agreed that there would be no intimacy.

However, after Peng Tianhua saw Wang Wenxue, he was astonished.

Two hours after the guy met, he started a pursuit, or it was an entanglement.

She was very eager to talk to Wang Wenxue on the set, and kept making phone calls after leaving the set, which caused Wang Wenxue a lot of trouble.

Seeing this, An Le'er raised her opinion with Peng Tianhua.

In the end, I didn't expect that Peng Tianhua was still so annoying, and he said directly to An Le'er: "Your Tianhammer brand cars are not well-known at all. You only see my fame when you shoot commercials, so you should try to please me a little bit." Enlightenment, how can that Wang Wenxue be so beautiful but have such a cold and arrogant surname? I will definitely not be able to get along in the entertainment industry in the future. Go and tell her that as long as she is willing to be my girlfriend, I will definitely pave the way for her Yes, my godfather is a well-known bigwig in the entertainment industry... Speaking of which, Boss An, you are also quite beautiful, if you are interested in developing in the entertainment industry, I can introduce you to a few bosses."

Obviously, this guy wants to sneak in Wang Wenxue, if possible, by the way, the proprietress An Le'er also sneaked in...

Hearing his words, An Le'er immediately slapped him across the face.

Peng Tianhua was stunned for a moment.

Then he smiled coldly, turned around and left.

As a result, on the second day, he directly found a reason to go on strike. An Le'er rented a studio to shoot commercials, and he had to pay a lot of shooting fees every day.

If Peng Tianhua was delayed, it would be two or three days.

An Le'er wanted to terminate the contract with him, but the other party asked An Le'er to pay a large amount of liquidated damages, so the matter was deadlocked.

An Le'er couldn't take it anymore, so she called Ye Chui for help.

"Maybe I shouldn't have slapped him on the spur of the moment. Maybe I won't be like this if I talk to him properly." An Le'er said with some self-blame on the phone.

"Lele, you did the right thing." Ye Chui comforted him with a smile, "If it were me, I would have slapped him in the face."

"But the advertising thing..."

"Don't worry about the advertisement, Xiaoxue and I will go back today, and I will find a way to solve this matter." Ye Chui comforted softly.

An Le'er is a very strong girl, she knows Ye Chui's expectations of her, so she is strict with herself at work.

This time, if she really didn't know what to do, she wouldn't take the initiative to contact Ye Chui.

After talking to An Leer a few more words, Ye Chui hung up the phone.

The expression on his face was very unhappy.

A woman who wants to unspokenly rule my master, shit!

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