The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

311 I'm going to sign her to the company as a star

"Where is the future Wang Shiyu?"

That night, Ye Chui lay on the bed hugging Yu Xue and couldn't help but think in his heart. .

Three or four days have passed since the Xuezangshan incident, except for the news about the Pacific monster vs. the giant girl in short skirts on the Internet, Ye Chui has never seen any information about the other party.

Knowing the wonders of the Calcining Heart Sutra, and realizing the power of time, he can travel through time and space, so Ye Chui has already confirmed that the other party is the future version of Wang Shiyu.

What is she going to do when she comes back?

Could it be to help Ye Chui deal with that green bull monster?

This green bull should have been killed by her, so has she returned to the future now?

Ye Chui believed that the other party would take the initiative to come back to him, but now that such a long time had passed and she hadn't appeared, he was somewhat worried.

"Ye Chui, what are you thinking?" Seemingly aware of Ye Chui's strange expression, Yu Xue asked curiously.

"I'm thinking of Wang Shiyu." Ye Chui replied.

She has nothing to hide about Yu Xue now, and she feels that there is no need to hide anything.

"What do you think a little girl is doing at a time like this? It's crazy!" Yu Xue said immediately, frowning.

"I'm thinking of the future version of Wang Shiyu..." Ye Chuihan said.

At that time, the situation in Xuezang Mountain was very dangerous. If it wasn't for the appearance of Wang Shiyu in the future version, Ye Chui might have been beaten to the ground by Qingniu now, so Ye Chui didn't hide the future version of Wang Shiyu from Yu Xue.

"It's amazing, the future Wang Shiyu has traveled to the present." Yu Xue said with some surprise, "Ye Chui, can you let me time travel too?"

"What do you want?"

"Recently, I've read a lot of time-travel novels, all of which are very interesting."

"I advise you not to think about these things anymore. Traveling is not a good thing. A small random action may cause a terrifying butterfly effect, and may even lead to a huge disaster." Ye Chui shook his head and said.

"Will the future Wang Shiyu cross over and cause a huge disaster?" Yu Xue immediately asked with concern.

Ye Chui nodded: "That's right, I really don't know what I think in the future, I will send her back... When I realize the power of time, I must send her back as soon as possible, but she is wearing a The future version of the Iron Man suit I studied is unparalleled in combat power, if she doesn't want to go back, I really have nothing to do..."

In the future, he will actually develop an Iron Man suit of that level, which can be directly enlarged, and a monster of the level of Qingniu will not be a problem.

If this girl was provoked into a fury, Ye Chui would be speechless.

Hugging and talking with Yu Xue like this, with the moonlight projecting in from the window, the situation is quite romantic and beautiful.


"Beep beep..."

"Drip drip..."

From time to time, there was a sound of car horns or engines starting outside the window, which was quite noisy.

There are now hundreds of car babies in the wasteland. These little guys never know how to stop, and they will play non-stop at night.

The parent of Steel Egg can't control them at all.

Living in the Badlands is fun, but it can be hard to get a good night's sleep.

"It's so noisy." Yu Xue couldn't help complaining, "Ye Chui, let's buy a big villa, by the way, didn't you destroy my dad's suburban villa last time, he was planning to rebuild it Now, let me talk to him and ask him to give me this villa."

"Let's forget about this..." Ye Chui rolled his eyes and said, he took a piece from the cabinet beside him, played with it in his hand, and said, "Don't worry about the residence, I already have a plan, this The stone is Baixi's magic weapon. The array inside has been destroyed. I am currently working on repairing the first damaged array inside. It is almost finished. As long as the repair is completed, hundreds of square meters can be opened up. When the time comes, I can open up the inside into a villa, then we can have a villa that can be carried with us.”

"Really, it's so interesting, then you can fix it quickly." Yu Xue immediately became interested.

"It will be repaired soon, just in the past few days." Ye Chui said with a smile.

In the Xuezangshan incident, Ye Chui was forced to comprehend some of the power of space, only about [-]% comprehension, but [-]% comprehension was enough for Ye Chui to repair the damaged array of the cave magic weapon.

Yu Xue lay in Ye Chui's arms and soon fell asleep.

Ye Chui suddenly thought of something, and took out the black card that Yang Shanshan gave him during the day.

"From the first time I saw Yang Shanshan, I felt a strange aura from her body. Now that I think about it, that aura should have something to do with Hellfire... The entertainment industry is closely related to Hellfire. It is the Hellfire collection. A way of wishing power of all living beings, I have never been clear about how Hellfire collects the wishing power of living beings in the entertainment circle, this Yang Shanshan may be able to answer my question!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chui quietly got out of bed, walked out of the room to the wasteland, and dialed the number on the card.

