Hearing Yang Shanshan's words, Jiao Heng's eyes lit up: "You invited this kid to join the club? Each member only has one chance to recommend, and you actually wasted it on this kid... But it's better this way, wait until he joins the club , we have to follow some rules of our club, when the time comes, hehe, many things can’t be left up to him!”

"I also took a fancy to his potential. This kid reveals a mystery. I felt it from the first time I saw him. Zhang Yueyang, who came from Yanjing's Zhang family, was crippled by him if he didn't know how to make sounds. This kind of person is the most suitable for the development of our club." Yang Shanshan said with a sneer, "But he is a bit rebellious, but if he joins the club, everything will be out of his hands."

"Are you sure he will definitely join?" Jiao Heng thought of this question again.

"Of course." Yang Shanshan's voice was very confident: "A person like this is always full of curiosity about unknown things. I am confident that he will not reject us."

"This is the best!" Jiao Heng smiled, "Sharing his film and television resources can improve my company's level. Hmph, the filming of this ambiguous prophet is really good-looking, but it's a pity that he doesn't know how to operate it, so he created it himself. A new website uploads videos, so the audience is limited, if I put it in my hands, I can increase the revenue of this TV series several times!"

"Of course I trust you in this regard." Yang Shanshan said passionately.

Her voice stirred Jiao Heng's heart: "Shanshan, do you have time recently? We haven't seen each other for a long time... Hehe, we are together."

What he said together obviously meant something else.

"The club's event day will be in three days, can't you bear it these few days?" Yang Shanshan said in a gentle voice, with infinite charm, and then hung up the phone.

Jiao Heng thought of what was about to happen on the club's event day, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rippling: "Event day, that infinitely beautiful taste, I'm really looking forward to it..."

The number of registered users of Tianhammer Film and Television has exceeded one million, and this is still a surge in the number of people in just over a week. The daily traffic of the website has also reached more than 500 million, which is already a top-ranked website.

Such achievements are naturally due to Ozawa's strong viral propaganda on the one hand.

Although some company websites or movies and the like, at the beginning, Ye Chui promoted it on the Internet and carried out some viral marketing, but that kind of marketing effort, even if it cost too much money, could not reach Ozawa's goal. this level.

Ozawa has hundreds of prostitutes, but they are running against the clock and every second for 24 hours a day and night to promote the Internet.

Swiping posts, swiping news, and swiping all kinds of things, for Ozawa, she can reach anywhere on the Internet.

With her here, there is no need to worry about the fire.

Of course, Ozawa's marketing is only one aspect. The more important aspect is that the few videos that have been released are really good-looking. The artistic name of ambiguous downloads and the entertainment surname of ambiguous prophets have reached the peak of Chinese TV dramas.

"Brother Ye." In the wasteland, Ye Chui was sitting on the sofa in the central house looking at a stone, that stone was naturally Bai Xi's magic weapon, and Ye Chui had been trying to restore it for the past two days.On a nearby computer, Ozawa's figure suddenly appeared: "The advertisement on Tianhammer Video has received some text messages from companies requesting to discuss advertising matters. Would you like to take a look?"

"Advertisement?" Ye Chui raised his head, "What advertisement?"

"These companies want to add some advertisements in front of the videos on our site, that is, video pre-advertisements. Every time someone clicks on the video, they will play a few seconds of advertisements." Ozawa explained, "Because recently our site The reason why it is so popular is that some companies want to add advertisements on our site.”

Advertising, this is almost a dependence on the survival of a website.

Most of the sites are supported by advertising.

Advertisers place advertisements on video stations, information stations, etc., and the station owners try to attract traffic. If there are more traffic, advertisers are naturally willing to pay.

That's the rule in this industry.

The popularity of Tianhammer Video has shown enough advertising benefits, and now this site is still developing rapidly, who knows what kind of situation it will reach in the future?

