"Hee hee, hello Brother Hammer."

Hearing Ye Shiyu's voice, not only Ye Chui and Wang Shiyu were taken aback, but even Wang Wenxue and An Leer were taken aback.

Because they naturally knew that Wang Shiyu specifically called Ye Chui the name Brother Hammer.

The woman in front of me who looks very similar to Wang Shiyu actually calls Ye Chui like that?

And they started addressing each other so familiarly, as if the two of them were already familiar with each other.

Ye Chui and Wang Shiyu know the details of the person in front of them, but they are still surprised to see a future version of Wang Shiyu suddenly appear.

Ye Shiyu had already bent down, stretched out his hand and kissed Wang Shiyu's little head: "Xiao Shiyu, how cute is she?"

The surprise on Wang Shiyu's face gradually disappeared, she raised her head and said to Ye Shiyu, "You too, you will indeed become a beautiful girl when you grow up."

"Shi Yu, what are you talking about?" Wang Wenxue couldn't understand what her sister said, and asked in a strange way.

"Shiyu must be like this when she grows up." Ye Chui interjected, not wanting to reveal Ye Shiyu's true identity.

Because things like crossing are the easiest to cause all kinds of confusion.

The fewer people who know Ye Shiyu's true identity, the better, otherwise it will definitely cause a break in the time-space continuum and cause inevitable consequences.

"Ye Chui, you really look alike. How could there be someone who looks so similar in the world? When Wang Wenxue brought her here, I was shocked. I thought it was Wang Wenxue's other younger sister." The side said in surprise, "After asking, I found out that they have no blood relationship at all. The most important thing is that her name is also Shiyu. Although it is Ye Shiyu, they have the same name. There is no such thing as a coincidence in this world." .”

"It's really a coincidence." Ye Chui showed a surprised expression to cooperate with An Le'er.

Then he asked Wang Wenxue, "How did you know her?"

"When I went home two days ago, I saw her sitting in the park of the community. She was so lonely and pitiful. She said that she was living on the street and asked me to take him in. I took her home on a whim and heard her say that she What happened to her was a bit miserable, so I let me stay where I am first, anyway, now Shiyu has been following you, and it happened that her room was vacated for her to live in."

Wang Wenxue explained.

Originally, Wang Wenxue only planned to take Ye Shiyu's children's shoes in for a few days. After all, although the other party looked like her sister, she was not really her sister after all.

She also has no reason to keep one hand on the other.

However, what Wang Wenxue didn't expect was that Ye Shiyu had been pestering her around for the past few days. The feeling was so intimate that there was an illusion that blood was thicker than water, and the idea of ​​sending Ye Shiyu away never appeared again.

Let Ye Shiyu leave now, I'm afraid she will feel a little bit reluctant in her heart.

"So she has been with you all these days." Ye Chui said feeling a little sweaty.

He has actually been looking for the future version of Wang Shiyu for the past few days. Since the news about the Pacific Monster vs. the Giant Girl in Short Skirt broke out on the Internet, he has never seen any news about the future version of Wang Shiyu.

Ye Chui asked Ozawa to keep an eye on relevant information on the Internet, but as a result, there was no news about Wang Shiyu at all.

As a result, she has been with Wang Wenxue for the past few days, and has been living in Wang Shiyu's room...

Ye Chui looked at Ye Shiyu's children's shoes.

Ye Shiyu looked at Ye Chui with a giggle.

"Living on the street, right?" Ye Chui couldn't help asking her.

"Yes." Ye Shiyu nodded graciously, "It would be so miserable for a beautiful girl like me to live on the street, she would definitely be bullied by bad guys, and you must not bear to do such shameful things, right? ?”


Fuck, this girl can even do an unsolvable ultra-killing ancient beast like Qingniu.

At the beginning, I flew to the Pacific Ocean with one hand...

Being bullied by bad guys?

Do you believe it yourself?

"Ye Chui." Wang Wenxue said again at this time, "Ye Shiyu is quite pitiful. I heard her say that she has a brother-in-law who is not as good as her. I don't feel relieved to let her go home. You just want to start a film and television company. How about just Let her try it."

When she said that, Wang Wenxue had a pleading expression on her face.

