The dark castle gives people a very depressing feeling.

Ye Chui is not the kind of person who is particularly timid, but he still feels uncomfortable for a moment.

He looked around.

Originally, he planned to apologize to Ozawa, but the apology was sent here and he still didn't say it.

He asked directly: "What is this mission? How did it send us here?"

"The name of this mission is the castle haunted by vengeful spirits. Our task is to remove the vengeful spirits inside." Ozawa explained.

She looked around curiously.

As an intelligent life, although Ozawa also has the emotion of fear.

But in this situation, what she felt was mainly excitement and curiosity.

After answering in this way, Ozawa's eyes shifted to Ye Chui again, he hummed, and looked elsewhere.

"Uh, don't be angry, okay, I already know what I did wrong, and I apologize to you." Ye Chui said apologetically.

"Okay, then tell me what you did wrong." Ozawa said, looking at Ye Chui with his arms crossed.

"I shouldn't have..."

He wanted to say that he shouldn't have not told Ozawa the information immediately after he got out of danger.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt the ground start to shake.

The whole castle seemed to start shaking violently!

When this happened suddenly, even Ye Chui was caught off guard.

Originally, they were in a corridor in the castle. When he was shaking involuntarily because of the vibration, his feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and then he felt an involuntary feeling of falling.

"I'm falling!"

Ye Chui hastily activated the flight system of Iron Man's suit, stopping his falling momentum immediately.

He found himself in a passage below and below.

The diameter of the passage is only one meter, and the surroundings are extremely smooth, and it is not known where it leads.

"Fortunately, my Iron Man suit can fly, otherwise ordinary people can only slide down this passage..."

Ye Chui was feeling the situation in his heart, and was planning to fly up.


His eyes went dark, and a person fell from the sky and fell on him.

Accompanied by a terrified scream.

Ye Chui followed and involuntarily slid down with this person again.

When Ye Chui finally stabilized his figure again, he found that he had come to the bottom of this passage.

Three torches were lit on the walls of this room, making the whole room very bright.

Ye Chui hugged the man who fell on him from the sky just now, and looked around.


Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of figures around him, and he was startled and hurriedly became vigilant.

However, he found that the figure he saw was just his own shadow.

There are mirrors hanging on the four walls of this room.

Each mirror is two meters high and one meter wide, and there are two mirrors hanging on each wall, adding up to a total of eight sides.


Ye Chui was puzzled, there were no doors and windows on all sides of this room, only these eight mirrors.

Afterwards, Ye Chui looked at the person who just hit him.

At this moment, when the person in his arms saw him, Ye Chui was taken aback suddenly: "Hey, why is it you, Xingmei."

Xingmei was still trembling slightly because of fear.

She was slightly startled when she heard Ye Chui's voice, she raised her head from Ye Chui's arms, and immediately smiled when she saw Ye Chui: "Fire God, it's you, that's great..."

"What happened just now?" Ye Chui asked strangely, "You also fell from above."

"I don't know. At that time, I only felt the ground shaking, and then my feet suddenly became empty, and I fell down involuntarily..." Xingmei explained.

Then she thought of something else.

"I see! The boss of this mission is Picasso. Picasso's strength is at most similar to that of a first-level ghost, but other missions to eliminate first-level ghosts only have two or three million points, but this one has 300 million points." The reason for the reward of points is that after we are teleported in, each player will be separated and need to solve the puzzle before they can gather together to fight against Picasso, which naturally increases the difficulty of the game. And you and I belong to the guide People, that's why the two of us were teleported together."

"So that's the case." Ye Chui nodded, looking around, "That is to say, is there any puzzle in this room that we need to solve before we can leave?"

Xingmei nodded affectionately, she was full of interest for a moment: "It's very interesting, Huo Leishen, let's solve the riddle quickly."

This is equivalent to a secret room, a room escape game, allowing players to find clues in the room and get out of the room.

Ye Chui also found it quite interesting.