Therefore, some companies and advertisers have heard the news and want to seize the opportunity to sign an advertising contract with Tianhammer Video first, so as to avoid the ridiculously expensive video advertising in the future.

"Advertisement?" Hearing Ozawa's explanation, Ye Chui was slightly taken aback, "How much are they bidding?"

"Now the company with the highest bid is willing to buy the advertising rights for the first 30 seconds of the ambiguous prophet video at a price of 15 per second." Ozawa replied, "and it is the price of one day, that is to say, every episode of ambiguous prophet You can get [-] advertising revenue every day.”

"Advertising is so profitable?" Ye Chui was a little surprised.

"Actually, it's nothing." Ozawa knew that Ye Chui didn't know much about it, so he explained in detail, "The company is still on the rise, and this company paid such a high price because of our potential. This price is low, and when the site becomes popular, the price will definitely be much higher.”

"That's it..." Ye Chui nodded.

"Brother Ye, should we promise him?" Ozawa continued.

"Such a good opportunity to make money... just reject him." Ye Chui said with some regret.

It's not that Ye Chui doesn't want to do these things, but Ye Chui has already made a banner when he built the station, which is green and pollution-free and has no advertisements at all.

For websites, advertisements are essential, but for audiences, no one likes advertisements.

The most annoying thing about watching TV is the advertisements. The only advantage of being on the Internet is that you don’t have to compete with advertisements. However, in the past two years, the advertisements have been crazy. A 1-minute video has to add 30 seconds of advertisements. It’s crazy. Do you want to live?

Yu Xue is recuperating here these days, watching a lot of TV dramas every day to pass the time, what Ye Chui hears the most is her complaints about advertisements, so although this advertisement makes money, Ye Chui will never want it.

Not only does the video play without advertisements, even on the website, there are no advertisements, so as to keep the entire website in the most perfect state.

Ozawa naturally had no opinion on these matters, and everything was up to Ye Chui. Since Ye Chui said so, she directly rejected those advertisers who were looking for cooperation.

And Ozawa also put up a banner on the homepage of the video: "This site will not publish any advertisements, I hope advertisers will stop harassing."

"Do not publish any advertisements?" This message immediately caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

"Impossible, the website relies on advertisements to survive, and even put an end to advertisements, how is this possible!?"

"What do you know, Tianhammer video charges a fee, and you can make a lot of money in one episode, so how can you use advertising revenue!?"

"Silly x! You can tell at a glance that you don't understand this, so what's wrong with video fees? Nowadays, what website doesn't pay attention to maximizing revenue, and the advertising revenue is at least several times the video fee income!"

"I quite support the website doing this. The most annoying thing is the advertisements on the website. If Tianhammer Video has no advertisements, then I will pay attention to this website in the future!"

"Impossible, I think this is a marketing strategy of the website, now it is not advertised, it is just a strategy to increase one's social status, those advertisements will definitely increase the price, and the final benefit is not Tianhammer Video? This move is really high.”

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, but Ye Chui didn't pay much attention to it. It was agreed that no advertisement would be added, so he didn't bother to think about other things.

He stayed in the emperor's central house and began to repair the array in the cave magic weapon.

Previously, Ye Chui had comprehended part of the power of space in Xuezang Mountain. Using this comprehension, Ye Chui had figured out the reason for the damage of the first space array, and now he was about to start repairing it.

I saw that Ye Chui was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, with his hands folded, and the stone-like magic weapon was placed in his palm, and strands of electric light were constantly entangled on the stone.

This electric light is Ye Chui's forging power, mixed with the forging power of the power of Kong, entering the magic weapon, and gradually repairing the damaged array of the magic weapon.

The little cat demon Bai Xi squatted beside Ye Chui, and the little thing watched Ye Chui repairing it eagerly.

She was very concerned about this, but she didn't dare to interrupt rashly, her little head was almost between Ye Chui's hands.

Yu Xue and Wang Shiyu are also very concerned about this matter, but what they really care about is probably what Ye Chui said can make this magic weapon into a villa that can be carried with you.