She never likes to ask for help, but Ye Shiyu is too special. Although she has only been together for a few days, she is no different from her own sister in her heart. This makes her have a sense of responsibility to tell Ye Shiyu that she must help her.

"You want to sign in to my company?" Ye Chui turned to ask Ye Shiyu.

Ye Shiyu pretended to be pitiful and nodded kindly: "He is lonely and helpless, the only thing he can do is that he looks good. If I can, of course I want to join your company."

"Alright then." Ye Hang nodded.

Fuck, if this girl wants to, who can stop her.

But Ye Chui was a little curious about what his elder brother Wang Wenxue said, and asked Ye Shiyu: "You said, there is a brother-in-law in your family who is not as good as you?"

"Yes, yes." Ye Shiyu said innocently, "He is really inferior!"

"Eh..." Ye Chui glanced at Wang Wenxue, and then continued to ask Ye Shiyu, "Why is your brother-in-law not as good as fuck?"

Ye Shiyu posed a possession: "This girl is so beautiful, she is a brother-in-law who thinks of ways every day, but unfortunately he just doesn't like me... Do you think there is anything worse than this in this world? "

"..." Ye Chui'an Le'er and Wang Wenxue were sweating profusely.

Wang Shiyu, however, nodded her head approvingly: "Sure enough, it's not as good as **."

"Fuck, it really is a person who doesn't talk about two families!" Ye Chui couldn't help slandering in his heart.

At the same time, he was also a little strange, why did Ye Shiyu look at him strangely when he spoke?

Shit, the brother-in-law she mentioned didn't refer to herself, did she?

Thinking of this, Ye Chui couldn't help but take a look at Wang Wenxue. .

If that's the case, I'm a little excited when I think about it.

"Lele, Wenxue, you two go out first, I have some questions to ask Ye Shiyu." Ye Chui then said in a deep voice.

"Huh?" An Le'er was taken aback for a moment, and then she thought to herself: "After all, the origin of Ye Shiyu is a bit unclear, Ye Chui must want to ask her identity, Wen Xue and I naturally have some things to say here exit, that’s why we were let out.”

After thinking about this, she took Wang Wenxue's hand: "Let's go out."

Wang Wenxue also understood Ye Chui's plan, and first patted Ye Shiyu's shoulder with concern, indicating that she would be at ease and tell the truth later, and then took Wang Shiyu's little hand: "Shiyu, let's go out."

"No, I want to stay here." Wang Shiyu folded her small arms on her chest and shook her head.

"Shi Yu, don't make trouble!" Wang Wenxue couldn't help scolding in a low voice.

"Let her stay here." Ye Chui said, "What do children know?"

"Alright then." Wang Wenxue nodded helplessly, and then left the room with An Leer.

Only Ye Chui and Xiao Shiyu are left in this reception room.

Ye Chui snapped his fingers, and with a snap, the blinds next to him closed automatically.

Then he picked up the water glass on the coffee table in front of him and splashed it casually. The water splashed out, but it formed a long strip in the air, twisting like a snake in the air, and then flew towards the doors and windows of the room, turning into ice and opening some holes. All are blocked.

In this way, this room has been completely isolated from the outside, ensuring that the conversation here will not be heard by the outside.

"Brother Ye, you are still so vigilant." Ye Shiyu said with a smile, and sat down on the sofa beside her.

Ye Chui sat opposite her.

Little friend Wang Shiyu crawled to Ye Chui's side and sat down with him.

"There is no harm in being cautious." Ye Chui said in his mouth, and then he stared at Ye Shiyu in front of him and continued to ask, "First of all... how can you prove that you are the future Wang Shiyu and not someone else's fake?"

"Is it necessary to prove that people are so beautiful?" Ye Shiyu pointed at her face.

"..." Ye Chui rolled his eyes.

Ye Shiyu giggled, and suddenly started to fuck.

Take off the T-shirt on the upper body first.

Seeing this, Ye Chui was taken aback, what is this girl going to do?

Soon, Ye Chui understood that Ye Shiyu didn't intend to scheme to take advantage of Ye Chui.

She took off her t-shirt just to let Ye Chui see the tattoo on her abdomen.

That is an antique butterfly tattoo.