But he didn't bother to think about the clues, and directly turned on the scanning system of Iron Man's suit, and began to scan the surroundings.

At this time, in a certain secret hall of the castle.

There is a throne above this hall, and Picasso is sitting on this throne at this time.

There are mirrors floating in front of his eyes, in which he can see the figures of all players entering the castle.

But obviously, Picasso's attention was not on these mirrors at this time.

His left hand was tightly covering his right arm, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"How could this be... the strength of my right arm seems to have completely disappeared. It's impossible. In this area of ​​the ruins, subject to the restrictions of the rules, the strength of my arm should be completely restored..."

A week ago, Picasso's right arm was attacked by the masked man Ozawa, and his right arm was directly broken.

Because at this time he was equivalent to existing in a game, so the damaged right arm was completely restored soon.

However, the recovered right arm has lost its original strength and has become very weak.

Picasso vaguely felt that something terrible was wrapped around his right arm.

It was like a curse that could swallow him up at any time.

"What the hell is going on, what did that masked man do to me!" He was puzzled.

What he couldn't understand was how on earth he offended that masked man, made him hate him so much, and kept snatching his head for guiding people, so he had to quit the Tianlu guild in the end, and then took the risk of taking on the role of The boss of the task to get a lot of points.

This kind of task is very risky. With a cautious personality, if he was not forced to a dead end, he would never choose rashly.

"I need a lot of points, at least one billion, so that I can exchange them for powerful exercises, and then participate in the assessment of middle-level cadres!"

Picasso thought secretly in his heart.

Then he casually glanced at the countless floating mirrors in front of him.

Becoming an eighth-level executor, his reaction power has been greatly enhanced, and he can already see the pictures in these hundreds of mirrors at the same time.

Soon, he was taken aback.

"Well, the person who came to carry out this task this time turned out to be the executor named [-], and the Skyhammer Guild!?"

Picasso's eyes seemed to spew out flames.

The person he hates most now is the mysterious masked man.

Followed by Ye Chui and Shui Yueqin, the president of the Skyhammer Guild.

Gritting his teeth, Picasso said in a cold voice: "They actually courted death to be this character, it's like a sheep going into the mouth of a tiger to die! Just in time, I will play with them and let them taste the pain!"

In this castle quest haunted by ghosts, every player will fall into secret rooms one by one.

Only by unlocking the clues of the secret room can you leave.

The difficulty of the secret room is also divided into sabcdef seven difficulties.

This difficulty is assigned randomly.

However, as a boss, Picasso can choose to adjust the difficulty of three of the secret rooms.

——Of course you can't adjust too much, otherwise he will directly adjust all the secret rooms to s difficulty and trap everyone in the secret room, then he, the boss, will just wait for the time limit and win without a fight.

At this time, Picasso looked cold, and directly adjusted the difficulty of Ye Chui and Ozawa's secret room to S-level difficulty.

"Let me see how you are troubled in it! This will definitely be a very interesting scene!"

In the secret room, Ye Chui was still scanning around.

And Xingmei looked around by herself.

She brought her little face closer to a mirror, and seeing the pink and cute little girl inside, she couldn't help but feel a sense of self-love and beauty.

He put his little face in front of the mirror and made some mischievous expressions to entertain himself.

But at this moment, the she in the mirror suddenly smiled, and that smile was extremely weird.


Xingmei was taken aback for a moment, wondering when she laughed.

In the next moment, Xingmei in the mirror opened her bloody mouth, with thick fangs, rushed out of the mirror and bit Xingmei.


Xingmei screamed immediately, and she quickly backed away.

With a flash of Ye Chui's figure, he had already come to Xingmei's side, and at the same time he punched the ghost with fangs that came out of the mirror.

Boom boom boom!

A punch was blasted out, but there were countless shadows of fists.

This is the effect of Ye Chui's integration of meteorite falling into his battle suit.

