Ye Chui asked Ozawa to open two accounts on Singularity, uploading two novels, Ambiguous Download and Ambiguous Invincible, respectively. .

The two accounts, Ozawa, were named Tianhammer No. [-] and Tianhammer No. [-] respectively.

The two novels were uploaded, only three days after the ambiguous prophet.

However, due to the absence of TV dramas for publicity, the results of these two novels are much more normal than the ambiguous prophet's.

But although it is normal, it is still a trend of fire.

Soon, some people discovered the connection between the three novels.

The way in which the characters of the novel interact with each other makes all readers feel very novel, just like a Hollywood hero blockbuster.

With the fire of the ambiguous prophet, ambiguous downloads and ambiguous invincible also became popular.

This is still the beginning.

After the Ambiguous Download and Ambiguous Invincible TV series come out in the future, I believe the performance of these two novels will be greatly improved.

Five days after the upload of the ambiguous prophet, the number of clicks exceeded 500 million, and the number of favorites exceeded [-].

This is an achievement that even the super masters do not have, and it has also aroused the thinking of many writers.

It seems that combining TV dramas with novels will have unexpected effects.

But having said that, many people also clearly realize that the success of the ambiguous prophet cannot be replicated. The novel is popular because its TV series are shot very well. The most important thing is that the progress of the novel and the TV series is very good. Synchronize.

This is not something that can be achieved in ordinary novels.

Besides, it is very rare for online novels to be converted into TV dramas, let alone updating novels while broadcasting TV dramas.

Under such circumstances, many people began to speculate about the origin of Tianhammer Film and Television Company.

"I've never heard of this company before, and I can't find any information on the Internet. It must be a newly established company."

"The Ambiguous Prophet is so good. Although it's only one episode, I think it will definitely become a divine drama. I hope that other dramas produced by Tianhammer Film and Television Company can also maintain this level."

"I don't think it's possible. This ambiguous prophet is top-notch in terms of plot and special effects, as well as director level and actor image. This movie must have invested a lot. It is possible that other episodes can also be filmed so beautifully."

"That's not necessarily the case. I think this Tianhammer Film and Television Company is very unusual, and it may create a precedent for broadcasting film and television dramas."

"Anyway, I look forward to the second episode of Ambiguous Prophet!"

"I heard that Ambiguous Download will broadcast the first episode next week? I don't know if it will be good or not, let's wait and see!"

In such a fierce debate on the Internet, the weekend of this week came in a blink of an eye.

The second episode of Ambiguous Prophet was released at the same time as the first episode of Ambiguous Download.

And at this time, countless fans were shocked to find that the second episode of the Prophet of Ambiguity was paid for!

This is also Ye Chui's previous strategy. The first episode is free, and the second episode will be charged.

Of course, he opened the video station not only to put the works of the virtual entertainment industry on it, but also to make money from it.

"It's a fee, it's too bad!"

The common surname of Chinese people is that they don't like spending money on the Internet.

Seeing that the second episode turned out to be paid to watch, many people began to complain: "Just wait for the pirated version, this site is too deceitful!"

"The filming of the TV series is so beautiful, so it should be charged, right?" someone commented.

"You have money, you spend money to watch it, and you have to spend money to watch a TV series, what kind of world is this?"

"That's right, the pirated version site will release a pirated version soon, wait and see the pirated version!"

The issue of charges for ambiguous prophets on the Internet caused a huge sensation.

Although most of them are not used to this charging model, but in view of the fact that the TV series is really good, they still paid for it in the end.

In fact, Ye Chui's asking price is not expensive, one yuan per episode.

If this episode is ordered on the account, then this episode will be permanently free for this account.

This price is already very authentic.

Most of the people who spent money to watch the second episode felt that the money was well spent.

The TV series is so good, and the viewers are very satisfied. They said that they will subscribe to this TV series every week in the future.

And those who are unwilling to spend money, just wait for pirated versions to appear.

The Huaxia people are so powerful that they can find pirated copies of any movie.

However, this time it didn't work.

Because all the pirated sites don't have the video download of the ambiguous prophet, not to mention the second episode, even the free first episode.

"Why haven't the pirated copies come out yet? Why are those who do pirated copies so unprofessional!" Someone complained.

"Hey, I spent money to watch the second episode, it's really worth it, this episode is so good!"

"Spending money to watch TV dramas is really full, so I will definitely watch pirated versions!"

"The key is that you have a pirated version. One of my buddies opened a movie download resource site. He told me that this TV series of the ambiguous prophet is too weird. The resource was deleted on the site within a few seconds. "

"So weird?"