After a while, the phone dialed, and an old voice came from the other side: "Hello, who are you?"

"A woman named Yang Shanshan gave me this number." Ye Zhizhi said directly.

"Oh, then you are our new member." The old voice said with a smile, "Welcome to the club."

"Can you tell me what the club does?" Ye Chui asked in a deep voice.

"Hey, it turns out that Yang Shanshan didn't make it clear to you. It's okay. In half a month, that is, on July [-]th, it will be the time for our club gathering. I will notify you of the meeting place when that time comes. Come on. Then you will understand what our club does."

After the old voice said this, he hung up the phone directly.

It seems that he is not obliged to explain too much to Ye Chui.

Ye Chui became even more curious: "The club obviously has some connection with Hellfire, but what is this party about?"

There are still ten days left until July [-]th.

"It's time to go and have a look!"

For the next few days, Ye Chui stayed in the wasteland, studying the formation map of the cave magic weapon and repairing it.

His Huo Lei Shen avatar stayed in the relic area of ​​the spiritual world as always.

Because Ozawa is currently attracting hatred crazily, accumulating points on her body, waiting for her to pk with Ye Chui, and deliberately losing to Ye Chui, all these points will fall into Ye Chui's hands.

Strictly speaking, Ozawa is now taking points instead of Ye Chui.

Therefore, Ye Chui's avatar has been leisurely in a short time, and what he has to do every day is to stay in the residence in Gro Town, developing the Iron Man suit, and striving to make it more perfect.

The decisive battle with Qingniu gave Ye Chui some insights, and seeing the ultimate X version of the Iron Man suit worn by the future version of Wang Shiyu, this gave Ye Chui some insights, and he wanted to apply these insights to the suit go up.

In the real world, Wang Jingjing soon filmed the second episode of Ambiguous Prophet.

The splendor is naturally out of the question.

At least Yu Xue and Wang Shiyu have become fans of this drama.

For Wang Shiyu, ambiguous prophets are obviously not suitable for children.But this loli is extremely precocious, and she must not be viewed with ordinary eyes, so Ye Chui just let her go.

In these days, Ozawa has also completed the construction of the video station, which is called Tianhammer Video.

The stability and security of this video station is definitely the highest among the stations, and it also comes with many functions.

Although it hasn't been officially launched yet, Ye Chui can already feel that this video will definitely become popular on the Internet in the future.

As a film and television video station goes online, there must be a film and television company as the foundation.

After these few days of operation, An Le'er has also started to establish a film and television company.

It will take some time for the company to officially open, but An Le'er suddenly called Ye Chui on this day.

On the phone, An Le'er's voice seemed to be shocked: "Ye Chui, hurry up to the 4S store, I'll introduce you to someone."

"Who?" Ye Chui asked strangely, An Le'er rarely panicked like this.

"You will know when you arrive. You will be surprised when you see her. I plan to sign her into the company to be our star." An Le'er continued.

"Could it be a big beauty?" Ye Chui couldn't help thinking this way, and he agreed, "Alright then, I'll go there later."

"That's right." An Leer thought of something again, "Remember to bring Shi Yu with you when you come."

"Why bring Shiyu?"

"You'll know when you come." The phone hung up afterward.

Ye Chui felt a little baffled, and didn't know what happened to An Le'er, so he decided to go to the 4S shop to have a look.

Then Ye Chui called Wang Shiyu and left the wasteland.

I took the steel egg and came to the 4S shop soon.

"Lele, you asked me to bring Shiyu here, and I brought her here." Ye Chui said after seeing An Leer, "Where is the person you are talking about signing the contract with?"

"She's in the reception room inside." An Le'er pointed to the room next to her and said, "This person was brought by Wen Xue, she said she was a new friend, because she was pretty and didn't have a job, listen When she said we were going to create a film and television company, she introduced her to me, and I liked her very much."

"Why?" Ye Chui asked strangely.

I am even more curious about this person.

"You'll understand when you see her, Shi Yu, don't be too surprised later." An Le'er said as she dragged the two of them to the reception room.

Little Wang Shiyu was even more curious, and couldn't figure out why An Leer told her not to be too surprised.

The two walked into the reception room together, and saw Ye Shiyu, who was sitting and chatting with Wang Wenxue.

Immediately, both Ye Chui and Wang Shiyu were stunned.

Before, Ye Chui was wondering where the future version of Wang Shiyu had gone, but now she came to the door automatically.

And it was brought by Wang Wenxue herself...

How is this going?

"Hee hee, hello Brother Hammer."

Ye Shiyu greeted with a smile. (To be continued.)

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