Seeing this tattoo, Wang Shiyu immediately lifted up her clothes to reveal her belly. On the same position as Ye Shiyu, there was also an antique butterfly tattoo, the two were exactly the same.

This tattoo is the scar left by Wang Shiyu when Zhang Shangen used the technique of seizing the house in Xuezang Mountain.

"This scar is unique, can it prove that I am the future Wang Shiyu?" Ye Shiyu asked with a smile.

"Well, it can be proved."

Ye Chui nodded.

Ye Shiyu put on the T-shirt again and sat down.

"Then why did you come back here? In the future, I won't be so ignorant and send you to the past, right? Or... the technology of the future has developed enough to make things like time machines?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

"Technology is of course not so powerful." Ye Shiyu said with a smile, "I was sent back by you."

"Impossible!" Ye Chui refused, "I have comprehended the power of time, and I know the consequences of this power, how could I allow you to act like this?"

"Then what if..." Ye Shiyu's face suddenly showed a bit of sadness, "The future world is already extremely bad, and it can't be worse. What does it matter what the possible consequences of time travel will be?"

"What happened in the future?" Ye Chui asked in a deep voice.

Ye Shiyu smiled and shook her head: "Since I have returned here, the future that should have happened will definitely not happen, so you better not know, Brother Ye."


Ye Chui didn't speak, but he was very curious in his heart, and the power of his heart permeated out, wanting to directly land in Ye Shiyu's consciousness wirelessly.

However, what Ye Chui didn't expect was that he was directly rejected.

Ye Shiyu's consciousness is protected by a subconscious firewall, and this subconscious firewall is very high-end and unbreakable.

Ye Chui felt powerless as if he had been standing in front of a high wall like an ant.

"Hee hee, Brother Hammer, you should stop trying to access my consciousness. I have version 18 of the Skyhammer system installed in my brain. Your current Skyhammer system should be version 0, right? Follow me It’s too far behind.”


Ye Chui could only admit defeat in the face of the disparity in technological levels between strength and weakness.

"Okay, I'll give up exploring your memory, but you can tell me, what is your purpose when you come back?"

"No." Ye Shiyu flatly refused, "I am the only one who can know what I am going to do. If I let you know, it will affect the original time course, and then my plan may not work, so you are the best for the future. Don't inquire about anything, Brother Hammer, you who have comprehended the power of time must be able to understand what I said, right?"

"That's right." Ye Chui admitted, "However, I want you to promise that you will not hurt anyone around me."

"Of course not." Ye Shiyu promised, "I have been by your side since I was five years old. I was trained by you. How could I hurt the people around you?"


Ye Chui was a little confused about the word "training" used by Ye Shiyu, but seeing that Ye Shiyu himself didn't care much about Ye Chui, he didn't say much.

The little girl Wang Shiyu on the side seemed to have some questions to ask, but she looked hesitant as if she didn't know whether to ask or not.

"When I was young, if you have any questions you want to ask me, just ask me." Seeing this, Ye Shiyu said with a smile.

"I do have a very important question to ask you." Wang Shiyu said seriously, "Will there be cotton candy for sale in the future?"


Hearing Little Lolita's question, Ye Chui and Ye Shiyu were speechless at the same time.

Fuck, you can't forget the cotton candy until you die, right?

"Hehe, don't worry, as long as you follow Brother Hammer, you can have as much cotton candy as you want." Ye Shiyu then said with a smile.

Wang Shiyu immediately yelled, looking very happy.

In the following time, Ye Chui discussed some issues with Ye Shiyu again, trying to get more information from Ye Shiyu.

It's a pity that Ye Shiyu was very tight-lipped, so Ye Chui had no choice but to give up.

As Ye Shiyu said, knowing too much about the future is not good for him, what Ye Chui should do now is to let nature take its course and treat Ye Shiyu as a person who exists in this era.

And hearing Ye Shiyu's confident face, she must be quite confident in what she is going to do.

"What are you going to do during this time? Do you want me to provide you with board and lodging?" Ye Chui finally asked.

"No need, I'll just live with my sister." Ye Shiyu said sweetly, "Besides, she has already signed with your company. With her sweetness and cuteness, she will definitely become a big star in the future, food and lodging and so on Of course there is no problem." (To be continued.)

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