The shadows of the fists were like meteorites, hitting the ghost that came out of the mirror fiercely.

However, these fist shadows directly penetrated the ghost, and then bombarded into the mirror.

The mirror didn't shatter.

Ye Chui's fist shadow got into the mirrors like this.


Ye Chui couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then he realized that his fist smashed into the mirror. This mirror is actually the entrance of a space channel, and the power of his fist will soon be transferred from other mirrors.

Sure enough, just a second later, fist shadows rushed out from the other seven mirrors at the same time.

It was the result of the scattered shadows of fists that Ye Chui just punched.

Ye Chui screamed, hugged Xingmei, and opened the protective cover of Iron Man's suit at the same time.

Bang bang bang.

Those fist shadows directly bombarded the shield and were canceled out.

And the ghost who just rushed out of the mirror has come to Ye Chui at this time, opened his bloody mouth, and the fangs in his mouth are emitting a cold light.

Ye Chui was about to strike again.

"Let me come!" Xingmei shouted hastily.

Suddenly two points of cold stars gathered from her two little hands, and quickly splashed onto the ghost.

Be cold!

It directly froze the ghost.

Then Xingmei punched out, and the frozen ghost immediately turned into a burst of powder.

"En? Xingmei, so you are so capable." Ye Chui couldn't help but praise.

Xingmei smiled and said: "Our liaison officers can also cultivate, don't underestimate us, and, this kind of ghost without entity, the general attack is useless at all, only me who is also a ghost can Cause harm to them, so if there are any more ghosts appearing, just leave it to me, Huo Leishen!"

Xingmei is quite proud.

Ye Chui has always been fighting for everything, and this time it is finally her turn to make a move.

However, the next second she regretted——

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

There were waves of terrifying sounds rippling in all directions, and then ghosts poured out from the eight mirrors around.

"so much?"

Xingmei's face turned pale immediately, she was completely frightened.

Ye Chui asked Xingmei amusedly, "Are you coming?"

"It's still... you should come." Xingmei leaned against Ye Chui tightly, and explained in a low voice: "Ghosts belong to the spiritual body, Huo Leishen, haven't you learned the technique of Sou Shen Jue? Use Sou Shen Jue Attacking them is the most effective!"


In fact, Ye Chui thought of this since he found out that his attack was ineffective, but he didn't say it.

And Xingmei knew this, the little girl was in a good mood and planned to show off, but she didn't expect so many to appear at once, so she hurriedly told Ye Chui this.

Ghosts surged one by one, Ye Chui hugged Xingmei in his arms, and suddenly waved the other hand.

coax --

The giant dragon made of flames suddenly condensed and hovered around Ye Chui.

The temperature of the whole room reached the extreme in an instant, but the surroundings of Ye Chui and Xingmei were as cool as water.

The ghosts involuntarily let out screams.

When the fire dragon disappeared, all the ghosts turned into fly ash at the same time.

"Huh? How can ghosts be destroyed with fire?" Xingmei's eyes widened suddenly, feeling very unbelievable.

"It's not just the fire, but the flames are also mixed with my spiritual attack of the God-searching Art." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Sou Shen Jue can still be used like this!" Xing Mei was still a little surprised.

Naturally, the Sou Shen Jue cannot be used in this way. In fact, Ye Chui uses his own heart power, wraps the heart power around the flames, and condenses the figure of a fire dragon.

Naturally, it has a strong attack power against those ghosts.

Of course, the fire dragon that Ye Chui condensed was because Ye Chui, the god of fire and thunder, was made of flames. The fire dragon summoned could not be too large, and could only be kept within a certain range.

Inside the palace of the castle.

"What, actually burned the ghost with flames? What kind of technique is he using... No, he knows the Soul Search Art, and the attack of the Soul Search Art is wrapped around the flame attack!"

Picasso cried out in surprise, and then he noticed the situation in another mirror.

"Hey, the president of the Skyhammer Guild, why is she..."

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