"Huh? The president of the Skyhammer Guild, why is she... sitting there motionless?"

Picasso quickly noticed the situation in another secret room.

I saw Ozawa sitting cross-legged in the middle of the secret room, motionless, as if he was in a trance.

Scary ghosts were floating around, making whining noises.

This situation is obviously very terrible, but Ozawa is completely indifferent.

These ghosts have certain attack power.

Although Ozawa has self-awareness, in this relic area, she must follow the rules here and have the attributes of the game characters. She just sits in the center of the secret room like this, and her vitality is constantly weakened by the attack of the ghost.

But Ozawa didn't care about it at all, that is, he didn't counterattack and defend, and he didn't take blood medicine to recover.

Picasso felt very strange, but after thinking about it carefully, he thought he understood what was going on.

"This Shui Yueqin is a girl after all. She will be shocked when she suddenly finds that her character has entered such a terrifying place while playing the game. I am afraid that in the real world, she is so frightened that she has already left the front of the computer and let her go. Her character was attacked. Hmph, women are timid, and she only has a trace of blood left, so I'm afraid she will die soon, right?"

Picasso felt very funny, so he stopped paying attention to Ozawa, but continued to look at the secret room on Ye Chui's side.

"Since the ghost is of no use to him, hmph, then I have no choice but to do it myself. Although killing him here won't make him die, it's good for me to relieve my anger!"

Thinking of this, Picasso disappeared into the palace in a flash.

And at this moment...

In the mirror reflecting Ozawa's secret room, Ozawa suddenly stood up.

"Finally confirmed where Brother Ye was sent!"

She whispered to herself softly.

There are a total of hundreds of players entering this ghostly haunted castle mission.

Except for Ye Chuixingmei, most of the rest are Ozawa's avatars.

At this moment, each of these avatars was imprisoned in different secret rooms.

And Ozawa just sat down silently, in fact, he was continuing to conduct complex analysis.

Through the location of her other avatars, using some complex logic formulas, she figured out where Brother Ye was imprisoned.

Within this castle, communication is prohibited.

However, Ozawa and hundreds of clones are directly in contact with the real world, so the restrictions in the castle are of no use to her.

"Well, Brother Ye was imprisoned in this direction." Ozawa looked towards one of the directions, and at this moment she was slightly taken aback, "Hey, I was attacked by these ghosts and there is only such a little blood left."


The ghosts are still floating around Ozawa, making terrifying noises, and are still waiting for the opportunity to continue attacking Ozawa.

"Go away!"

Ozawa snorted coldly, and the power of Hudan suddenly radiated out.

A layer of invisible fluctuations impacted in all directions, and when the ghosts touched this fluctuation, they disappeared immediately, leaving nothing behind.

Soul light power is the power to bring reality into this spiritual world.

Touching reality, all spiritual bodies will be directly destroyed.

Crackling, the surrounding mirrors also shattered—that is to say, Ozawa directly destroyed the hidden space channel in the mirror.

This scene will definitely shock anyone who sees it.

It's a pity that Picasso, who was supposed to stay in the hall to watch the picture of the secret room, has already left.

Then, Ozawa took a deep breath.

An astonishing scene appeared——

She already had residual blood, but her blood volume increased rapidly as if she had taken a big tonic pill, and it was directly filled up in the end!

Blood returns without taking blood medicine.

This is beyond the rules of the game!

In other words, it broke the rules set by the ruins area.

With a whoosh, Ozawa pulled out his Hemoying Sword, and pointed the tip of the sword in the direction where Ye Chui was.

Whoosh whoosh—

One after another cold light flashed, and then the wall collapsed, revealing a big hole.

Ozawa followed and walked in.

In physics, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

In order to get to Ye Chui's side as soon as possible, Ozawa decided to use the quickest way - blast a passage!

Ye Chui and Xingmei are here.

Although no ghosts rushed out from all around, they still couldn't get out of this secret room.

"It's so strange, how can I get out of here!"

Xingmei looked for clues everywhere, with a look of urgency.

Ye Chui was also using his own scanning ability to scan the surrounding area, but nothing was gained.

Suddenly, a cry of "Wow, woof!" came.

At some point, a puppy appeared in the secret room.

Xingmei's eyes lit up, and she walked in front of the puppy.

This puppy looks very small and cute. It squats on the ground, wagging its tail and barking constantly, looking very cute.

Xingmei is the least resistant to this kind of existence.

Immediately smiled and said: "What a cute puppy."

She squatted beside the puppy, reaching out her little hand to caress him.

"and many more!"