They also huddled beside Ye Chui, and their breathing became a little short.

Ye Chui devoted himself wholeheartedly to the restoration of the magic weapon array. After about 10 minutes, Ye Chui suddenly opened his eyes: "Successful!"

"Meow!" Bai Xi called out immediately, Ye Chui connected with her, knowing that she was cheering, he was very happy.

"Ye Chui, have you successfully restored this magic weapon?" Yu Xue was also very excited.

"It's just repairing the first damaged array. There are seven damaged arrays in total. However, after repairing the first array, the magic weapon of space has opened up about five or six thousand cubic meters of space."

"Wow, five or six thousand cubic meters, how big is that?" Wang Shiyu said in surprise.

"Hehe, I'll take you in and have a look."

Ye Chui said, holding the magic weapon in his hand, and disappeared from the room with Yu Xue Wang Shiyu and Bai Xi in a flash.

The next moment, they appeared together in a white world.

The surrounding area is empty, and some confused, smog-like existences can be vaguely seen filling the air not far away.

"Wow, so many marshmallows!" Wang Shiyu immediately cheered, and then rushed towards the soft texture like smoke.

"Be careful!" Ye Chui hurriedly shouted.

It's a pity that it was too late, Wang Shiyu yelled, and fell to the ground clutching her little nose.

"Why are you always thinking of marshmallows?" Ye Chui walked over speechlessly, picked her up, and checked the wound on her face, "These are not marshmallows, they are chaos."

"Chaos?" Yu Xue looked curious, walked over and touched those existences that looked like smoke, but found that the touched place was very hard, as if touching steel.

When Yu Xue thought of something, she waved her fist and punched the chaos a few times.

When the ancestors of the Yu family extracted Yu Xue's Yuanli when they were in Xuezang Mountain, although Yu Xue's physical talent was reduced a bit, she could still be called a physical genius.

These days, in order to let her recover as soon as possible, Ye Chui also supervised her to have sex every day.

This set of Tianyi Zhenquan, which Yu Xue has already mastered, can be used freely.

At this time, these few punches fully used the ability of Tian Yizhen Fist. Ordinary steel would be shattered by her small fist.

However, at this moment, the existence that seemed to be smoke was completely unmoved. On the contrary, Yu Xue's little fist hurt a little from being hit. .”

"Of course, this is chaos, something outside space. If you can break these things, at least it means that you can have the ability to break space... This is obviously impossible." Ye Chui explained with a smile, Then he looked at Wang Shiyu's face, "Are you okay, does it hurt?"

Little girl Wang Shiyu covered her little nose with both hands, and frowned tightly, as if she was holding back tears. Unfortunately, her big eyes were very disobedient, and the inside was filled with fog, but she still shook her head stubbornly.

Ye Chui held her in his arms and patted her on the back lovingly.

The most different thing between Wang Shiyu and ordinary girls is that she is mature, she will not quarrel with others for no reason, although she is sometimes naive as a child, but most of the time she still maintains the characteristics of a small adult.

"Huh? Bai Xi, why have you changed your shape?" Yu Xue shouted in surprise at this moment.

The cat demon Bai Xi has now turned into a little girl. She looks very cute, with a pair of cat ears on her head and a fluffy cat tail behind her breasts.

Ever since he ate a lot of gold-patterned fish in Yuxiang Town, Bai Xi has already possessed the ability to transform into form, but every time he transforms into form, it is a waste of time for him, so under normal circumstances she still Will maintain a cat-shaped form.

It's just that she didn't expect that when she entered this space magic weapon this time, she unexpectedly took the shape of a human.

And this kind of body is not complete yet, last time she was completely transformed into a little girl, but now, she still has cat ears and a cat tail—it looks super cute.

Exclaiming in surprise, Yu Xue walked in front of her together, reached out and rubbed the cat ears on top of her head: "Wow, is it true, cat ear girl?" (To be continued.)

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