"It's that strange!"

Of course, it was Ye Chui's hands and feet.

He asked Ozawa to monitor all resource download sites at all times, and immediately use Ozawa's extraordinary hacking skills to delete any pirated versions.

Up to now, so long has passed, it is guaranteed that there will be no pirated copies.

Even in some pen.goose.groups where resources are shared, if someone uploads a shift to the group sharing, it will be deleted directly in a blink of an eye.

For individual cases that are more serious, Ozawa directly steals the account without discussing it.

Many people who insist on watching pirated versions find that there is no pirated version to watch at all. They want to give up but can’t give up the excitement of TV series, and finally spend money to watch this TV series.

Anyway, it only costs one dollar per episode.

Three days after uploading the second episode, Ye Chui asked Ozawa to make statistics.

Because the first episode of Ambiguous Prophet is free, the number of hits is very high, reaching more than 5000 million, and this number is still growing.

The second episode only received 100 million hits because of fees.

But what this 100 million represents is that 100 million people paid to watch this episode.

In other words, this episode earned Ye Chui 100 million.

And although more and more people find that there is no pirated version to watch, the number of on-demand videos will also increase.

According to Ozawa's calculations, the average on-demand volume of an episode of this series can reach 300 million.

One episode a week means an income of 300 million a week.

The most important thing is that this is only the sales volume of one TV series. According to Ye Chui's setting, there will be at least a dozen TV series updated every week in the future.

Compared with the popularity of ambiguous prophets, the attention rate of ambiguous downloads is much smaller.

After all, the style of the ambiguous prophet is funny, and there are still a lot of eye-catching content to watch.

But Ambiguous Download is a relatively more literary drama, with a more sophisticated plot and actors who test their acting skills more.

This is also the difference between Wang Jingjing and Wang Jiajia, directors who often fight against each other in the real world.

It is free to download the first episode of Ambiguous, but the number of views in three days is only 500 million, while the first episode of Ambiguous Prophet has reached 3000 million in three days.

However, although the attention of ambiguous downloads is less, according to Ozawa's statistics on related messages, the audience of ambiguous downloads is more loyal.

Dramas with this connotation are more resonant.

When the second episode starts to charge, the number of paid viewers for ambiguous downloads is very likely to surpass the ambiguous prophet.

Naturally look forward to these leaves.

In an office in a commercial building in Xizhou City.

"Boss, I'm sorry." A company employee said with a gloomy face, "I have spent all my efforts to find out the details of Tianhammer Film and Television Company, except for finding out that the company's legal representative is An Le'er, and this Now that the company has two contracted artists, we don't know anything about the other news."

"Idiot, I can't do it in such an hour!"

Sitting behind the huge desk was an angry man.

This man was Jiao Heng who was introduced by Yang Shanshan some time ago to spend a high price to shoot commercials for An Leer.

At this time, he was staying in his Sunshine Film and Television Company.

"Boss, the Tianhammer Film and Television Company is really too mysterious. I searched for several private investigators, but in the end I still couldn't find anything." The reprimanded employee defended in a low voice.

"Idiot, this ambiguous prophet filmed such a big scene, with so many characters, and the special effects are very good, how could it be impossible to find any clues?" Jiao Heng shouted coldly.

The company staff lowered their heads, their faces were troubled, but they were sullen in their hearts.

He has really looked into this matter seriously.

But the thing is so strange, there is no information about where the ambiguous prophet and ambiguous download of Tianhammer Film and Television Company were filmed.

"Forget it." Jiao Heng waved his hand and told the company staff to leave the office. He lit a cigar, smoked it slowly, and said to himself: "When I first saw the advertisement brought by Ye Chui, I knew His Tianhammer film and television company will be very good, but I didn't expect them to shoot a work like the ambiguous prophet. The director, actors, and music are all newcomers, but their talents cannot be ignored... They must be absorbed into my company !"

He suddenly thought of something and hurriedly made a call.

The call was connected after a while, and Yang Shanshan's voice came from the phone: "Jiao Heng, are you calling about Tianhammer Film and Television Company?"

"That's right! You also saw what he took. I want to know how he did it. You are his girlfriend's stepmother, so you should know something?" Jiao Heng asked directly.

"Sorry, I don't know much about him." Yang Shanshan said so.

When her anxious face was calm, Yang Shanshan suddenly continued.

"But you don't have to worry about this, because I have already invited Ye Chui to join the club. When he joins us, he will be a bronze member, and you are a silver member. At that time, if you make some demands, how dare he violate them? ?” (To be continued.)

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