Seeing this, Ye Chui hurriedly shouted, how could the puppies appearing in this kind of place be real puppies?

"Wow woof, woof... roar!"

When Xingmei's little hand was about to touch the puppy's head, the little thing suddenly opened its mouth and bit it.

The mouth, which was originally not big, suddenly opened wide, with huge fangs.

After taking this bite, Xingmei's entire arm might be gone.

When Ye Chui shouted, the man rushed over and pulled Xingmei behind him, avoiding Xingmei's arm being bitten off.

The puppy's body gradually became larger, and its shape also became ferocious.

Obviously this is a ghost, but turned into a puppy to seduce others.

"It's really cunning to be fooled by it!" Xingmei whispered angrily.

Ye Chui rolled his eyes: "It's not that it's cunning, it's because you're too stupid, okay?"

The puppy turned into a spirit monster, which took up half of the room.

His body was covered with a layer of black grease, and the stench gave off a feeling of jealousy and nausea.

"This is a greedy ghost!" Xingmei said next to Ye Loi's ear, "This one is at least three poles. They are formed by the mutation of ghosts because of greed. They like to devour others and can transform into devourers. look like!"

"Okay, got it." Ye Chui stopped Xingmei behind him, carefully protecting her.


The ghost roared and rushed over.

Ye Chui punched out.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of fist shadows directly bombarded the spirit monster's body, using the power exerted by the meteorite falling from the sky.

Those fists were like meteorites hitting the spirit monster's body.

It directly smashed the Greedy Spirit into a lump.

Killed the opponent with one punch!

However, before Ye Chui could get complacent, he heard Xingmei screaming.

It turned out that although Ye Chui pulled Xingmei behind him just now, he didn't expect that there was a mirror behind him, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from the mirror, and began to pull Xingmei into the mirror.

Ye Chui was taken aback, and hurriedly wanted to hold Xingmei's hand.

But in the blink of an eye, the whole person was pulled into the mirror.

Ye Chui bombarded the mirror, but felt that the power of his fist was absorbed into the sea, and the power of his fist rushed out from other mirrors.

Ye Chui dodged and dodged.

Then he frowned: "Xingmei was actually taken away... It seems that I have to find clues to get out of here! Shit, what annoys me the most is this kind of thinking."

He looked around and thought quickly while running the Skyhammer 3.0 system.

After a while, Ye Chui's eyes suddenly brightened, and he thought of something.

He walked up to the first mirror and punched the mirror.

Then observe the remaining seven mirrors.


Fist Wind rushed out from the second mirror.

Ye Chui dodged the blow.

Then he bombarded the first mirror again, and found that the fist wind was still coming out of the second mirror.

While Ye Chui bombarded the second mirror, the fist wind rushed out from the first mirror.

"Every two mirrors here are connected by a space channel..."

Ye Chui came to this conclusion.

He experimented again and again.

It was found that the eight mirrors here are divided into four groups, and each group is connected in space.

Then he thought of the shadows of fists he threw out first, and thought again, "But when countless punches hit one of the mirrors, this mirror will be connected to the other seven mirrors... The space channels of the space are just like pipes. When one mirror is connected to the other seven mirrors, then the other three sets of interconnected channels should be blocked! At this time, I will bombard the other three sets of channels. My The attack will act on the space channel itself, causing the system of the entire space channel to completely collapse..."

Ye Chui kept making calculations in his mind, and finally came to a conclusion.

He took a deep breath and tried it out.

Standing in front of the first mirror, Ye Chui punched out.

The fist shadows were completely absorbed by the mirror.

If the attack is a punch, the attack of that punch will come out of the second mirror.

But because Ye Chui punched several times, this mirror was connected with the channels of the other seven mirrors, so his several punches would be transferred from the other seven mirrors respectively.

The first mirror and the second mirror form the first group of passages, and this group of passages is still smooth at this time.

However, the remaining three groups of channels are already mutually blocked.

So Ye Chui's figure flickered quickly, rushing to the third mirror, the fifth mirror and the seventh mirror on the ground respectively.

Blast out with a punch.

The shadow of the fist is heavy.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

Then there was a sound like breaking glass.

"The space channel in the middle of this mirror has been completely broken!"

This space tunnel is maintained by the formation map, which is very weak.

Previously, Ye Chui's attack was not directly attacking the channel itself, and it would be transferred at will.

But Ye Chui discovered the pattern and managed to direct his attack to the channel itself, which completely destroyed the channel.

He walked to the mirror where Xingmei had just been taken away.

With a punch, the mirror shattered just like a real mirror, revealing a passage behind.


Ye Chui was shocked, and immediately walked down the passage.

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